321 research outputs found

    H2O maser motions and the distance of the star forming region G192.16-3.84

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    We present the results of astrometic observations of H2O masers associated with the star forming region G192.16-3.84 with the VLBI Exploration of Radio Astrometry (VERA). The H2O masers seem to be associated with two young stellar objects (YSOs) separated by \sim1200 AU as reported in previous observations. In the present observations, we successfully detected an annual parallax of 0.66 \pm 0.04 mas for the H2 O masers, which corresponds to a distance to G192.16-3.84 of D = 1.52 \pm 0.08 kpc from the Sun. The determined distance is shorter than the estimated kinematic distance. Using the annual parallax distance and the estimated parameters of the millimeter continuum emission, we estimate the mass of the disk plus circumstellar cloud in the southern young stellar object to be 10.0+4.3M\cdot. We also estimate the galactocentric distance and the peculiar motion -3.6 of G192.16-3.84, relative to a circular Galactic rotation: R\star = 9.99 \pm 0.08 kpc, Z\star = -0.10 \pm 0.01 kpc, and (U\star,V\star,W\star)=(-2.8\pm1.0,-10.5\pm0.3,4.9\pm2.7)[kms-1]respectively. The peculiar motion of G192.16-3.84 is within that typically found in recent VLBI astrometric results. The angular distribution and three-dimensional velocity field of H2O maser features associated with the northern YSO indicate the existence of a bipolar outflow with a major axis along the northeast-southwest direction.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures and 4 tables. Accepted for publication on PAS

    High-pressure synthesis, crystal structure determination, and a Ca substitution study of the metallic rhodium oxide NaRh2O4

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    The sodium rhodate NaRh2O4 was synthesized for the first time and characterized by neutron and X-ray diffraction studies and measurements of magnetic susceptibility, specific heat, electrical resistivity, and the Seebeck coefficient. NaRh2O4 crystallizes in the CaFe2O4-type structure, which is comprised of a characteristic RhO6 octahedral network. The compound is metallic in nature, probably reflecting the 1:1 mixed valence character of Rh(III) and Rh(IV) in the network. For further studies of the compound, the Rh valence was varied significantly by means of an aliovalent substitution: the full-range solid solution between NaRh2O4 and CaRh2O 4 was achieved and characterized as well. The metallic state was dramatically altered, and a peculiar magnetism developed in the low Na concentration range

    Dose-response relationship between sports activity and musculoskeletal pain in adolescents.

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    Physical activity has multiple health benefits but may also increase the risk of developing musculoskeletal pain (MSP). However, the relationship between physical activity and MSP has not been well characterized. This study examined the dose-response relationship between sports activity and MSP among adolescents. Two school-based serial surveys were conducted 1 year apart in adolescents aged 12 to 18 years in Unnan, Japan. Self-administered questionnaires were completed by 2403 students. Associations between time spent in organized sports activity and MSP were analyzed cross-sectionally (n = 2403) and longitudinally (n = 374, students free of pain and in seventh or 10th grade at baseline) with repeated-measures Poisson regression and restricted cubic splines, with adjustment for potential confounders. The prevalence of overall pain, defined as having pain recently at least several times a week in at least one part of the body, was 27.4%. In the cross-sectional analysis, sports activity was significantly associated with pain prevalence. Each additional 1 h/wk of sports activity was associated with a 3% higher probability of having pain (prevalence ratio = 1.03, 95% confidence interval = 1.02-1.04). Similar trends were found across causes (traumatic and nontraumatic pain) and anatomic locations (upper limbs, lower back, and lower limbs). In longitudinal analysis, the risk ratio for developing pain at 1-year follow-up per 1 h/wk increase in baseline sports activity was 1.03 (95% confidence interval = 1.02-1.05). Spline models indicated a linear association (P < 0.001) but not a nonlinear association (P ≥ 0.45). The more the adolescents played sports, the more likely they were to have and develop pain.This study was supported by a Grant-in-Aid from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan. MK is supported by a JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research Abroad. FI is supported by the Medical Research Council Epidemiology Unit (MC_UU_12015/1; MC_UU_12015/5).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Wolters Kluwer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/j.pain.000000000000052

