12,365 research outputs found

    Collision Integrals for the Transport Properties of Dissociating Air at High Temperatures

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    Collision integrals for the transport properties of dissociating air at high temperature

    Uncorrelated Measurements of the Cosmic Expansion History and Dark Energy from Supernovae

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    We present a method for measuring the cosmic expansion history H(z) in uncorrelated redshift bins, and apply it to current and simulated type Ia supernova data assuming spatial flatness. If the matter density parameter Omega_m can be accurately measured from other data, then the dark energy density history X(z)=rho_X(z)/rho_X(0) can trivially be derived from this expansion history H(z). In contrast to customary ``black box'' parameter fitting, our method is transparent and easy to interpret: the measurement of H(z)^{-1} in a redshift bin is simply a linear combination of the measured comoving distances for supernovae in that bin, making it obvious how systematic errors propagate from input to output. We find the Riess et al. (2004) ``gold'' sample to be consistent with the ``vanilla'' concordance model where the dark energy is a cosmological constant. We compare two mission concepts for the NASA/DOE Joint Dark Energy Mission (JDEM), the Joint Efficient Dark-energy Investigation (JEDI), and the Supernova Accelaration Probe (SNAP), using simulated data including the effect of weak lensing (based on numerical simulations) and a systematic bias from K-corrections. Estimating H(z) in seven uncorrelated redshift bins, we find that both provide dramatic improvements over current data: JEDI can measure H(z) to about 10% accuracy and SNAP to 30-40% accuracy.Comment: 7 pages, 4 color figures. Expanded and revised version; PRD in pres

    Laboratory simulations of astrophysical jets and solar coronal loops: new results

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    An experimental program underway at Caltech has produced plasmas where the shape is neither fixed by the vacuum chamber nor fixed by an external coil set, but instead is determined by self-organization. The plasma dynamics is highly reproducible and so can be studied in considerable detail even though the morphology of the plasma is both complex and time-dependent. A surprising result has been the observation that self-collimating MHD-driven plasma jets are ubiquitous and play a fundamental role in the self-organization. The jets can be considered lab-scale simulations of astrophysical jets and in addition are intimately related to solar coronal loops. The jets are driven by the combination of the axial component of the J×B force and the axial pressure gradient resulting from the non-uniform pinch force associated with the flared axial current density. Behavior is consistent with a model showing that collimation results from axial non-uniformity of the jet velocity. In particular, flow stagnation in the jet frame compresses frozen-in azimuthal magnetic flux, squeezes together toroidal magnetic field lines, thereby amplifying the embedded toroidal magnetic field, enhancing the pinch force, and hence causing collimation of the jet

    Magnetic Field Effect on the Phase Transition in AdS Soliton Spacetime

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    We investigate the scalar perturbations in an AdS soliton background coupled to a Maxwell field via marginally stable modes. In the probe limit, we study the magnetic field effect on the holographic insulator/superconductor phase transition numerically and analytically. The condensate will be localized in a finite circular region for any finite constant magnetic field. Near the critical point, we find that there exists a simple relation among the critical chemical potential, magnetic field, the charge and mass of the scalar field. This relation indicates that the presence of the magnetic field causes the phase transition hard.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables. contents improved and references adde

    Object Contour and Edge Detection with RefineContourNet

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    A ResNet-based multi-path refinement CNN is used for object contour detection. For this task, we prioritise the effective utilization of the high-level abstraction capability of a ResNet, which leads to state-of-the-art results for edge detection. Keeping our focus in mind, we fuse the high, mid and low-level features in that specific order, which differs from many other approaches. It uses the tensor with the highest-levelled features as the starting point to combine it layer-by-layer with features of a lower abstraction level until it reaches the lowest level. We train this network on a modified PASCAL VOC 2012 dataset for object contour detection and evaluate on a refined PASCAL-val dataset reaching an excellent performance and an Optimal Dataset Scale (ODS) of 0.752. Furthermore, by fine-training on the BSDS500 dataset we reach state-of-the-art results for edge-detection with an ODS of 0.824.Comment: Keywords: Object Contour Detection, Edge Detection, Multi-Path Refinement CN

