4,813 research outputs found

    Star Formation and Gas Accretion in Nearby Galaxies

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    In order to quantify the relationship between gas accretion and star formation, we analyse a sample of 29 nearby galaxies from the WHISP survey which contains galaxies with and without evidence for recent gas accretion. We compare combined radial profiles of FUV (GALEX) and IR 24 {\mu}m (Spitzer) characterizing distributions of recent star formation with radial profiles of CO (IRAM, BIMA, or CARMA) and HI (WSRT) tracing molecular and atomic gas contents to examine star formation efficiencies in symmetric (quiescent), asymmetric (accreting), and interacting (tidally disturbed) galaxies. In addition, we investigate the relationship between star formation rate and HI in the outer discs for the three groups of galaxies. We confirm the general relationship between gas surface density and star formation surface density, but do not find a significant difference between the three groups of galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 18 pages, 9 figures, 1 tabl

    Experimental verification and practical application of torquewhirl theory of rotordynamic instability

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    A theory developed by Vance in 1978 to explain the destabilizing effect of torque on a whirling rotor was experimentally verified. The measurements made on a specially designed test apparatus are described. New computer models were also developed to investigate the effect of torque on rotordynamic stability of multidisk flexible rotor bearing systems. The effect of torque was found to be most pronounced when the system is already marginally stable from other influences. The modifications required to include torque in a typical shaft transfer matrix are described, and results are shown which identify the type of rotor design most sensitive to load torque

    Impact of intrinsic biophysical diversity on the activity of spiking neurons

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    We study the effect of intrinsic heterogeneity on the activity of a population of leaky integrate-and-fire neurons. By rescaling the dynamical equation, we derive mathematical relations between multiple neuronal parameters and a fluctuating input noise. To this end, common input to heterogeneous neurons is conceived as an identical noise with neuron-specific mean and variance. As a consequence, the neuronal output rates can differ considerably, and their relative spike timing becomes desynchronized. This theory can quantitatively explain some recent experimental findings.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    The Interstellar Medium and Star Formation in Edge-On Galaxies. II. NGC 4157, 4565, and 5907

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    We present a study of the vertical structure of the gaseous and stellar disks in a sample of edge-on galaxies (NGC 4157, 4565, and 5907) using BIMA/CARMA 12CO (J = 1 --> 0), VLA H I, and Spitzer 3.6 micron data. In order to take into account projection effects when we measure the disk thickness as a function of radius, we first obtain the inclination by modeling the radio data. Using the measurement of the disk thicknesses and the derived radial profiles of gas and stars, we estimate the corresponding volume densities and vertical velocity dispersions. Both stellar and gas disks have smoothly varying scale heights and velocity dispersions, contrary to assumptions of previous studies. Using the velocity dispersions, we find that the gravitational instability parameter Q follows a fairly uniform profile with radius and is greater than or equal to 1 across the star forming disk. The star formation law has a slope that is significantly different from those found in more face-on galaxy studies, both in deprojected and pixel-by-pixel plots. Midplane gas pressure based on the varying scale heights and velocity dispersions appears to roughly hold a power-law correlation with the midplane volume density ratio.Comment: 26 pages, 26 figures, Accepted for publication in A

    Modeling Analysis for NASA GRC Vacuum Facility 5 Upgrade

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    A model of the VF5 test facility at NASA Glenn Research Center was developed using the direct simulation Monte Carlo Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics Particle (HAP) code. The model results were compared to several cold flow and thruster hot fire cases. The main uncertainty in the model is the determination of the effective sticking coefficient -- which sets the pumping effectiveness of the cryopanels and oil diffusion pumps including baffle transmission. An effective sticking coefficient of 0.25 was found to provide generally good agreement with the experimental chamber pressure data. The model, which assumes a cold diffuse inflow, also fared satisfactorily in predicting the pressure distribution during thruster operation. The model was used to assess other chamber configurations to improve the local effective pumping speed near the thruster. A new configuration of the existing cryopumps is found to show more than 2x improvement over the current baseline configuration

