34 research outputs found

    Robusni algoritam praćenja mjerenjem smjera pomoću strukturiranog potpunog Kalmanovog filtra zasnovanog na metodi najmanjih kvadrata

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    A nonlinear approach called the robust structured total least squares kalman filter (RSTLS-KF) algorithm is proposed for solving tracking inaccuracy caused by outliers in bearings-only multi-station passive tracking. In that regard, the robust extremal function is introduced to the weighted structured total least squares (WSTLS) location criterion, and then the improved Danish equivalent weight function is built on the basis, which can identify outliers automatically and reduce the weight of the polluted data. Finally, the observation equation is linearized according to the RSTLS location result with the structured total least norm (STLN) solution. Hence location and velocity of the target can be given by the Kalman filter. Simulation results show that tracking performance of the RSTLS-KF is comparable or better than that of conventional algorithms. Furthermore, when outliers appear, the RSTLS-KF is accurate and robust, whereas the conventional algorithms become distort seriously.U ovome radu predložen je nelinearni pristup za rješavanje netočnosti uzrokovanih netipčnim vrijednostima kod praćenja mjerenjem smjera pasivnim senzorima s više stanica. Pristup je zasnovan na robusnom strukturiranom potpunom Kalmanovom filtru zasnovanom na metodi najmanjih kvadrata. Pomoću predložene metode moguće je estimirati položaj i brzinu praćenog objekta. Simulacijski rezultati pokazuju da je učinkovitost predloženog algoritma jednaka ili bolja od konvencionalnih algoritama. Nadalje, u prisustvu netipčnih vrijednosti mjerenja, predloženi algoritam zadržava točnost i robusnost, dok konvencionalni algoritmi pokazuju pogreške u estimaciji

    Incompressible Limit of a Compressible Liquid Crystals System

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    This article is devoted to the study of the so-called incompressible limit for solutions of the compressible liquid crystals system. We consider the problem in the whole space RN\mathbb{R}^{\mathbb{N}} and a bounded domain of RN\mathbb{R}^{\mathbb{N}} with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Here the number of dimension N=2\mathbb{N}=2 or 3

    Monitoring thermal pollution in rivers downstream of dams with Landsat ETM+ thermal infrared images

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    Dams play a significant role in altering the spatial pattern of temperature in rivers and contribute to thermal pollution, which greatly affects the river aquatic ecosystems. Understanding the temporal and spatial variation of thermal pollution caused by dams is important to prevent or mitigate its harmful effect. Assessments based on in-situ measurements are often limited in practice because of the inaccessibility of water temperature records and the scarcity of gauges along rivers. By contrast, thermal infrared remote sensing provides an alternative approach to monitor thermal pollution downstream of dams in large rivers, because it can cover a large area and observe the same zone repeatedly. In this study, Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) thermal infrared imagery were applied to assess the thermal pollution caused by two dams, the Geheyan Dam and the Gaobazhou Dam, located on the Qingjiang River, a tributary of the Yangtze River downstream of the Three Gorges Reservoir in Central China. The spatial and temporal characteristics of thermal pollution were analyzed with water temperatures estimated from 54 cloud-free Landsat ETM+ scenes acquired in the period from 2000 to 2014. The results show that water temperatures downstream of both dams are much cooler than those upstream of both dams in summer, and the water temperature remains stable along the river in winter, showing evident characteristic of the thermal pollution caused by dams. The area affected by the Geheyan Dam reaches beyond 20 km along the downstream river, and that affected by the Gaobazhou Dam extends beyond the point where the Qingjiang River enters the Yangtze River. Considering the long time series and global coverage of Landsat ETM+ imagery, the proposed technique in the current study provides a promising method for globally monitoring the thermal pollution caused by dams in large rivers

    Global Weak Solutions to a General Liquid Crystals System

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    We prove the global existence of finite energy weak solutions to the general liquid crystals system. The problem is studied in bounded domain of R3R^3 with Dirichlet boundary conditions and the whole space R3R^3

    Multimillijoule coherent terahertz bursts from picosecond laser-irradiated metal foils

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    Ultrahigh-power terahertz (THz) radiation sources are essential for many applications, for example, THz-wave-based compact accelerators and THz control over matter. However, to date none of the THz sources reported, whether based upon large-scale accelerators or high-power lasers, have produced THz pulses with energies above the millijoule (mJ) level. Here, we report a substantial increase in THz pulse energy, as high as tens of mJ, generated by a high-intensity, picosecond laser pulse irradiating a metal foil. A further up-scaling of THz energy by a factor of ∼4 is observed when introducing preplasmas at the target-rear side. Experimental measurements and theoretical models identify the dominant THz generation mechanism to be coherent transition radiation, induced by the laser-accelerated energetic electron bunch escaping the target. Observation of THz-field-induced carrier multiplication in high-resistivity silicon is presented as a proof-of-concept application demonstration. Such an extremely high THz energy not only triggers various nonlinear dynamics in matter, but also opens up the research era of relativistic THz optics

    Robust estimation of bacterial cell count from optical density

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    Optical density (OD) is widely used to estimate the density of cells in liquid culture, but cannot be compared between instruments without a standardized calibration protocol and is challenging to relate to actual cell count. We address this with an interlaboratory study comparing three simple, low-cost, and highly accessible OD calibration protocols across 244 laboratories, applied to eight strains of constitutive GFP-expressing E. coli. Based on our results, we recommend calibrating OD to estimated cell count using serial dilution of silica microspheres, which produces highly precise calibration (95.5% of residuals <1.2-fold), is easily assessed for quality control, also assesses instrument effective linear range, and can be combined with fluorescence calibration to obtain units of Molecules of Equivalent Fluorescein (MEFL) per cell, allowing direct comparison and data fusion with flow cytometry measurements: in our study, fluorescence per cell measurements showed only a 1.07-fold mean difference between plate reader and flow cytometry data

    Scale and Rotation Invariant Approach to Tracking Human Body Part Regions in Videos

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    We propose a novel scale and rotation invariant method to track a human subject’s body part regions in cluttered videos. The proposed method optimizes the assembly of body part region proposals with the spatial and temporal constraints of a human body plan. This approach is invariant to the object scale and rotation changes. To enable scale and rotation invariance, the human body part graph of the proposed method has to be loopy; efficiently optimizing the body part region assembly is a great challenge. We propose a dynamic programming method to solve the problem. We devise a method that finds N-best whole body configurations from loopy structures in each video frame using dynamic programming. The N-best configurations are then used to construct trellises with which we track human body part regions by finding shortest paths on the trellises. Our experiments on a variety of videos show that the proposed method is efficient, accurate and robust against object appearance variations, scale and rotation changes and background clutter. 1