10,884 research outputs found

    Real photons produced from photoproduction in pppp collisions

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    We calculate the production of real photons originating from the photoproduction in relativistic pppp collisions. The Weizsa¨\ddot{\mathrm{a}}cker-Williams approximation in the photoproduction is considered. Numerical results agree with the experimental data from Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and Large Hadron Collider (LHC). We find that the modification of the photoproduction is more prominent in large transverse momentum region.Comment: 2 figure

    Acoustically evoked potentials in two cephalopods inferred using the auditory brainstem response (ABR) approach

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    It is still a matter of debate whether cephalopods can detect sound frequencies above 400 Hz. So far there is no proof for the detection of underwater sound above 400 Hz via a physiological approach. The controversy of whether cephalopods have a sound detection ability above 400 Hz was tested using the auditory brainstem response (ABR) approach, which has been successfully applied in fish, crustaceans, amphibians, reptiles and birds. Using ABR we found that auditory evoked potentials can be obtained in the frequency range 400 to 1500 Hz (Sepiotheutis lessoniana) and 400 to 1000 Hz (Octopus vulgaris), respectively. The thresholds of S. lessoniana were generally lower than those of O. vulgaris

    Determination of Dark Matter Halo Mass from Dynamics of Satellite Galaxies

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    We show that the mass of a dark matter halo can be inferred from the dynamical status of its satellite galaxies. Using 9 dark-matter simulations of halos like the Milky Way (MW), we find that the present-day substructures in each halo follow a characteristic distribution in the phase space of orbital binding energy and angular momentum, and that this distribution is similar from halo to halo but has an intrinsic dependence on the halo formation history. We construct this distribution directly from the simulations for a specific halo and extend the result to halos of similar formation history but different masses by scaling. The mass of an observed halo can then be estimated by maximizing the likelihood in comparing the measured kinematic parameters of its satellite galaxies with these distributions. We test the validity and accuracy of this method with mock samples taken from the simulations. Using the positions, radial velocities, and proper motions of 9 tracers and assuming observational uncertainties comparable to those of MW satellite galaxies, we find that the halo mass can be recovered to within ∼\sim40%. The accuracy can be improved to within ∼\sim25% if 30 tracers are used. However, the dependence of the phase-space distribution on the halo formation history sets a minimum uncertainty of ∼\sim20% that cannot be reduced by using more tracers. We believe that this minimum uncertainty also applies to any mass determination for a halo when the phase space information of other kinematic tracers is used.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 18 pages, 13 figure

    Tunable electronic anisotropy in single-crystal A2Cr3As3 (A = K, Rb) quasi-one-dimensional superconductors

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    Single crystals of A2Cr3As3 (A = K, Rb) were successfully grown using a self-flux method and studied via structural, transport and thermodynamic measurement techniques. The superconducting state properties between the two species are similar, with critical temperatures of 6.1 K and 4.8 K in K2Cr3As3 and Rb2Cr3As3, respectively. However, the emergence of a strong normal state electronic anisotropy in Rb2Cr3As3 suggests a unique electronic tuning parameter is coupled to the inter-chain spacing in the A2Cr3As3 structure, which increases with alkali metal ionic size while the one-dimensional [(Cr3As3)^{2-}]_{\infty} chain structure itself remains essentially unchanged. Together with dramatic enhancements in both conductivity and magnetoresistance (MR), the appearance of a strong anisotropy in the MR of Rb2Cr3As3 is consistent with the proposed quasi-one-dimensional character of band structure and its evolution with alkali metal species in this new family of superconductors.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Correlated Photons from Collective Excitations of Three-Level Atomic Ensemble

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    We systematically study the interaction between two quantized optical fields and a cyclic atomic ensemble driven by a classic optical field. This so-called atomic cyclic ensemble consists of three-level atoms with Delta-type transitions due to the symmetry breaking, which can also be implemented in the superconducting quantum circuit by Yu-xi Liu et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 087001 (2005)]. We explore the dynamic mechanisms to creating the quantum entanglements among photon states, and between photons and atomic collective excitations by the coherent manipulation of the atom-photon system. It is shown that the quantum information can be completely transferred from one quantized optical mode to another, and the quantum information carried by the two quantized optical fields can be stored in the collective modes of this atomic ensemble by adiabatically controlling the classic field Rabi frequencies.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Observation of pinning mode in Wigner solid of 1/3 fractional quantum Hall excitations

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    We report the observation of a resonance in the microwave spectra of the real diagonal conductivities of a two-dimensional electron system within a range of ~ +- .0.015 fromfillingfactor from filling factor \nu=1/3.Theresonanceisremarkablysimilartoresonancespreviouslyobservednearinteger. The resonance is remarkably similar to resonances previously observed near integer \nu,andisinterpretedasthecollectivepinningmodeofadisorder−pinnedWignersolidphaseof, and is interpreted as the collective pinning mode of a disorder-pinned Wigner solid phase of e/3$-charged carriers .Comment: version with edits for clarity, improved Figure 3 and added referenc

    Generalized BFT Formalism of Electroweak Theory in the Unitary Gauge

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    We systematically embed the SU(2)×\timesU(1) Higgs model in the unitary gauge into a fully gauge-invariant theory by following the generalized BFT formalism. We also suggest a novel path to get a first-class Lagrangian directly from the original second-class one using the BFT fields.Comment: 14 pages, Latex, no figure

    Renormalization of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Quark Mixing Matrix

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    We have investigated the present renormalization prescriptions of Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix. When considering the prescription which is formulated with reference to the case of zero mixing we find it doesn't satisfy the unitary condition of the bare CKM matrix. After added a delicate patch this problem can be solved at one-loop level. In this paper We generalize this prescription to all loop levels and keep the unitarity of the bare CKM matrix, simultaneously make the amplitude of an arbitrary physical process involving quark mixing convergent and gauge independent. We also find that in order to keep the CKM counterterms gauge independent the unitarity of the bare CKM matrix must be preserved.Comment: has been revised, 8 pages, 1 figur

    Effect of the momentum dependence of nuclear symmetry potential on the transverse and elliptic flows

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    In the framework of the isospin-dependent Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck transport model, effect of the momentum dependence of nuclear symmetry potential on nuclear transverse and elliptic flows in the neutron-rich reaction 132^{132}Sn+124^{124}Sn at a beam energy of 400 MeV/nucleon is studied. We find that the momentum dependence of nuclear symmetry potential affects the rapidity distribution of the free neutron to proton ratio, the neutron and the proton transverse flows as a function of rapidity. The momentum dependence of nuclear symmetry potential affects the neutron-proton differential transverse flow more evidently than the difference of neutron and proton transverse flows as well as the difference of proton and neutron elliptic flows. It is thus better to probe the symmetry energy by using the difference of neutron and proton flows since the momentum dependence of nuclear symmetry potential is still an open question. And it is better to probe the momentum dependence of nuclear symmetry potential by using the neutron-proton differential transverse flow and the rapidity distribution of the free neutron to proton ratio.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, to be published by EPJ
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