40 research outputs found

    Koefisien Perpindahan Massa Fasa Dispersi Asam Lemak Bebas dari Minyak Sawit Dalam Tangki Berpengaduk

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    Mass transfer in the liquid-liquid phase is an important phenomena in the extraction process. Mass transfer coefficient is one of the factors that influence the rate of mass transfer. Nowadays, in the extraction process of free fatty acid from palm oil with methanol, there\u27s no data of dispersion phase mass transfer coefficient. The goal of this research was todetermine and develop correlation of mass transfer coefficient in the dispersion phase on the extraction process of palm oil\u27s free fatty acid with methanol, as the solvent. Therefore, the research was held in two major steps. The first step was held a liquid-liquid extraction in the laboratory, and the second step was develop an empirical correlation for dispersion phase mass transfer coefficient in the term of dimensionless groups. Batch extraction was conducted in an agitated vessel. The variables that is studied in the process include temperature process, solvent to feed weight ratio, and impeller speed. Based on the data that was obtained from the experiment, the correlation equation that can be used to calculate the dispersion phase mass transfer coefficient was expressed by Sherwood number and could be correlated with turbine Reynolds number, Schmidt number, (dp/dT) and (L/S), and correlation is: Sh= 9,83x104 Re0.462 SC" (dp/dT)"°8 (L/S)"87 If the correlation above is used to calculate the mass transfer coefficient, the averege deviation is 9,8%. These dimensionless groups are developed in the range of 3169 to 11750, 6321 to 9897, 0,0007 to 0,0013, and 0,333 to 1 in the Reynolds number, Schmidt number, (dp/dT), and (L/S), respectively. Key words : dispersion phase, extraction, mass transfer coefficien


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    Ginger “Emprit” is a low-cost Indonesian spices with a high antioxidant content. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), such as Gendhis Manes in Ungaran, are the main producers of herbal beverage such as instant ginger drinks. In this MSMEs, the traditional method of making instant ginger drink is still used, such as using a manual stirrer instead of a mechanical stirring. The granulator is used to speed up the production process. By using a granulator or sub-critical extractor equipment equipped with photo-pasteurization-uv, this operation tends to increase the productivity of MSME Gendhis Manes

    The Effect of HLB Surfactant Value on The Characteristics of Emulsion Biodiesel Palm Oil Using Homogenizer

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    The process of making water emulsion in palm oil biodiesel is assisted by using two types of surfactants with different HLB values, namely Tween 80 and Span 80. This study aims to determine the characteristics of palm oil biodiesel emulsion made using a homogenizer with different HLB values, surfactant composition and water content in each sample. Density, viscosity, stability and microscopy tests were carried out to determine the characteristics of palm oil biodiesel emulsion. The results were obtained in the form of the highest density and viscosity values found in samples with high HLB values, surfactant composition and water content, while for stability test results were found in samples with low HLB values, surfactant composition and low water content. This shows that the difference in the value of HLB used will affect the amount of surfactant composition and moisture content in the sample composition and will affect the density, viscosity and stability of the palm oil biodiesel emulsion formed


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    The activities of Iptek Bagi Desa Binaan (IBDU) UNDIP tahun 2021 aims to increase the productivity of the Tiga Saudara cashew nut small scale industry  partner through introduction of a thermocontrolled multi-rack oven, so that quality of cashew nuts would be uniform, shorter processing time, and therby increasing income. The activity of multi-rack oven development was carried out by the Community Service Team of LPPM UNDIP through Iptek Bagi Desa Binaan (IBDU) program. The program was carried out instages including: i) oven design, ii) oven manufacturing, dan iii) functional and adaptation testing, dan iv) oven operation. The purpose of adaptation test is to operate the oven in relevance environment, whereas operationalization was to operate in an actual environment. Implementation of IBDU activites carried out by by the Community Service Team of LPPM UNDIP through the introduction of oven has had positive impact on Tiga Saudara’s partner. The thermocontrolled multi-rack oven has shown that the performance of these equipment is better, able ti produce uniform cashew nut quality so that productivity increase

    Effect of Banana Types on Oven Drying Process for Crispy Banana Production

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    This study aims to determine the effect of moisture and drying rate on Kepok and milk banana species, on the production process of crispy banana. An electric oven was used to examine the drying process at variable temperatures of 70 ÂșC, 80 ÂșC and 100 ÂșC with slices of 1 mm, 2 mm, 3 mm and 4 mm thickness. The results showed that the lowest moisture content and maximum drying rate obtained in Kepok was at a temperature of 100ÂșC, namely 69.167% and 0.045 grams/minute respectively. Meanwhile, for milk banana, the lowest moisture and the maximum drying rate was obtained at a temperature of 100 ÂșC, namely 68.167% and 0.042 grams/minute respectively. Furthermore, the organoleptic test results showed that kepok and milk banana experienced browning at 100 ÂșC, but did not at 70 ÂșC and 80 ÂșC with a thickness of 1mm, 2mm and 3mm. In addition, the pore structure of both bananas expanded, while the structure of the bananas appeared bigger after drying


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    Winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus L) which its nutrition content is similar to soybean, is expected as the substitute of soybean. Winged bean can be used as source of protein by transforming it into composite flour which can be used as food product or edible film in food packaging. The utilization of winged bean is limited caused by its strong bitter beany flavour. The beany flavour is caused by the conversion of unsaturated fatty acid especially linoleate that catalyzed by lipoksigenase. In order to avoid the beany flavour, it’s urge to find an appropriate method which able to extract the oil of winged bean in the low or zero activity of lipoksigenase. In order to avoid the conversion of hydroperoxide fatty acid, we need to develop an effective extraction method which inactivate the lipoksigenase and also separate the unsaturated fatty acid in winged bean. The purpose of the present study is to develop the kinetics models of the lipoxygenation enzyme inactivation in winged bean flour production. The kinetics models can be described as first orde reaction and it is depends on pressure, temperature and water concentration. Keywords: enzyme, inactivation, winged bea

    Effect of Cycling and Washing in Fouling Level from Theaflavin Filtration on Ultrafiltration Membrane

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    Ultrafiltration membranes, characterized by their molecular weight cutoff ranging from 50 to 100 kDa, are extensively employed for the filtration of macromolecules including suspended solids, carbohydrates, proteins, and various other components. However, the prolonged usage of these membranes leads to a notable decline in their performance due to fouling. Membrane fouling entails the accumulation of filtered foulant media and the formation of deposits, adversely impacting the filtration efficiency. This study focuses on evaluating the impact of repeated filtration cycles on membrane fouling and investigates the effectiveness of membrane washing in restoring membrane performance. The ultrafiltration membrane was subjected to five consecutive repetition cycles using theaflavin as the filtration media. The observed flux exhibited a substantial decline of 87%, decreasing from an initial value of 0.0574 L/m2.hr to 0.0073 L/m2.hr. To mitigate fouling and enhance membrane performance, a thorough washing process was carried out. Following the washing procedure, the flux was found to increase to 0.034 L/m2.hr, indicating a significant improvement in the membrane's performance. These findings are further supported by the morphological analysis of the membrane using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) photographs, which reveal the distinct differences between the membrane's morphology before and after washing