27 research outputs found

    Congenital Anomalies of the Kidney and Urinary Tract: A Genetic Disorder?

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    Congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUTs) occur in 3–6 per 1000 live births, account for the most cases of pediatric end-stage kidney disease (ESKD), and predispose an individual to hypertension and cardiovascular disease throughout life. Although CAKUTs are a part of many known syndromes, only few single-candidate causative genes have been implicated so far in nonsyndromic cases of human CAKUT. Evidence from mouse models supports the hypothesis that non-syndromic human CAKUT may be caused by single-gene defects. Because increasing numbers of children with CAKUT are surviving to adulthood, better understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of CAKUT, development of new strategies aiming at prevention of CAKUT, preservation of renal function, and avoidance of associated cardiovascular morbidity are needed. In this paper, we will focus on the knowledge derived from the study of syndromic and non-syndromic forms of CAKUT in humans and mouse mutants to discuss the role of genetic, epigenetic, and in utero environmental factors in the pathogenesis of non-syndromic forms of CAKUT in children with particular emphasis on the genetic contributions to CAKUT

    (Pro)renin Receptor in Kidney Development and Disease

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    The renin-angiotensin system (RAS), a key regulator of the blood pressure and fluid/electrolyte homeostasis, also plays a critical role in kidney development. All the components of the RAS are expressed in the developing metanephros. Moreover, mutations in the genes encoding components of the RAS in mice or humans are associated with a broad spectrum of congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT). These forms of CAKUT include renal papillary hypoplasia, hydronephrosis, duplicated collecting system, renal tubular dysgenesis, renal vascular abnormalities, and aberrant glomerulogenesis. Emerging evidence indicates that (pro)renin receptor (PRR), a novel component of the RAS, is essential for proper kidney development and that aberrant PRR signaling is causally linked to cardiovascular and renal disease. This paper describes the role of the RAS in kidney development and highlights emerging insights into the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which the PRR may regulate this critical morphogenetic process

    Receptor Tyrosine Kinases in Kidney Development

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    The kidney plays a fundamental role in the regulation of arterial blood pressure and fluid/electrolyte homeostasis. As congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT) constitute one of the most common human birth defects, improved understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms that lead to CAKUT is critical. Accumulating evidence indicates that aberrant signaling via receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) is causally linked to CAKUT. Upon activation by their ligands, RTKs dimerize, undergo autophosphorylation on specific tyrosine residues, and interact with adaptor proteins to activate intracellular signal transduction pathways that regulate diverse cell behaviours such as cell proliferation, survival, and movement. Here, we review the current understanding of role of RTKs and their downstream signaling pathways in the pathogenesis of CAKUT

    Developmental programming of hypertension and kidney disease

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    A growing body of evidence supports the concept that changes in the intrauterine milieu during "sensitive" periods of embryonic development or in infant diet after birth affect the developing individual, resulting in general health alterations later in life. This phenomenon is referred to as "developmental programming" or "developmental origins of health and disease." The risk of developing late-onset diseases such as hypertension, chronic kidney disease (CKD), obesity or type 2 diabetes is increased in infants born prematurely at <37 weeks of gestation or in low birth weight (LBW) infants weighing <2,500 g at birth. Both genetic and environmental events contribute to the programming of subsequent risks of CKD and hypertension in premature or LBW individuals. A number of observations suggest that susceptibility to subsequent CKD and hypertension in premature or LBW infants is mediated, at least in part, by reduced nephron endowment. The major factors influencing in utero environment that are associated with a low final nephron number include uteroplacental insufficiency, maternal low-protein diet, hyperglycemia, vitamin A deficiency, exposure to or interruption of endogenous glucocorticoids, and ethanol exposure. This paper discusses the effect of premature birth, LBW, intrauterine milieu, and infant feeding on the development of hypertension and renal disease in later life as well as examines the role of the kidney in developmental programming of hypertension and CKD

    Developmental Programming of Hypertension and Kidney Disease

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    A growing body of evidence supports the concept that changes in the intrauterine milieu during “sensitive” periods of embryonic development or in infant diet after birth affect the developing individual, resulting in general health alterations later in life. This phenomenon is referred to as “developmental programming” or “developmental origins of health and disease.” The risk of developing late-onset diseases such as hypertension, chronic kidney disease (CKD), obesity or type 2 diabetes is increased in infants born prematurely at <37 weeks of gestation or in low birth weight (LBW) infants weighing <2,500 g at birth. Both genetic and environmental events contribute to the programming of subsequent risks of CKD and hypertension in premature or LBW individuals. A number of observations suggest that susceptibility to subsequent CKD and hypertension in premature or LBW infants is mediated, at least in part, by reduced nephron endowment. The major factors influencing in utero environment that are associated with a low final nephron number include uteroplacental insufficiency, maternal low-protein diet, hyperglycemia, vitamin A deficiency, exposure to or interruption of endogenous glucocorticoids, and ethanol exposure. This paper discusses the effect of premature birth, LBW, intrauterine milieu, and infant feeding on the development of hypertension and renal disease in later life as well as examines the role of the kidney in developmental programming of hypertension and CKD

    Deletion of the prorenin receptor from the ureteric bud causes renal hypodysplasia.

