8 research outputs found

    Markers of combined aerogenic exposure to metal oxides and transformed plasma proteomic profiles in children

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    Changes in homeostatic balance of the body, primarily at the cellular-molecular level, are a relevant research object in fundamental and applied studies. They can be eligible indicators for predicting negative effects under exposure to chemical risk factors. The aim of this study was to substantiate markers of a transformed plasma proteomic profile in children. These markers should have prognostic value and an evidence-based association with combined aerogenic exposure to metal oxides (copper and nickel oxides used as an example). We propose an innovative methodical approach based on plasma proteomic profiling that includes the following: identification of identical proteins and genes encoding their expression; quantification of indicators within the ‘identical protein – a chemical concentration in blood’ system; prediction of negative effects as per indicators of homeostasis destabilization at the cellular-molecular level under chronic aerogenic exposure to chemicals. The proposed algorithm was tested by comparing changed proteins and peptides identified in plasma proteomic profiles of children exposed simultaneously to nickel and copper oxides in ambient air in actual conditions and small rodents under experimental combined and isolated exposure to the analyzed chemicals in levels equal to real ones. Long-term aerogenic exposure simultaneously to copper and nickel oxides was established to create elevated nickel and copper levels in blood of exposed children substantiated as markers of exposure. They were up to 2.4 times higher against the same indicators in unexposed children and reference levels as well. The results of field observations were verified by elevated levels of the same chemicals in blood under experimental modelling of an equivalent combined exposure performed on biological models. APOBEC1 complement factor (the А1CF gene) was substantiated as an identical proteomic marker based on plasma proteomic profiling in experimental and field investigations. It has an evidence-based association with markers of exposure (nickel and copper simultaneously identified in blood). Lower expression of this protein under persistent combined aerogenic exposure to nickel and copper oxides makes it possible to predict such a negative effect as modification of low density lipoproteins with further induction of atherosclerotic changes in vessels, the latter being a risk factor of cardiovascular diseases

    Влияние перинатального воздействия кобальта на обмен железа, меди, марганца и цинка в организме незрелых ICR мышей

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of perinatal cobalt exposure (75 mg / kg / day CoCl2·6H2O to pregnant and lactating females) on the exchange of copper, iron, manganese, and zinc in early-aged ICR mice (18 days). Cobalt and other metals were determined by mass spectrometry with inductively coupled argon plasma (ICP-DRC-MS) after microwave digestion of the samples. It is established that perinatal cobalt exposure leads to a 68-, 3.8-, 11.3-, 41.3-, and 162-fold increase of metal content in kidneys, spleen, muscle, liver, and erythrocytes, respectively. Cobalt intake was also accompanied by a significant increase of the iron content in the kidney and liver by 27% and 15%, respectively. A significant increase of the copper level in the spleen parenchyma (+ 24%) and red blood cells (2-fold) was also noted. Co-induced manganese accumulation exceeded the corresponding control values by a factor of more than 2 for spleen, liver and erythrocytes, whereas the increase in muscle content was 3-fold. The elevation of zinc content in spleen, skeletal muscles, liver, and erythrocytes was 45%, 11%, 10%, and 16% as compared to the corresponding values in the control group. It is supposed the effect of cobalt on the iron, copper, manganese and selenium metabolism may be mediated by cobalt-induced stimulation of hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) with a subsequent effect on the activity of metal transporters (DMT-1, ferroportin) including a modulation of hepcidin production.Изучено влияние перинатального воздействия кобальта на обмен меди, железа, марганца и цинка у ICR мышей в раннем возрасте с использованием масс-спектрометрии с индуктивно-связанной плазмой. Высказано предположение, что влияние кобальта на обмен железа, меди, марганца и селена может быть опосредовано кобальт-индуцированной стимуляцией гипоксия-индуцибельного фактора 1 (HIF-1) с последующим влиянием на активность транспортеров металлов (DMT-1, ферропортин), в том числе через модуляцию продукции гепсидина

    Controlling of microbial biofilms formation: Anti- and probiofilm agents

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    Modern Trends of Organic Chemistry in Russian Universities

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