178 research outputs found

    Competitor Identification Based On Organic Impressions

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    This document describes a technique for identifying competitors of a brand based on organic impression data. The system identifies relevant search queries that lead to the brand website based on a selection of search queries from historical data. The system assigns a weight to each search query associated with the brand website. The system calculates an organic impression count based on the search query. The system calculates a score for each candidate competitor as it relates to the brand website. The system ranks/sorts each candidate brand based on its calculated score to determine the top competitors for the brand website. The system may improve confidence in the result by computing the reverse competitor score in order to filter candidate competitors that do not consider the brand website as an equal competitor

    Pään ja kaulan alueen syöpien immunologiasta ja immunoterapiasta

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    Suomen Syöpärekisterin tilastojen mukaan pään ja kaulan alueen syöpien kuolleisuus on vuosina 1976 – 2016 pysynyt noin 35 % tasolla. Syöpähoitojen kehityksestä huolimatta kuolleisuudessa ei viime vuosikymmeninä ole tapahtunut merkittävää parannusta. Syöpähoidon tehon lisääminen perinteisten syöpälääkkeiden, kuten solusalpaajien tai sädehoidon annostusta nostamalla on rajallista, sillä ne lisäävät vakavia sivuvaikutuksia ja ovat toksisia. Immunoterapian lääkkeiden sivuvaikutukset ovat vähäisempiä ja niitä siedetään paremmin verrattuna perinteisiin syöpähoitoihin. Viime aikoina on ryhdytty kehittämään syövän immunoterapiaan liittyviä hoitoja, jolloin vaikutus kohdistuu tarkemmin syöpäsoluihin, ja sivuvaikutukset pysyvät kohtuullisella tasolla. Immunoterapian tavoitteena on stimuloida elimistön omaa vastustuskykyä hyökkäämään syöpäkudosta vastaan tehostamalla esimerkiksi T-lymfosyyttien toimintaa ja inhiboimalla immuniteetin negatiivista säätelyä. Immuniteetin negatiiviseen säätelyyn osallistuvat muun muassa tarkastuspisteinhibiittorit, joita ovat esimerkiksi CTLA-4 ja PD-1. CTLA-4:n ja PD-1:n löytäjät, James P. Allison ja Tasuku Honjo, saivat löydöksestään vuoden 2018 Nobelin fysiologian tai lääketieteen palkinnon. Tulevaisuudessa uusilla syövän immunoterapian muodoilla odotetaan saatavan apua myös pään ja kaulan alueen syöpien hoitoon vähentäen niihin liittyvää kuolleisuutta. Tutkielmani on kirjallisuuskatsaus, jossa esittelen immunomodulaation periaatteita ja kuvailen immunologisiin menetelmiin perustuvaa pään ja kaulan alueen syöpien terapiaa viimeaikaisen kansainvälisen tie-teellisen kirjallisuuden pohjalta. Tietolähteinä käytettiin pään ja kaulan alueen syöpiin liittyviä kansainvälisiä sekä kotimaisia julkaisuja ja tutkimuksia. Soveltuvin osin kerron myös muiden syöpien immunologi-sen hoidon löydöksiä ja tutkimustuloksia

    Nitrogen input <sup>15</sup>N signatures are reflected in plant <sup>15</sup>N natural abundances in subtropical forests in China

