64 research outputs found


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    This study aims to examine the effect of Liquidity Ratio, Probability Ratio, and Activity Ratio partially on stock price in food and beverage subsector manufacturing companies during the Covid-19 pandemic. The independent variables used in this study are Current Ratio (CR), Return On Equity (ROE), and Total Asset Turn Over (TATO). The dependent variable in this study is the stock price. The population in this study are food and beverage sector companies listed on the Indonelsia Stock Exchange for the period 2020-2021 by determining the sample using purposive sampling, so that 10 companies meet the criteria. The data source for this research is quarterly financial reports taken from the official website of the Indonelsia Stock Exhange www.idx.co.id and then analyzed using SPSS Velrsion 26. The results of this study indicate that partially Return On Equity (ROE) and Total Asset Turn Over (TATO) variables have a significant effect on stock price, while Current Ratio (CR) variable has no significant effect on stock price


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    Prokem language is a language that is often used by adolescents, especially among high school students, which in its use often occurs in language symptoms in phonological, morphological, and semantic aspects. The purpose of this study are: 1) to describe the language of the program used by high school students, and 2) to describe the results of the analysis of the language of the aspects of language (phonology, morphology and semantics). Qualitative descriptive method is a method used by researchers in processing data. Data is collected using the observation method. All high school students were used by researchers as a population and 25 students as samples. The results showed: 1) high school students still use professional language when communicating with adults through WhatsApp social media, 2) based on the results of analysis from phonological aspects, students often change certain fonts, such as phonemes / a / phonemes / e /, phoneme additions , as well as the use of regional languages, 3) based on morphological aspects, there are uses of affixes derived from Sundanese, and 4) based on semantic aspects, students often use acronyms derived from English as well as prokem from Javanese and Arabic

    La prohibición de la tortura: Condenas del TEDH al estado español por la violación del artículo 3 del CEDH en su vertiente procesal

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    The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has recently condemned the Spanish State for an infringement of the third article of the European Convention of Human Rights. As a result, the number of condemns to the Spanish State have increased to ten due to violation of the procedural limb of the mentioned article. In other words, because of the non-effective investigation of possible torture cases. The main objective of this paper is to expose the cases and the doctrine that ECtHR has established around this obligation derived from the prohibition of the torture


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    Seiring dengan semakin pesatnya kemajuan dan perkembangan dibidang industri konstruksi, yang mana memacu pada peningkatan pembangunan disegala sektor. Hal ini juga berdampak pada peningkatan bahan-bahan pendukungnya salah satunya yaitu beton. Perlu adanya upaya untuk mendapatkan bahan alternatif yang digunakan sebagai agregat, dalam skripsi ini penulis menggunakan abu cangkang kelapa sawit sebagai subtitusi untuk semen dimana abu cangkang kelapa sawit adalah limbah yang belum digunakan dengan optimal. Abu Cangkang Kelapa Sawit diambil dari pabrik industri dari PT. Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Kota Palembang, Sumatera Selatan. Dalam skripsi ini penulis meninjau kuat tekan beton, dengan subtitusi semen pada abu cangkang kelapa sawit dengan menggunakan persentase mulai dari 10%, 15%, 20% serta variasi 0% sebagai variabel kontrol. Pengujian dilakukan terhadap beton mulai dari umur 7, 14, dan 28 hari dengan mutu yang direncanakan adalah fc’ 25 MPa. Dari hasil skripsi ini diperoleh hasil kuat tekan rata-rata pada umur 7, 14, 28 hari yang sudah dikonversi ke umur 28 hari, dari setiap variasi yaitu 0% (25,374 MPa), 10% (19,993 MPa), 15% (22,096 Mpa), 20% (18,994 MPa). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat penurunan kuat tekan beton cangkang kelapa sawit terhadap beton normal pada variasi 10% sebesar 19,993 MPa, 15% 22,096 MPa, 20% 18,994 MPa

    Studi Literatur : Langkah-Langkah Pemilihan dan Penggunaan Metode dan Media PKN Tingkat SD

