30 research outputs found

    On a Quantization of the Classical θ\theta-Functions

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    The Jacobi theta-functions admit a definition through the autonomous differential equations (dynamical system); not only through the famous Fourier theta-series. We study this system in the framework of Hamiltonian dynamics and find corresponding Poisson brackets. Availability of these ingredients allows us to state the problem of a canonical quantization to these equations and disclose some important problems. In a particular case the problem is completely solvable in the sense that spectrum of the Hamiltonian can be found. The spectrum is continuous, has a band structure with infinite number of lacunae, and is determined by the Mathieu equation: the Schr\"odinger equation with a periodic cos-type potential

    Analytic connections on Riemann surfaces and orbifolds

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    We give a differentially closed description of the uniformizing representation to the analytical apparatus on Riemann surfaces and orbifolds of finite analytic type. Apart from well-known automorphic functions and Abelian differentials it involves construction of the connection objects. Like functions and differentials, the connection, being also the fundamental object, is described by algorithmically derivable ODEs. Automorphic properties of all of the objects are associated to different discrete groups, among which are excessive ones. We show, in an example of the hyperelliptic curves, how can the connection be explicitly constructed. We study also a relation between classical/traditional `linearly differential' viewpoint (principal Fuchsian equation) and uniformizing τ\tau-representation of the theory. The latter is shown to be supplemented with the second (to the principal) Fuchsian equation.Comment: Final version. LaTeX, 16 pages. No figure

    Non-canonical extension of theta-functions and modular integrability of theta-constants

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    This is an extended (factor 2.5) version of arXiv:math/0601371 and arXiv:0808.3486. We present new results in the theory of the classical θ\theta-functions of Jacobi: series expansions and defining ordinary differential equations (\odes). The proposed dynamical systems turn out to be Hamiltonian and define fundamental differential properties of theta-functions; they also yield an exponential quadratic extension of the canonical θ\theta-series. An integrability condition of these \odes\ explains appearance of the modular ϑ\vartheta-constants and differential properties thereof. General solutions to all the \odes\ are given. For completeness, we also solve the Weierstrassian elliptic modular inversion problem and consider its consequences. As a nontrivial application, we apply proposed techni\-que to the Hitchin case of the sixth Painlev\'e equation.Comment: Final version; 47 pages, 1 figure, LaTe

    Linear superposition as a core theorem of quantum empiricism

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    Clarifying the nature of the quantum state Ψ|\Psi\rangle is at the root of the problems with insight into (counterintuitive) quantum postulates. We provide a direct-and math-axiom free-empirical derivation of this object as an element of a vector space. Establishing the linearity of this structure-quantum superposition-is based on a set-theoretic creation of ensemble formations and invokes the following three principia: (I)(\textsf{I}) quantum statics, (II)(\textsf{II}) doctrine of a number in the physical theory, and (III)(\textsf{III}) mathematization of matching the two observations with each other; quantum invariance. All of the constructs rest upon a formalization of the minimal experimental entity: observed micro-event, detector click. This is sufficient for producing the C\mathbb C-numbers, axioms of linear vector space (superposition principle), statistical mixtures of states, eigenstates and their spectra, and non-commutativity of observables. No use is required of the concept of time. As a result, the foundations of theory are liberated to a significant extent from the issues associated with physical interpretations, philosophical exegeses, and mathematical reconstruction of the entire quantum edifice.Comment: No figures. 64 pages; 68 pages(+4), overall substantial improvements; 70 pages(+2), further improvement

    A note on Chudnovsky's Fuchsian equations

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    We show that four exceptional Fuchsian equations, each determined by the four parabolic singularities, known as the Chudnovsky equations, are transformed into each other by algebraic transformations. We describe equivalence of these equations and their counterparts on tori. The latter are the Fuchsian equations on elliptic curves and their equivalence is characterized by transcendental transformations which are represented explicitly in terms of elliptic and theta functions.Comment: Final version; LaTeX, 27 pages, 1 table, no figure

    The sixth Painleve transcendent and uniformization of algebraic curves

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    We exhibit a remarkable connection between sixth equation of Painleve list and infinite families of explicitly uniformizable algebraic curves. Fuchsian equations, congruences for group transformations, differential calculus of functions and differentials on corresponding Riemann surfaces, Abelian integrals, analytic connections (generalizations of Chazy's equations), and other attributes of uniformization can be obtained for these curves. As byproducts of the theory, we establish relations between Picard-Hitchin's curves, hyperelliptic curves, punctured tori, Heun's equations, and the famous differential equation which Apery used to prove the irrationality of Riemann's zeta(3).Comment: Final version. Numerous improvements; English, 49 pages, 1 table, no figures, LaTe