5 research outputs found

    Energy Sufficiency of Feed Containing Fermented Mulberry Leaves (Morus alba) Determined by measurement of Glucose, Abdominal Fat and Feed Intake

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    This study was conducted to determine the effect of using rumen liquid fermented mulberry leaves in boiler???s diet on feed consumption, blood glucose, and abdominal fat. This research used 100 of day old CP 707 broiler chicks, as well as concentrate, fermented mulberry leaves and other feed stuffs. The experiment was carried out according to completely randomized design consisted of five treatments, i.e. T0 (control), T1 (10% mulberry leaf), T2 (10% fermented mulberry leaf), T3 (20% mulberry leaf) and T4 (20% fermented mulberry leaf) and four replications for each treatment. Result of the study showed that the increasing use of mulberry leaves, either fermented or unfermented, significantly (P<0.05) increased feed consumption compared to control. Treatment with 20% unfermented murlberry leaf significantly (P<0.05) decreased fat and glucose levels. This study concludes that 20% murlberry used in diet decrease energy density of diet and the use of 10% fermented mulberry leaf produced better results than unfermented

    Blood Lipid Profile of Broiler Chickens Fed a Step Down Protein With Addition of Lime Juice as an Acidifier

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    The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of lime juice (LJ) and citric acid (CA) as an acidifier in the step down protein feeding system on the blood lipid profiles. The research was conducted with 192 of 7 days old broiler chickens which were arranged in a completely randomized design with 6 treatments and 4 replications, so overall there were 24 experimental units. Each experimental unit consisted of 8 broiler chickens. Treatments applied were P0 (control diet, without step down), P1 (step down diet), P2 (step down diet + CA 0.8%), P3 (step-down + LJ equivalent to 0,4% CA (6,9 ml/100g feed)), P4 (step down diet + LJ equivalent to 0,8% CA (13,8 ml/100g feed)) and P5 (step down diet + LJ equivalent to 1,2% CA (20,7 ml/100g feed)). The parameters measured in this research were cholesterol, triglycerides, low density lipoprotein (LDL) and high density lipoprotein (HDL) in the blood serum. The results showed that the step-down protein feeding with the addition of acidifier such as synthetic citric acid or lime juice was not significant (P> 0.05) in lowering blood cholesterol levels, triglycerides and LDL and did not result in an increase of serum HDL levels in broiler chickens

    Bobot Relatif dan Panjang Usus Halus Ayam Broiler yang Diberi Ransum Menggunakan Cangkang Telur Mikropartikel dengan Suplementasi Probiotik Lactobacillus sp.

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ransum menggunakan cangkang telur mikropartikel dan probiotik Lactobacillus sp. pada ayam broiler terhadap bobot relatif dan panjang usus halus serta bobot karkas ayam broiler. Ternak yang digunakan ayam broiler strain New Lohmann MB 202 umur 14 hari sebanyak 160 ekor dengan rata-rata bobot badan 407,65 ± 16,51 g. Penelitian disusun menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan (masing-masing 8 ekor). Perlakuan yang diberikan yaitu T0 = ransum dengan protein 21%, T1 = ransum dengan protein 18%, T2 = T1 + tepung cangkang telur mikropartikel, T3 = T1+ Lactobacillus sp. 1,2 ml dan T4 = T2+ Lactobacillus sp. 1,2 ml. Parameter yang diukur meliputi bobot relatif usus halus, panjang usus halus dan bobot karkas. Data dianalisis ragam dan dilakukan uji Duncan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa pemberian ransum dengan protein 18% menggunakan cangkang telur mikropartikel ditambah Lactobacillus sp. berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap bobot relatif duodenum, panjang duodenum dan bobot karkas. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh yaitu pemberian ransum dengan protein 18% menggunakan tepung cangkang telur mikropartikel ditambah Lactobacillus sp. 1,2 ml (T4) dapat meningkatkan bobot relatif dan panjang duodenum serta bobot karkas ayam broiler


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    Gastrointestinal tract of chicken is a place in which many kinds of fungi can be found. The aim ofthe research was to isolate fungi from the gastrointestinal tract of the indigenous chicken (AyamKampung). The chicken samples were four days, one week and two months old and were sampled fromchicken farm located in Yogyakarta. Potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium was used to grow the fungi.Fifty pure isolates of fungi were found from three different ages, those were four days, one week andtwo months old chicken were 5, 10 and 35 isolates respectively. The largest number of isolate was foundin ileum, then followed by caecum, jejenum and duodenum. The fifty isolate of fungi belonged to sevenspecies, those were Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus niger, Chrysonilia crassa, Mucor circinelloides,Mucor sp, Rhizopus oligosporus and Rhizopus oryzae