47 research outputs found

    High Studies Deanery Faculty of Commerce Business Administration Department

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    This study aimed to show the influence of information overload on the decision making process, using the descriptive analytical method to study the influence of information overload represented through three dimensions (email overload, information characteristics and information & communication technology). The study was applied on INGOs that work in Gaza Strip. The questionnaire was used as a data collection tool. The study population was (106) who are all managers (Top and Middle levels Management) in INGOs. A census has been used for the target population. Because of the policy of some organizations regarding confidentiality and privacy of work environment, only (86) questionnaires were collected and all were retrieved and analyzed. Results of the analysis of the questionnaire data demonstrate significant relationship of information overload with the managers ‘decision making process

    Helicobacter pylori Seropositivity and the Severity of Coronary Artery Atherosclerosis

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    Background: A review of many kinds of literature has suggested the theory of infections to are a risk for atherosclerosis of the coronaries, many of medical researchers reported that Helicobacter pylori pathogenesis extends beyond the gastrointestinal system to be a risk factor for inflammatory-induced atherosclerosis including that of the coronary vessels. Objective: To  detect a relationship between the seropositivity of Helicobacter pylori bacteria in the blood with the severity of coronary artery atherosclerosis. Patients and Methods: A total of 125 patients were taken in this study including both sex male and female with different age groups all of them admitted to cardiac center hospital in Erbil City in Iraq. Patients were suspected to have coronary artery atherosclerosis based on symptoms and primary cardiac diagnostic tools, Angiography was performed to confirm or exclude coronary artery lesions by catheterization in the cath lab of the hospital. Blood samples were taken from patients including the patients’ group and control group and a C-reactive protein (CRP) test with Helicobacter pylori IgG antibody test was done for them by using an Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELIZA) apparatus. Coronary angiography Confirmed the presence of atherosclerosis and the severity of it according to the number of vessels and the degree of luminal stenosis. Results: The results show that the most of patients with atherosclerosis (83.5%) a high level of C-reactive protein. Also, a positive significant correlation was detected between the Helicobacter pylori concentration and the number of narrowed vessels   based on the results of this study Helicobacter pylori. Conclusion: According to the results Helicobacter pylori has a significant risk predictor for the severity of coronary atherosclerosis. However, evidence on this fact is not sufficient which further studies are needed

    Effectiveness of positive pressure evaporative cooling on broilers production

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       The main concept of this research depends on the experimental work being performed on broiler houses, using positive pressure evaporative cooling systems. The experiments were conducted at the farms of the People's Development Company for Animal Production, Wad Medani, Sudan, during the period of May-July 1998. The objective was maintaining better environmental conditions during summer months, i.e., temperature and relative humidity, for housed birds, in order to obtain the maximum rate of birds growth, and reduce the rate of mortality, thus increasing economic returns. To evaluate the performance of broilers production, the parameters studied were temperature and relative humidity for bird's houses, live body weight, feed intake, water intake and mortality rate. The results of the experiments showed that evaporative cooling reduced the temperature by 18.9% and 16.6% in the houses with bird density of 10 birds/m2 and 13 birds/m2, respectively. The live body weight increased by 26.5% and 21.9% in the houses with bird density of 10 birds/m2 and 13 birds/m2, respect- tively. The mortality rate in the same houses was reduced by 79% and 75.7%, respectively. The results indicated that evaporative cooling effect was highly •siY1ificantly and positively correlated with most of the measured triats

    An In-Vitro Assessment of Anti-Tumor Activity of Some Plant Extract and Natural Products, Using Potato Discs Bioassay Technique