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    The role of the prorenin receptor (PRR) in the regulation of ureteric bud (UB) branching morphogenesis is unknown. Here, we investigated whether PRR acts specifically in the UB to regulate UB branching, kidney development and function. We demonstrate that embryonic (E) day E13.5 mouse metanephroi, isolated intact E11.5 UBs and cultured UB cells express PRR mRNA. To study its role in UB development, we conditionally ablated PRR in the developing UB (PRR (UB-/-)) using Hoxb7 (Cre) mice. On E12.5, PRR (UB-/-) mice had decreased UB branching and increased UB cell apoptosis. These defects were associated with decreased expression of Ret, Wnt11, Etv4/Etv5, and reduced phosphorylation of Erk1/2 in the UB. On E18.5, mutants had marked kidney hypoplasia, widespread apoptosis of medullary collecting duct cells and decreased expression of Foxi1, AE1 and H(+)-ATPase α4 mRNA. Ultimately, they developed occasional small cysts in medullary collecting ducts and had decreased nephron number. To test the functional consequences of these alterations, we determined the ability of PRR (UB-/-) mice to acidify and concentrate the urine on postnatal (P) day P30. PRR (UB-/-) mice were polyuric, had lower urine osmolality and a higher urine pH following 48 hours of acidic loading with NH4Cl. Taken together, these data show that PRR present in the UB epithelia performs essential functions during UB branching morphogenesis and collecting duct development via control of Ret/Wnt11 pathway gene expression, UB cell survival, activation of Erk1/2, terminal differentiation and function of collecting duct cells needed for maintaining adequate water and acid-base homeostasis. We propose that mutations in PRR could possibly cause renal hypodysplasia and renal tubular acidosis in humans

    Effect of targeted genetic inactivation of the <i>PRR</i> in the UB on UB cell apoptosis and proliferation on E12.5.

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    <p>UBs (A–H) are visualized with anti-pancytokeratin antibody (green). A–D: Proliferating cells are identified by anti-phospho-histone H3 (pH3) antibody (red). E–H: Apoptotic cells are identified by anti-caspase 3 (Casp3) antibody staining (red). All cells in B, D, F and H are identified by DAPI stain (blue). I, J: Bar graphs show the effect of targeted genetic inactivation of the <i>PRR</i> in the UB on the ratio of pH3/DAPI-positive (I) and caspase 3/DAPI- positive (J) cells. *p<0.001.</p

    Immunolocalization of H<sup>+</sup>-ATPase subunit α4 and AE1 proteins in the <i>PRR</i><sup>UB−/−</sup> and control kidneys on E18.5.

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    <p>A–F: Sections were co-stained with anti-H<sup>+</sup>-ATPase subunit α4 (red) and anti-Aqp2 (green) antibodies. The number of H<sup>+</sup>-ATPase subunit α4-positive collecting duct cells appears to be reduced in mutant (D–F) compared to control (A–C) kidneys. G–L: Sections were co-stained with anti-AE1 (red) and anti-Aqp2 (green) antibodies. The number of AE1-positive collecting duct cells appears to be reduced in mutant (J–L) compared to control (G–I) kidneys. CD- collecting duct.</p

    Effect of targeted genetic inactivation of the <i>PRR</i> in the UB on <i>Gdnf</i>, <i>Ret</i>, <i>Wnt11</i>, <i>Etv4</i> and <i>Etv5</i> mRNA expression in the mouse metanephros on E14.5.

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    <p>A–J’: Representative images of E14.5 section <i>in situ</i> hybridization. <i>PRR</i><sup>UB−/−</sup> kidneys (B, D, F, H, J) are smaller and have decreased mRNA expression intensity compared with <i>PRR</i><sup>UB+/+</sup> kidneys (A, C, E, G, I). High power images of areas shown by dashed line insets appear to show a reduction in <i>Gdnf</i> expression in the mesenchyme (B’ vs. A’) and of <i>Ret</i>, <i>Wnt11</i>, <i>Etv4</i> and <i>Etv5</i> expression at the tips of ureteric buds in <i>PRR</i><sup>UB−/−</sup> (D’, F’, H’, J’) compared with <i>PRR</i><sup>UB+/+</sup> kidneys (C’, E’, G’, I’), respectively. K: Bar graph showing decreased <i>Gdnf</i>, <i>Ret</i>, <i>Wnt11</i>, <i>Etv4</i> and <i>Etv5</i> mRNA levels in whole E12.5 <i>PRR</i><sup>UB−/−</sup> metanephroi as determined by qRT-PCR. *p<0.001. <i>PRR</i><sup>UB+/+</sup> value is defined as 1.</p