    Altered splicing of CEACAM1 in breast cancer: Identification of regulatory sequences that control splicing of CEACAM1 into long or short cytoplasmic domain isoforms

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 1 (CEACAM1), a cell adhesion molecule expressed in a variety of cell types is a putative tumor suppressor gene. Alternative splicing of CEACAM1 generates 11 different splice variants, which include 1–4 ectodomains with either short or long cytoplasmic domain generated by the exclusion (CEACAM1-S) or inclusion (CEACAM1-L) of exon 7. Studies in rodents indicate that optimal ratios of CEACAM1 splice variants are required to inhibit colonic tumor cell growth.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We show that CEACAM1 is expressed in a tissue specific manner with significant differences in the ratios of its short (CEACAM1-S) and long (CEACAM1-L) cytoplasmic domain splice variants. Importantly, we find dramatic differences between the ratios of S:L isoforms in normal breast tissues versus breast cancer specimens, suggesting that altered splicing of CEACAM1 may play an important role in tumorogenesis. Furthermore, we have identified two regulatory <it>cis</it>-acting elements required for the alternative splicing of CEACAM1. Replacement of these regulatory elements by human β-globin exon sequences resulted in exon 7-skipped mRNA as the predominant product. Interestingly, while insertion of exon 7 in a β-globin reporter gene resulted in its skipping, exon 7 along with the flanking intron sequences recapitulated the alternative splicing of CEACAM1.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results indicate that a network of regulatory elements control the alternative splicing of CEACAM1. These findings may have important implications in therapeutic modalities of CEACAM1 linked human diseases.</p

    Counterrotating Nuclear Disks in Arp 220

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    The ultraluminous infrared galaxy Arp 220 has been observed at 0.5" resolution in CO(2-1) and 1 mm continuum using the newly expanded Owens Valley Millimeter Array. The CO and continuum peaks at the double nuclei and the surrounding molecular gas disk are clearly resolved. We find steep velocity gradients across each nucleus (dV ~ 500 km/s within r= 0.3") whose directions are not aligned with each other and with that of the outer gas disk. We conclude that the double nuclei have their own gas disks (r ~ 100 pc). They are counterrotating with respect to each other and embedded in the outer gas disk (r ~ 1 kpc) rotating around the dynamical center of the system. The masses of each nucleus are M_dyn > 2* 10^9 M_sun based on the CO kinematics. Although there is no evidence of an old stellar population in the optical or near infrared spectroscopy of the nuclei (probably due to the much brighter young population), it seems likely that these nuclei were 'seeded' from the pre-merger nuclei in view of their counterrotating gas kinematics. The gas disks probably constitute a significant fraction (~ 50 %) of the mass in each nucleus. The CO and continuum brightness temperatures imply that the nuclear gas disks have high area filling factors (~ 0.5-1) and have extremely high visual extinctions (Av ~ 1000 mag). The molecular gas must be hot (>= 40 K) and dense (>= 10^4-5 cm^-3), given the large mass and small scale-height of the nuclear disks. The continuum data suggest that the large luminosity (be it starburst or AGN) must originate within 100 pc of the two nuclear gas disks which were presumably formed through concentration of gas from the progenitor outer galaxy disks.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Setting the normalcy level of HI properties in isolated galaxies

