41 research outputs found


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    Ibn Athaillah As-Sakandariy is a writter of Al-Hikam. He was Egyptian mystical author and hagiographer. He was a follower of Shafi’i and/or Maliki religious scholar, and also prominent member of the Shadililiya thariqah. The most influential of the 20 d works credited to him is the Book of Aphoristic Wisdom (Kitāb Al-Hikam). This book of aphorism had been translated into Javanese language by MishbāchZainil-Mushthafa Al-BangilaniyAth-Thubaniy. In this Javanese translation book, there are two side of translation, literal and free translation. This article will investigate the textual equivalence between Arabic (L1) and Javanese (L2) in the aphorism book of Al-Hikam. This research had been used the qualitative method. The data will be analyzed by the descriptive method (describing the structure of language). The methods in this research was divided into three basic parts: (1) collecting the data, (2) analysis the data, and (3) reporting the data. Collecting the data had been used the observation method to gain the informations about Theme and Rheme in Arabic-Javanese translation. First problem is about the thematic structure between Arabic and Javanese translation (theme and rheme), or Information structure between L1 and L2 (given and new). The second problem, this article will elaborate the strategies for minimizing linear dislocation in the Aphorsim book of Al-Hikam. There are four strategies for resolving the tension between syntactic and communicative functions in Arabic-Javanese translation, such as: (1) voice change, (2) change of verb, (3) nominalization, and (4) extraposition. Keywords: Textual Equivalence, Arabic-Javanese Translation, Aphorsim, Al-Hikam

    The Discourse Perspective of Translation In Representing The Concept of Thā’at: Case Study of The Moral Ethic Book Bidāyatul Hidāyah

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    Translation is a rendering of form and meaning, but in the other hand, translation also can be defined as the rendering of message (amanah) from the source/start text into target text. This research elaborate the Arabic – Javanese translation text. Arabic is the source language (L1) and Javanese is the target language (L2). The material object selected was the book of Bidāyatul-Hidāyah (Islamic Moral Ethic) written by Imam Al-Ghazali. This research investigate the personal image of Imam Al-Ghazali using the discourse perspective of translation. There are two basics problems in this research, (1) the translation of units language in the book of Bidāyatul Hidāyah in representing the concept of loyalty (thā’at) using the discourse perspective of translation, and (2) the concept of loyalty based on Imam Al-Ghazali in the book of Bidāyatul Hidāyah. The method had been divided into three basic steps: collecting the data using the observation method, analysis data related with the distributional method, and reporting the data. The result had been concluded that Imam al Ghazali’method to delivering the concept of loyalty (thā’at) message was the balancing between fiqh and sufism.Copyright (c) 2017 by KARSA. All right reserved DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v25i1.1180

    Grammatical equivalence in the Arabic poets of the Daulah Umawiyyah period

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    This study will examine the translation products of Arabic literary works that existed in the period of the Umawiyyah. This research generally uses two approaches, namely the literature approach and the translation science approach. Based on the translation approach, this study will measure the grammatical equivalence between Arabic and Bahasa Indonesia in the literary works of Arab poets during the Daulah Umawiyyah period. Then, this study will examine the application of translation techniques and methods in the literary works of the Arab poets of the Umawiyyah period. As for the approach to Literature, this research will investigate the product of the translation of literary works of Arab poets in the period of the Daulah Umawiyyah structurally. The diversity in Arabic Indonesian translation can be found in some aspects such as: (1) number, (2) gender, (3) person, (4) tense and aspect, and (5) voice. In addition, the application of translation techniques has a significant impact on the quality of Arabic poetry translation


