83 research outputs found

    The Circulation of Money and Holding Time Distribution

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    We have studied the statistical mechanics of money circulation in a closed economic system. An explicit statistical formulation of the circulation velocity of money is presented for the first time by introducing the concept of holding time of money. The result indicates that the velocity is governed by behavior patterns of economic agents. Computer simulations have been carried out in order to demonstrate the shape of the holding time distribution. We find that, money circulation is a Poisson process in which the holding time probability distribution follows a type of Gamma distribution, and the velocity of money depends on the share for exchange and the number of agents.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    Why Are PPP Projects Stagnating in China? An Evolutionary Analysis of China's PPP Policies

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    The Public–Private Partnership (PPP) model has significantly contributed to global infrastructure and public service provision. The evolution of the PPP model closely aligns with policy directives. China’s PPP policy evolution has included five stages: budding (1986–2000), fluctuating (2001–2008), steady (2009–2012), expanding (2013–2018), and stagnating (2019–present). This study em-ploys bibliometric analysis and co-word analysis to examine 407 policies enacted by the Chinese government from 1986 to 2018. By extracting policy text keywords at various stages and constructing a co-word network matrix, this study delineates the distinctive characteristics of Chinese PPP policies across different epochs. It can be found that critical areas such as “government credit”, “contract spirit”, and “power supervision” are still underappreciated. The challenges confronting China’s PPP model are multi-faceted, stemming from policy gaps that have led to substantial project difficulties. Although the government proposed a new mechanism for franchising in 2023, the new mechanism is only for new PPP projects, and the difficulties of existing PPP projects have not been solved. This study advocates for enhancements in project bankability, regulatory clarity, institutional environment improvement, contract spirit defense, and the development of the PPP-REITs model to address these issue

    Nanocarrier system: An emerging strategy for bioactive peptide delivery

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    Compared with small-molecule synthetic drugs, bioactive peptides have desirable advantages in efficiency, selectivity, safety, tolerance, and side effects, which are accepted by attracting extensive attention from researchers in food, medicine, and other fields. However, unacceptable barriers, including mucus barrier, digestive enzyme barrier, and epithelial barrier, cause the weakening or the loss of bioavailability and biostability of bioactive peptides. The nanocarrier system for bioactive peptide delivery needs to be further probed. We provide a comprehensive update on the application of versatile delivery systems for embedding bioactive peptides, including liposomes, polymer nanoparticles, polysaccharides, hydrogels, and self-emulsifying delivery systems, and further clarify their structural characterization, advantages, and disadvantages as delivery systems. It aims to provide a reference for the maximum utilization of bioactive peptides. It is expected to be an effective strategy for improving the bioavailability and biostability of bioactive peptides

    Dominant 100,000-year precipitation cyclicity in a late Miocene lake from northeast Tibet

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    East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) precipitation received by northern China over the past 800 thousand years (ky) is characterized by dominant 100-ky periodicity, mainly attributed to CO2 and Northern Hemisphere insolation–driven ice sheet forcing. We established an EASM record in the Late Miocene from lacustrine sediments in the Qaidam Basin, northern China, which appears to exhibit a dominant 100-ky periodicity similar to the EASM records during the Late Quaternary. Because evidence suggests that partial or ephemeral ice existed in the Northern Hemisphere during the Late Miocene, we attribute the 100-ky cycles to CO2 and Southern Hemisphere insolation–driven Antarctic ice sheet forcing. This indicates a >6–million year earlier onset of the dominant 100-ky Asian monsoon and, likely, glacial and CO2 cycles and may indicate dominant forcing of Northern Hemisphere climate by CO2 and Southern Hemisphere ice sheets in a warm world.This work was funded by the national key research and development program of China (2016YFE0109500), the (973) National Basic Research Program of China (grant no. 2013CB956400), the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (grant no. XDB03020400), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant nos. 41422204, 41172329, and 41290253), and the U.S. NSF (grant no. 1545859)

    Retroform Cervical Dystonia: Target Muscle Selection and Efficacy of Botulinum Toxin Injection

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    IntroductionRetroform cervical dystonia (RCD), which includes retrocaput and retrocollis, is a rare form of cervical dystonia. Few reports have been published on RCD. The present study aimed to characterize the target muscles involved in RCD and the efficacy of botulinum toxin type A (BTX-A) injection.MethodsPatients with consecutive cervical dystonia with RCD as the most problematic feature were retrospectively analyzed over a 10-year period. Target muscles were screened and confirmed based on clinical evaluation, single-photon emission computed tomography, and electromyography. In addition, efficacy and adverse events following BTX-A injection in patients with RCD were evaluated.ResultsA total of 34 patients with RCD were included, 18 of whom presented with retrocaput and 16 with retrocollis. The most frequently injected muscles in RCD were splenius capitis (SPCa, 97.1%) and semispinalis capitis (SSCa, 97.1%), followed by levator scapulae (LS, 50.0%), rectus capitis posterior major (RCPM, 47.1%), trapezius (TPZ, 41.2%), and sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM, 41.2%). Besides cervical muscles, the erector spinae was also injected in 17.6% of patients. Most muscles were predominantly bilaterally injected. The injection schemes of retrocaput and retrocollis were similar, possibly because in patients with retrocollis, retrocaput was often combined. BTX-A injection achieved a satisfactory therapeutic effect in RCD, with an average symptom relief rate of 69.0 ± 16.7%. Mild dysphagia (17.6%) and posterior cervical muscle weakness (17.6%) were the most common adverse events.ConclusionSPCa, SSCa, LS, RCPM, LS, and SCM were commonly and often bilaterally injected in RCD. Patients with RCD could achieve satisfactory symptom relief after BTX-A injection

    Eccentricity-paced monsoon variability on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau in the Late Oligocene high CO 2 world

