10 research outputs found

    Reactive Oxygen Species and Gibberellin Acid Mutual Induction to Regulate Tobacco Seed Germination

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    Seed germination is a complex process controlled by various mechanisms. To examine the potential contribution of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and gibberellin acid (GA) in regulating seed germination, diphenylene iodonium chloride (DPI) and uniconazole (Uni), as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and GA synthesis inhibitor, respectively, were exogenously applied on tobacco seeds using the seed priming method. Seed priming with DPI or Uni decreased germination percentage as compared with priming with H2O, especially the DPI + Uni combination. H2O2 and GA completely reversed the inhibition caused by DPI or Uni. The germination percentages with H2O2 + Uni and GA + DPI combinations kept the same level as with H2O. Meanwhile, GA or H2O2 increased GA content and deceased ABA content through corresponding gene expressions involving homeostasis and signal transduction. In addition, the activation of storage reserve mobilization and the enhancement of soluble sugar content and isocitrate lyase (ICL) activity were also induced by GA or H2O2. These results strongly suggested that H2O2 and GA were essential for tobacco seed germination and by downregulating the ABA/GA ratio and inducing reserve composition mobilization mutually promoted seed germination. Meanwhile, ICL activity was jointly enhanced by a lower ABA/GA ratio and a higher ROS concentration

    Saikosaponin A and Its Epimers Alleviate LPS-Induced Acute Lung Injury in Mice

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    The purpose of this work was to illustrate the effect of processing with vinegar on saikosaponins of Bupleurum chinense DC. (BC) and the protective effects of saikosaponin A (SSA), saikosaponin b1 (SSb1), saikosaponin b2 (SSb2), and saikosaponin D (SSD) in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced acute lung injury (ALI) mice. We comprehensively evaluated the anti-inflammatory effects and potential mechanisms of SSA, SSb1, SSb2, and SSD through an LPS-induced ALI model using intratracheal injection. The results showed that SSA, SSb1, SSb2, and SSD significantly decreased pulmonary edema; reduced the levels of IL-6, TNF-α, and IL-1β in serum and lung tissues; alleviated pulmonary pathological damage; and decreased the levels of the IL-6, TNF-α, and IL-1β genes and the expression of NF-κB/TLR4-related proteins. Interestingly, they were similar in structure, but SSb2 had a better anti-inflammatory effect at the same dose, according to a principal component analysis. These findings indicated that it may not have been comprehensive to only use SSA and SSD as indicators to evaluate the quality of BC, especially as the contents of SSb1 and SSb2 in vinegar-processed BC were significantly increased

    Low temperature alters plasma membrane lipid composition and ATPase activity of pineapple fruit during blackheart development

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    Plasma membrane (PM) plays central role in triggering primary responses to chilling injury and sustaining cellular homeostasis. Characterising response of membrane lipids to low temperature can provide important information for identifying early causal factors contributing to chilling injury. To this end, PM lipid composition and ATPase activity were assessed in pineapple fruit (Ananas comosus) in relation to the effect of low temperature on the development of blackheart, a form of chilling injury. Chilling temperature at 10 C induced blackheart development in concurrence with increase in electrolyte leakage. PM ATPase activity was decreased after 1 week at low temperature, followed by a further decrease after 2 weeks. The enzyme activity was not changed during 25 C storage. Loss of total PM phospholipids was found during postharvest senescence, but more reduction was shown from storage at 10 C. Phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine were the predominant PM phospholipid species. Low temperature increased the level of phosphatidic acid but decreased the level of phosphatidylinositol. Both phospholipid species were not changed during storage at 25 C. Postharvest storage at both temperatures decreased the levels of C18:3 and C16:1, and increased level of C18:1. Low temperature decreased the level of C18:2 and increased the level of C14:0. Exogenous application of phosphatidic acid was found to inhibit the PM ATPase activity of pineapple fruit in vitro. Modification of membrane lipid composition and its effect on the functional property of plasma membrane at low temperature were discussed in correlation with their roles in blackheart development of pineapple fruit