61 research outputs found

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Menentukan Volume Produksi Roti Menggunakan Metode Simpleks Pada Ud Roti Mutiara Cirebon

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    This research aims to develop a decision support system application on the system UD Roti Mutiara by applying the simplex method to determine the volume of production UD Roti Mutiara Cirebon. The criteria used to determine who is the source of power. As a condition to determine the volume of production.Determination of the amount of production for some products in a company, often a problem for the production manager. Activities that aim to maximize profit companies with limited resources that could be done by using the simplex method.This application is created using the Visual Basic programming language with support for Interbase DBMS. Results of this research is an application with a variable input gain of each product in production, resource requirements and the maximum available resources. Output from the application is the amount of product to be produced in order to obtain maximum benefit

    Strategi Memahami Konsep Biologi Menggunakan Pendekatan Pasangan Konsep

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    In order to goal can achieved effectively, optimum, and meaning for student, the strategic learning from each lesson is necessary probed, although with minimum facility. This learning respect pedagogic aspects so that can decrease difficulty of the teaching learning process in implementation. Religious approach is new paradigm of education, because it as guide for human life in the world, include understanding the concepts creation secret of science. The concept mastery can develop to other competences or values. Guide of religion showed that everything is created pairs by God, both it grow in the world and your self, and something which do not knowed so as to you think. Base on the theory, those concepts pairs can collected become a concept pair scheme (BDK approach). This research tries to implement a BDK approach for achieving to mastery of its concepts. Designs of the research using experiment method, its sampling are students of secondary school in Bandung. Its sampling divides three strata, that is high DANEM, quite DANEM, and lower DANEM on the receiving new students. Date of the research is processed to use statistic of multivariate ANOVA to testing learning result, and using questionnaire to student and teacher response. Research results concluding that strategic learning using BDK approach can enhance outcome of this learning on all strata of experiment group are higher than control group as significance different, especially developing 10 aspects of the concepts comprehension. This learning process is liked students and teachers, and they want to implement on other lesson, and then relevance with strategic aspects to understand of concepts and developing process skills, so that benefit to innovation of the religious science education. Other factors which influencing outcome correlating with worksheet of student, NEM, media, and teacher competence using question technics in teaching learning process

    Perancangan Sistem Penjualan Ayam Broiler Pada Perusahaan Rumah Potong Ayam Putra Dewi Samudra Di Jatiwangi

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    Sales System Broiler Chickens Rumah Potong Ayam Putra Dewi Samudra is a design system that records sales of sales transactions chicken, chicken purchase transaction, the addition of employee data, additional data supplier, sales reports and statements chicken chicken purchases . System development method used to build this application is the waterfall mode . Whereas at this stage of the analysis and design of the system is done with tersktruktur approach. Analysis of the results of the data collection system based on the method of observation, interview, and literature study. The design of the system outlined by designing Activity Diagram, Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), interface design, process design, and the design output. The implementation phase of this chicken sales system using VB.Net programming language. Thus the sales system can help sales data in the Rumah Potong Ayam Putra Dewi Samudra

    Analysis of Factors That Influence Taxpayers Compliance in Fulfilling Taxation Obligations

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    This study aims to determine the factors that affect taxpayer compliance. This research uses taxpayer awareness, moral obligation, and quality of tax service as factors. A questionnaire was used as research instruments in data collection. Respondents in this research are e-Commerce business actor who uses an online marketplace. Multiple linear regression with SPSS program version 23 is used for data analysis. The results of this study concluded that taxpayer awareness, moral obligations, and the quality of tax service simultaneously influenced significantly to taxpayer compliance. Then the test partially produces the taxpayer awareness, and the quality of tax service has a positive and significant effect on taxpayer compliance, while the moral obligation has not a positive and significant effect on taxpayer compliance

    Pengaruh Jarak Tanam Dan Frekuensi Pembumbunan Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Garut (Marantha Arundinaceae L.)

