371 research outputs found

    IRGAN: A Minimax Game for Unifying Generative and Discriminative Information Retrieval Models

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    This paper provides a unified account of two schools of thinking in information retrieval modelling: the generative retrieval focusing on predicting relevant documents given a query, and the discriminative retrieval focusing on predicting relevancy given a query-document pair. We propose a game theoretical minimax game to iteratively optimise both models. On one hand, the discriminative model, aiming to mine signals from labelled and unlabelled data, provides guidance to train the generative model towards fitting the underlying relevance distribution over documents given the query. On the other hand, the generative model, acting as an attacker to the current discriminative model, generates difficult examples for the discriminative model in an adversarial way by minimising its discrimination objective. With the competition between these two models, we show that the unified framework takes advantage of both schools of thinking: (i) the generative model learns to fit the relevance distribution over documents via the signals from the discriminative model, and (ii) the discriminative model is able to exploit the unlabelled data selected by the generative model to achieve a better estimation for document ranking. Our experimental results have demonstrated significant performance gains as much as 23.96% on Precision@5 and 15.50% on MAP over strong baselines in a variety of applications including web search, item recommendation, and question answering.Comment: 12 pages; appendix adde

    Emerging Techniques for Thalassemia Gene Detection

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    Isothermal nucleic acid amplification is a simple process that rapidly and efficiently accumulates nucleic acid sequences at constant temperature such as 37 and 42°C. Isothermal nucleic acid amplification approach offers several advantages over temperature circle methods (such as PCR) including rapid assay results, cost-effectiveness, and portability. Two detection approaches based on circular strand-displacement polymerization reaction (CSDPR) were presented in this chapter for sensitive and specific thalassemia gene detection. One is a lateral flow strip biosensor based on CSDPR for semi-quantitative detection of thalassemia DNA. The other is a spectrophotometric DNA detection approach based on CSDPR for quantitative detection of thalassemia DNA

    The Discrete-Time Bulk-Service Geo/Geo/1

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    This paper deals with a discrete-time bulk-service Geo/Geo/1 queueing system with infinite buffer space and multiple working vacations. Considering an early arrival system, as soon as the server empties the system in a regular busy period, he leaves the system and takes a working vacation for a random duration at time n. The service times both in a working vacation and in a busy period and the vacation times are assumed to be geometrically distributed. By using embedded Markov chain approach and difference operator method, queue length of the whole system at random slots and the waiting time for an arriving customer are obtained. The queue length distributions of the outside observer’s observation epoch are investigated. Numerical experiment is performed to validate the analytical results

    Integrated Sensing, Computation, and Communication: System Framework and Performance Optimization

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    Integrated sensing, computation, and communication (ISCC) has been recently considered as a promising technique for beyond 5G systems. In ISCC systems, the competition for communication and computation resources between sensing tasks for ambient intelligence and computation tasks from mobile devices becomes an increasingly challenging issue. To address it, we first propose an efficient sensing framework with a novel action detection module. It can reduce the overhead of computation resource by detecting whether the sensing target is static. Subsequently, we analyze the sensing performance of the proposed framework and theoretically prove its effectiveness with the help of the sampling theorem. Then, we formulate a sensing accuracy maximization problem while guaranteeing the quality-of-service (QoS) requirements of tasks. To solve it, we propose an optimal resource allocation strategy, in which the minimal resource is allocated to computation tasks, and the rest is devoted to sensing tasks. Besides, a threshold selection policy is derived. Compared with the conventional schemes, the results further demonstrate the necessity of the proposed sensing framework. Finally, a real-world test of action recognition tasks based on USRP B210 is conducted to verify the sensing performance analysis, and extensive experiments demonstrate the performance improvement of our proposal by comparing it with some benchmark schemes
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