8,838 research outputs found

    Controlling the polarisation correlation of photon pairs from a charge-tuneable quantum dot

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    Correlation between the rectilinear polarisations of the photons emitted from the biexciton decay in a single quantum dot is investigated in a device which allows the charge-state of the dot to be controlled. Optimising emission from the neutral exciton states maximises the operating efficiency of the biexciton decay. This is important for single dot applications such as a triggered source of entangled photons. As the bias on the device is reduced correlation between the two photons is found to fall dramatically as emission from the negatively charged exciton becomes significant. Lifetime measurements demonstrate that electronic spin-scattering is the likely cause.Comment: 3 figure

    A standardised sampling protocol for robust assessment of reach-scale fish community diversity in wadeable New Zealand streams

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    The New Zealand fish fauna contains species that are affected not only by river system connectivity, but also by catchment and local-scale changes in landcover, water quality and habitat quality. Consequently, native fish have potential as multi-scale bioindicators of human pressure on stream ecosystems, yet no standardised, repeatable and scientifically defensible methods currently exist for effectively quantifying their abundance or diversity in New Zealand stream reaches. Here we report on the testing of a back-pack electrofishing method, modified from that used by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, on a wide variety of wadeable stream reaches throughout New Zealand. Seventy-three first- to third-order stream reaches were fished with a single pass over 150-345 m length. Time taken to sample a reach using single-pass electrofishing ranged from 1-8 h. Species accumulation curves indicated that, irrespective of location, continuous sampling of 150 stream metres is required to accurately describe reach-scale fish species richness using this approach. Additional species detection beyond 150 m was rare (<10%) with a single additional species detected at only two out of the 17 reaches sampled beyond this distance. A positive relationship was also evident between species detection and area fished, although stream length rather than area appeared to be the better predictor. The method tested provides a standardised and repeatable approach for regional and/or national reporting on the state of New Zealand's freshwater fish communities and trends in richness and abundance over time

    Inversion of exciton level splitting in quantum dots

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    The demonstration of degeneracy of exciton spin states is an important step toward the production of entangled photon pairs from the biexciton cascade. We measure the fine structure of exciton and biexciton states for a large number of single InAs quantum dots in a GaAs matrix; the energetic splitting of the horizontally and vertically polarized components of the exciton doublet is shown to decrease as the exciton confinement decreases, crucially passing through zero and changing sign. Thermal annealing is shown to reduce the exciton confinement, thereby increasing the number of dots with splitting close to zero

    Under the influence::Using natural language in interactive storytelling

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    Interacting in natural language with virtual actors is an important aspect of the development of future Interactive Storytelling systems. We describe a paradigm for speech interfaces in interactive storytelling based on the notion of influence. In this paradigm, the user is mainly a spectator who is however able to interfere with the course of action by issuing advice to the characters. This is achieved by recognising corresponding speech acts and mapping them to the plans which implement characters&apos; behaviours in the story. We discuss some examples based on a preliminary, yet fully implemented, prototype

    Fitness and Adiposity Are Independently Associated with Cardiometabolic Risk in Youth

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    Purpose. The purpose of the study was to examine the independent associations of adiposity and cardiorespiratory fitness with clustered cardiometabolic risk. Methods. A cross-sectional sample of 192 adolescents (118 boys), aged 14–16 years, was recruited from a South Lanarkshire school in the West of Scotland. Anthropometry and blood pressure were measured, and blood samples were taken. The 20 m multistage fitness test was the indicator of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF). A clustered cardiometabolic risk score was constructed from HDL-C (inverted), LDL-C, HOMA, systolic blood pressure, and triglycerides. Interleukin-6, C-reactive protein, and adiponectin were also measured and examined relative to the clustered cardiometabolic risk score, CRF, and adiposity. Results. Although significant, partial correlations between BMI and waist circumference (WC) and both CRF and adiponectin were negative and weak to moderate, while correlations between the BMI and WC and CRP were positive but weak to moderate. Weak to moderate negative associations were also evident for adiponectin with CRP, IL-6, and clustered cardiometabolic risk. WC was positively associated while CRF was negatively associated with clustered cardiometabolic risk. With the additional adjustment for either WC or CRF, the independent associations with cardiometabolic risk persisted. Conclusion. WC and CRF are independently associated with clustered cardiometabolic risk in Scottish adolescent

    Response of lightning NOx emissions and ozone production to climate change: Insights from the Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Model Intercomparison Project

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    Results from an ensemble of models are used to investigate the response of lightning nitrogen oxide emissions to climate change and the consequent impacts on ozone production. Most models generate lightning using a parameterization based on cloud top height. With this approach and a present-day global emission of 5 TgN, we estimate a linear response with respect to changes in global surface temperature of +0.44 ± 0.05 TgN K−1. However, two models using alternative approaches give +0.14 and −0.55 TgN K−1 suggesting that the simulated response is highly dependent on lightning parameterization. Lightning NOx is found to have an ozone production efficiency of 6.5 ± 4.7 times that of surface NOx sources. This wide range of efficiencies across models is partly due to the assumed vertical distribution of the lightning source and partly to the treatment of nonmethane volatile organic compound (NMVOC) chemistry. Careful consideration of the vertical distribution of emissions is needed, given its large influence on ozone production

