197 research outputs found

    StereoMap: Quantifying the Awareness of Human-like Stereotypes in Large Language Models

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    Large Language Models (LLMs) have been observed to encode and perpetuate harmful associations present in the training data. We propose a theoretically grounded framework called StereoMap to gain insights into their perceptions of how demographic groups have been viewed by society. The framework is grounded in the Stereotype Content Model (SCM); a well-established theory from psychology. According to SCM, stereotypes are not all alike. Instead, the dimensions of Warmth and Competence serve as the factors that delineate the nature of stereotypes. Based on the SCM theory, StereoMap maps LLMs' perceptions of social groups (defined by socio-demographic features) using the dimensions of Warmth and Competence. Furthermore, the framework enables the investigation of keywords and verbalizations of reasoning of LLMs' judgments to uncover underlying factors influencing their perceptions. Our results show that LLMs exhibit a diverse range of perceptions towards these groups, characterized by mixed evaluations along the dimensions of Warmth and Competence. Furthermore, analyzing the reasonings of LLMs, our findings indicate that LLMs demonstrate an awareness of social disparities, often stating statistical data and research findings to support their reasoning. This study contributes to the understanding of how LLMs perceive and represent social groups, shedding light on their potential biases and the perpetuation of harmful associations.Comment: Accepted to EMNLP 202

    Design of Plant Protection UAV Variable Spray System Based on Neural Networks

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    Recently, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have rapidly emerged as a new technology in the fields of plant protection and pest control in China. Based on existing variable spray research, a plant protection UAV variable spray system integrating neural network based decision making is designed. Using the existing data on plant protection UAV operations, combined with artificial neural network (ANN) technology, an error back propagation (BP) neural network model between the factors affecting droplet deposition is trained. The factors affecting droplet deposition include ambient temperature, ambient humidity, wind speed, flight speed, flight altitude, propeller pitch, nozzles pitch and prescription value. Subsequently, the BP neural network model is combined with variable rate spray control for plant protection UAVs, and real-time information is collected by multi-sensor. The deposition rate is determined by the neural network model, and the flow rate of the spray system is regulated according to the predicted deposition amount. The amount of droplet deposition can meet the prescription requirement. The results show that the training variance of the ANN is 0.003, and thus, the model is stable and reliable. The outdoor tests show that the error between the predicted droplet deposition and actual droplet deposition is less than 20%. The ratio of droplet deposition to prescription value in each unit is approximately equal, and a variable spray operation under different conditions is realized

    Design of Plant Protection UAV Variable Spray System Based on Neural Networks

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    Recently, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have rapidly emerged as a new technology in the fields of plant protection and pest control in China. Based on existing variable spray research, a plant protection UAV variable spray system integrating neural network based decision making is designed. Using the existing data on plant protection UAV operations, combined with artificial neural network (ANN) technology, an error back propagation (BP) neural network model between the factors affecting droplet deposition is trained. The factors affecting droplet deposition include ambient temperature, ambient humidity, wind speed, flight speed, flight altitude, propeller pitch, nozzles pitch and prescription value. Subsequently, the BP neural network model is combined with variable rate spray control for plant protection UAVs, and real-time information is collected by multi-sensor. The deposition rate is determined by the neural network model, and the flow rate of the spray system is regulated according to the predicted deposition amount. The amount of droplet deposition can meet the prescription requirement. The results show that the training variance of the ANN is 0.003, and thus, the model is stable and reliable. The outdoor tests show that the error between the predicted droplet deposition and actual droplet deposition is less than 20%. The ratio of droplet deposition to prescription value in each unit is approximately equal, and a variable spray operation under different conditions is realized

    Estimation of cotton canopy parameters based on unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) oblique photography

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    Background: The technology of cotton defoliation is essential for mechanical cotton harvesting. Agricultural unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) spraying has the advantages of low cost, high efficiency and no mechanical damage to cotton and has been favored and widely used by cotton planters in China. However, there are also some problems of low cotton defoliation rates and high impurity rates caused by unclear spraying amounts of cotton defoliants. The chemical rate recommendation and application should be based upon crop canopy volume rather than on land area. Plant height and leaf area index (LAI) is directly connected to plant canopy structure. Accurate dynamic monitoring of plant height and LAI provides important information for evaluating cotton growth and production. The traditional method to obtain plant height and LAI was s a time-consuming and labor-intensive task. It is very difficult and unrealistic to use the traditional measurement method to make the temporal and spatial variation map of plant height and LAI of large cotton fields. With the application of UAV in agriculture, remote sensing by UAV is currently regarded as an effective technology for monitoring and estimating plant height and LAI. Results: In this paper, we used UAV RGB photos to build dense point clouds to estimate cotton plant height and LAI following cotton defoliant spraying. The results indicate that the proposed method was able to dynamically monitor the changes in the LAI of cotton at different times. At 3 days after defoliant spraying, the correlation between the plant height estimated based on the constructed dense point cloud and the measured plant height was strong, with R2 and RMSE values of 0.962 and 0.913, respectively. At 10 days after defoliant spraying, the correlation became weaker over time, with R2 and RMSE values of 0.018 and 0.027, respectively. Comparing the actual manually measured LAI with the estimated LAI based on the dense point cloud, the R2 and RMSE were 0.872 and 0.814 and 0.132 and 0.173 at 3 and 10 days after defoliant spraying, respectively. Conclusions: Dense point cloud construction based on UAV remote sensing is a potential alternative to plant height and LAI estimation. The accuracy of LAI estimation can be improved by considering both plant height and planting density

    Deep Verifier Networks: Verification of Deep Discriminative Models with Deep Generative Models

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    AI Safety is a major concern in many deep learning applications such as autonomous driving. Given a trained deep learning model, an important natural problem is how to reliably verify the model's prediction. In this paper, we propose a novel framework -- deep verifier networks (DVN) to verify the inputs and outputs of deep discriminative models with deep generative models. Our proposed model is based on conditional variational auto-encoders with disentanglement constraints. We give both intuitive and theoretical justifications of the model. Our verifier network is trained independently with the prediction model, which eliminates the need of retraining the verifier network for a new model. We test the verifier network on out-of-distribution detection and adversarial example detection problems, as well as anomaly detection problems in structured prediction tasks such as image caption generation. We achieve state-of-the-art results in all of these problems.Comment: Accepted to AAAI 202
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