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    Natural abundance of <sup>15</sup>N (<i>δ</i><sup>15</sup>N) in plants and soils can provide time-integrated information related to nitrogen (N) cycling within ecosystems, but it has not been well tested in warm and humid subtropical forests. In this study, we used ecosystem <i>δ</i><sup>15</sup>N to assess effects of increased N deposition on N cycling in an old-growth broad-leaved forest and a secondary pine forest in a high-N-deposition area in southern China. We measured <i>δ</i><sup>15</sup>N of inorganic N in input and output fluxes under ambient N deposition, and we measured N concentration (%N) and <i>δ</i><sup>15</sup>N of major ecosystem compartments under ambient deposition and after decadal N addition at 50 kg N ha<sup>−1</sup>yr<sup>−1</sup>, which has a <i>δ</i><sup>15</sup>N of −0.7 ‰. Our results showed that the total inorganic N in deposition was <sup>15</sup>N-depleted (−10 ‰) mainly due to high input of strongly <sup>15</sup>N-depleted NH<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup>-N. Plant leaves in both forests were also <sup>15</sup>N-depleted (−4 to −6 ‰). The broad-leaved forest had higher plant and soil %N and was more <sup>15</sup>N-enriched in most ecosystem compartments relative to the pine forest. Nitrogen addition did not significantly affect %N in the broad-leaved forest, indicating that the ecosystem pools are already N-rich. However, %N was marginally increased in pine leaves and significantly increased in understory vegetation in the pine forest. Soil <i>δ</i><sup>15</sup>N was not changed significantly by the N addition in either forest. However, the N addition significantly increased the <i>δ</i><sup>15</sup>N of plants toward the <sup>15</sup>N signature of the added N, indicating incorporation of added N into plants. Thus, plant <i>δ</i><sup>15</sup>N was more sensitive to ecosystem N input manipulation than %N in these subtropical forests. We interpret the depleted <i>δ</i><sup>15</sup>N of plants as an imprint from the high and <sup>15</sup>N-depleted N deposition that may dominate the effects of fractionation that are observed in most warm and humid forests. Fractionation during the steps of N cycling could explain the difference between negative <i>δ</i><sup>15</sup>N in plants and positive <i>δ</i><sup>15</sup>N in soils, and the increase in soil <i>δ</i><sup>15</sup>N with depths. Nevertheless, interpretation of ecosystem <i>δ</i><sup>15</sup>N from high-N-deposition regions needs to include data on the deposition <sup>15</sup>N signal

    Differential Temporal Evolution Patterns in Brain Temperature in Different Ischemic Tissues in a Monkey Model of Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion

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    Brain temperature is elevated in acute ischemic stroke, especially in the ischemic penumbra (IP). We attempted to investigate the dynamic evolution of brain temperature in different ischemic regions in a monkey model of middle cerebral artery occlusion. The brain temperature of different ischemic regions was measured with proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H MRS), and the evolution processes of brain temperature were compared among different ischemic regions. We found that the normal (baseline) brain temperature of the monkey brain was 37.16°C. In the artery occlusion stage, the mean brain temperature of ischemic tissue was 1.16°C higher than the baseline; however, this increase was region dependent, with 1.72°C in the IP, 1.08°C in the infarct core, and 0.62°C in the oligemic region. After recanalization, the brain temperature of the infarct core showed a pattern of an initial decrease accompanied by a subsequent increase. However, the brain temperature of the IP and oligemic region showed a monotonously and slowly decreased pattern. Our study suggests that in vivo measurement of brain temperature could help to identify whether ischemic tissue survives

    Metagenomic insight into the global dissemination of the antibiotic resistome

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    The global crisis in antimicrobial resistance continues to grow. Estimating the risks of antibiotic resistance transmission across habitats is hindered by the lack of data on mobility and habitat-specificity. Metagenomic samples of 6092 are analyzed to delineate the unique core resistomes from human feces and seven other habitats. This is found that most resistance genes (≈85%) are transmitted between external habitats and human feces. This suggests that human feces are broadly representative of the global resistome and are potentially a hub for accumulating and disseminating resistance genes. The analysis found that resistance genes with ancient horizontal gene transfer (HGT) events have a higher efficiency of transfer across habitats, suggesting that HGT may be the main driver for forming unique but partly shared resistomes in all habitats. Importantly, the human fecal resistome is historically different and influenced by HGT and age. The most important routes of cross-transmission of resistance are from the atmosphere, buildings, and animals to humans. These habitats should receive more attention for future prevention of antimicrobial resistance. The study will disentangle transmission routes of resistance genes between humans and other habitats in a One Health framework and can identify strategies for controlling the ongoing dissemination and antibiotic resistance

