59 research outputs found

    Features of the Electron Avalanche Formation Process in a Strongly Inhomogeneous Electric Field under High Overvoltages

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    The simulation of the electron avalanche formation process in subnanosecond discharges of high pressure was carried out by means of the Monte-Carlo approach. The discharge gap under consideration was of the configuration “the finger-shaped cathode – the hemispherical anode”. The presence of a conic-shaped microprotrusion on a cathode surface was assumed. Such the electrode configuration provided the strongly inhomogeneous distribution of an electric field. A gas simulated was nitrogen at a pressure of 6 atm. An average electric field strength across the discharge gap was varied from 200 kV/cm up to 400 kV/cm. Microprotrusion height was varied from 0 um up to 30 um. The critical size and formation time of an electron avalanche were determined under various conditions simulated. The threshold electric field strength for electrons to transit into the continuous accelerating regime was calculated for various heights of the microprotrusion. The applicability of the non-self-consistent Monte-Carlo technique for the investigation of the runaway electron kinetics and the correct simulation of the runaway electron beam transport across the discharge gap was shown. © 2021 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved.This work was supported in part by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research under Project 20-38-90147 and Project 20-08-00172

    Numerical Investigation of a High-Pressure Gas Medium Preionization by Runaway Electrons

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    A comparative simulation of the generation and acceleration of runaway electrons in the discharge gap during the initiation of the discharge by nanosecond and subnanosecond pulses is carried out. We used a numerical model based on the PIC-MCC method. Calculations were carried out for N2 6 atm pressure. Numerical simulation of a formation process of the electron avalanche initiated by an electron field-emitted from the top of the cathode micro-spike was carried out taking into account the motion of each electron in the avalanche. Characteristic runaway electron trajectories, runaway electron energy gained during the motion through the discharge gap, times required for runaway electrons to reach the anode were calculated. We compared our results with calculations using well-known differential equation of electron acceleration using braking force in Bethe approximation. We solved this equation also for braking force based on real (experimental) ionization cross section. The reasons for the discrepancy in the calculation results are discussed. © 2021 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved.The work was carried out within the framework of the state tasks of IEP UB RAS and was supported by RFBR, Grant 20-08-00172

    Aluminium oxide-hydroxides obtained by hydrothermal synthesis: influence of thermal treatment on phase composition and textural characteristics

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    Aluminium oxide-hydroxides obtained by means of the hydrothermal synthesis of aluminium nanopowder are of great interest in terms of the potential supports for heterogeneous catalysts due its high specific surface area (200...300 m2/g) and pore size of 4...17 nm. In this work the influence of thermal treatment (150...1300 °C) on structural and phase composition, specific surface area and porosity of aluminium oxide-hydroxides has been investigated. Nanostructured γ-Al2O3 (T=400 °C) was found to have the specific surface area of 328 m2/g and average pore size of ~9 nm. The thermal treatment of aluminium oxide- hydroxides at the temperature of higher and lower than 400 °C has caused the reduction of specific surface area and overall pore volume


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    У крыс линии Вистар моделировали холестаз путем перевязки общего желчного протока (ОЖП), острый билиарный панкреатит (ОБП) - низкой перевязки билиопанкреатического протока. Образцы печени исследовали через 1, 3, 7 сут. По данным морфологических исследований, у крыс обеих групп выявлены очаги некроза гепатоцитов, их гипертрофия с увеличением ядерно-цитоплазматического отношения (ЯЦО), увеличение объемной плотности (Vv) воротных каналов, количества желчных протоков, синусоидных клеток. Морфологические изменения в печени при экспериментальном ОБП обусловлены последствиями холестаза, они возникали раньше и были достоверно более выражены при обструктивном холестазе (ОХ)


