147 research outputs found

    Penerapan Model Indeks Tunggal dalam Menghitung Beta Saham Jakarta Islamic Index untuk Mengukur Risiko Sistematis

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    Β merupakan ukuran sensitivitas pengembalian saham terhadap Perubahan pengembalian pasar. Perhitungan β sangat penting dilakukan untuk mengetahui berapa besar risiko saham tersebut. Saham dengan nilai β > 1 memiliki risiko lebih tinggi dari risiko pasar, sebaliknya saham dengan nilai β 1 yaitu saham AALI, ASII, BUMI, SMGR, TLKM dan TINS, sedangkan saham yang termasuk dalam kelompok β < 1 yaitu saham ADHI, PTBA, PGAS, SULI, UNTR dan UNVR

    Menentukan Nilai Eigen Tak Dominan suatu Matriks Definit Negatif Menggunakan Metode Kuasa Invers dengan Shift

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    Metode Kuasa dengan shift adalah metode iteratif untuk menentukan nilai eigen tak dominan suatu matriks definit negatif. Jika vektor eigen tak dominan perkiraan diketahui, Kuesien Rayleigh memberikan nilai eigen tak dominan perkiraan. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bagaimana menentukan nilai eigen tak dominan suatu matriks definit negatif dengan metode Kuasa Invers dengan shift. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa iterasi berhenti ketika nilai galat mendekati nilai eigen tak dominan

    Analisis Penyelesaian Integrasi Perkalian dalam Membentuk Model Peluang Kebangkrutan suatu Perusahaan Asuransi

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    Traditional techniques used to compute the probability of ultimate ruin converge slowly to desired probabilities. Product integration can be used in such situations to yield fast and accurate estimates of ruin probabilities. Since product integration uses quadrature weights suited to the underlying distribution. Especially when claims risk model are from a heavy-tailed distribution, such as Weibull distribution


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    The golden apple snail, Pomacea canaliculata, has a complex history in Indonesia, where it was originally introduced as an aquarium fauna in 1981 but later became a pest in rice fields. As a result, there is a need for better understanding of the biological aspects of this species to develop efficient control measures. Phytochemical compounds found in plants, such as phenolic components, glucosinolates, and carotenoids, have various biological activities and potential health benefits. However, the phytochemical properties of the golden snail have not been extensively studied. In this research, samples of raw and boiled golden snail meat were analyzed for alkaloids, steroids, flavonoids, saponins, phenol hydroquinone, and carbohydrates using various methods. The results showed that both raw and boiled golden snail meat tested negative for alkaloids, steroids, flavonoids, saponins, and phenol hydroquinone. However, the Molisch test for carbohydrates gave positive results, indicating the presence of carbohydrates in both samples. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the phytochemical properties of the golden snail and highlight the potential biological activities of these compounds. Further research in this area may lead to the development of more targeted and sustainable control measures for the golden snail as a rice pest. Additionally, the presence of carbohydrates in the snail meat may have implications for its nutritional value and potential uses in the food industry

    Oyster Mussels (Crassostrea gigas) Transport System (Case Study in Kamashima Company) in Hyogo, Japan: English

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    Oyster culture is an aquaculture activity that is mostly carried out in Japanese waters. While in Indonesia, oyster shells are widely consumed, but they have not been produced through the culture process but are caught on the high seas. This study aims to determine how the application of technology and transportation in the culture and sale of oyster in Japan. Based on literature studies and activities at the Kamashima-Japan company, transportation is an important part of oyster farming activities. Oyster transportation technology is currently carried out in two areas, namely sea and land, using open and closed dry transportation methods. Sea transportation uses Hydraulic Cranes for Shipboard Use (Marine Cranes) technology which is applied to special vessels measuring 6-7 GT with the classification of Truck-mounted cranes, while land transportation uses Styrofoam boxes equipped with ice blocks to immobilize the temperature. &nbsp;The size of the wind that blows in the sea, the time of pick-up and delivery, and the number of oyster shells required are important factors in these transportation activities

    Digestibility of Feed Supplemented with Common Pleco Meal and Its Impact on The Growth of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis sp.)

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    Common pleco is a wild fish whose habitat occupies a lot of reservoir areas and public waters in Indonesia. The amount is abundant and not consumed by humans, is a great potential to be used as a source of animal protein in fish feed. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the digestibility of common pleco fish meal in artificial feed for nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus.) The study was carried out at the Aquaculture Laboratory Hatchery, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran, while the manufacture of common pleco meal, proximate analysis of feed ingredients and the test feed was carried out by the Laboratory of Chemistry and Animal Feed, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Universitas Padjadjaran. The design used in this study was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 5 (five) treatments and 3 (three) replications. The treatment given was the addition of common pleco flour in artificial feed at 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%. The parameters observed in this study consisted of digestibility, growth rate, and water quality. The results of the research on some of these parameters indicate that the addition of common pleco meal can still be used in artificial feed up to 10%. The tilapia studied had the highest relative growth with a value of 0.218%. The digestibility level of the studied feed reached a value of 85.256%, and the water quality studied was still within the safe tolerance limits for fish farming. Based on the results of this study, the negative effect on the survival rate of tilapia did not occur until the addition of common pleco flour to artificial feed reached 10%. Thus, the fish meal has the potential as an alternative to fish meal in fish feed formulations

    Postcolonial Studies: Hybridity and the Dominance of Whites over Blacks in American Poetry