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tinjauan umum metode dan media pembelajaran PKN pada tingkat SD. Melalui tinjauan literatur, Artikel ini menyajikan rangkaian langkah yang relevan dan teruji guna meningkatkan keaktifan pembelajaran PKN di tingkat dasar. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi literatur. Jenis data yang digunakan yaitu data sekunder. Sumber data penelitian bersumber dari jurnal, artikel dan buku. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan metode dan media yang cocok sangatlah diperlukan untuk membantu sekaligus mempermudah dalam proses pembelajaran. Pemilihan metode dan media yang tepat memainkan peran krusial dalam memfasilitasi pemahaman materi PKN yang efektif bagi siswa SD. Diantaranya yaitu metode ceramah, metode cerita, metode tanya jawab, metode penugasan, metode permainan atau kompetisi. Melalui pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang proses seleksi dan penggunaan metode serta media, diharapkan dapat tercipta pembelajaran PKN yang lebih interaktif, mendalam, dan relevan bagi siswa SD. Diharapkan para pendidik dapat memilih metode dan media PKN yang sesuai, meningkatkan partisipasi aktif siswa, dan memfasilitasi pemahaman yang mendalam terhadap nilai-nilai kewarganegaraan dalam konteks yang lebih relevan dan menarik bagi siswa SD.

    Predicting walking as exercise in women with fibromyalgia from the perspective of the theory of planned behavior

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    Based on the theory of planned behavior, this study examined factors related to the intention to adhere to an unsupervised walking program and the intention-behavior gap in relation to walking adherence in women with fibromyalgia. We also accounted for specific variables: fear of movement, pain intensity, distress and disability. TPB constructs, walking behavior and the above-mentioned variables were assessed in 274 women aged 18 to 70 years old (mean 51.8, range 25.5–69.1 years) at baseline and seven weeks later (n = 219) during 2012. Intention to adhere to a walking program showed medium scores at baseline and was associated with attitude and perceived behavioral control (PBC). Self-reported walking adherence at Time 2 was only predicted by perceived behavioral control. The intention-behavior gap was present in 33% of participants. Logistic regression analysis showed PBC associated with being a successful intender. Women with fibromyalgia were motivated to walk; however, they did not act on their intentions, and PBC appeared as the main explanation. Women who perceived high control in comparison to those who perceived low control, increased their likelihood of adhering to a walking program about three-fold. Women with fibromyalgia should increase their perceived control through different strategies

    Do women with fibromyalgia adhere to walking for exercise programs to improve their health? Systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Walking is recommended for fibromyalgia, but the rate of adherence to this exercise is not known. Poor adherence to physical exercise can limit the effectiveness in health benefits. Objectives: To examine adherence to interventions that include walking for fibromyalgia and to explore its moderators among the characteristics of patients, of the walking prescription and of the interventions. Data sources: References from 2000 to 2016 have been collected through PubMed, PsycINFO, CINAHL, SPORTDiscus, Cochrane, and Teseo. Study selection: We included quasi-experimental and randomized controlled trials in adults with fibromyalgia that involved walking for exercise. Two authors screened records independently and disagreements were resolved by discussion. Data extraction: Independently extracted by two assessors. Methodological quality of the studies was assessed using an ad hoc scale. Data synthesis: Nineteen trials, 32 experimental groups, recruited a total of 983 participants (96.78% women) with mean ages between 45 and 60.60. Adherence to the intervention program was reported in 19 of 32 experimental groups and ranged, on average, from 73 to 87.20% depending on the type of assessment. Most relevant moderators of adherence were the recruitment of participants through physicians and the nurses as supervisors of exercise. Conclusion: Adherence rates (attendance at sessions) to programs with walking were high. However, a lack of information precludes knowledge of whether participants sustained walking between sessions or after the treatment. Further work is required to examine in greater depth such contextual variables of interventions as the professional-participant relationship or to explore other possible moderators such as patient expectations of the treatment

    Influence of lipids and obesity on haemorheological parameters in patients with deep vein thrombosis

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    It is not well established whether haemorheological alterations constitute independent risk factors for deep vein thrombosis (DVT).We have determined in 149 DVT patients and in 185 control subjects the body mass index (BMI), the haemorheological profile: blood viscosity (BV), plasma viscosity (PV), fibrinogen (Fg), erythrocyte aggregation (EA), erythrocyte deformability (ED) and plasma lipids. In the crude analysis BMI, Fg, PV, EA, triglycerides (TG) and ApoB were statistically higher and HDL cholesterol (HDL-Chol) statistically lower in DVT patients than in controls. No differences in BV and ED were observed.After BMI adjustment, Fg, PV and EA remained statistically higher in DVT cases than in controls (P=0.013; P=0.012; P=0.013; P=0.028, respectively). When the risk of DVT associated with these variables (using cut-offs that corresponded to the mean plus one SD of the control group) was estimated, EA>8.2 and PV>1.28 mPa.s were significantly associated with DVT even further adjustment for lipids and obesity (OR=2.78, P=0.004; OR=1.91, P=0.024, respectively). However, PV did not remain statistically significant after additional adjustment for Fg.When we consider together all the analyzed variables in order to control every variable for each other,TG>175 mg/dl (OR=3,2,P=0.004) and BMI>30 kg/m2 (OR=3.5, P=0.003), were also independently associated with a greater risk of DVT. Our results suggest that increased EA constitute an independent risk factor for DVT. However, when associated to hyperlipidaemia and obesity it further increases thrombotic [email protected]

