163 research outputs found

    Holomorphic Motions and Normal Forms in Complex Analysis

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    We give a brief review of holomorphic motions and its relation with quasiconformal mapping theory. Furthermore, we apply the holomorphic motions to give new proofs of famous Konig's Theorem and Bottcher's Theorem in classical complex analysis

    On the quasisymmetrical classification of infinitely renormalizable maps: I. Maps with Feigenbaum's topology.

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    A semigroup (dynamical system) generated by C1+αC^{1+\alpha}-contracting mappings is considered. We call a such semigroup regular if the maximum KK of the conformal dilatations of generators, the maximum ll of the norms of the derivatives of generators and the smoothness α\alpha of the generators satisfy a compatibility condition K<1/lαK< 1/l^{\alpha}. We prove the {\em geometric distortion lemma} for a regular semigroup generated by C1+αC^{1+\alpha}-contracting mappings

    Dynamics of certain smooth one-dimensional mappings III: Scaling function geometry

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    We study scaling function geometry. We show the existence of the scaling function of a geometrically finite one-dimensional mapping. This scaling function is discontinuous. We prove that the scaling function and the asymmetries at the critical points of a geometrically finite one-dimensional mapping form a complete set of C1C^{1}-invariants within a topological conjugacy class

    Dynamics of certain smooth one-dimensional mappings IV: Asymptotic geometry of Cantor sets

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    We study hyperbolic mappings depending on a parameter ε\varepsilon . Each of them has an invariant Cantor set. As ε\varepsilon tends to zero, the mapping approaches the boundary of hyperbolicity. We analyze the asymptotics of the gap geometry and the scaling function geometry of the invariant Cantor set as ε\varepsilon goes to zero. For example, in the quadratic case, we show that all the gaps close uniformly with speed ε\sqrt {\varepsilon}. There is a limiting scaling function of the limiting mapping and this scaling function has dense jump discontinuities because the limiting mapping is not expanding. Removing these discontinuities by continuous extension, we show that we obtain the scaling function of the limiting mapping with respect to the Ulam-von Neumann type metric

    Local connectivity of the Mandelbrot set at certain infinitely renormalizable points

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    We construct a subset of the Mandelbrot set which is dense on the boundary of the Mandelbrot set and which consists of only infinitely renormalizable points such that the Mandelbrot set is locally connected at every point of this subset. We prove the local connectivity by finding bases of connected neighborhoods directly

    Zero Entropy Interval Maps And MMLS-MMA Property

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    We prove that the flow generated by any interval map with zero topological entropy is minimally mean-attractable (MMA) and minimally mean-L-stable (MMLS). One of the consequences is that any oscillating sequence is linearly disjoint with all flows generated by interval maps with zero topological entropy. In particular, the M\"obius function is orthogonal to all flows generated by interval maps with zero topological entropy (Sarnak's conjecture for interval maps). Another consequence is a non-trivial example of a flow having the discrete spectrum.Comment: 12 page

    Holomorphic Motions, Fatou Linearization, and Quasiconformal Rigidity for Parabolic Germs

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    By applying holomorphic motions, we prove that a parabolic germ is quasiconformally rigid, that is, any two topologically conjugate parabolic germs are quasiconformally conjugate and the conjugacy can be chosen to be more and more near conformal as long as we consider these germs defined on smaller and smaller neighborhoods. Before proving this theorem, we use the idea of holomorphic motions to give a conceptual proof of the Fatou linearization theorem. As a by-product, we also prove that any finite number of analytic germs at different points in the Riemann sphere can be extended to a quasiconformal homeomorphism which can be more and more near conformal as as long as we consider these germs defined on smaller and smaller neighborhoods of these points.Comment: 20 page

    Dynamics of certain non-conformal semigroups

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    A semigroup generated by two dimensional C1+αC^{1+\alpha} contracting maps is considered. We call a such semigroup regular if the maximum KK of the conformal dilatations of generators, the maximum ll of the norms of the derivatives of generators and the smoothness α\alpha of the generators satisfy a compatibility condition K<1/lαK< 1/l^{\alpha}. We prove that the shape of the image of the core of a ball under any element of a regular semigroup is good (bounded geometric distortion like the Koebe 1/41/4-lemma \cite{a}). And we use it to show a lower and a upper bounds of the Hausdorff dimension of the limit set of a regular semigroup. We also consider a semigroup generated by higher dimensional maps

    On the quasisymmetrical classification of infinitely renormalizable maps: II. remarks on maps with a bounded type topology.

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    We use the upper and lower potential functions and Bowen's formula estimating the Hausdorff dimension of the limit set of a regular semigroup generated by finitely many C1+αC^{1+\alpha}-contracting mappings. This result is an application of the geometric distortion lemma in the first paper at this series

    The Renormalization Method and Quadratic-Like Maps

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    The renormalization of a quadratic-like map is studied. The three-dimensional Yoccoz puzzle for an infinitely renormalizable quadratic-like map is discussed. For an unbranched quadratic-like map having the {\sl a priori} complex bounds, the local connectivity of its Julia set is proved by using the three-dimensional Yoccoz puzzle. The generalized version of Sullivan's sector theorem is discussed and is used to prove his result that the Feigenbaum quadratic polynomial has the {\sl a priori} complex bounds and is unbranched. A dense subset on the boundary of the Mandelbrot set is constructed so that for every point of the subset, the corresponding quadratic polynomial is unbranched and has the {\sl a priori} complex bounds
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