    Deposition of thick, rigid and size-controlled silica particle layer on aluminum sheet for water vapor adsorption

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    Toward the development of a new adsorbent heat exchanger of adsorption chillers, silica-coated aluminum sheets were prepared by the combination of sol-gel and electrophoretic deposition techniques. Silica sols were synthesized by the hydrolysis of tetraethoxysilane precursor in an ethanol solution, and then a silica layer was directly formed on an aluminum sheet by electrophoretic deposition of the silica sols. The silica-coated aluminum sheets were subjected to the aging treatment in an ammonia water bath with a DC electric field. This aging treatment was found to be very effective to form rigid silica layer on aluminum sheet. It was found that the obtained layer was composed of monodisperse and spherical submicron-sized silica particles. Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) in the silica sol solution played an important role in controlling the deposited amount of silica particles as well as their sizes. The particle size increased from 0.10 to 0.83 µm with an increase in SDS concentration. For the silica-coated aluminum sheet prepared at a pH value of 10.6 and a SDS concentration of 0.05 mass%, the deposited amount reached a maximum value of 19.8 mg cm−2, which was much higher than those reported by Kishida et al. (1994). The prepared composites were evaluated for the characteristics of water vapor adsorption through volumetric experiments. The results of adsorption experiments showed that the composite with a higher silica content adsorbed a larger amount of water vapor in the relative pressure range below 0.3. © 2017 Elsevier LtdEmbargo Period 12 month

    Detection of Nε-(hexanoyl)lysine in the tropomyosin 1 protein in N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine-induced rat gastric cancer cells

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    Nε-(Hexanoyl)lysine, formed by the reaction of lysine with n-6 lipid hydroperoxide, is a lipid peroxidation marker during the initial stage of oxidative stress. The aim of the present study is to indentify Nε-(hexanoyl)lysine-modified proteins in neoplastic transformed gastric mucosal cells by N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, and to compare the levels of these proteins between gastric mucosal cells and normal gastric cells. Much greater fluorescence of 2-[6-(4'-hydroxy)phenoxyl-3H-xanthen-3-on-9-yl]benzoic acid, an index of the intracellular levels of reactive oxygen species, was observed for gastric mucosal cells compared to normal gastric cells. Nε-(Hexanoyl)lysine-modified proteins were detected by SDS-PAGE or two-dimensional electrophoresis and Western blotting using anti-Nε-(hexanoyl)lysine polyclonal antibody, and a protein band of between 30–40 kDa was clearly increased in gastric mucosal cells compared to normal gastric cells. Two Nε-(hexanoyl)lysine-modified protein spots in gastric mucosal cells were identified as the tropomyosin 1 protein by mass spectrometry using a MASCOT search. The existence of Nε-(hexanoyl)lysine modification in tropomyosin 1 was confirmed by Western blotting of SDS-PAGE-separated or two-dimensional electrophoresis-separated proteins as well as by the immunoprecipitation with anti-tropomyosin 1 antibody. These data indicate that Nε-(hexanoyl)lysine modification of tropomyosin 1 may be related to neoplastic transformation by N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine in gastric epithelial cells


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     本研究の目的は,改定された学習指導要領で示された「深い学び」を実現する手立てを生活科において明らかにすることである。「深い学び」を実現するためには,「気付きの質を高める」ことが重要となる。1 年生「サツマイモ栽培」,2 年生「おもちゃづくり」の単元において,「体験活動と表現活動とが豊かに行き来する個と全体の相互作用」の質を高めることを通して,気付きの質を高め,「深い学び」に届く生活科授業を構想した。実践の結果,「『環境』」を通して児童の思いや願いを育てる」,「児童の思いを出し,つながる場をつくる」,「児童にとって必然性のある振り返りを行う」,の手立てが有効であることが明らかになった。本単元で扱ったサツマイモ栽培などの動植物を扱う単元やものづくり単元は,児童の思いや願いを生み出しやすい単元でもある。今後の課題は,こうした単元以外においても,「深い学び」に届く授業を構想・実践し,その手立てを明らかにすることである