    Simultaneous Determination of Refractive Index and Thickness of Submicron Optical Polymer Films from Transmission Spectra

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    High-transparency polymers, called optical polymers (OPs), are used in many thin-film devices, for which the knowledge of film thickness (h) and refractive index (n) is generally required. Spectrophotometry is a cost-effective, simple and fast non-destructive method often used to determine these parameters simultaneously, but its application is limited to films where h > 500 nm. Here, a simple spectrophotometric method is reported to obtain simultaneously the n and h of a sub-micron OP film (down to values of a few tenths of a nm) from its transmission spectrum. The method is valid for any OP where the n dispersion curve follows a two-coefficient Cauchy function and complies with a certain equation involving n at two different wavelengths. Remarkably, such an equation is determined through the analysis of n data for a wide set of commercial OPs, and its general validity is demonstrated. Films of various OPs (pristine or doped with fluorescent compounds), typically used in applications such as thin-film organic lasers, are prepared, and n and h are simultaneously determined with the proposed procedure. The success of the method is confirmed with variable-angle spectroscopic ellipsometry.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (MINECO) and European Community (FEDER) through grant no. MAT2015-66586-R

    Nuevas aportaciones sobre el aprovechamiento faunístico y vegetal en el Castell de Castalla (Alicante, España) durante los siglos XI-XV

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    Remains of fauna, charcoal and timber from Castalla Castle (Alicante) have been studied between 2010 and 2016, within the Castalla Castle Heritage Site Social Regeneration Project. Their analysis has helped to better understand the fortification, as well as the exploitation of those resources made by people who lived there during the Middle Ages. In this regard, the faunal assemblage shows the practice of a traditional husbandry model in which herds of goats and sheep are highlighted. Other domestic animals with a less important number, as the pig, complete a panoramic view of the agricultural economy at that time. In terms of hunting resources, red deer was recovered. On the other hand, it has been determined that pinewood was used in those beams located in the Palace. Furthermore, an approached time framework of two beams has been established throughout the radioactive carbon method. Pinewood also appears among the charred timber from other room structures of Taifal Andalusian, Almohad Andalusian and Christian stages (late Middle Ages). The presence of olive and kermes oak has been documented in Almohad occupancy, although kermes oak is also present at Christian stage (late Middle Ages). Finally, this project is a contribution to medieval anthracological and zooarchaeological studies in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula, particularly in different heritage landmarks of the current province of Alicante –Aljau Castle, Ambra Castle, Mola Castle, Río Castle, Petrer Castle, Pobla d’Ifac and Rábita of Guardamar–. They are still scarce for these historical periods.  Entre los años 2010 y 2016, dentro del Proyecto de Recuperación social del Conjunt Patrimonial del Castell de Castalla; se han estudiado de los restos de fauna, carbones y madera procedentes del Castell de Castalla. Su análisis ha servido para conocer mejor la fortificación y la explotación de los recursos del territorio circundante que realizaron las gentes que habitaron la fortificación durante la Edad Media. En este sentido, los restos de fauna corresponden a un modelo tradicional en el cual destaca, principalmente, la cabaña de cabras y ovejas y, en menor medida, de cerdo. En cuanto al aprovechamiento de recursos cinegéticos, se observa la presencia de restos de ciervo. Por otro lado, se ha determinado que el pino fue la madera utilizada en la fabricación de las vigas empleadas en el Palau. El pino aparece, igualmente, entre la madera carbonizada procedente de otras estructuras de habitación de las etapas andalusí taifal, andalusí almohade y cristiana bajomedieval. En los niveles de ocupación almohade se ha documentado, asimismo, la presencia de olivo y de carrasca / coscoja –ésta última también está presente en la etapa cristiana bajomedieval. Finalmente, el presente trabajo es una aportación a los estudios antracológicos y zooarqueológicos medievales realizados en la sureste de la península Ibérica y, especialmente, en distintos hitos patrimoniales de la actual provincia de Alicante –Castillo del Aljau, Castell d’Ambra, Castell de la Mola, Castillo del Río, Castell de Petrer, Pobla d’Ifac y Rábita de Guardamar–. Unos estudios todavía escasos para los periodos históricos.