25 research outputs found

    Physics and applications of charged domain walls

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    The charged domain wall is an ultrathin (typically nanosized) interface between two domains; it carries bound charge owing to a change of normal component of spontaneous polarization on crossing the wall. In contrast to hetero-interfaces between different materials, charged domain walls (CDWs) can be created, displaced, erased, and recreated again in the bulk of a material. Screening of the bound charge with free carriers is often necessary for stability of CDWs, which can result in giant two-dimensional conductivity along the wall. Usually in nominally insulating ferroelectrics, the concentration of free carriers at the walls can approach metallic values. Thus, CDWs can be viewed as ultrathin reconfigurable strongly conductive sheets embedded into the bulk of an insulating material. This feature is highly attractive for future nanoelectronics. The last decade was marked by a surge of research interest in CDWs. It resulted in numerous breakthroughs in controllable and reproducible fabrication of CDWs in different materials, in investigation of CDW properties and charge compensation mechanisms, in discovery of light-induced effects, and, finally, in detection of giant two-dimensional conductivity. The present review is aiming at a concise presentation of the main physical ideas behind CDWs and a brief overview of the most important theoretical and experimental findings in the field

    Atrial septal defect in adults is associated with airway hyperresponsiveness

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    Objective: The association between secundum atrial septal defects (ASD) and asthma-like dyspnea with consequent long-term pulmonary inhalant use, is poorly understood in adult ASD patients. Airway hyperresponsiveness is suggested to be the underlying mechanism of cardiac asthma from mitral valve disease and ischemic cardiomyopathy. We hypothesized that airway hyperresponsiveness may also be found in adult ASD patients. Our aim was to study airway responsiveness in adult ASD patients before percutaneous closure and at short-and long-term postprocedural follow-up. Methods: This prospective study included 31 ASD patients (65% female, mean age 49 ± 15y) who underwent spirometry and bronchoprovocation testing pre-and six-month postprocedurally, with additional bronchoprovocation at 2-year follow-up. Airway hyperresponsiveness was defined as ≥20% fall of forced expiratory volume in 1-second (FEV1) following <8.0 mg/mL of inhaled methacholine. Results: Airway hyperresponsiveness was found in 19/30 patients (63%[95%CI 45%-81%]; post hoc statistical power = 89%). Asthma-like symptoms wheezing, chest tightness, and cough were more frequently reported in airway hyperresponsive patients. Airway responsiveness was not influenced by successful percutaneous ASD closure, corresponding to persistence of asthma-like symptoms postclosure. Regardless of airway responsiveness, postprocedural right-sided reverse remodeling significantly improved dyspnea and pulmonary function. Conclusions: This study is the first to report a high prevalence of airway hyperresponsiveness in a cohort of unrepaired adult ASD patients, and confirms the association between asthma-like symptoms and ASD in adults. Attention to symptoms and pulmonary function should be given during clinical follow-up of adult ASD patients, both before and long after repair

    Tema 14: Aglomerados de estrelas

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    We present observations of the symbiotic star CH Cyg with a new JHK-band beam combiner mounted to the IOTA interferometer. The new beam combiner consists of an anamorphic cylindrical lens system and a grism, and allows the simultaneous recording of spectrally dispersed J-, H- and K-band Michelson interferograms. The observations of CH Cyg were conducted on 5, 6, 8 and 11 June 2001 using baselines of 17m to 25m. From the interferograms of CH Cyg, J-, H-, and K-band visibility functions can be determined. Uniform-disk fits to the visibilities give, e.g., stellar diameters of (7.8 ± 0.6) mas and (8.7 ± 0.8) mas in H and K, respectively. Angular stellar filter radii and Rosseland radii are derived from the measured visibilities by fitting theoretical center-to-limb intensity variations (CLVs) of Mira star models. The available HIPPARCOS parallax of CH Cyg allows us to determine linear radii. For example, on the basis of the K-band visibility, Rosseland radii in the range of 214 to 243 solar radii can be derived utilizing CLVs of different fundamental mode Mira models as fit functions. These radii agree well within the error bars with the corresponding theoretical model Rosseland radii of 230 to 282 solar radii. Models of first overtone pulsators are not in good agreement with the observations. The wavelength dependence of the stellar diameter can be well studied by using visibility ratios V(λ1)/V(λ2) since ratios of visibilities of different spectral channels can be measured with higher precision than absolute visibilities. We found that the 2.03 μm uniform disk diameter of CH Cyg is approximately 1.1 times larger than the 2.15 μm and 2.26 μm uniform-disk diameter

    Research of thermal processes in hollow cathode

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    A hollow cathode in a heavy-current arc discharge of a lower pressure has been considered in the paper. The purpose of the paper is to investigate the interaction of a hollow cathode with plasma of an arc discharge on the basis of an experimental and theoretical study of thermal condition of the hollow cathode. In the result of the research the thermal flow dependence on the arc current has been obtained and substantiated theoretically, an analysis of models of the electrical transfer and plasma parameters in a cathode zone has been given. The research procedure permits to study cathode processes and to design a limiting mode of cathode assembly of the heavy-current vacuum plasma generator. The results of the research have been used in the educational process in the course &quot;Theory of Electrical Heating&quot;, section &quot;Arc Discharges of Lower Pressure&quot;Available from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio

    Bioethics in Russia: History and Present-day Problems

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    10.1353/asb.2015.0041Asian Bioethics Review75481-49

    The Moral Status of Fetuses in Russia

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    From the Editor

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    10.1353/asb.2015.0040Asian Bioethics Review75423-42

    Mechanism of Suppression of Protein Aggregation by α-Crystallin

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    This review summarizes experimental data illuminating the mechanism of suppression of heat-induced protein aggregation by a-crystallin, one of the small heat shock proteins. The dynamic light scattering data show that the initial stage of thermal aggregation of proteins is the formation of the initial aggregates involving hundreds of molecules of the denatured protein. Further sticking of the starting aggregates proceeds in a regime of diffusion-limited cluster-cluster aggregation. The protective effect of a-crystallin is due to transition of the aggregation process to the regime of reaction-limited cluster-cluster aggregation, wherein the sticking probability for the colliding particles becomes lower than unity