    Freshwater diatom persistence on clothing II: Further analysis of species assemblage dynamics over investigative timescales

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    Diatoms are a useful form of environmental trace evidence, yielding a circumstantial link between persons and scenes of forensic interest. A developing empirical research base has sought to understand those factors affecting the transfer and persistence of freshwater diatoms on clothing and footwear surfaces. Although an initial study has demonstrated that diatoms can persist on clothing following weeks of wear, no previous research has explored the temporal dynamics of a persistent species assemblage over timescales pertinent to forensic investigations. This study therefore aimed to determine if: (1) valve morphology (size and shape) influences diatom persistence, (2) the relative abundance of taxa within an assemblage affects retention, and (3) a persistent diatom assemblage retrieved from clothing after one month can reliably be compared to the site of initial transfer. To build on previous research findings which highlighted the impact of substrate and environmental seasonality on diatom transfer and persistence, here, nine clothing materials were tested in spring before a seasonal comparison in the winter. Fabric swatches were immersed in a freshwater river, worn attached to clothing, and subsamples retrieved at regular intervals (hours, days, weeks) up to one month post-immersion. Diatoms were extracted using a H2O2 technique and analysed via microscopy. The results indicated that smaller diatoms (< 10 µm) are retained in significantly greater abundance, with no statistically significant difference between centric and pennate diatom loss over time. Although a persistent species assemblage was relatively stable over the one month of wear, significant differences were identified between clothing substrate in the spring and between the seasonal samples. The most abundant environmental taxa were consistently identified in the forensic samples, with greater variability attributed to the retention of relatively less common species. The findings suggest that, despite a loss in the abundance and species-richness of diatoms retrieved from clothing over time, a persistent assemblage may provide a useful circumstantial link to the site of initial transfer. The complex relationships between clothing type, environmental seasonality, and time since wear on retention, emphasise the need for diatom trace evidence to be carefully interpreted within an exclusionary framework, and the significance of any casework findings to be determined with reference to empirical evidence bases

    A Creative Information System Based on the SCAMPER Technique

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    Lopes, R., Malta, P., Mamede, H., & Santos, V. (2020). A Creative Information System Based on the SCAMPER Technique. In M. Themistocleous, M. Papadaki, & M. M. Kamal (Eds.), Information Systems: 17th European, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern Conference, EMCIS 2020, Proceedings (pp. 595-606). (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing; Vol. 402). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-63396-7_40Nowadays, the use of creativity in business has been increasing drastically because it has been perceived to be important for the market to come up with new ways, focused on answers to the problems proposed by the users. Several different creativity techniques can be used in a myriad of contexts. One of the most important techniques is the SCAMPER technique, which is based on reorganizing, modifying, adding, and eliminating information. An automated system will provide answers and solutions to creativity problems and contribute to minimizing the cost of innovation in companies. The aim of this paper is, therefore, to design an architecture system for a creative information system based on the SCAMPER creativity technique, thus building an automated system of this technique.authorsversionpublishe

    Freshwater diatom persistence on clothing I: A quantitative assessment of trace evidence dynamics over time

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    Freshwater diatoms offer valuable circumstantial forensic indicators, with a growing empirical research base aiming to identify and understand some of the spatial and temporal factors affecting their validity as trace evidence. Previous studies demonstrated that recipient surface characteristics, environmental variability, and individual species traits influence the initial transfer of freshwater diatoms to clothing. However, no previous research has sought to consider the impact of these and other variables on the persistence of transferred diatoms over investigative timescales. Therefore, this study aimed to identify and explore diatom retention dynamics on clothing following wear over time (hours to weeks). A series of experiments were designed to examine the impact of clothing material, seasonality, and time since wear (persistence interval) on the total number and species-richness of diatoms recovered and their relative retention (%) over time. Nine clothing swatches were immersed in a freshwater environment and then worn for one month in the spring. Subsamples were retrieved at regular intervals (e.g. 30 mins, 1 h, 8 h, 24 h) up to one month, diatoms were extracted using a H2O2 method, and examined microscopically. Three clothing materials were subject to the same experiment in the winter to generate a seasonal comparison. The results broadly identified three stages of diatom persistence on clothing - rapid initial loss, variable intermediate decay, and sustained long-term presence. Clothing material significantly impacted the number of diatoms recovered and retention dynamics over time, with complex interactions identified with seasonality. Although fewer diatoms were recovered in the winter, overall retention trends were consistent at the different times of year. The findings demonstrate that diatoms can be recovered from clothing, even weeks or months after an initial transfer, yielding a useful environmental trace indicator for forensic reconstructions over investigative timescales. The impact of clothing material and seasonality on persistence identified cotton, acrylic, and viscose clothing as the most reliable temporal repository of diatom trace evidence, with a more abundant forensic assemblage available for forensic comparisons in the spring