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    AbstractThis research deals with morphosemantic analysis of lexemes. The main source of data in this research was taken from the Arabic-Indonesian dictionary, Al-Munawwir, with the primary focus on lexemes using the affixation of “me-kan”. The lexemes with affixation “me-kan” can be compared in the Arabic language using the dominant measure or pattern (wazan). This research adopts a qualitative descriptive analysis, employing the distributional approach and the technique of dividing units of language, as well as the technique of marker. The study shows that the lexemes using affixation “me-kan” in Indonesian have similarities with the wazan fa-‘a-la in Arabic. The affixation of “me-kan” is one of the forms of transitive verb in the Indonesian language, and wazan fa-‘a-la in Arabic is a form of ta’diyyah (close meaning with the transitive form). Many lexemes using the affixation “me-kan” in Al-Munawwir Indonesian–Arabic dictionary were translated by the wazan fa-‘a-la. This study indicates that there is a strong connection between the transitive form in Arabic and Indonesian, as indicated through the analysis of the aforementioned lexemes.Keywords: antonym, lexeme using the affixation of “me-kan”, morpho-semantics, and Al-Munawwir Indonesian-Arabic dictionary.  Abstrak Sumber data dalam penelitian ini diambil dari kamus Al Munawwir versi Indonesia-Arab. Pembahasan antonim di dalam kamus tersebut masih terasa luas, belum mengerucut. Oleh sebab itulah peneliti akan memfokuskan pembahasan antonim hanya pada leksem yang mendapat imbuhan “me-kan”. Selanjutnya leksem “me-kan” di dalam bahasa Indonesia ternyata memiliki padanan wazan(measure) di dalam bahasa Arab yang sangat dominan. Penelitian ini menggunakan model penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode distribusional dan teknik bagi unsur langsung dan teknik pemarkah. Dengan memanfaatkan metode tersebut, maka penelitian secara masif di dalam kamus tersebut akan menemukan pemakaian wazan untuk leksem berimbuhan me-kan dengan frekuensi lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan wazan lainnya. Sehingga imbuhan me-kan pada bahasa Indonesia dapat ditemukan padanannya pada wazan bahasa Arab. Beberapa data berupa leksem berimbuhan “me-kan” di dalam kamus al munawwir versi Indonesia-Arab diterjemahkan dengan menggunakan wazan fa'ala. Imbuhan me-kan merupakan salah satu bentuk dari kata kerja transitif. Begitu pula wazan fa'ala di dalam bahasa Arab digunakan untuk "ta'diyyah" yang secara tidak langsung menyerupai dengan proses pembentukan kata kerja transitif di dalam bahasa Indonesia. Oleh sebab itulah wazan fa'ala menjadi wazan yang paling dominan pada pemberian makna leksem berimbuhan me-kan yang berfungsi sebagai kata kerja transitif.Kata kunci: antonim, leksem yang menggunakan afiks me-kan, morfosemantik, kamus Al-Munawwir Indonesia- Arab

    Comparative Analysis of Arabic-Indonesian and Arabic-English Translation Techniques in The Al-Hikam Aphorism

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    This study examines the translation techniques used in the Arabic, Indonesian, and English languages. One of the studies in textual equivalence involves the translation of the information structure of Themes (starting point of speech) and Rheme (new information). Mapping the structure of the Themes and Rheme in the source language text (SL) will assist the translator in determining the flow of information and identifying the type of genre in both the source and the target text. Thus, the research problems can be stated as follows: (1) what the form of information structure is in Al-Hikam aphorisms, and (2) how to apply translation techniques in Al-Hikam aphorisms. The results show that Arabic-to-Indonesian and Arabic-to-English aphorism translations employ a variety of translation techniques. There are 1,169 different translation techniques utilised in Al-Hikam aphorisms (Arabic to Indonesian). Meanwhile, the number of translation techniques in Al-Hikam aphorisms (Arabic – English) amount to 962. On the other hand, the dominance of established equivalent techniques in Arabic – Indonesian and Arabic – English translations indicates that there are many terms or expressions that have been recognised in the dictionary or are commonly used to achieve equivalence from the source language to the target language, thereby increasing the readability of aphorism. The results of macro level data analysis indicate that translation of Al-Hikam’s aphorisms in Arabic - Indonesian and Arabic - English tends to be oriented towards the target language and adopts the ideology of domestication

    Membahasakan Gerakan Antikorupsi dalam Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi

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    Corruption is a trouble and critical disease which has to get the amputation as soon as possible from the deep of the point of problems. This condition has become the main reason why this article should be written. How very dangerous is the effect of the corruption, until some people afraid if there is someone called the name of “Indonesia”, they just remember about the corruption. Thus, the college as the main place to get the seedbed of academicians had to be ready to face the greatest spreading of corruption effects. The readiness of the college to be opposed to corruption movement can be implemented from the three main principles of the college, such as: (1) the process of education, (2) the process of research, and (3) the process of dedication toward society

    Ideological representation of violence and information packaging in Arabic headline news: a case study of the Al-Ahram Arabic daily newspaper

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    The Arabic language has a pattern of information packaging (Theme + Rheme) that is based on Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL). This pattern is used as the model for deciphering the information structure in the Arabic headline news. This article investigates information packaging in the Arabic headline news. There are two basic items in information structure, namely (1) Theme (given information) and (2) Rheme (new information). The data used in this article are Arabic headline news from a number of Arabic daily newspapers. Theme has been defined as given information and Rheme is recognized as new information. Some Arabic headline news contains elements of physical and emotional violence. In order to discover the ideological representation of violence in Arabic news, the newspaper reader first needs to know and understand the pattern of information packaging used. The main aim of this research is to elaborate on two basic problems, they are: (1) Information packaging in headline news and (2) Ideological representation of violence in the Arabic mass media. This article also investigates the nature of violence in the Arabic Mass Media. The results of the analysis confirm that the system of Theme and Rheme is an effective tool for unlocking the information structure in Arabic headline news and detecting the underlying ideology of violence in the Arabic mass media

    Tinjauan Komparatif Bahasa Arab dan Bahasa Inggris Aforisme Al-Hikam: Analisis Sintaksis

