12 research outputs found

    Association between coverage and UniFrac distances at different coverage.

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    <p>(A) Weighted and (B) unweighted UniFrac distances. For ‘Between individuals’ each data point includes 36 distances calculated from 6 samples of individual B and 6 samples of individual C. For ‘Within same individual’ each data point includes 18 distances (9 within sample B and 9 within sample C). Mean ± SD.</p

    Association between coverage and the number of OTUs.

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    <p>(A) The number of OTUs sampled as a function of number of reads. The data points represent mean ± SD of five randomized samplings. (B) Coverage to detect OTU with different frequencies with ≄95% of confidence. The data points were estimated based on the binomial distribution (see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0016952#s4" target="_blank">Materials and Methods</a>). The x axis is shown in logarithmic scale.</p

    UniFrac distances between sequencing methods.

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    <p>(A) Weighted and (B) unweighted UniFrac distances. Reads by 454 Standard chemistry were compared with technical replicates of the same DNAs sequenced by 454 Standard chemistry (Standard), with 454 Titanium chemistry (no trim), and with 454 Titanium chemistry with sequences trimmed at 270 bp (trim). ** p<0.01, **** p<0.0001</p

    UniFrac distances between the seven biopsies and two sampling types of stools.

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    <p>Weighted distances are shown in the cells below the diagonal and unweighted distances are shown above the diagonal. Significance was tested with each UniFrac distance between that of two extractions from the same anatomic region (Mean ± SD, weighted: 0.084±0.027, unweighted: 0.415±0.068).</p><p>* p<0.05,</p><p>** p<0.01,</p><p>*** p<0.001,</p><p>**** p<0.0001. Significant p values after Bonferroni correction ( =  1.67×10<sup>−3</sup>) are underlined.</p

    Proportion of the top 4 bacterial classes in the six biopsies of two individuals by different extraction kits (Mini Kit and Stool Kit).

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    <p>Proportion of the top 4 bacterial classes in the six biopsies of two individuals by different extraction kits (Mini Kit and Stool Kit).</p

    UniFrac distances between different PCR conditions.

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    <p>(A) Weighted and (B) unweighted UniFrac distances. UniFrac distances were calculated between the most used PCR condition (annealing temperature: 55°C and the number of cycle: 25 cycles) and three PCR conditions; the same PCR condition (technical replication), the PCR condition of more cycles (55°C and 35 cycles), and the PCR condition of lower annealing temperature (50°C and 25 cycles). * p<0.05, ** p<0.01</p

    Identification of four independent LD blocks in the 8p23.1 region <i>(~3</i>.<i>3 MBs</i>).

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    <p>Identification of four independent LD blocks in the 8p23.1 region <i>(~3</i>.<i>3 MBs</i>).</p

    Potential novel SNVs/Genes associated with BP traits in African ancestry.

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    <p>Potential novel SNVs/Genes associated with BP traits in African ancestry.</p

    Novel SNVs/Genes associated with BP traits in Multi-ancestry meta-analysis in combined Stage 1 and Stage 2.

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    <p>Novel SNVs/Genes associated with BP traits in Multi-ancestry meta-analysis in combined Stage 1 and Stage 2.</p

    Novel SNVs/Genes associated with BP traits in European ancestry.

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    <p>Novel SNVs/Genes associated with BP traits in European ancestry.</p