702 research outputs found


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    Previous studies have indicated that the speed curve of the 100m dash consists of some distinct phases which can be used to analyze an athlete's performance. The purpose of this study was to introduce a method using a portable computer as a device for the measurement of sprint time and the illustration of the speed curve, and to clarify a simple model of sprint phases on the factor structure. Based on the data of 133 participants, principal factor solution was given to the correlation matrix, and varimax rotation was applied to simplify the factorial structure of sprint phases. Finally, two factors were extracted and interpreted. It is suggested that this method is useful for measurement and evaluation in the 100m dash, and that a simple model of sprint phases may be explained by these two factors. These findings are important in predicting the ability of 100m sprinters and in considering coaching methods in terms of technique, training, strategy, etc

    Extraskeletal Chondroma of the Preauricular Region: A Case Report and Literature Review

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    An extraskeletal chondroma is a rare benign cartilaginous tumor that develops in soft tissue. Histologically, it is a lobulated nodule surrounded by a fibrous capsule; the inside consists of mature hyaline cartilage containing a few normal chondrocytes. We present a rare case of extraskeletal chondroma in the preauricular region. A 43-year-old man presented with a 2-cm-diameter right preauricular tumor that had been developing for 1 year. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a solid lobulated tumor in the right preauricular region, which was proximate to the capsule of the right temporomandibular joint (TMJ). This was subsequently resected under general anesthesia. The tumor was not in contact with the TMJ capsule and had not invaded the surrounding tissue, facilitating en bloc excision. Histopathologically, the tumor comprised mainly of hyaline cartilage containing chondrocytes with chondrocytic lacunae and was diagnosed as a chondroma. The postoperative period was uneventful, and there was no evidence of recurrence at the 2-year followup. We describe the clinical characteristics of our case and review the literature, emphasizing the differential diagnosis


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    著者らはこれまでの実験で,グリセリンの最終濃度が7%になるよう調整した卵黄ブドウ糖希釈液を用いて鶏精液を4倍に希釈して凍結保存を実施してきたが,その受精率は50~60%の水準にとどまった。今回この従来の希釈液を対照区とし,新たにnon‐yolk5.7%ブドウ糖液を試験区としてそれぞれ4倍希釈で凍結保存を実施し,融解後の精子活力,奇形率および受精率について比較検討した結果,融解後の精子活力については両区間に明らかな有意差が認められた(P>0.01)が奇形率においては有意差は認あられなかった(P<0.05)。試験区の1週目受精率は平均74.0%,2週目受精率は平均55.9%で対照区の1週目平均受精率52.9%,2週目平均受精率32.8%に比らべかなり良好な結果を示した。 以上の結果,鶏精子の凍結保存においてもnon‐yolkブドウ糖液は好結果を与えるもののようである。The motility, deformity and fertility of the frozen semen which were diluted 1 to 3 with a non-yolk 5.7% glucose solution and the previous diluent containing 7% glycerol in its final concentration were compared mutually. The results are as follows: The motility and the deformity percent of thawed semen treated by a non-yolk glucose solution was 85.6 ± 8.0 percent and 8.4 ± 2.0 percent on the average. The Motility was higher and the deformed sperm average lower than those in the previous diluent. The fertility of semen diluted by the present new diluent were 74.0 and 55.9 percent in the first and second week respectively. These were fairly higher than those in the previous diluent

    Behavioral analysis of relaxin-3 deficient mice

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    Relaxin-3 is a neuropeptide belonging to the relaxin/insulin superfamily. Studies using rodents have revealed that relaxin-3 is predominantly expressed in neurons in the nucleus incertus of the pons, projecting axons to forebrain regions including the hypothalamus. There is evidence that relaxin-3 is involved in several functions, including food intake and stress responses. We generated relaxin-3 gene knockout (KO) mice and examined them using a battery of behavioral tests of sensory/motor functions and emotion-related behaviors. Relaxin-3 KO mice exhibited normal growth and appearance. There was no difference in bodyweight among genotypes in both normal and high fat diet feeding. In addition, there were no significant differences between wild-type and KO mice in social interaction, depression-like behavior, and short memory test. However, in the elevated plus maze test, KO mice exhibited a robust increase in the tendency to enter open arms, although they exhibited normal performance in a light/dark transition test and showed no difference from wild-type mice in the open field test. Taken together, these results indicate that relaxin-3 KO mice exhibit mild anxiolytic characteristics relative to wild-type mice, suggesting that this peptide is involved in anxiety-related behavior