3,120 research outputs found

    Educator Resource Management at Nurul Falah IT High School Bandar Lampung

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    This research uses a qualitative approach, data analysis using the Miles Huberman and Saldana interactive model with steps: 1). Data collection, 2). Data condensation, 3). Presentation of data, and 4). Drawing conclusions. For data validity using Triangulation and Member check. There are 2 triangulations used, namely, source triangulation and method triangulation. Findings: 1). Planning of teaching resources999: at the beginning of each school year the school makes a plan of activities and school budgets in which there are activities regarding the needs and development of teaching resources and planning for recruitment, first analyzing the mapping of lesson hours so that the needs of teaching staff are known. 2). Recruitment and Selection at SMA IT Nurul Falah Bandar Lampung: a). recruitment patterns applied internally. b) selection carried out includes administrative selection and interviews. 3). Development and Training at SMA IT Nurul Falah Bandar Lampung: To improve and develop the potential of educators (teachers), the school conducts training such as In House Training (IHT), besides that the school also provides opportunities for educators (teachers) to further improve and develop their potential by participating in activities / workshops outside the school in the hope that it can have a positive effect on the progress of the school


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    This purpose of this research to know influence performance environmental of theReturn On Assets and Return On Sales. In this research measured environmentalperformance using the PROPER while profitability using ROA and ROS. To take the sampleusing Purposive sampling method. The company which became the sample is 6 companieswhich listed on Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI). This research using Structural EquationModeling analysis (SEM) by approach Partial Least Square (PLS). This research resultindicates that environmental performance influential negative to ROA and ROS.Keywords: PROPER, Return On Assets, Return On Sale

    Preconcentration of Cadmium assisted with sonication using Dowex 50WX2-200 Resin

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    Preconcentration of Cd metal in water has been carried out using Dowex 50WX2-200 resin as a solid phase extractor. The extraction process is carried out with a sonicator. Elution of Cd metal which was adsorbed by the resin was released again using 1M HNO3, then Cd metal was measured using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. In this study, the effect of pH, solution sonication time and metal elution time and eluent volume was studied.The results of the optimization of preconcentration conditions were obtained at pH 3, the duration of the sonication process for metal adsorption was 15 minutes and the elution time was 7.5 minutes and the eluent volume of 1M HNO3 was 10 ml. Method validation is carried out using a method validation is carried out using a Certificate Reference Material, CRM for clean water at optimum conditions. Obtained 97% recovery and 11% RSD (n=3) which shows the accuracy value still meets the acceptability limit according to the AOAC between 70%-125 and precision with % RSD smaller than CV Horwitz, 14%. Keywords: Cd, Dowex 50WX2-200, Flame-SSA

    Cadmium in Water Samples determined by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry after Solid Phase Extraction using DOWEX 50WX2 resin

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    Pre concentration of  Cd(II)  in water samples was carried out by using  column solid phase extraction  DOWEX 50WX2 prior to flame atomic absorption spectrometry analized. The optimum  extraction conditions such as pH (5),  sample flow rate (1 mL min−1), volume of eluent HNO3 1N (10 mL) and sample volume (50 mL) was determined. The limit of detections was found 0.2697  ”g L−1. The accuracy was determined by analyzid spiked water samples used Cd CRM 0.1 mg L-1 traceable to SRM standard solution NIST. Percent recovery and relative standard deviation were found 93% and  6%, respectively. Conclusion this preparation method effective for determination of ion Cd (II) in water with flame-SSA..Keywords: SPE,Cd, Dowex 50WX2, Flame-SS

    Validation Method Rapid Test COD in Water and Waste Water compare with Standard Method as Quality Asurance in Integrated Testing Laboratory-FMIPA of Sriwijaya University

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    Portable COD test kit used for testing the COD because its low cost, less waste, contaminant free, efficient, simple and traceable to the international unit system. However the method has not yet accepted as a standard method, so it must be validated before applied in the laboratory according to the requirements of ISO / IEC 17025: 2017. In this study, the Rapid Test COD method vario Lovibond (M1) compared with the standard method APHA 5220D.4 (M2). The Rapid Test method modified used APHA reagents (M3) and vice versa (M4) were also studied. Evaluation based on precision values,  HorRat  whereas accuracy based on recovery value (R). Comparison of test results also conducted against Certified Reference Material values, and Z-score test. The precision test results for each method for both law range and high range gave HorRat values between 0.3-1.3 that meet the precision requirements. Accuracy testing also gave %R meeting the acceptance limit, even though M3 with the lowest %R is 94.17%. For comparison of results with CRM, the M3 method does not meet the acceptance limit, which is U∆ < ∆m. But the results of the Z-score Test all methods provide satisfactory accurac

