532 research outputs found

    A Reverse Perspective on Global Value Chains: Implications from the Internationalization of Rising Emerging Market Firms

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    The emergence of global value chains (GVC) has broadened the configurations of business activities across the entire value chains, yet little attention has been paid to the suppliers compared to lead firms. Rising suppliers from emerging markets successfully take orders and follow global buyers’ steps to enter the internationalization as emerging market (EM) firms. This conceptual study aims to explore how EM suppliers leverage GVC to demonstrate reverse innovation by linking GVC research with enriched insights from a literature review of the Uppsala model. We argue that the suppliers have distinct roles as another possible route to drive GVC development

    Differentiable Transient Rendering

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    Recent differentiable rendering techniques have become key tools to tackle many inverse problems in graphics and vision. Existing models, however, assume steady-state light transport, i.e., infinite speed of light. While this is a safe assumption for many applications, recent advances in ultrafast imaging leverage the wealth of information that can be extracted from the exact time of flight of light. In this context, physically-based transient rendering allows to efficiently simulate and analyze light transport considering that the speed of light is indeed finite. In this paper, we introduce a novel differentiable transient rendering framework, to help bring the potential of differentiable approaches into the transient regime. To differentiate the transient path integral we need to take into account that scattering events at path vertices are no longer independent; instead, tracking the time of flight of light requires treating such scattering events at path vertices jointly as a multidimensional, evolving manifold. We thus turn to the generalized transport theorem, and introduce a novel correlated importance term, which links the time-integrated contribution of a path to its light throughput, and allows us to handle discontinuities in the light and sensor functions. Last, we present results in several challenging scenarios where the time of flight of light plays an important role such as optimizing indices of refraction, non-line-of-sight tracking with nonplanar relay walls, and non-line-of-sight tracking around two corners

    Magnetic properties and switching volumes of nanocrystalline SmFeSiC films

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    Systematic studies of the effects of Si addition on the magnetic and magnetization reversal properties of SmFeSiC films are presented. The magnetic switching volume and other magnetic parameters (e.g., coercivity) are strongly dependent upon the Si content. Correlations between switching volume, coercivity, and the intergrain interactions are discussed

    Adhesion-induced phase separation of multiple species of membrane junctions

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    A theory is presented for the membrane junction separation induced by the adhesion between two biomimetic membranes that contain two different types of anchored junctions (receptor/ligand complexes). The analysis shows that several mechanisms contribute to the membrane junction separation. These mechanisms include (i) the height difference between type-1 and type-2 junctions is the main factor which drives the junction separation, (ii) when type-1 and type-2 junctions have different rigidities against stretch and compression, the ``softer'' junctions are the ``favored'' species, and the aggregation of the softer junction can occur, (iii) the elasticity of the membranes mediates a non-local interaction between the junctions, (iv) the thermally activated shape fluctuations of the membranes also contribute to the junction separation by inducing another non-local interaction between the junctions and renormalizing the binding energy of the junctions. The combined effect of these mechanisms is that when junction separation occurs, the system separates into two domains with different relative and total junction densities.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure

    Pair Production of the Lightest Chargino via Gluon-Gluon Collisions

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    The production of the lightest chargino pair from gluon-gluon fusion is studied in the minimal supersymmetric model(MSSM) at proton-proton colliders. We find that with the chosen parameters, the production rate of the subprocess can be over 2.7 femto barn when the chargino is higgsino-like, and the corresponding total cross section in proton-proton collider can reach 56 femto barn at the LHC in the CP-conserving MSSM. It shows that this loop mediated subprocess can be competitive with the standard Drell-Yan subprocess in proton-proton colliders, especially at the LHC. Furthermore, our calculation shows it would be possible to extract information about some CP-violating phase parameters, if we collected enough chargino pair events.Comment: 39 pages, LaTex, 8 figure

    Bouncing Universe with Quintom Matter

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    The bouncing universe provides a possible solution to the Big Bang singularity problem. In this paper we study the bouncing solution in the universe dominated by the Quintom matter with an equation of state (EoS) crossing the cosmological constant boundary. We will show explicitly the analytical and numerical bouncing solutions in three types of models for the Quintom matter with an phenomenological EoS, the two scalar fields and a scalar field with a modified Born-Infeld action.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    2D Mathematical Modeling For Fluvial Processes Considering The Influence Of Vegetation And Bank Erosion

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    A 2D mathematical model for fluvial processes capable of considering the influence of vegetation and non-cohesive bank erosion is established based on a body-fitted coordinate system in this paper. The authors have improved a previously developed simulation model by taking into account the impact of vegetation with a vegetation stress term in the momentum conservation equation. A simple simulation method is adopted in the bank erosion model. Simulation runs were performed for a conceptual alluvial channel, the results of channel plan-form and cross section changes suggest that the 2D model predictions agree acceptable with the classic theories of channel pattern formation considering the effect of vegetation

    EGAM Induced by Energetic-electrons and Nonlinear Interactions among EGAM, BAEs and Tearing Modes in a Toroidal Plasma

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    In this letter, it is reported that the first experimental results are associated with the GAM induced by energetic electrons (eEGAM) in HL-2A Ohmic plasma. The energetic-electrons are generated by parallel electric fields during magnetic reconnection associated with tearing mode (TM). The eEGAM localizes in the core plasma, i.e. in the vicinity of q=2 surface, and is very different from one excited by the drift-wave turbulence in the edge plasma. The analysis indicated that the eEGAM is provided with the magnetic components, whose intensities depend on the poloidal angles, and its mode numbers are jm/nj=2/0. Further, there exist intense nonlinear interactions among eEGAM, BAEs and strong tearing modes (TMs). These new findings shed light on the underlying physics mechanism for the excitation of the low frequency (LF) Alfv\'enic and acoustic uctuations.Comment: 5 pages,4 figure

    Dynamic de novo heterochromatin assembly and disassembly at replication forks ensures fork stability

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    Chromatin is dynamically reorganized when DNA replication forks are challenged. However, the process of epigenetic reorganization and its implication for fork stability is poorly understood. Here we discover a checkpoint-regulated cascade of chromatin signalling that activates the histone methyltransferase EHMT2/G9a to catalyse heterochromatin assembly at stressed replication forks. Using biochemical and single molecule chromatin fibre approaches, we show that G9a together with SUV39h1 induces chromatin compaction by accumulating the repressive modifications, H3K9me1/me2/me3, in the vicinity of stressed replication forks. This closed conformation is also favoured by the G9a-dependent exclusion of the H3K9-demethylase JMJD1A/KDM3A, which facilitates heterochromatin disassembly upon fork restart. Untimely heterochromatin disassembly from stressed forks by KDM3A enables PRIMPOL access, triggering single-stranded DNA gap formation and sensitizing cells towards chemotherapeutic drugs. These findings may help in explaining chemotherapy resistance and poor prognosis observed in patients with cancer displaying elevated levels of G9a/H3K9me3.</p
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