252 research outputs found

    Interaction of β-lactoglobulin with chaperonin GroEL

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    Sakai, Kazuko, Hoshino, Masaru and Goto, Yuji "Interaction of β-lactoglobulin with chaperonin GroEL", Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy, 68, 4A, 341-347, Indian National Science Academy, 200

    Attribute Assignment to Point Cloud Data and Its Usage

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    In recent years, with the development of laser measurement technology, utilization of point cloud data is progressing. However, since point cloud data does not contain attribute information, the usability of the data is low. It is possible to consider that by assigning attributes to the nonattribute point cloud data, this can lead to the usage of point cloud data in each phase of life cycle of construction: design, construction, and maintenance. Therefore, in this paper, the authors have proposed an attribute assignment method for point cloud data. In addition, the authors proposed the way to use attributed point cloud data, the usage as objects, data linkage, and visualization by using the attribute assignment method. Point cloud data of a dam was used as a case study for the proposed method and the usage

    Dimethylsulfoxide-quenched hydrogen/deuterium exchange method to study amyloid fibril structure

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    AbstractA general method to analyze the structure of a supramolecular complex of amyloid fibrils at amino acid residue resolution has been developed. This method combines the NMR-detected hydrogen/deuterium (H/D) exchange technique to detect hydrogen-bonded amide groups and the ability of the aprotic organic solvent dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) to dissolve amyloid fibrils into NMR-observable, monomeric components while suppressing the undesired H/D exchange reaction. Moreover, this method can be generally applied to amyloid fibrils to elucidate the distribution of hydrogen-bonded amino acid residues in the three-dimensional molecular organization in the amyloid fibrils. In this study, we describe theoretical considerations in the H/D exchange method to obtain the structural information of proteins, and the DMSO-quenched H/D exchange method to study a supramolecular complex of amyloid fibrils. A possible application of this method to study the interaction of a protein/peptide with phospholipid membrane is also discussed


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    summary:The Golomb space Nτ{\mathbb N}_\tau is the set N{\mathbb N} of positive integers endowed with the topology τ\tau generated by the base consisting of arithmetic progressions {a+bn:n0}\{a+ bn: n\ge 0\} with coprime a,ba,b. We prove that the Golomb space Nτ{\mathbb N}_\tau has continuum many continuous self-maps, contains a countable disjoint family of infinite closed connected subsets, the set Π\Pi of prime numbers is a dense metrizable subspace of Nτ{\mathbb N}_\tau, and each homeomorphism hh of Nτ{\mathbb N}_\tau has the following properties: h(1)=1h(1)=1, h(Π)=Πh(\Pi)=\Pi, Πh(x)=h(Πx)\Pi_{h(x)}=h(\Pi_x), and h(xN)=h(x)Nh(x^{{\mathbb N}})=h(x)^{\,\mathbb N} for all xNx\in{\mathbb N}. Here xN:={xn ⁣:nN}x^{\mathbb N}:=\{x^n\colon n\in{\mathbb N}\} and Πx\Pi_x denotes the set of prime divisors of xx

    Partially Folded Structure of Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide-depleted Ferredoxin-NADP+ Reductase with Residual NADP+ Binding Domain

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    This research was originally published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry. Masahiro Maeda, Daizo Hamada, Masaru Hoshino, Yayoi Onda, Toshiharu Hase and Yuji Goto. Partially Folded Structure of Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide-depleted Ferredoxin-NADP+ Reductase with Residual NADP+ Binding Domain. J. Biol. Chem. 2002; 277, 17101-17107. © the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biolog

    Le projet de paysage comme dispositif d’éveil et de prise de conscience du risque

