3,902 research outputs found

    Бравлин — бранлив или кроток?

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    The paper focuses on the name of the barbarian warlord that appears in the Slavic and (recently discovered) Armenian versions of the Life of St. Stephen of Sougdaia as Бравлинъ and Պրաւլիս /Praulis/, respectively. These forms seem to point to Πραῦλις or Μπραῦλις in the lost Greek Vorlage. None of the previous attempts at constructing an etymology of the name—Slavic бран(ъ)ливъ (Russian copies of the Life), Swedish Bråvalla (G. Vernadsky, N. Belyaev, and O. Pritsak), Indo-Aryan *pravlīn(а)- (O. Trubachev), Spanish Braulio (V. Vasilievsky), or Gothic *Bra(h)vila (N. Ganina)—may be considered satisfactory. Having revisited the historical and linguistic arguments, we suggest that the name given to the barbarian prince humbled by the miracle of St. Stephen in the Greek text of the Life represented, in fact, good Greek: Πραΰλιος or Πραῦλις (from πραΰς ‘mild, humble’); furthermore, we suggest that the positional voicing of Π- > Μπ- [b] in Late Middle Greek might account for the initial Б-/Պ- (West Armenian [b]) of the attested forms.Статья посвящена этимологии имени варварского вождя из первого посмертного чуда в “Житии св. Стефана Сурожского”, который в древнерусском переводе называется Бравлинъ, а в армянском, опубликованном в 2006 г., — Պրաւլիս (/Praulis/ или /Braulis/). Эти формы заставляют реконструировать в утраченном греческом оригинале жития форму Μπραῦλις. Авторы последовательно рассматривают известные попытки этимологически сблизить это имя с различными словами и именами: с древнерусским бран(ъ)ливъ (списки древнерусского перевода жития), со шведским топонимом Bråvalla (А. А. Куник, Г. В. Вернадский, Н. Т. Беляев, О. Прицак), с индоарийским *pravlīn(а)- (О. Н. Трубачев), с именем епископа Сарагосы Braulio (В. Г. Васильевский), с готским именем *Bra(h)vila, реконструируемом М. Шёнфельдом (Н. А. Ганина). По лингвистическим соображениям ни одна из этих этимологий не может быть признана безупречной. Засвидетельствованное в поздневизантийское время позиционное озвончение начального Π- позволяет осторожно предположить в качестве источника для имени нашего героя хорошо известное греческое имя Πραῦλις (от πραΰς ‘кроткий, смирный’)

    Study of the Transition Effect with the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter

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    With the aim to establish the electromagnetic energy scale of the ATLAS Tile calorimeter and understanding the performance of the calorimeter to electrons 12% of modules have been exposed in electron beams with various energies. On a basis of the obtained electromagnetic calibration constants we have determined the e/mip values in dependence of the absorber thickness using different beam incident angles. We have observed the transition effect (e/mip < 1) and, for the first time, its behaviour as a function of the absorber thickness --- the e/mip ratio decreases logarithmically when the absorber thickness increases this is well described by the GEANT4 version 6.2 Monte Carlo simulation. These results are important for precision electromagnetic energy scale determination for the ATLAS Tile calorimeter

    Inverse Borrmann effect in photonic crystals

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    The Borrmann effect, which is related to the microscopic distribution of the electromagnetic field inside the primitive cell, is studied in photonic and magnetophotonic crystals. This effect, well-known in x-ray spectroscopy, is responsible for the enhancement or suppression of various linear and nonlinear optical effects when the incidence angle and/or the frequency change. It is shown that by design of the primitive cell this effect can be suppressed and even inverted

    Electromagnetic Cell Level Calibration for ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Modules

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    We have determined the electromagnetic calibration constants of 11% TileCal modules exposed to electron beams with incident angles of 20 and 90 degrees. The gain of all the calorimeter cells have been pre-equalized using the radioactive Cs-source that will be also used in situ. The average values for these modules are equal to: for the flat filter method 1.154+/-0.002 pC/GeV and 1.192+/-0.002 pC/GeV for 20 and 90 degrees, for the fit method 1.040+/-0.002 pC/GeV and 1.068+/-0.003 pC/GeV, respectively. These average values for all cells of calibrated modules agree with the weighted average calibration constants for separate modules within the errors. Using the individual calibration constants for every module the RMS spread value of constants will be 1.9+/-0.1 %. In the case of the global constant this value will be 2.6+/-0.1 %. Finally, we present the global constants which should be used for the electromagnetic calibration of the ATLAS Tile hadronic calorimeter data in the ATHENA framework. These constants are equal to 1.15 pC/GeV in the case of the flat filter method and 1.04 pC/GeV for the fit one

    Giant change in IR light transmission in La_{0.67}Ca_{0.33}MnO_{3} film near the Curie temperature: promising application in optical devices

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    Transport, magnetic, magneto-optical (Kerr effect) and optical (light absorption) properties have been studied in an oriented polycrystalline La_{0.67}Ca_{0.33}MnO_{3} film which shows colossal magneto-resistance. The correlations between these properties are presented. A giant change in IR light transmission (more than a 1000-fold decrease) is observed on crossing the Curie temperature (about 270 K) from high to low temperature. Large changes in transmittance in a magnetic field were observed as well. The giant changes in transmittance and the large magneto-transmittance can be used for development of IR optoelectronic devices controlled by thermal and magnetic fields. Required material characteristics of doped manganites for these devices are discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, submitted to J. Appl. Phy

    (Non)local Hamiltonian and symplectic structures, recursions, and hierarchies: a new approach and applications to the N=1 supersymmetric KdV equation

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    Using methods of math.DG/0304245 and [I.S.Krasil'shchik and P.H.M.Kersten, Symmetries and recursion operators for classical and supersymmetric differential equations, Kluwer, 2000], we accomplish an extensive study of the N=1 supersymmetric Korteweg-de Vries equation. The results include: a description of local and nonlocal Hamiltonian and symplectic structures, five hierarchies of symmetries, the corresponding hierarchies of conservation laws, recursion operators for symmetries and generating functions of conservation laws. We stress that the main point of the paper is not just the results on super-KdV equation itself, but merely exposition of the efficiency of the geometrical approach and of the computational algorithms based on it.Comment: 16 pages, AMS-LaTeX, Xy-pic, dvi-file to be processed by dvips. v2: nonessential improvements of exposition, title change