52 research outputs found

    Mesoscale subduction at the Almeria-Oran front. Part 2: biophysical interactions.

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    This paper presents a detailed diagnostic analysis of hydrographic and current meter data from three, rapidly repeated, fine-scale surveys of the Almeria–Oran front. Instability of the frontal boundary, between surface waters of Atlantic and Mediterranean origin, is shown to provide a mechanism for significant heat transfer from the surface layers to the deep ocean in winter. The data were collected during the second observational phase of the EU funded OMEGA project on RRS Discovery cruise 224 during December 1996. High resolution hydrographic measurements using the towed undulating CTD vehicle, SeaSoar, traced the subduction of Mediterranean Surface Water across the Almeria–Oran front. This subduction is shown to result from a significant baroclinic component to the instability of the frontal jet. The Q-vector formulation of the omega equation is combined with a scale analysis to quantitatively diagnose vertical transport resulting from mesoscale ageostrophic circulation. The analyses are presented and discussed in the presence of satellite and airborne remotely sensed data; which provide the basis for a thorough and novel approach to the determination of observational error

    Identification of clonal hematopoiesis mutations in solid tumor patients undergoing unpaired next-generation sequencing assays

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    Purpose: In this era of precision-based medicine, for optimal patient care, results reported from commercial next-generation sequencing (NGS) assays should adequately reflect the burden of somatic mutations in the tumor being sequenced. Here, we sought to determine the prevalence of clonal hematopoiesis leading to possible misattribution of tumor mutation calls on unpaired Foundation Medicine NGS assays. Experimental Design: This was a retrospective cohort study of individuals undergoing NGS of solid tumors from two large cancer centers. We identified and quantified mutations in genes known to be frequently altered in clonal hematopoiesis (DNMT3A, TET2, ASXL1, TP53, ATM, CHEK2, SF3B1, CBL, JAK2) that were returned to physicians on clinical Foundation Medicine reports. For a subset of patients, we explored the frequency of true clonal hematopoiesis by comparing mutations on Foundation Medicine reports with matched blood sequencing. Results: Mutations in genes that are frequently altered in clonal hematopoiesis were identified in 65% (1,139/1,757) of patients undergoing NGS. When excluding TP53, which is often mutated in solid tumors, these events were still seen in 35% (619/1,757) of patients. Utilizing paired blood specimens, we were able to confirm that 8% (18/226) of mutations reported in these genes were true clonal hematopoiesis events. The majority of DNMT3A mutations (64%, 7/11) and minority of TP53 mutations (4%, 2/50) were clonal hematopoiesis. Conclusions: Clonal hematopoiesis mutations are commonly reported on unpaired NGS testing. It is important to recognize clonal hematopoiesis as a possible cause of misattribution of mutation origin when applying NGS findings to a patient's care

    CD34+cells augment endothelial cell differentiation of CD14+endothelial progenitor cells in vitro

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    Neovascularization by endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) for the treatment of ischaemic diseases has been a topic of intense research. The CD34+ cell is often designated as EPC, because it contributes to repair of ischaemic injuries through neovascularization. However, incorporation of CD34+ cells into the neovasculature is limited, suggesting another role which could be paracrine. CD14+ cells can also differentiate into endothelial cells and contribute to neovascularization. However, the low proliferative capacity of CD14+ cell-derived endothelial cells hampers their use as therapeutic cells. We made the assumption that an interaction between CD34+ and CD14+ cells augments endothelial differentiation of the CD14+ cells. In vitro, the influence of CD34+ cells on the endothelial differentiation capacity of CD14+ cells was investigated. Endothelial differentiation was analysed by expression of endothelial cell markers CD31, CD144, von Willebrand Factor and endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase. Furthermore, we assessed proliferative capacity and endothelial cell function of the cells in culture. In monocultures, 63% of the CD14+-derived cells adopted an endothelial cell phenotype, whereas in CD34+/CD14+ co-cultures 95% of the cells showed endothelial cell differentiation. Proliferation increased up to 12% in the CD34+/CD14+ co-cultures compared to both monocultures. CD34-conditioned medium also increased endothelial differentiation of CD14+ cells. This effect was abrogated by hepatocyte growth factor neutralizing antibodies, but not by interleukin-8 and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 neutralizing antibodies. We show that co-culturing of CD34+ and CD14+ cells results in a proliferating population of functional endothelial cells, which may be suitable for treatment of ischaemic diseases such as myocardial infarction

    Investigating the effects of vitreous humour (crude extract) on growth and differentiation of rat mesenchymal stem cells (rMSCs) and human NTERA2 cells

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    It is very well documented that retinoic acid (RA) reduces growth rate by induction of cell differentiation in certain conditions and cell lines. On the other hand, hyaluronic acid (HA) is known for its growth induction on cultured cells. A natural source of HA, rabbit vitreous humour (VH), was previously shown to promote wound repair in model animals. In search for its possible mechanisms, VH extract was tested on the cultured mesenchymal stem cells and NTERA2 as human embryonal carcinoma cells in the presence of RA. Changes in some cellular and molecular markers (A2B5, Oct4, Sox2) showed that VH and possibly HA interfere with differentiating effects of RA. Therefore, this reagent may affect cell proliferation and tissue regeneration by inhibition of cell differentiation.Хорошо известно, что ретиноевая кислота (RA) снижает темпы роста, индуцируя дифференциацию клеточных линий в определенных условиях. Вместе с тем известно, что гиалуроновая кислота (HA) индуцирует рост культивируемых клеток. Ранее было показано, что естественный источник НА, стекловидное тело (VH) кролика, вызывает заживление ран у модельных животных. В поисках возможного механизма этого процесса экстракт стекловидного тела был исследован на культивируемых мезенхимальных стволовых клетках и клетках NTERA2 эмбриональной карциномы человека в присутствии RA. Изменения некоторых клеточных и молекулярных маркеров (A2B5, Oct4, Sox2) показали, что VH и, возможно, HA влияют на дифференцирующие эффекты RA. Таким образом, это вещество может влиять на пролиферацию клеток и регенерацию тканей, ингибируя дифференциацию клеток.Добре відомо, що ретиноєва кислота (RA) знижує темпи росту, індукуючи диференціацію кліткових ліній в певних умовах. Разом з тим відомо, що гіалуронова кислота (НА) індукує ріст культиво- ваних клітин. Раніше було показано, що природне джерело НА, склоподібне тіло (VH) кроля, викликає загоєння ран у модельних тварин. В пошуках можливого механізму цього процесу екстракт склоподібного тіла був досліджений на культивованих мезенхімальних стовбурових клітинах та клітинах NTERA2 ембріональної карциноми людини в присутності RA. Зміни деяких клітинних та молекулярних маркерів (A2B5, Oct4, Sox2) показали, що VH і, можливо, НА впливають на диференціюючі ефекти RA. Таким чином, ця речовина може впливати на проліферацію і регенерацію тканин, інгібуючи диференціацію клітин