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    Studying the atomic gas (HI) properties of the most isolated galaxies is essential to quantify the effect that the environment exerts on this sensitive component of the interstellar medium. We observed and compiled HI data for a well defined sample of ~ 800 galaxies in the Catalog of Isolated Galaxies, as part of the AMIGA project (Analysis of the ISM in Isolated GAlaxies, http://amiga.iaa.es), which enlarges considerably previous samples used to quantify the HI deficiency in galaxies located in denser environments. By studying the shape of 182 HI profiles, we revisited the usually accepted result that, independently of the environment, more than half of the galaxies present a perturbed HI disk. In isolated galaxies this would certainly be a striking result if these are supposed to be the most relaxed systems, and has implications in the relaxation time scales of HI disks and the nature of the most frequent perturbing mechanisms in galaxies. Our sample likely exhibits the lowest HI asymmetry level in the local Universe. We found that other field samples present an excess of ~ 20% more asymmetric HI profiles than that in CIG. Still a small percentage of galaxies in our sample present large asymmetries. Follow-up high resolution VLA maps give insight into the origin of such asymmetries.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Conference 'Galaxies in Isolation: Exploring Nature vs. Nurture', Granada, 12-15 May 2009. To be published in the ASP Conference Serie

    Genome-Wide Analysis Reveals Coating of the Mitochondrial Genome by TFAM

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    Mitochondria contain a 16.6 kb circular genome encoding 13 proteins as well as mitochondrial tRNAs and rRNAs. Copies of the genome are organized into nucleoids containing both DNA and proteins, including the machinery required for mtDNA replication and transcription. The transcription factor TFAM is critical for initiation of transcription and replication of the genome, and is also thought to perform a packaging function. Although specific binding sites required for initiation of transcription have been identified in the D-loop, little is known about the characteristics of TFAM binding in its nonspecific packaging state. In addition, it is unclear whether TFAM also plays a role in the regulation of nuclear gene expression. Here we investigate these questions by using ChIP-seq to directly localize TFAM binding to DNA in human cells. Our results demonstrate that TFAM uniformly coats the whole mitochondrial genome, with no evidence of robust TFAM binding to the nuclear genome. Our study represents the first high-resolution assessment of TFAM binding on a genome-wide scale in human cells

    New Panoramic View of 12^{12}CO and 1.1 mm Continuum Emission in the Orion A Molecular Cloud. I. Survey Overview and Possible External Triggers of Star Formation

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    We present new, wide and deep images in the 1.1 mm continuum and the 12^{12}CO (JJ=1-0) emission toward the northern part of the Orion A Giant Molecular Cloud (Orion-A GMC). The 1.1 mm data were taken with the AzTEC camera mounted on the Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment (ASTE) 10 m telescope in Chile, and the 12^{12}CO (JJ=1-0) data were with the 25 beam receiver (BEARS) on the NRO 45 m telescope in the On-The-Fly (OTF) mode. The present AzTEC observations are the widest (\timeform{1.D7} ×\times \timeform{2.D3}, corresponding to 12 pc ×\times 17 pc) and the highest-sensitivity (∼\sim9 mJy beam−1^{-1}) 1.1 mm dust-continuum imaging of the Orion-A GMC with an effective spatial resolution of ∼\sim 40\arcsec. The 12^{12}CO (JJ=1-0) image was taken over the northern \timeform{1D.2} \times\timeform{1D.2} (corresponding 9 pc ×\times 9 pc) area with a sensitivity of 0.93 K in TMBT_{\rm MB}, a velocity resolution of 1.0 km s−1^{-1}, and an effective spatial resolution of 21\arcsec. With these data, together with the MSX 8 μ\mum, Spitzer 24 μ\mum and the 2MASS data, we have investigated the detailed structure and kinematics of molecular gas associated with the Orion-A GMC and have found evidence for interactions between molecular clouds and the external forces that may trigger star formation. Two types of possible triggers were revealed; 1) Collision of the diffuse gas on the cloud surface, particularly at the eastern side of the OMC-2/3 region, and 2) Irradiation of UV on the pre-existing filaments and dense molecular cloud cores. Our wide-field and high-sensitivity imaging have provided the first comprehensive view of the potential sites of triggered star formation in the Orion-A GMC.Comment: 32 pages, 20 figures, accepted for publication in PAS
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