31 research outputs found

    Scaling and Crossover to Tricriticality in Polymer Solutions

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    We propose a scaling description of phase separation of polymer solutions. The scaling incorporates three universal limiting regimes: the Ising limit asymptotically close to the critical point of phase separation, the "ideal-gas" limit for the pure-solvent phase, and the tricritical limit for the polymer-rich phase asymptotically close to the theta point. We have also developed a phenomenological crossover theory based on the near-tricritical-point Landau expansion renormalized by fluctuations. This theory validates the proposed scaled representation of experimental data and crossover to tricriticality.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure


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    The incidence of chronic myeloid leukemia from 2004 to 2018 amounted to 0.63 per 100 000 people per year. The prevalence of chronic myeloid leukemia over the past 15 years has increased from 1.88 to 7.02 case per 100 000 people. We have analyzed the therapy outcomes of chronic myeloid leukemia of patients, received imatinib treatment for more than 12 month (165 patients). Complete hematologic response is attained in 88.5 % cases (146 patients), complete cytogenetic response (CCR) (ph+<0 %) – in 72.1 % cases (119 patients), major molecular response (MMR) – in 50.3 % cases (83 patients). The primary resistance to imatinib is observed in 21.8 % cases (36 patients), secondary – in 6.1 % cases (10 patients – 7 patients have lost the complete hematologic response and CCR and 3 patients have lost the CCR and MMR). The thirteen patients of those, who have primary or secondary resistance to imatinib have been treated with second-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitors (nilotinib, dasatinib) and in 93,3 % cases (14 patients) CCR have been obtained, 10 patients (66.7 %) have attained the CCR and 9 patients (60 %) have achieved MMR. Among all those patients treated with I and II generations tyrosine kinase inhibitors, we have carried out the overall survival (OS) analysis and obtained following results: the median of OS have not been achieved, 5-year OS rate is estimated as 90 %, 10-year OS rate – more than 77 %, calculated 15-year OS – more than 60 %

    Russian clinical practice guidelines «congenital adrenal hyperplasia»

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    Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is a group of autosomal recessive diseases characterized by a defect in one of the enzymes or transport proteins involved in the cortisol synthesis in the adrenal cortex. The most common form of CAH, which occurs in more than 90% of cases, is a 21-hydroxylase enzyme deficiency. The latter is subdivided into nonclassical and classic (salt-losing and virilizing) forms. The prevalence of classic forms of 21-hydroxylase deficiency ranges from 1: 14,000 to 1:18,000 live births worldwide. According to the data of neonatal screening in the Russian Federation, the prevalence of the disease in some regions ranges from 1: 5000 to 1: 12000, in the country as a whole - 1: 9638 live newborns. The non-classical form of CAH occurs more often - from 1: 500 to 1: 1000 among the general population. In second place is the hypertensive form of CAH - a deficiency of 11β-hydroxylase, which, according to the literature, occurs in about 1 per 100,000 newborns. These clinical guidelines were compiled by a professional community of narrow specialists, approved by the expert council of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, and updated the previous version published in 2016. The clinical guidelines are based on systematic reviews, meta-analyses and original articles, and scientific work on this issue in the Russian Federation and other countries. The purpose of this document is to provide clinicians with the most up-to-date, evidence-based guidelines for the CAH diagnosis and treatmen

    Simulation of energy states in solid solutions based on the ferroelectrics- semiconductors of Sn 2 P 2 S 6 type

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    The energy spectra of charge carriers in several models of the ordered solid solutions and virtual crystal model based on the ferroelectrics of Sn 2 P 2 S 6 type are calculated by the semiempirical pseudopotential method. It is shown that the band gap depends on the employed model of the solid solution. Key words: pseudopotential method, ordered solution, energy states, simulation, virtual crystal, ferroelectrics-semiconductors. 71, 07.05.Tp, 71.15.Hx, 71.20.Nr The physical property investigations of the ferroelectrics of the (Pb y Sn 1−y ) 2 P 2 (S x Se 1−x ) 6 system [1,2] are relevant since one can look after the change of the crystal structure anisotropy and the effect of the anion and cation replacement on both the property anomalies in the critical region and the energy and phonon spectra. It was established PACS