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    Incorporation of bevacizumab to preoperative regional chemotherapy (CT) failed to increase the volume of intraoperative blood loss and the frequency of postoperative complications. Addition of the drug in the regional CT group significantly enhanced the rate of its effect up to 64 % and that of grade III medical pathomorphism up to 55 %. Regardless of the pattern of surgeries, the rate of complications after extended hepatectomy did not differ significantly in the treatment groups. Irrespective of treatment, the rate of acute liver failure rose when the volume of surgery was increased from conventional hemihepatectomy to extended hemihepatectomy. Acute liver failure was prominent (21%) among the complications in the treatment group. The highest incidence of acute liver failure in the comparable groups was observed in the preoperative regional CT group


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    Incorporation of bevacizumab to preoperative regional chemotherapy (CT) failed to increase the volume of intraoperative blood loss and the frequency of postoperative complications. Addition of the drug in the regional CT group significantly enhanced the rate of its effect up to 64 % and that of grade III medical pathomorphism up to 55 %. Regardless of the pattern of surgeries, the rate of complications after extended hepatectomy did not differ significantly in the treatment groups. Irrespective of treatment, the rate of acute liver failure rose when the volume of surgery was increased from conventional hemihepatectomy to extended hemihepatectomy. Acute liver failure was prominent (21%) among the complications in the treatment group. The highest incidence of acute liver failure in the comparable groups was observed in the preoperative regional CT group.Включение бевацизумаба в состав дооперационной регионарной химиотерапии (ХТ) не приводит к повышению объема интраоперационной кровопотери и не увеличивает частоту послеоперационных осложнений. Добавление к ХТ в группе регионарной ХТ бевацизумаба достоверно увеличивает частоту эффекта до 64 % и частоту лекарственного патоморфоза III степени – до 55 %. Уровень осложнений после обширных резекций печени, независимо от характера операций, в группах лечения достоверно не различается. При увеличении объема операции от стандартной гемигепатэктомии (ГГЭ) к расширенной ГГЭ, независимо от лечения, достоверно увеличивается частота острой печеночной недостаточности. Ведущее место среди осложнений в группах лечения занимает острая печеночная недостаточность – 21 %. Наибольшая частота острой печеночной недостаточности в сравниваемых группах наблюдается в группе с дооперационной регионарной ХТ

    К решению проблем ведения пациентов с гепатоцеллюлярной карциномой (ГЦК). Консенсус экспертов Сибири и Дальнего Востока

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    .Этапами подготовки консенсуса были два научных медицинских мероприятия с участием ведущих специалистов по гепатоцеллюлярной карциноме (ГЦК) сибирских и дальневосточных регионов. Междисциплинарный совет экспертов «Организация медицинской помощи пациентам с ГЦК и пациентам групп риска ее развития в Новосибирской области (НСО)», с веб-подключением специалистов Иркутского областного онкологического диспансера состоялся 24 сентября 2020 г. В рамках проекта долгосрочного научного сотрудничества Eisai Virtual Oncology Key Experts Academy (EVOKE-Academy) «Гепатоцеллюлярная карцинома» 30 сентября 2021 г. проведено Межрегиональное совещание экспертов Сибири и Дальнего Востока

    Оценка эффективности хирургического метода у больных с EGFR-мутированной аденокарциномой легкого III–IV стадии после терапии ингибиторами тирозинкиназы