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    Tanaman garut (Marantha arundinaceae L.) ialah salah satu tanaman umbi-umbian, merupakan bahan pangan lokal mempunyai potensi untuk bahan baku pembuatan tepung alternatif pengganti terigu. Pati garut dapat digunakan untuk subtitusi terigu hingga 50-100 % (Djaafar et al, 2010). Berdasarkan pada tingginya tingkat pemanfaatan tersebut, mengakibatkan permintaan umbi garut mengalami peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun. Akan tetapi, peningkatan permintaan ini tidak diimbangi dengan produktivitas umbi garut yang dihasilkan karena disebabkan salah satunya adalah sistem budidaya tanaman garut yang tidak tepat. Salah satu sistem budidaya yang amat penting untuk dilakukan adalah pengaturan jarak tanam dan frekuensi pembumbunan. Penelitian telah dilaksanakan di desa Mulyoagung, kecamatan Dau kabupaten Malang pada September 2013 sampai dengan Februari 2014. Aspek pertumbuhan tanaman garut pada perlakuan J12 menunjukkan kombinasi perlakuan jarak tanam dan frekuensi pembumbunan yang terbaik, sedangkan perlakuan J1 menunjukkan pertumbuhan yang paling rendah. Aspek pengamatan hasil per tanaman garut pada perlakuan J12 menunjukkan hasil yang paling tinggi dan perlakuan J1 menunjukkan hasil yang terendah terhadap kombinasi jarak tanam dan frekuensi pembumbunan. Bobot segar umbi per petak panen 3 m2 dan hasil panen umbi (ton ha-1) menunjukkan perlakuan J12 adalah yang terbaik, sedangkan perlakuan J1 dan J3 menunjukan hasil tidak berbeda nyata

    Pengaruh Kecerdasan Emosi Dan Job Safety Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Pada Karyawan PT Darma Henwa Tbk Bengalon Coal Project Lokasi Pit B Kalimantan Timur)

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    Mining Competition services in Indonesia to make a lot of competitors for trying to compete by improving the performance of the company, it is influenced by a number of competitors to provide the best service. The purpose of this study is to identify and explain the significant influence of emotional intelligence and Job Safety, on the Employee Performance. Research type used is explanatory research with quantitative approach. A sample of 83 respondents who are employees of PT Darma Henwa Tbk Bengalon Coal Project Location PIT B East Kalimantan using proportional random sampling technique. Data collection methods used in this research is by distributing questionnaires directly in PT Darma Henwa Tbk Bengalon Coal Project Location PIT B East Kalimantan. Analysis of the data used is descriptive analysis and linear regression.The results showed that emotional intelligence variable and Job Safety, have positive and significant impact on employee performance is proven with a probability value <0.05, which means that there is a significant influence

    Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Forensik dan Medikolegal Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga

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    Identification include fingerprint, property, medical, dental, serologic and exclusion methods. In the development, identification methods led to molecular forensics, a new field of science evolving since the 1980s, known as DNA fingerprinting. Blood spots/bloods, semen spots, vaginal swabs, buccal swabs and bones are specimens widely used in DNA assay for identification. In addition to these specimens, the last objects often used by the perpetrators/victims can be used, such as hearing aids (headsets/earphones). In its use, earphones are attached to the outer ear skin; thus, the earwax is suspected to adhere to the device. To date, in Indonesia personal identification is performed through swabs of earphones/headsets using the DNA profiling method. In particular, mitochondrial DNA has not been widely used for identification. The present study was of laboratory experimental. Earphones which have been used for 3 days were placed in room temperature for 1, 7, 14 and 20 days. Results showed that the environmental factor of exposure duration had an effect of a significant decrease in the levels of DNA from day 1 to day 20. Only 126-bp mtDNA (HVS II) was detected on the samples of day 1 and continued with sequencing. Mitochondrial DNA has better durability and relatively higher number of copies than those of nuclear DNA. This leads to greater possibility of success in amplification, given the higher number of mitochondrial DNA copies and the fact that mitochondrial DNA is a single locus that allows recombination
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