    Eff ect of a comprehensive programme to provide universal access to care for sputum-smear-positive multidrugresistant tuberculosis in China: a before-and-after study

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    Background China has a quarter of all patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDRTB) worldwide, but less than 5% are in quality treatment programmes. In a before-and-after study we aimed to assess the eff ect of a comprehensive programme to provide universal access to diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up for MDRTB in four Chinese cities (population 18 million). Methods We designated city-level hospitals in each city to diagnose and treat MDRTB. All patients with smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis diagnosed in Center for Disease Control (CDC) clinics and hospitals were tested for MDRTB with molecular and conventional drug susceptibility tests. Patients were treated with a 24 month treatment package for MDRTB based on WHO guidelines. Outpatients were referred to the CDC for directly observed therapy. We capped total treatment package cost at US4644.Insurancereimbursementandprojectsubsidieslimitedpatientsexpensesto10(2011)tothosefromaretrospectivesurveyofallpatientswithMDRTBdiagnosedinthesamecitiesduringabaselineperiod(200609).Findings243patientswerediagnosedwithMDRTBorrifampicinresistanttuberculosisduringthe12monthprogrammeperiodcomparedwith92patients(equivalentto24peryear)duringthebaselineperiod.172(71243individualswereenrolledintheprogramme.Timefromspecimencollectionforresistancetestingtotreatmentinitiationdecreasedby90startedonappropriatedrugregimenincreased27times(fromnine[35172),andfollowupbytheCDCafterinitialhospitalisationincreased24times(fromone[4163[99increasedtentimes(fromtwo[8programmeperiodhadnegativeculturesorclinicalradiographicimprovement.PatientsexpensesforhospitaladmissionafterMDRTBdiagnosisdecreasedby784644. Insurance reimbursement and project subsidies limited patients’ expenses to 10% of charges for services within the package. We compared data from a 12 month programme period (2011) to those from a retrospective survey of all patients with MDRTB diagnosed in the same cities during a baseline period (2006–09). Findings 243 patients were diagnosed with MDRTB or rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis during the 12 month programme period compared with 92 patients (equivalent to 24 per year) during the baseline period. 172 (71%) of 243 individuals were enrolled in the programme. Time from specimen collection for resistance testing to treatment initiation decreased by 90% (from median 139 days [IQR 69–207] to 14 days [10–21]), the proportion of patients who started on appropriate drug regimen increased 2·7 times (from nine [35%] of 26 patients treated to 166 [97%] of 172), and follow-up by the CDC after initial hospitalisation increased 24 times (from one [4%] of 23 patients to 163 [99%] of 164 patients). 6 months after starting treatment, the proportion of patients remaining on treatment increased ten times (from two [8%] of 26 patients to 137 [80%] of 172), and 116 (67%) of 172 patients in the programme period had negative cultures or clinical–radiographic improvement. Patients’ expenses for hospital admission after MDRTB diagnosis decreased by 78% (from 796 to $174), reducing the ratio of patients’ expenses to annual household income from 17·6% to 3·5% (p<0·0001 for all comparisons between baseline and programme periods). However, 36 (15%) patients did not start or had to discontinue treatment in the programme period because of fi nancial diffi culties. Interpretation This comprehensive programme substantially increased access to diagnosis, quality treatment, and aff ordable treatment for MDRTB. The programme could help China to achieve universal access to MDRTB care but greater fi nancial risk protection for patients is needed

    Association between Dietary Patterns and Precocious Puberty in Children: A Population-Based Study

