641 research outputs found

    GraphGrind: addressing load imbalance of graph partitioning

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    The incidence of HCAIs before and after antimicrobial stewardship. Incidence of VAP, CRBSI and CAUTI were defined as the number of VAP, CRBSI and CAUTI patients per 1000 ventilation days, per 1000 central venous catheter days and per 1000 urine-catheter days, respectively. (DOCX 15 kb

    Fabrication of Ferrite Thin Films using Low Pressure Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition

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    Several ferrite thin films were fabricated using low pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). Three single metal oxides-iron oxide, bismuth oxide and nickel oxide were studied to obtain the processing parameters which were crucial in deposition of two binary metal oxides-bismuth ferrite and nickel ferrite. BiFeO3 (BFO) was known to be the only single phase multiferroic material which exhibited magnetoelectric (ME) coupling effect at room temperature. This coupling effect provided an extra degree of freedom for designs of whole new devices and applications never thought to be possible before. We introduced a novel liquid iron precursor, n-butylferrocene, delivered into the reactor by heating the precursor canisters at certain temperatures for growing BFO thin films. Other crucial MOCVD conditions (reactor’s pressure, reactor’s temperature, substrates…) were also discussed and optimized. Characterizations for the film composition, crystallinity, ferroelectricity, ferromagnetism and the magneto-dielectric coupling effect were analyzed in detail. The results confirmed that BFO film had multiferroic properties and could be potentially used in future tunable high-frequency devices. Heterostructures such as bilayered/multilayered thin films, nanoparticles/nanopillars embedded in different materials and nanowires became more promising for the future on-chip integration applications because the coupling in such structures was many orders of magnitude stronger. Another research we interested in was the heterostructural magnetostrictive NiFe2O4 (NFO) with piezoelectric materials. NFO was a promising magnetic phase for ME heterostructures due to its low anisotropy, high permeability with high resistivity, low eddy current losses and smaller coercive field. In this study, the nickel ferrite thin films had been deposited using computer controlled MOCVD setup in both co-deposition mode and cyclic-deposition mode. Conditions for CVD process were discussed and optimized for growing NFO thin film. The thin films showed NFO composition, uniformity in chemical states and thickness, trevorite crystalline form, free from carbon contamination and similar magnetic property as other literature reported

    Iterative Approximation of Basic Belief Assignment Based on Distance of Evidence

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    <div><p>In the theory of belief functions, the approximation of a basic belief assignment (BBA) is for reducing the high computational cost especially when large number of focal elements are available. In traditional BBA approximation approaches, a focal element’s own characteristics such as the mass assignment and the cardinality, are usually used separately or jointly as criteria for the removal of focal elements. Besides the computational cost, the distance between the original BBA and the approximated one is also concerned, which represents the loss of information in BBA approximation. In this paper, an iterative approximation approach is proposed based on maximizing the closeness, i.e., minimizing the distance between the approximated BBA in current iteration and the BBA obtained in the previous iteration, where one focal element is removed in each iteration. The iteration stops when the desired number of focal elements is reached. The performance evaluation approaches for BBA approximations are also discussed and used to compare and evaluate traditional BBA approximations and the newly proposed one in this paper, which include traditional time-based way, closeness-based way and new proposed ones. Experimental results and related analyses are provided to show the rationality and efficiency of our proposed new BBA approximation.</p></div

    obtained using Summarization.

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    <p> obtained using Summarization.</p

    obtained using Rank-level fusion.

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    <p> obtained using Rank-level fusion.</p

    Comparisons in terms of order-preservation for plausibilities.

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    <p>Evaluation of the distortion caused by the approximation in terms of plausibilities.</p

    obtained using inner approximation.

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    <p> obtained using inner approximation.</p

    Comparisons of different BBA approximations.

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    <p>Comparisons of different BBA approximations.</p

    obtained using outer approximation.

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    <p> obtained using outer approximation.</p

    obtained using the batch approximation based on redundancy.

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    <p> obtained using the batch approximation based on redundancy.</p
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