    Effects of YouTube Video as Pre-Lecture Preparation

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    Classroom lectures convey course concepts more effectively when students have prepared in advance. Traditionally, students prepare for lectures by reading the course textbook. Textbooks are the default study material for most educational courses; however, some technical subjects are better conveyed in video format. Therefore, in this study, we encouraged students to supplement their learning resources with web-based video tutorials that provide detailed demonstrations with the respect to technical network configuration and management. YouTube is a video sharing website that can provide free educational tutorials and instructions on technical subject matter, where students can observe practical human-machine interaction to prepare for lectures and increase overall course performance on exams, assignments, and laboratory projects. Our goal was to compare the overall performance as well as the level of active class participation between two groups of the same computer networking course. We found that the group that used YouTube videos for pre-lecture preparation scored approximately 3% higher on exams but 5% lower on homework assignments than the control group (textbook only). There was no statistical significance between the two groups with respect to overall course grades. Study habits and degree of class participation of each student correlated more strongly with overall course performance than whether the student viewed the videos

    Temporal Stability and Precision of Ventricular Defibrillation Threshold Data

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    Over two-hundred measurements of the minimum damped sinusoidal current and energy for transchest electrical ventricular defibrillation (ventricular defibrillation threshold) were made to determine the stability and precision of threshold data in 15 pentobarbital-anesthetized dogs. Threshold was determined by repeated trials of fibrillation and defibrillation with successive shocks of diminishing current, each 19% less than that of the preceeding shock. The lowest shock intensity that defibrillated was defined as threshold. In three groups of five dogs each, threshold was measured at intervals of 60, 15, and 5 min. over periods of 8, 5, and 1 hr. respectively. Similar results were obtained for all groups. There was no significant change in mean threshold current with time. Due to a decrease in transchest impedance, threshold delivered energy decreased by 10% during the first hour of testing. The standard deviations for threshold peak current and delivered energy in a given animal were 11 and 22 percent of their respective mean values. Arterial blood pH, pc02, and p02 averaged 7.38, 34 mmHg, and 72 mmHg respectively. The rates of change of pH, pCO2 and p02 were not significantly different from zero. The data demonstrate that ventricular defibrillation threshold is a stable physiologic parameter which may be measured with reasonable precision

    Does language context impact the neural correlates of executive control in monolingual and multilingual young adults?

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    Some previous studies have shown that creating a language context in which words from both languages are interspersed into a flanker task improves executive control performance for bilinguals, but these studies have produced inconsistent results. The studies have used different versions of the task and not included monolinguals, limiting generalization. Here, English-Chinese multilinguals and English monolinguals performed a flanker task while EEG was recorded. There were three language context blocks – English, Chinese, or both – and participants were instructed to ignore the interspersed words. Multilinguals displayed faster flanker RTs and earlier P2 and N2 waveforms than monolinguals. There was also a significant correlation between the P2/N2 latency and reaction times, connecting these waveforms to behavior. Finally, P2 amplitude differed between groups in the mixed context, and language context impacted P3 amplitude for monolinguals but not multilinguals. These results are interpreted in terms of language context effects on monolingual executive function processing and possible difference in bilingual experience between current participants and those in previous studies

    Registration Issues in the Fusion of Eddy Current and Ultrasound NDE Data Using Q-Transforms

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    Data fusion methods are finding increasing application in nondestructive evaluation (NDE) [2, 3, 4] for enhancing the reliability of inspection. These techniques typically combine information from two or more NDE modalities to improve the probability of detecting flaws and enhance specimen characterization results [1]. Eddy current methods rely on diffusion for propagating energy. Ultrasonic methods, in contrast, rely on wave propagation. Consequently, the two tests rely on different material/energy interaction processes and can potentially provide complementary perspectives of the flaw in a specimen. This paper proposes a novel phenomenological approach using Q-transforms for addressing the registration issue in the fusion of eddy current and ultrasonic data. Specifically, ultrasonic signals are Q-transformed to the diffusion domain. The transformation allows the superposition of the transformed field on the eddy current field as shown in Figure 1. It is anticipated that the resulting field will have a lower signal-to-noise ratio