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    Constraining monsoon variability and dynamics in the warm unipolar icehouse world of the Late Oligocene can provide important clues to future climate responses to global warming. Here, we present a ~4-thousand year (ka) resolution rubidium-to-strontium ratio and magnetic susceptibility records between 28.1 and 24.1 million years ago from a distal alluvial sedimentary sequence in the Lanzhou Basin (China) on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau margin. These Asian monsoon precipitation records exhibit prominent short (~110-ka) and long (405-ka) eccentricity cycles throughout the Late Oligocene, with a weak expression of obliquity (41-ka) and precession (19-ka and 23-ka) cycles. We conclude that a combination of eccentricity-modulated low-latitude summer insolation and glacial-interglacial Antarctic Ice Sheet fluctuations drove the eccentricity-paced precipitation variability on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau in the Late Oligocene high CO2 world by governing regional temperatures, water vapor loading in the western Pacific and Indian Oceans, and the Asian monsoon intensity and displacement

    Orbital- and millennial-scale Asian winter monsoon variability across the Pliocene–Pleistocene glacial intensification

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    Intensification of northern hemisphere glaciation (iNHG), ~2.7 million years ago (Ma), led to establishment of the Pleistocene to present-day bipolar icehouse state. Here we document evolution of orbital- and millennial-scale Asian winter monsoon (AWM) variability across the iNHG using a palaeomagnetically dated centennial-resolution grain size record between 3.6 and 1.9 Ma from a previously undescribed loess-palaeosol/red clay section on the central Chinese Loess Plateau. We find that the late Pliocene–early Pleistocene AWM was characterized by combined 41-kyr and ~100-kyr cycles, in response to ice volume and atmospheric CO2 forcing. Northern hemisphere ice sheet expansion, which was accompanied by an atmospheric CO2 concentration decline, substantially increased glacial AWM intensity and its orbitally oscillating amplitudes across the iNHG. Superposed on orbital variability, we find that millennial AWM intensity fluctuations persisted during both the warmer (higher-CO2) late Pliocene and colder (lower-CO2) early Pleistocene, in response to both external astronomical forcing and internal climate dynamics

    Orbital- and millennial-scale Asian winter monsoon variability across the Pliocene–Pleistocene glacial intensification

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    Intensification of northern hemisphere glaciation (iNHG), ~2.7 million years ago (Ma), led to establishment of the Pleistocene to present-day bipolar icehouse state. Here we document evolution of orbital- and millennial-scale Asian winter monsoon (AWM) variability across the iNHG using a palaeomagnetically dated centennial-resolution grain size record between 3.6 and 1.9 Ma from a previously undescribed loess-palaeosol/red clay section on the central Chinese Loess Plateau. We find that the late Pliocene–early Pleistocene AWM was characterized by combined 41-kyr and ~100-kyr cycles, in response to ice volume and atmospheric CO2 forcing. Northern hemisphere ice sheet expansion, which was accompanied by an atmospheric CO2 concentration decline, substantially increased glacial AWM intensity and its orbitally oscillating amplitudes across the iNHG. Superposed on orbital variability, we find that millennial AWM intensity fluctuations persisted during both the warmer (higher-CO2) late Pliocene and colder (lower-CO2) early Pleistocene, in response to both external astronomical forcing and internal climate dynamics

    Northern hemisphere ice sheet expansion intensified Asian aridification and the winter monsoon across the mid-Pleistocene transition

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    The mid-Pleistocene transition 1.25 to 0.6 million years ago marked a major shift in global climate periodicity from 41,000 to around 100,000 years without a concomitant orbital forcing shift. Here, we investigate Asian climate dynamics associated with two extreme glacial loess coarsening events at the onset and middle of the mid-Pleistocene transition by combining new and existing grain size and magnetic susceptibility records from the Chinese Loess Plateau spanning the last 1.6 million years with general circulation model simulations. We find that the two extreme glacial events reflect exceptionally enhanced Asian aridification and winter monsoon activity. They coincided with notable Northern Hemisphere glacial ice sheet expansion at 1.25 and 0.9 million years ago when the 100,000-year periodicity initiated and intensified, respectively. Our results indicate that these anomalously dry and windy Asian glacials were probably driven by an amplified terrestrial climate response to the coincident Northern Hemisphere ice sheet expansion

    Concurrent Asian monsoon strengthening and early modern human dispersal to East Asia during the last interglacial

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    The relationship between initial Homo sapiens dispersal from Africa to East Asia and the orbitally paced evolution of the Asian summer monsoon (ASM)-currently the largest monsoon system-remains underexplored due to lack of coordinated synthesis of both Asian paleoanthropological and paleoclimatic data. Here, we investigate orbital-scale ASM dynamics during the last 280 thousand years (kyr) and their likely influences on early H. sapiens dispersal to East Asia, through a unique integration of i) new centennial-resolution ASM records from the Chinese Loess Plateau, ii) model-based East Asian hydroclimatic reconstructions, iii) paleoanthropological data compilations, and iv) global H. sapiens habitat suitability simulations. Our combined proxy-and model-based reconstructions suggest that ASM precipitation responded to a combination of Northern Hemisphere ice volume, greenhouse gas, and regional summer insolation forcing, with cooccurring primary orbital cycles of ∌100-kyr, 41-kyr, and ∌20-kyr. Between ∌125 and 70 kyr ago, summer monsoon rains and temperatures increased in vast areas across Asia. This episode coincides with the earliest H. sapiens fossil occurrence at multiple localities in East Asia. Following the transcontinental increase in simulated habitat suitability, we suggest that ASM strengthening together with Southeast African climate deterioration may have promoted the initial H. sapiens dispersal from their African homeland to remote East Asia during the last interglacial