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    This study aims to reveal the postcolonial issues contained in poetry I, Too by Langston Hughes and Incident by Countee Cullen. Both authors of these poems are figures from black people in America. The method used in this study is the qualitative method and literature study approach with the aim of exploring, describing, and understanding how the hybridity and dominance of whites over blacks in American poetry. The data source of this study is the words and phrases in both poems. The data containing postcolonial: hybridity and mimicry in the poems were characterized and analyzed using Homi K. Bhabha's theory (2007). Bhabha in his thinking tries to provide a "middle space" between the colonizer and the colonized. Bhabha states the concept of a “middle space” as a time-lag. This space is an intercultural space where personal and communal self-defense strategies can be developed. All of these cultural expressions and systems are built in a space called the “third space of enunciation”. Interestingly, the issue of hybridity that occurred a century ago has not completely gone in a better direction. The proof is that at the beginning of the first semester of 2020 there was an incident of violence against blacks by whites which caused a massive demonstration that led to the creation of a movement group called Black Lives Matter. This study uncovers how bad the treatment of white people towards black people is that the position and social stratifications between them are different


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    This manuscript provides a comprehensive review of the potential and utilization of cassava peel as a fish feeding redient. Agro-industrial activities in Indonesia generate substantial waste, including cassavapeel, which can serve as avaluable carbohydrate source in fish feed. Cassava is the third most important food crop commodity in Indonesia, and its productivity has been increasing over the years. Cassava possesses a good nutritional profile, with high starch content and energy value. Fermentation of cassava peel can enhance its nutritional value by increasing crude protein content and reducing anti-nutrients such as cyanide acid. Fermented cassava peel products have been shown to reduce reliance on imported feed ingredients and lower production costs without compromising fish growth. The utilization of fermented cassava peel waste presents a sustainable solution for converting agro-industrial waste into a suitable fish feed ingredient.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp


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    AbstrakObjek wisata Gua Ngerong dan Gua Putri Asih merupakan objek wisata alam yang berada di Kabupaten Tuban. Objek wisata Gua Ngerong dan Gua Putri Asih memiliki keindahan alam yang dapat menarik wisatawan untuk datang, namun objek wisata ini masih didominasi oleh pengunjung dari Kabupaten Tuban, terlihat dari 100 orang responden yang berkunjung ke Gua Ngerong dan Gua Putri Asih, memiliki frekuensi 36% wisatawan Gua Ngerong yang berasal dari Kabupaten Tuban sedangkan Gua Putri Asih memiliki frekuensi 48%. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan karakteristik objek wisata Gua Ngerong dan Gua Putri Asih, serta pengelolaan kedua objek wisata tersebut, sehingga dapat mengetahui apa yang harus di perbaiki dan diterapkan pada objek wisata Gua Ngerong dan Gua Putri Asih.Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Lokasi penelitian berada di objek wisata Gua Ngerong dan Gua Putri Asih Kabupaten Tuban. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode Accidental Sampling. Peneliti mengambil sampel 100 orang responden. Metode pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik skoring dengan skala likert.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan karakteristik objek wisata Gua Ngerong memiliki aksesibilitas, atraksi, fasilitas pengunjung, dan keindahan alam yang baik, sedangkan karakteristik objek wisata Gua Putri Asih memiliki keindahan alam dan strategi promosi yang sangat baik, aksesibilitas dan atraksi yang baik, dengan fasilitas pengunjung. Pengelolaan Objek Wisata Gua Ngerong sudah cukup baik, di lihat dari sarana-prasarana yang cukup lengkap dengan kondisi yang baik, memiliki strategi promosi yang baik, dan sebagian besar yang di rencanakan pengelola telah terlaksana, kecuali beberapa kegiatan yang terkendala oleh pendanaan. Pengelolaan Gua Putri Asih dirasa kurang maksimal dikarenakan masih banyak sarana-prasarana yang kurang layak, terlihat pada perencanaan perbaikan fasilitas pengunjung yang tidak terlaksana karena terkendala oleh pendanaan, hal ini adalah salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan, wisatawan tidak nyaman untuk berkunjung di Objek Wisata Gua Ngerong meskipun memiliki keindahan alam serta strategi promosi yang baik.Kata kunci: destinasi wisata, karakteristik objek wisata, pengelola wisata,wisata alam


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    This field activity was conducted from May to July 2023 at the technical services unit Cibiru Fish Seed Center (Cibiru FSC), located in Pasir Biru Village, Cibiru District, Bandung City. The primary aim of this activity is to gain insights into consumption fish cultivation activities and the community-oriented role of the Cibiru FSC. The methodology involves active participation in the FSC's activities, field observations, discussions with field supervisors, and consultations with experts at Cibiru FSC. “Nirwana” tilapia spawning was conducted semi-naturally, employing 3 nets of 4x4 m hapa nets in Pond D Cibiru FSC, which spans 30x30 m. Each hapa net accommodates 100 fish, comprising 25 males and 75 females, with a male-to-female parent ratio of 1:3. Water quality assessments indicate favorable conditions at the Cibiru Fish Seed Center, with a pH level of 8.05, a temperature of 28℃, and dissolved oxygen at 7.8, meeting the prerequisites for optimal tilapia cultivation. The Cibiru FSC plays a pivotal role as both a producer and distributor of fish seeds and fish broodstock, particularly tilapia. Consequently, the FSC engages in distributing fish seeds to various groups, including farmers, without charge. The notable aspect of Cibiru FSC is its commitment to providing fish seeds and distribution services at no cost to the recipients, showcasing its dedication to supporting local fish farming initiatives