11 research outputs found

    Inter-University Networking in Mathematical Digital Blended Learning

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    The concept of blended learning assumes that the student should optimally and in the aggregate use all the opportunities provided by both traditional learning and new digital educational technologies. Blended learning combines the benefits of traditional and e-learning. The use of various models of blended learning allows you to introduce innovative educational technologies into the educational process and build individual educational trajectories for students. Networking contracts are used to effectively implement blended learning at universities. This increases the availability and quality of education, forms unique competencies for training specialists at the intersection of various areas of science and technology, makes it possible to use the material and human resources of other organizations in educational activities, reduces the costs of an educational organization and expands access to modern educational technologies. The article discusses network engineering partnership on the example of BMSTU

    Blended Learning on Mathematical Analysis in Nomotex Digital Learning System

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    The paper discusses the methodology and technology of teaching the discipline «Mathematical Analysis» using the new Digital Learning System Nomotex (the Nomotex DLS), developed at the Department of «Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics» Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU). A new conceptual model for conducting lectures and practical classes in blended learning is presented. Examples of interactive computer visualization of some mathematical concepts within the discipline «Mathematical analysis» are presented

    Differential Equations E-course in Nomotex DLS

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    The electronic course “Differential Equations” in the Digital Learning System (DLS) NOMOTEX is developed and used for the mathematical training of future engineers. The artcle presents the content and features of the development of the module, as well as the methodology for conducting classroom studies in a digital educational environment. In the Nomotex DLS, the e-course is presented as a neural network structure of knowledge a tree. The content of the e-course is divided into chapters and paragraphs. Within a paragraph, the content is presented in the form of units of knowledge called quanta. The structure of quanta is described in detail, examples are given. The peculiarity of the described methodology is the preservation of traditional forms of education lectures and seminars with the use of a digital educational environment together. At the same time, in the learning process using the NOMOTEX DLS, traditional classroom lessons change significantly. The features of conducting lectures and seminars, measures for monitoring students’ knowledge are described. The Digital Learning System NOMOTEX allows you to implement various courses, forming the content of lectures and seminars from the existing knowledge bank. E-course, usually a part of the course “Integrals and Differential Equations”, read to future engineers in the spring semester of the first year at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University

    Management of the Engineers Mathematical Education Processes via Nomotex DLS

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    The paper presents innovative approaches using the Big Data concept to the management of the educational process, implemented in digital media content - the Nomotex information and educational environment (Nomotex DLS), created at the Department of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University

    Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics E-course in Nomotex DLS

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    The paper considers the concept of constructing Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics electronic course for interactive learning. The approach to the design of the e-course is described, and the advantages of using the new teaching technology in the Digital Learning System Nomotex, developed at the Department of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, are demonstrated

    Automation of Checking Math Tasks on the Analytical Geometry Nomotex E-course

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    In this article, the authors consider the problem of automatic check of tasks on the example of tasks on the topic of lines and planes. The authors raise the question of the influence of arithmetic errors on automatic verification. The paper discusses methods that will reduce the impact of arithmetic error on automated problem checking. The article provides several examples that are given to students to solve at control events held at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University

    The Role of Visualization in Mathematics and its Implementation in Nomotex DLS

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    In this paper, visualizations of second-order curves are considered, created in the Digital Learning System (DLS) Nomotex. Engineering and mathematical examples related to these concepts are given. The visualization collection created on the basis of the Nomotex platform is used for training engineers at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Engineering examples help students better understand the essence of mathematical concepts, as well as learn where this section of mathematics is applied. The paper provides mathematical and engineering examples on this topic, in particular, various images of an ellipse and its properties are given, an elliptical reflector is demonstrated. The article discusses the feasibility of using engineering examples for a particular specialty. The paper compares the performance of students using the Nomotex platform and students studying in the traditional way. The authors estimate the time required to create such visualizations. The authors note the expediency of creating a collection of visual mathematics, which would contain similar visualizations for all mathematical concepts. All examples are implemented using Phyton language facilities

    Complex Analysis Electronic Course in Nomotex DLS

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    Information about the electronic course “Complex Analysis” created in the Digital Learning System NOMOTEX is presented. The analysis of the results of experimental teaching of students of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University on this course

    Visual-geometric Representation of Theorem Proofs in Nomotex DLS

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    The paper examines the features of visual thinking, the authors note the importance of visual examples in modern engineering education. The article describes a methodological approach to presenting the course, based on visual theorem proofs. An example is considered the course “Theory of multivariable function” Visual examples were created at the Department of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. The proposed methodological approach to the development of the course “Theory of multivariable function” allows you to use the elements of the created course in various variations for disciplines using the concept of functions of many variables, depending on the direction of training (specialty)

    Open BMSTU Platform and Teachers Training in Online Courses Development and Implementation Areas

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    The article is devoted to the strategy for the development of digital education at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. The theoretical and practical aspects of the development of online courses are considered, in accordance with the requirements of the National Open Education Platform (NOEP) using the Open BMSTU platform. The paper includes the program of the advanced training course for teachers in in online courses development and implementation areas, tested at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University