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       Objectives: This study aimed to examine some plant extracts and natural products for anti-tumor activity. Methodology: Potato disc bioassay was used to estimate anti-tumor activity of some plant extracts and natural products. Five plant extracts and natural products recommended in a questionnaire filled by local botanists in addition to an introduced fermented food “Manda Koso” were used in this study. Study design: A questionnaire was designed and filled by 60 botanists looking for plant extracts and natural products having anti-cancer activity. In addition, computer surveys were conducted for gathering information on promising natural compounds act as anticancer agents. The potato disc bioassay was conducted using the Complete Randomized Design with three replicates. Each treatment in each replicate was represented by two Petri dishes contained five potato discs each. Petri dishes treated with sterilized water were used as control. Four separate experiments were carried out using TLC technique. Results & Discussion: Results showed highly significant differences among treatments with respect to total number of tumors and inhibition average percentage (%). The inhibition average percentage (IAP) for the different products ranged between 80.95-100% for the different products and equal zero for the control. It was 100% for Manda Kosa and bees honey followed by 90.23% for olive oil. Other treatments showed moderate anti-tumor effect of 80.95% IAP. Conclusions: Results concluded that Manda Koso, bees honey and olive oil have anti-tumor activity. Great association was found between anti-tumor activity obtained in this study and those published for anticancer activity of the promising material. الملخص: أجريت الدراسة بمعمل الاحياء الدقيقة بكلية الهندسة والتكنولوجيا بجامعة الجزيرة فى الفترة من 3 ابريل وحتى21 سبتمبر(2008) وذلك بغرض دراسة  مقدرة بعض المستخلصات النباتية على تثبيط  الاورام المستحثة باستخدام   سلالة محلية من  البكتيريا الزراعية  Agrobacterium tumefaceins تسمى SDB0012”" وذلك باستخدام تقنية قرص البطاطس وتقنية الفصل الكروماتوجرافى للتعرف على الجزيئات الفعالة للمستخلصات الطبيعية المستخدمة فى هذه الدراسة. اوضحت النتائج فروقات معنوية عالية ما بين المستخلصات المستخدمة في العدد الكلي للاورام  واحجامها.   اعطي  المستخلص اليابانى ماندا كوسو " Manda Koso" فعالية عالية على التثبيط الكلي للأورام المستحثة,  تليها عينة محلية لعسل النحل ثم زيت الزيتون ثم زيت الحبة السوداء (الكمون) ثم زيت الثوم  واقل نسبة رصدت في زيت الحلبة. أوصت الدراسة لاستخدام كل من ماندا كوسو, العسل و زيت الحبة السوداء كمثبطات نمو الاورام. اتضح من خلال هذه الدراسة فعالية استخدام تقنية اقراص البطاطس في تحديد مثبطات لنمو الاورام في كل من البطاطس والانسان وذلك من خلال تقارب النتائج بين هذا الاختبار في هذه التجربة و النتائج العالمية في هذه المستخلصات. هذا وقد اقترحت الدراسة إجراء استخدام تقنيات الفصل الكروماتوجرافى و كروماتوجرافيا الغاز GC و تقنية HPLC  بالاضافة لتقنية الهجرة الكهربية electrophoresis gel لفصل البروتينات

    Cytotoxic Effect of Silica Nanoparticle on some Tumor Cell Lines

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    الهدف: اكتشفت دقائق السليكا النانوية بإمتلاكها السمية الخلوية في الخلايا الطبيعية والسرطانية ، لذلك فأن هذه الدراسة تهدف الى تقييم التاثير السمي الخلوي لدقائق السيليكا النانوية على بعض خطوط الخلايا السرطانية. المواد وطرق العمل: تم تحضير ستة تراكيز(1000,800,600,400,200,100مايكروغم/مل)من الدقائق النانوية لثاني أوكسيد السليكون(السيليكا) وبحجم دقائق 20-30 نانوميتر وقد تم اختبار تأثيرها المسمم على خطوط الخلايا السرطانية AMN3,Hela,RD))وكذلك على خط الخلايا الطبيعي REF كسيطرة ولفترتين تعريضيتين (48,24 ساعة) يإستخدام فحص MTT لقياس الكثافة الضوئية لنمو الخلايا عند طول موجي 500 نانوميتر. النتائج: اظهرت جميع خطوط الخلايا السرطانية تثبيط معنوي في نمو الخلايا السرطانية بعد 24 و 48 ساعة من التعريض لجميع تراكيز السيليكا النانوية, بينما كان التغير في نسبة تثبيط النمو غير معنوي في خلايا خط REFالطبيعية. من جهة أخرى تبين بأن خط خلايا RD كان الوحيد الذي أظهر علاقة سلبية معنوية (r= - 0.8178, P=0.047) بين معامل نسبة النمو وتركيز دقائق السليكا النانوية بعد 24 ساعة من التعريض ، بينما بقية خطوط الخلايا  (HeLa, AMN3,REF) أعطت علاقة غير معنوية سواء بعد 24 ساعة أو 48 ساعة من المعاملة. الاستنتاج: إن دقائق السليكا النانوية بحد ذاتها وبحجم 20-30 نانوميتر أعطت وبشكل معنوي تأثيرا سميا خلويا في عدة خطوط من الخلايا الورمية المختلفة إستنادا لفحص الـ MTT وأن شدة تأثيرها التسممي غير معتمد على تركيزها مما يشير الى أن فعاليتها معتمدة على نوع الخلايا. لذلك فإن المسالك التي تحث من خلالها دقائق السليكا النانوية على التأثير السمي الخلوي في الخلايا الورمية تحتاج الى فحوصات أكثر.Objective: Silica nanoparticles have been discovered to exert cytotoxicity in normal and cancerous human cells. Therefore, this study is aimed to evaluate the cytotoxic effect of silica nanoparticle on some tumor cell lines. Materials and Methods: Six concentrations (100,200,400,600,800, and1000 µg/ml) of silicon oxide SiO2nanoparticles (SONPs)with particle size 20-30 nm were prepared and their cytotoxic effect was tested on Hela, RD and ANM3 cancer cell lines as well as REF normal cell line as a control for 24 and 48 hr by using MTT assay to estimate the optical density (OD) of cell growth at wave length 500nm. Results: All tumor cell lines (RD, HeLa, and AMN3) demonstrated significant inhibition in the cell growth index (GI%) after 24 and 48 hr exposure to all concentrations of SONPs, however the GI% of Ref cell showed non-significant change after both incubation periods of treatment. On the other hand, only RD cell line showed significant negative correlation (r=- 0.8178, P=0.047) between GI% and the concentration of SONPs after 24 hr exposure, while those HeLa, AMN3,and REF cell lines showed non-significant correlation whether after 24 hr or 48 hr of treatment. Conclusion: The SONP per se at diameter 20-30 nm revealed significant cytotoxic effect based on MTT assay in different tumor cell lines, and the magnitude of their cytotoxic effect is dose-independent in the majority of cell lines which indicated that they are acting in cell type-dependent manner. Therefore, pathways by which SONPs induced their cytotoxic effect in tumor cells need further  investigation