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    Objective. The aim of the present study was to investigate the association between dietary patterns and precocious puberty among Shanghai children. Methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted among Shanghai children by multistage stratified cluster random sampling in June 2014. Diet was assessed using a simplified food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). Height, weight, and Tanner stages of breast development, pubic hair growth, and testicular volume were carefully measured. Exploratory factor analysis was used to identify dietary patterns, and logistic regression analysis was used to assess the association between dietary patterns and precocious puberty. Results. Three distinct dietary patterns, “traditional diet,” “unhealthy diet,” and “protein diet,” were established. Neither the “traditional diet” pattern nor the “protein diet” pattern showed any association with precocious puberty, taking gender, BMI, and adjustment factors into consideration. The “unhealthy diet” pattern was significantly positively associated with precocious puberty in both boys (OR = 1.24, 95% CI = 1.02–1.51) and girls (OR = 1.31, 95% CI = 1.10–1.56). The relationship remained positive only for girls (OR = 1.25, 95% CI = 1.04–1.49) after adjustment for age and BMI but statistically nonsignificant after further adjustment for socioeconomic factors in both boys and girls. Conclusions. Dietary patterns were found to be related to precocious puberty among Shanghai children

    Distribution of hepatitis C virus in eastern China from 2011 to 2020: a Bayesian spatiotemporal analysis

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    ObjectiveThis study aimed to evaluate the spatiotemporal distribution of patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV) and the factors influencing this distribution in Jiangsu Province, China, from 2011 to 2020.MethodsThe incidence of reported HCV in Jiangsu Province from 2011 to 2020 was obtained from the Chinese Information System for Disease Control and Prevention (CISDCP). R and GeoDa software were used to visualize the spatiotemporal distribution and the spatial autocorrelation of HCV. A Bayesian spatiotemporal model was constructed to explore the spatiotemporal distribution of HCV in Jiangsu Province and to further analyze the factors related to HCV.ResultsA total of 31,778 HCV patients were registered in Jiangsu Province. The registered incidence rate of HCV increased from 2.60/100,000 people in 2011 to 4.96/100,000 people in 2020, an increase of 190.77%. Moran's I ranged from 0.099 to 0.354 (P &lt; 0.05) from 2011 to 2019, indicating a positive spatial correlation overall. The relative risk (RR) of the urbanization rate, the most important factor affecting the spread of HCV in Jiangsu Province, was 1.254 (95% confidence interval: 1.141–1.376), while other factors had no significance.ConclusionThe reported HCV incidence rate integrally increased in the whole Jiangsu Province, whereas the spatial aggregation of HCV incidence was gradually weakening. Our study highlighted the importance of health education for the floating population and reasonable allocation of medical resources in the future health work

    Moderating effects of perceived social support on self-efficacy and psychological well-being of Chinese nurses: a cross-sectional study

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    IntroductionNurses experience significant physical and psychological stress that negatively influences their psychological well-being. The objective of this study was to explore the association between self-efficacy and psychological well-being among Chinese nurses and to assess the moderating effects of perceived social support (PSS).MethodsIn 2020, a hospital-based cross-sectional study using a multistage random sampling approach was performed in five regions of Liaoning, China. Of the 1,200 surveyed nurses, 1,010 completed questionnaires that evaluated the demographic information, 14-item Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, General Self-Efficacy Scale, and Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support. To examine the factors associated with mental health parameters, hierarchical multiple regression analysis was performed. The interactions were visualized using a simple slope analysis.ResultsThe mean depression and anxiety scores for Chinese nurses were 8.74 ± 3.50 and 6.18 ± 3.26, respectively. The association between self-efficacy and depression differed between the low perceived social support (PSS) group (1 SD below the mean, β = −0.169, p &lt; 0.01) and high PSS group (1 SD above the mean, β = −0.077, p &lt; 0.01). Similarly, the association between self-efficacy and anxiety differed between the low PSS group (1 SD below the mean, β = −0.155, p &lt; 0.01) and high PSS group (1 SD above the mean, β = −0.044, p &lt; 0.01).ConclusionWe found that Chinese nurses experienced high levels of anxiety and depression. Furthermore, PSS moderates the relationship between self-efficacy and psychological well-being. Therefore, interventions targeting self-efficacy and PSS should be implemented to improve the psychological well-being of nurses