1,103 research outputs found

    Grand-canonical simulation of two-dimensional simplicial gravity

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    The string susceptibility exponents of dynamically triangulated 2-dimensional surfaces with various topologies, such as a sphere, torus and double-torus, were calculated by the grand-canonical Monte Carlo method. These simulations were made for surfaces coupled to dd-Ising spins (dd=0,1,2,3,5). In each simulation the area of surface was constrained to within 1000 to 3000 of triangles, while maintaining the detailed-balance condition. The numerical results show excellent agreement with theoretical predictions as long as d≀2d \leq 2.Comment: 9 pages, Latex include 5 postscript figures, using psfig.sty and cite.st

    Scaling Behavior in 4D Simplicial Quantum Gravity

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    Scaling relations in four-dimensional simplicial quantum gravity are proposed using the concept of the geodesic distance. Based on the analogy of a loop length distribution in the two-dimensional case, the scaling relations of the boundary volume distribution in four dimensions are discussed in three regions: the strong-coupling phase, the critical point and the weak-coupling phase. In each phase a different scaling behavior is found.Comment: 12 pages, latex, 10 postscript figures, uses psfig.sty and cite.st

    Minbu distribution of two dimensional quantum gravity: simulation result and semiclassical analysis

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    We analyse MINBU distribution of 2 dimensional quantum gravity. New data of R^2-gravity by the Monte Carlo simulation and its theoretical analysis by the semiclassical approach are presented. The cross-over phenomenon takes place at some size of the baby universe where the randomness competes with the smoothing force of R^2-term. The dependence on the central charge c_m\ and on the R^2-coupling are explained for the ordinary 2d quantum gravity and for R^2-gravity. The R^2-Liouville solution plays the central role in the semiclassical analysis. A total derivative term (surface term) and the infrared regularization play important roles . The surface topology is that of a sphere

    Common Structures in Simplicial Quantum Gravity

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    The statistical properties of dynamically triangulated manifolds (DT mfds) in terms of the geodesic distance have been studied numerically. The string susceptibility exponents for the boundary surfaces in three-dimensional DT mfds were measured numerically. For spherical boundary surfaces, we obtained a result consistent with the case of a two-dimensional spherical DT surface described by the matrix model. This gives a correct method to reconstruct two-dimensional random surfaces from three-dimensional DT mfds. Furthermore, a scaling property of the volume distribution of minimum neck baby universes was investigated numerically in the case of three and four dimensions, and we obtain a common scaling structure near to the critical points belonging to the strong coupling phase in both dimensions. We have evidence for the existence of a common fractal structure in three- and four-dimensional simplicial quantum gravity.Comment: 10 pages, latex, 6 ps figures, uses cite.sty and psfig.st