    Changes in anterior chamber biometry and intraocular pressure after uneventful phacoemulsification in non-glaucomatous eyes

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    Background: In non-glaucomatous eyes, many factors impact intraocular pressure (IOP) reduction following phacoemulsification. This study aimed to determine the relationship between changes in IOP and alterations in anterior chamber biometric measurements using the Pentacam Scheimpflug anterior segment imaging system before and after uneventful phacoemulsification in non-glaucomatous eyes. Methods: This prospective interventional study included patients with ages of 20 – 80 years, no known systemic diseases, and visually significant cataracts necessitating phacoemulsification with posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation. The preoperative and two-month postoperative IOPs were measured using a Goldmann applanation tonometer, and the iridocorneal angle (ICA) in four quadrants (superior, inferior, nasal, and temporal), anterior chamber depth (ACD), and anterior chamber volume (ACV) were measured using the Pentacam. Results: Forty-two eyes of 42 patients with a mean (standard deviation [SD]) age of 56.8 (10.7) years were included; 22 (52%) were men and 20 (48%) were women. The eyes demonstrated statistically significant changes in postoperative IOP, ACD, ACV, and in widening of the ICA (all P < 0.05), with a mean (SD) IOP reduction of 4.5 (2.7) mmHg, ACD deepening of 0.7 (0.6) mm, ACV increase of 33.2 (21.1) mm3, and ICA widening of 7.5o (6.4o), 12.4o (7.7o), 9.1o (7.1o), and 11.5o (6.1o) in the superior, inferior, temporal, and nasal quadrants, respectively. A significant positive correlation was detected between pre- and postoperative IOP (r = + 0.58; P < 0.001) and between pre- and postoperative ACD (r = + 0.50; P < 0.001). Significant negative correlations were detected between preoperative ACV and changes in ACV (r = - 0.42; P < 0.001) and between preoperative ICA and changes in ICA (r = - 0.02; P = 0.001). However, no significant correlations were observed between the changes in IOP and patient age (r = + 0.001; P = 0.957) and axial length of the eye (r = + 0.13; P = 0.221), or changes in ICA (r = - 0.01; P = 0.945), ACD (r = + 0.01; P = 0.945), and ACV (r = - 0.12; P = 0.599). Conclusions: We observed a significant reduction in IOP, widening of the ICA, and increases in ACD and ACV after phacoemulsification; however, there was no significant correlation between changes in IOP and other biometric variables. Further studies are required to determine the exact mechanisms underlying these effects

