8,750 research outputs found

    Action and Energy of the Gravitational Field

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    We present a detailed examination of the variational principle for metric general relativity as applied to a ``quasilocal'' spacetime region \M (that is, a region that is both spatially and temporally bounded). Our analysis relies on the Hamiltonian formulation of general relativity, and thereby assumes a foliation of \M into spacelike hypersurfaces Σ\Sigma. We allow for near complete generality in the choice of foliation. Using a field--theoretic generalization of Hamilton--Jacobi theory, we define the quasilocal stress-energy-momentum of the gravitational field by varying the action with respect to the metric on the boundary \partial\M. The gravitational stress-energy-momentum is defined for a two--surface BB spanned by a spacelike hypersurface in spacetime. We examine the behavior of the gravitational stress-energy-momentum under boosts of the spanning hypersurface. The boost relations are derived from the geometrical and invariance properties of the gravitational action and Hamiltonian. Finally, we present several new examples of quasilocal energy--momentum, including a novel discussion of quasilocal energy--momentum in the large-sphere limit towards spatial infinity.Comment: To be published in Annals of Physics. This final version includes two new sections, one giving examples of quasilocal energy and the other containing a discussion of energy at spatial infinity. References have been added to papers by Bose and Dadhich, Anco and Tun

    Dynamical evolution of unstable self-gravitating scalar solitons

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    Recently, static and spherically symmetric configurations of globally regular self-gravitating scalar solitons were found. These configurations are unstable with respect to radial linear perturbations. In this paper we study the dynamical evolution of such configurations and show that, depending on the sign of the initial perturbation, the solitons either collapse to a Schwarzschild black hole or else ``explode'' into an outward moving domain wall.Comment: 11 pages, 16 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Uniqueness and Non-uniqueness in the Einstein Constraints

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    The conformal thin sandwich (CTS) equations are a set of four of the Einstein equations, which generalize the Laplace-Poisson equation of Newton's theory. We examine numerically solutions of the CTS equations describing perturbed Minkowski space, and find only one solution. However, we find {\em two} distinct solutions, one even containing a black hole, when the lapse is determined by a fifth elliptic equation through specification of the mean curvature. While the relationship of the two systems and their solutions is a fundamental property of general relativity, this fairly simple example of an elliptic system with non-unique solutions is also of broader interest.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; abstract and introduction rewritte

    Canonical Quasilocal Energy and Small Spheres

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    Consider the definition E of quasilocal energy stemming from the Hamilton-Jacobi method as applied to the canonical form of the gravitational action. We examine E in the standard "small-sphere limit," first considered by Horowitz and Schmidt in their examination of Hawking's quasilocal mass. By the term "small sphere" we mean a cut S(r), level in an affine radius r, of the lightcone belonging to a generic spacetime point. As a power series in r, we compute the energy E of the gravitational and matter fields on a spacelike hypersurface spanning S(r). Much of our analysis concerns conceptual and technical issues associated with assigning the zero-point of the energy. For the small-sphere limit, we argue that the correct zero-point is obtained via a "lightcone reference," which stems from a certain isometric embedding of S(r) into a genuine lightcone of Minkowski spacetime. Choosing this zero-point, we find agreement with Hawking's quasilocal mass expression, up to and including the first non-trivial order in the affine radius. The vacuum limit relates the quasilocal energy directly to the Bel-Robinson tensor.Comment: revtex, 22 p, uses amssymb option (can be removed

    An axisymmetric generalized harmonic evolution code

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    We describe the first axisymmetric numerical code based on the generalized harmonic formulation of the Einstein equations which is regular at the axis. We test the code by investigating gravitational collapse of distributions of complex scalar field in a Kaluza-Klein spacetime. One of the key issues of the harmonic formulation is the choice of the gauge source functions, and we conclude that a damped wave gauge is remarkably robust in this case. Our preliminary study indicates that evolution of regular initial data leads to formation both of black holes with spherical and cylindrical horizon topologies. Intriguingly, we find evidence that near threshold for black hole formation the number of outcomes proliferates. Specifically, the collapsing matter splits into individual pulses, two of which travel in the opposite directions along the compact dimension and one which is ejected radially from the axis. Depending on the initial conditions, a curvature singularity develops inside the pulses.Comment: 21 page, 18 figures. v2: minor corrections, added references, new Fig. 9; journal version

    Conformal ``thin sandwich'' data for the initial-value problem of general relativity

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    The initial-value problem is posed by giving a conformal three-metric on each of two nearby spacelike hypersurfaces, their proper-time separation up to a multiplier to be determined, and the mean (extrinsic) curvature of one slice. The resulting equations have the {\it same} elliptic form as does the one-hypersurface formulation. The metrical roots of this form are revealed by a conformal ``thin sandwich'' viewpoint coupled with the transformation properties of the lapse function.Comment: 7 pages, RevTe

    Scale-invariant gravity: Spacetime recovered

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    The configuration space of general relativity is superspace - the space of all Riemannian 3-metrics modulo diffeomorphisms. However, it has been argued that the configuration space for gravity should be conformal superspace - the space of all Riemannian 3-metrics modulo diffeomorphisms and conformal transformations. Recently a manifestly 3-dimensional theory was constructed with conformal superspace as the configuration space. Here a fully 4-dimensional action is constructed so as to be invariant under conformal transformations of the 4-metric using general relativity as a guide. This action is then decomposed to a (3+1)-dimensional form and from this to its Jacobi form. The surprising thing is that the new theory turns out to be precisely the original 3-dimensional theory. The physical data is identified and used to find the physical representation of the theory. In this representation the theory is extremely similar to general relativity. The clarity of the 4-dimensional picture should prove very useful for comparing the theory with those aspects of general relativity which are usually treated in the 4-dimensional framework.Comment: Replaced with final version: minor changes to tex

    The Holographic Interpretation of Hawking Radiation

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    Holography gives us a tool to view the Hawking effect from a new, classical perspective. In the context of Randall-Sundrum braneworld models, we show that the basic features of four-dimensional evaporating solutions are nicely translated into classical five-dimensional language. This includes the dual bulk description of particles tunneling through the horizon.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, Honorable Mention in the Gravity Research Foundation Essay Competition 200

    Hyperbolicity and Constrained Evolution in Linearized Gravity

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    Solving the 4-d Einstein equations as evolution in time requires solving equations of two types: the four elliptic initial data (constraint) equations, followed by the six second order evolution equations. Analytically the constraint equations remain solved under the action of the evolution, and one approach is to simply monitor them ({\it unconstrained} evolution). Since computational solution of differential equations introduces almost inevitable errors, it is clearly "more correct" to introduce a scheme which actively maintains the constraints by solution ({\it constrained} evolution). This has shown promise in computational settings, but the analysis of the resulting mixed elliptic hyperbolic method has not been completely carried out. We present such an analysis for one method of constrained evolution, applied to a simple vacuum system, linearized gravitational waves. We begin with a study of the hyperbolicity of the unconstrained Einstein equations. (Because the study of hyperbolicity deals only with the highest derivative order in the equations, linearization loses no essential details.) We then give explicit analytical construction of the effect of initial data setting and constrained evolution for linearized gravitational waves. While this is clearly a toy model with regard to constrained evolution, certain interesting features are found which have relevance to the full nonlinear Einstein equations.Comment: 18 page

    Trajectory computational techniques emphasizing existence, uniqueness, and construction of solutions to boundary problems for ordinary differential equations Final report

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    Trajectory computational techniques emphasizing existence, uniqueness, and construction of solutions to boundary problems for ordinary differential equation