    Tatwir Barnamij Wondershare Quiz Creator ‘ala al-Kitab al-‘Arabiyyah baina Yadaik Kamasdar Ta’lim al-Mustaqil

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    Wondershare Quiz Creator is a powerful test maker that allows trainers and educators to create professional flash-based multimedia tests and surveys. The research objectives are to know the sincerity and level of ease of use (Practically) and the effectiveness of the results of the development of the Wondershare Quiz Creator program on the Arabic book of Baina Yadaik as a source of independent learning in the cradle of Saad bin Abi Waqas Palembang. This research uses the research and development approach and then the data were analyzed three 1) design analysis 2) expert review 3) design revision, development. The research result are certification of materials is done with a very valid category of 74.47% and good 25.53%.It can be concluded that a program for a program Wondershare Quotes as an effective for use.Nobelty from this program is can be to make questions, tests, exams, and essay easily. Wondershare Quiz Creator has advantages compared to other programs that are the process of creating a similar problem in Microsoft Word


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    Land is a part of the most structure as a foundation  that supporting the construction above it. The quality and durability of a construction can’t be separated from the nature of soil, some of them may cause problems.  These problems usually occurred because of the unstable soil condition. The settlement that have done so far is to fix the top layer of the road but it doesn’t solve the problem cause unstable road not only the structure on the road but also on the subgrade. The repair on the soft subgrade  cause water content can be done with stabilization. This research is analyze about behavior of clays  from Soekarno-Hatta Palembang which obtained  the density soil maximum and water content optimum with acid phosphate increment as 0% , 2.5% ,  5% , 7.5% , 10% and 12.5% of the land, and then do testing of index properties soil and California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test. From the research according to Unifed Soil Classification System (USCS) these soil at this area is included in the OH category, while according to American Association of State Highway an Transportation Officials (AASHTO) these soil is included in the A-7-5 category. The mixture soil with increment acid phosphate than original soil are showed that the liquid limid (LL) and plastic limid (PL) has decreased, it’s mean index plastic (IP) tended to decrease. CBR value with increament of additive tend to increase and attain a peak increase from 7.5% while 10% and 12.5 % decrease

    Pengaruh Menggambar Dekoratif Terhadap Kemampuan Motorik Halus Anak Usia Dini di Kelas A TK Larasati Kota Palembang

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    Penelitian ini berjudul “Pengaruh menggambar dekoratif terhadap kemampuan motorik halus anak usia dini di kelas A TK Larasati Kota Palembang”. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif eksperimental Design One Group Pre-Test Post-Test (satu kelas). Sampel penelitian yang digunakan adalah kelas A yang ada di TK Larasati Kota Palembang yang berjumlah 15 anak terdiri dari 11 perempuan 4 laki-laki. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan Sampling jenuh dengan melakukan kegiatan menggambar dekoratif. Adapun cara pengumpulan data menggunakan tes, observasi, serta dokumentasi dengan analisis data menggunakan uji normalitas, uji homogenitas, dan uji hipotesis. Hasil penelitian dan pembahasan rata-rata nilai Pre-test sebelum melakukan Treatment sebesar 45, sedangkan rata-rata nilai Post-test dengan melakukan kegiatan menggambar dekoratif setelah Treatment sebesar 94. Angka ini menunjukkan bahwa anak (BSB) berkembang sangat baik. Perolehan tersebut diperkuat berdasarkan hasil uji hipotesis dengan menggunakan uji-T diperoleh t hitung= 3.497 sedangkan dk= 15-2-1 = 12 dengan taraf nyata 5% sehingga didapat&nbsp; t tabel 2.188 karena t hitung 3.497 &gt; dari t tabel 2.188. Maka kesimpulannya Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima artinya ada pengaruh menggambar dekoratif terhadap kemampuan motorik halus pada anak di kelas A usia (4-5 tahun) Tk Larasati Kota Palembang