    Asymmetric Encryption for Wiretap Channels

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    Since the definition of the wiretap channel by Wyner in 1975, there has been much research to investigate the communication security of this channel. This thesis presents some further investigations into the wiretap channel which improve the reliability of the communication security. The main results include the construction of best known equivocation codes which leads to an increase in the ambiguity of the wiretap channel by using different techniques based on syndrome coding. Best known codes (BKC) have been investigated, and two new design models which includes an inner code and outer code have been implemented. It is shown that best results are obtained when the outer code employs a syndrome coding scheme based on the (23; 12; 7) binary Golay code and the inner code employs the McEliece cryptosystem technique based on BKC0s. Three techniques of construction of best known equivocation codes (BEqC) for syndrome coding scheme are presented. Firstly, a code design technique to produce new (BEqC) codes which have better secrecy than the best error correcting codes is presented. Code examples (some 50 codes) are given for the case where the number of parity bits of the code is equal to 15. Secondly, a new code design technique is presented, which is based on the production of a new (BEqC) by adding two best columns to the parity check matrix(H) of a good (BEqC), [n; k] code. The highest minimum Hamming distance of a linear code is an important parameter which indicates the capability of detecting and correcting errors by the code. In general, (BEqC) have a respectable minimum Hamming distance, but are sometimes not as good as the best known codes with the same code parameters. This interesting point led to the production of a new code design technique which produces a (BEqC) code with the highest minimum Hamming distance for syndrome coding which has better secrecy than the corresponding (BKC). As many as 207 new best known equivocation codes which have the highest minimum distance have been found so far using this design technique.Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Kurdistan Regional Government, Erbil-Ira

    Outcomes of integrating a clinical pharmacist in the pediatric cardiology ward

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    To date, very limited data are available on clinical pharmacist's services in pediatric cardiology. The aim of this review was to assess "drug-related problems" (DRPs) and patient outcomes during the involvement of the clinical pharmacist in the pediatric cardiology ward. Studies published between January 2000 and November 2021 were searched across Medline, PubMed, Google Scholar, Elsevier, and ScienceDirect for “DRPs” and “patient outcome” with “clinical pharmacist” and “pediatric cardiology”. Results revealed that the incorporation of clinical pharmacists in the multidisciplinary team can detect and resolve DRPs, reduce the overall burden of healthcare costs, and improve drug safety in pediatric cardiology patients. Most DRPs identified and interventions proposed by the clinical pharmacists were accepted by the physicians. Studies have also reported a positive impact on patient outcomes, including: shorter hospital stay, fewer disease events, optimal anticoagulation levels, lipid levels, and blood pressure. Moreover; pharmacist-led discharge medication counseling resulted in better medication adherence, fewer medication discrepancies, and a lower incidence of cardiovascular-associated hospital readmissions. In summary, there is growing evidence that integration and interventions of clinical pharmacists into cardiology ward has a positive influence on DRPs and patient outcomes

    Aryl hydrocarbon receptor-dependent upregulation of Cyp1b1 by TCDD and diesel exhaust particles in rat brain microvessels

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>AhR activates the transcription of several target genes including CYP1B1. Recently, we showed <it>CYP1B1 </it>as the major cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzyme expressed in human brain microvessels. Here, we studied the effect of AhR activation by environmental pollutants on the expression of Cyp1b1 in rat brain microvessels.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Expression of AhR and Cyp1b1 was detected in isolated rat brain microvessels. AhR was immunovisualised in brain microvessel endothelial cells. The effect of AhR ligands on Cyp1b1 expression was studied using isolated brain microvessels after <it>ex vivo </it>and/or <it>in vivo </it>exposure to TCDD, heavy hydrocarbons containing diesel exhaust particles (DEP) or Δ<sup>9</sup>-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ<sup>9</sup>-THC).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>After <it>ex vivo </it>exposure to TCDD (a highly potent AhR ligand) for 3 h, <it>Cyp1b1 </it>expression was significantly increased by 2.3-fold in brain microvessels. A single i.p. dose of TCDD also increased <it>Cyp1b1 </it>transcripts (22-fold) and Cyp1b1 protein (2-fold) in rat brain microvessels at 72 h after TCDD. Likewise, DEP treatment (<it>in vivo </it>and <it>ex vivo</it>) strongly induced Cyp1b1 protein in brain microvessels. DEP-mediated Cyp1b1 induction was inhibited by actinomycin D, cycloheximide, or by an AhR antagonist. In contrast, a sub-chronic <it>in vivo </it>treatment with Δ<sup>9</sup>-THC once daily for 7 seven days had no effect on <it>Cyp1b1 </it>expression</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results show that TCDD and DEP strongly induced Cyp1b1 in rat brain microvessels, likely through AhR activation.</p