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    Les grands travaux publics d’aménagement de lutte contre les catastrophes sont très souvent conçus d’un point de vue strictement technique, transformant radicalement des paysages en réponse à un niveau de risque maximal, sans prendre en compte leur potentielle valeur sociale et socialisante pour les populations locales qu’ils visent à protéger. Cet article présente l’hypothèse selon laquelle une approche paysagère permet de concevoir des aménagements alternatifs répondant à un ensemble de problématiques plus complexes qui dépassent largement la simple question technique. À l’heure de l’Anthropocène où l’impact de l’humanité sur les écosystèmes terrestres est devenu le moteur des évolutions environnementales, il apparaît important que des projets d’aménagement portés par la puissance publique puissent servir de support pour (re)construire de nouvelles relations entre milieux et société. Il s’agit notamment de nourrir une sensibilité indispensable envers la nature et de servir à l’éveil d’une conscience de « ce qui est durable ». Pour cela, le paysagiste doit déplacer les fondements théoriques de son approche en mettant en avant une « esthétique de l’engagement » à la place d’une « esthétique du détachement ». Deux aménagements réalisés afin de lutter contre les inondations dans l’île de Kyūshū au Japon, auxquels l’auteur a participé en tant que paysagiste, servent de support à la réflexion.Major public works to combat disasters are very often designed from a strictly technical point of view radically transforming landscapes in response to a maximum level of risk without consideration for their potential social value and their importance in the socialisation of the local populations they are intended to protect. This article puts forward the hypothesis that a landscape approach makes it possible to design alternative developments addressing more complex issues than purely technical questions. At a time in the Anthropocene era when humanity’s impact on terrestrial ecosystems has become the driving force behind environmental change, it is important that development projects proposed by public authorities should be used as a support for (re)building new relationships between environments and society. This implies nurturing a crucial sensitivity towards nature and an awareness of "what is sustainable". To do this, the landscape architect must shift the theoretical foundations of his or her approach by putting forward the notion of the "aesthetics of engagement" as opposed to the "aesthetics of detachment". Two projects the author participated in as a landscape architect, and which were intended to combat flooding on the island of Kyūshū in Japan, serve as starting points in this reflection


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    本稿は,筆者が関わった 2 つの事例,災害復旧事業として,観光地における分水路整備と,治水事業として,都市内の河川改修事業を紹介する。それらの事例は,日本の河川行政における制度改正の好影響を受けた事例である。前者は自然な形状に岩盤を掘削し,後者は豊かで貴重な緑を保全し,歴史的な技法で石積みを再生した。それらは共に,治水と景観の両立を図るだけではなく,自然への介入が大きい土木事業を積極的に活用し,自然と人間との新しい関係(出会い)を促すことに成功している。また,協働という観点からは,住民だけではなく,施工者も巻き込み,プロセス全体において,多様な主体と協働することの価値を示している。Major public works to combat disasters are very often designed from a strictly technical point of view radically transforming landscapes in response to a maximum level of risk without consideration for their potential social value and their importance in the socialisation of the local populations they are intended to protect. This article puts forward the hypothesis that a landscape approach makes it possible to design alternative developments addressing more complex issues than purely technical questions. At a time in the Anthropocene era when humanity's impact on terrestrial ecosystems has become the driving force behind environmental change, it is important that development projects proposed by public authorities should be used as a support for (re)building new relationships between environments and society. This implies nurturing a crucial sensitivity towards nature and an awareness of "what is sustainable". To do this, the landscape architect must shift the theoretical foundations of his or her approach by putting forward the notion of the "aesthetics of engagement" as opposed to the "aesthetics of detachment". Two projects the author participated in as a landscape architect, and which were intended to combat flooding on the island of Kyūshū in Japan, serve as starting points in this reflection

    Infection of mesangial cells with HIV and SIV: Identification of GPR1 as a coreceptor

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    Infection of mesangial cells with HIV and SIV: Identification of GPR1 as a coreceptor.BackgroundMesangial cells are an important component of the glomerulus. Dysfunction of mesangial cells is thought to be involved in the development of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-associated nephropathy (HIVAN). HIVAN is a structural renal failure frequently observed in patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome. However, the susceptibility of mesangial cells to HIV-1 is disputable. More than ten G protein-coupled receptors, including chemokine receptors, have been shown to act as HIV-1 coreceptors that determine the susceptibilities of cells to HIV-1 strains with specific cell tropisms.MethodsWe examined the susceptibility of mesangial cells to various HIV-1, HIV type 2 (HIV-2) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) strains. Expression of CD4 and HIV/SIV coreceptors was examined by Western blotting and polymerase chain reaction.ResultsMesangial cells were found to be susceptible to HIV-1 variant and mutants that infect brain-derived cells, but highly resistant to T-tropic (X4), M-tropic (R5) or dual-tropic (X4R5) HIV-1 strains. In addition, mesangial cells were also susceptible to HIV-2 and SIV strains that infect the brain-derived cells. Among HIV/SIV coreceptors we tested, the expression of GPR1 mRNA was detected in mesangial cells. Expression of CD4 mRNA and protein was also detected in them. Mesangial cells and GPR1-transduced CD4-positive cells showed similar susceptibilities to the HIV-1 variant and mutants and HIV-2 and SIV strains.ConclusionsCD4 and GPR1 mRNAs were detected in mesangial cells. Mesangial cells were susceptible to HIV/SIV strains that use GPR1 as a coreceptor. Our findings suggest that an orphan G protein-coupled receptor, GPR1, is a coreceptor expressed in mesangial cells. It remains to be investigated whether the interaction of mesangial cells with specific HIV-1 strains through GPR1 plays a role in the development of HIVAN