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    Objective. To assess the overall and disease-free survival rates in patients with EGFR-mutated lung adenocarcinoma, who underwent surgery after achieving the objective response to tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) therapy.Material and Methods. The overall and disease-free survival rates were analyzed in 18 patients with EGFR-positive lung adenocarcinoma, which was inoperable at presentation due to locally advanced disease or the evidence of distant metastasis. In accordance with the clinical standards, patients were recommended for TKI therapy. Surgical resection was performed after achieving the objective tumor response to TKI therapy. The control group included 23 patients with EGFR mutation-positive lung adenocarcinoma, who did not undergo surgery after receiving TKI therapy.Results. The study revealed a statistically significant effect of surgical resection on the overall survival (OS) in patients with EGFR mutation-positive stage III–IV lung adenocarcinoma after response to TKI therapy (p=0.004). However, there was no statistically significant effect on the disease-free survival (DFS) (p=0.40). There was a tendency to increase in the median OS in patients of the study group (46 months) compared to that in patients of the control group (26 months). Surgery in the study group was characterized with some technical difficulties associated with severe fibrosis. However, this did not affect the duration of surgery and the volume of blood loss.Conclusion. Tumor resection in patients with EGFR mutation-positive stage III–IV lung adenocarcinoma is feasible and safe, but requires highly qualified team surgeons in well-equipped medical centers. Our study revealed that the combination of EGFR-TKI and tumor resection provided better PFS and OS than EGFR-TKI alone. However, further studies are required.Цель исследования ‒ оценить показатели общей и безрецидивной выживаемости у пациентов с EGFR-мутированной аденокарциномой легкого, у которых выполнено хирургическое вмешательство после развития объективного ответа на прием ингибиторов тирозинкиназы (ИТК).Материал и методы. Проанализированы показатели общей и безрецидивной выживаемости 18 больных аденокарциномой легкого с наличием активирующей EGFR-мутации, изначально неоперабельных из-за местнораспространенного опухолевого процесса или наличия отдаленного метастазирования. В соответствии со стандартами оказания специализированной медицинской помощи пациентам был рекомендован прием ИТК. Выполнение хирургических вмешательств оказалось возможным после получения объективного ответа опухоли («stage down») на таргетную терапию. В группу сравнения включено 23 больных аденокарциномой легкого с EGFR-позитивным мутационным статусом, получавших ИТК, но без оперативного вмешательства.Результаты. Выявлено значимое влияние хирургического вмешательства на показатели общей выживаемости (ОВ) у больных EGFR-мутированной аденокарциномой легкого III–IV стадии после приема ИТК (р=0,004). Однако значимого влияния на безрецидивную выживаемость (БРВ) не отмечено (р=0,40). Выявлена тенденция к увеличению медианы ОВ у пациентов исследуемой группы (46 мес) по сравнению с контрольной группой (26 мес). По сравнению со стандартным объемом хирургического вмешательства операции, выполненные у исследуемой группы пациентов, отличались техническими сложностями, связанными с выраженным фиброзом при выделении элементов корня легкого и выполнении лимфодиссекции, но не отличались по длительности и объему кровопотери.Заключение. Хирургические вмешательства у больных с EGFR-мутированной аденокарциномой легкого III–IV стадии технически выполнимы и безопасны, но для их проведения необходимы опытные бригады специалистов и хорошо оснащенные медицинские центры. Статистические данные свидетельствуют о значимом росте показателей выживаемости после операций как компонента комплексного лечения у данной когорты больных, с использованием ИТК, однако данное направление требует дальнейшего изучения


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    The article provides research results and comparative analysis of humic acids in sod-podzolic soil of the Experimental Forest of the Russian State Agrarian University (protected area) and urban soils located in the Timiryazev district of Moscow. Humic acids of the zonal sod-podzolic soil of the Experimental Forest include four fractions with varying molecular weight: the 1st fraction – ≥ 23 440 unified atomic mass units (amu), the 2nd one – 13 340 amu, the 3rd one – 5 500 amu and the 4th one – 2 460 amu. The fraction with a molecular weight of 5 500 amu and a relative content of 38 % dominates among them, while the share of low-molecular fractions (< 20 000 amu) accounts for 70 % of the total mass of humic acids. When weight-average molecular mass of humic acids is 17 530 amu, the average molecular mass of the low-molecular fractions is 9 960 amu. Humic acids of urbanozems differ in molecular weight composition from humic acids of sod-podzolic soil. In most cases it consists of 5–6, less commonly of 3, fractions with molecular weight from 1 780 to ≥ 23 440 amu. The share of medium- and high-molecular fractions fluctuates from 31–37 % to 47–50 % of the total mass of humic acids. The characteristic feature of humic acids of urbanozems is the presence in their composition of low-molecular fractions with such molecular weights, which are not found in humic acids of sod-podzolic soil. Thus, humic acids of urbanozems are characterized by higher weight-average molecular mass ranging from 17 680 to 19 980 amu, as well as by higher weigh-average molecular mass of the low-molecular fractions which vary from 10 680 to 13 650 amu