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    This article will investigate the Arabic language and English language based on Syntax analysis. In this case, syntax had been viewed as the arrangement between certain word and the other word, or with the other units of language which has the higher level than the word, such as: phrase, clause, and sentence. Generally speaking, this research will investigate the Arabic language based the four main theory in syntax (Liliane Haegeman, 1998), such as: (1) transitivity, (2) X-bar theory, (3) theta theory, and (4) case theory. This article will focus comprehensively in elaborating the data, both in Arabic language and English language, comparatively based on these four main theories. The material objects in this research was the units of language which had been collected from the book of Al-Hikam aphorism in trilingual edition (Arabic, Indonesia, and English). The observation method had been used for collecting the data, after that, the data will be analysed with two main steps, they are:  distributional method and comparative method. Transitive verbs in al-Hikam's aphorisms show God's behavior. The transitivity of verbs in Arabic is determined by the noun that comes after the verb. Meanwhile, based on the study of X-Bar theory in Arabic phrases that appear in al-Hikam's aphorisms, it can be concluded that the internal structure of noun phrases, that FN = N + Adj and FN = N + N. Furthermore, in the theta theory analysis, it can be concluded that FN in the form of (N + Adj) can occupy the AGENT position and FN in the form of (N + N) can occupy the PATIENT argument to form a propositional unit. Based on the case theory study, it can be concluded that the NOMINATIVE case is in the subject who acts as the AGENT, and the ACCUSATIVE case is in the direct object that becomes the object of the sufferer or target, namely acting as the PATIENT. The result of this research can be the new model of Arabic and English language analysis based on the syntax theory. Abstrak Artikel ini akan mengkaji bahasa Arab dan bahasa Inggris ditinjau dari sudut pandang sintaksis. Dalam hal ini, sintaksis dipandang sebagai pengaturan hubungan antara kata dengan kata, atau dengan satuan yang lebih besar dalam bahasa. Secara garis besar kajian ini akan menginvestigasi bahasa Arab ditinjau dari kajian empat teori sintaksis (Haegeman, 1998), yaitu: (1) transitivity, (2) X-bar theory, (3) theta theory, dan (4) case theory. Adapun secara khusus, artikel ini akan mengelaborasi data bahasa Arab dan bahasa Inggris secara komparatif berlandaskan pada keempat teori tersebut. Objek material dalam kajian ini adalah satuan kebahasaan (units of language) yang ada dalam kitab aforisme al-Hikam versi tiga bahasa (Arab, Indonesia, dan Inggris). Penjaringan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi kemudian data dianalisis dengan menggunakan dua tahap, yaitu: metode distribusional dan metode padan. Verba transitif dalam aforisme al-Hikam menunjukkan perilaku ketuhanan tertentu. Ketransitifan verba dalam bahasa Arab ditentukan oleh nomina yang muncul setelah verba. Sementara itu, berlandaskan pada kajian X-Bar theory dalam frasa bahasa Arab yang muncul dalam aforisme al-Hikam dapat disimpulkan struktur internal frasa nomina, bahwa FN = N + Adj dan FN = N + N. Selanjutnya dalam analisis theta theory, dapat disimpulkan bahwa FN yang berupa (N + Adj) dapat menduduki posisi agent dan FN yang berupa (N + N) dapat menduduki argumen patient untuk membentuk sebuah satuan proposisi. Berlandaskan pada kajian case theory dapat disimpulkan bahwa kasus nominatif berada dalam subjek yang berperan sebagai agent, dan kasus akusatif berada dalam objek langsung yang menjadi penderita atau sasaran, yaitu berperan sebagai patient. Kontribusi pembahasan dari kajian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan wawasan baru dalam kajian bahasa Arab dan bahasa Inggris yang ada di Indonesia, khususnya terkait dengan kajian sintaksis (Arab: Ilmu-Naḥwu)

    The Discourse Perspective of Translation In Representing The Concept of Thā’at: Case Study of The Moral Ethic Book Bidāyatul Hidāyah

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    Translation is a rendering of form and meaning, but in the other hand, translation also can be defined as the rendering of message (amanah) from the source/start text into target text. This research elaborate the Arabic – Javanese translation text. Arabic is the source language (L1) and Javanese is the target language (L2). The material object selected was the book of Bidāyatul-Hidāyah (Islamic Moral Ethic) written by Imam Al-Ghazali. This research investigate the personal image of Imam Al-Ghazali using the discourse perspective of translation. There are two basics problems in this research, (1) the translation of units language in the book of Bidāyatul Hidāyah in representing the concept of loyalty (thā’at) using the discourse perspective of translation, and (2) the concept of loyalty based on Imam Al-Ghazali in the book of Bidāyatul Hidāyah. The method had been divided into three basic steps: collecting the data using the observation method, analysis data related with the distributional method, and reporting the data. The result had been concluded that Imam al Ghazali’method to delivering the concept of loyalty (thā’at) message was the balancing between fiqh and sufism.Copyright (c) 2017 by KARSA. All right reserved DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v25i1.1180