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    Aim of this study was to estimate the markers of mineral turnover and BMD in young women with the central hypogonadism, to compare them with healthy young women and healthy postmenopausal women of middle/advanced age. Materials and methods. One hundred seventy women were included in the study: 73 patients with the central hypogonadism (isolated hypogonadism n=35, hypopituitarism n=38), age of 25 [21.2; 30.5] y.o., amenorrhea duration 5 [2.3; 10.1] years; 47 healthy women with regular menstrual cycles, age 24 [23.1; 28.0] y.o., and 50 healthy women with natural menopause, age 56 [53; 58] y.o., menopause duration 6.0 [2.1; 10.0] years. Groups did not differ by age. Results. In patients with central female hypogonadism concentrations of calcium and alkaline phosphatase were significantly higher than in healthy women of similar age, however did not differ from the parameters in postmenopausal women. T-scores <-2.5 SD in lumbar spine were noted in 55% and 28% patients with central hypogonadism and in menopause respectively (р<0.001), and in a hip - 27% and 7%, respectively (r=0.002). The factors promoting lower values of BMD in young women with central hypogonadism were the amenorrhea duration, low level of total testosterone, primary amenorrhea. Distinctions of mineral turnover and BMD in isolated hypogonadism and a hypopituitarism were not revealed. Conclusions. Central hypogonadism in women at young age is a higher prognostic factor of low BMD than natural menopause, and might be considered as a marker of premature aging

    Self-assembly of Colloids in a Suspended Droplet: In-situ small-angle X-ray scattering

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    Presentation given at the APS March Meeting, held in San Antonio (Texas, United States) on March 2-6, 2015. Session S50: Self-and Directed Assembly.An in-situ scanning SAXS experiments have been performed to probe the drying of a single suspended colloidal droplet. It has been demonstrated that shell formation can be predicted just by measuring the temporal evolution of the spatial transmission profile. The shrinkage of the droplet stops after formation of a shell. The shell thickness and droplet radius have been estimated by fitting the transmission profiles using analytical expressions. It is revealed that the evolution of volume fraction of colloids is linear during the initial stage of drying and follows a sigmoidal growth behavior at later stages. Further, the interaction between colloidal particles at different drying stages has been investigated. We provide experimental proofs of a transition from repulsive interaction between colloids into a capillary driven short range attraction for shell formation during drying. The present work demonstrates that in-situ SAXS is a very valuable technique for monitoring the dynamic processes of colloidal self-assembly and provides the opportunity to probe the drying of complex fluids without the interference from a substrate

    Colloidal Nanoparticle Interaction Transition during Solvent Evaporation Investigated by in-Situ Small-Angle X-ray Scattering

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    In-situ scanning small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments have been performed to probe the drying of a single suspended droplet of silica colloids. It has been demonstrated that the formation of a nanoparticle shell during drying can be confirmed just by measuring the temporal evolution of the spatial transmission profile across the drying droplet. The shrinkage of the droplet stops once the shell isformed. The temporal dependence of the shell thickness and droplet radius has been estimated by quantitative analysis of the functionality of the transmission profiles. It is revealed that the position of the correlation peak originating from interactions between silica nanoparticles evolves linearly during the initial stage of drying and exhibits sigmoidal growth behavior in later stages. The interaction between colloidal particles in different drying stages has been investigated. We provide experimental confirmation of the transition from repulsive interaction to a capillary-driven short-range attraction during shell formation. The present work demonstrates that in-situ scanning SAXS on a suspended droplet is an invaluable technique for monitoring the dynamic self-organization of colloids as it probes the drying of complex fluids without the interference of a substrate

    Draft of Russian Guidelines of Diagnosis and Treatment of Adrenal Cortical Cancer

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    Statement of hormonal activity and potential malignancy are the most important issues of diagnosis and selection of appropriate treatment way for patients with adrenal tumors. Adrenal cortical carcinoma (ACC) is rare disease with poor prognosis. Incidience of ACC is about 0.5-2 per million, and no more then 2-4% among adrenal tumors. This draft of guidelines of diagnosis and treatment of ACC is offered to common discussion among wide round of specialists