474 research outputs found

    Nurturing the Student, Sustaining the Mission: International/Inner City/Rural Preceptorship (I2CRP) Program

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    Several medical education tracks focused on preparing students to work in medically underserved communities are available in U.S. medical schools to increase awareness of primary care and to enable students to practice in medically underserved areas. The Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicineā€™s International/Inner city/Rural Preceptorship Program (originally known as ICRP then changed to I2CRP with introduction of international component in 2012) began in 1998 with the mission of increasing the number of students going into primary care to practice in medically underserved settings in rural, urban and/or international communities. The program requires students to participate in didactics, journal cub sessions, written reflections, and Grand Rounds, and to complete a scholarly project during the fourth year of medical school. I2CRP also matches students with clinical rotations in medically underserved communities throughout the four years of medical school


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    Bidang Bahasa Inggris untuk tujuan khusus (ESP), yang membahas kebutuhan komunikatif dan praktik dari kelompok profesional atau pekerjaan tertentu, telah berkembang pesat dalam empat puluh tahun terakhir untuk menjadi kekuatan utama dalam pengajaran dan penelitian bahasa Inggris. SP mendapatkan kekuatannya dari landasan teori eklektik dan komitmennya terhadap pendidikan bahasa berbasis penelitian yang berusaha untuk mengungkapkan kendala konteks sosial dalam penggunaan bahasa dan cara-cara yang dapat digunakan oleh para pelajar untuk mengendalikannya. Dalam bab ini, saya akan menguraikan secara singkat beberapa ide dan praktik utama yang saat ini mempengaruhi ESP, dengan fokus pada analisis kebutuhan, etnografi, pendekatan kritis, retorika kontrastif, konstruksionisme sosial, dan analisis wacana. Saya kemudian melanjutkan dengan melihat secara singkat beberapa efek ESP pada pengajaran dan penelitian bahasa, dengan menyatakan bahwa ESP telah mendorong para guru untuk menyoroti komunikasi daripada bahasa, mengadopsi orientasi penelitian pada pekerjaan mereka, menggunakan pedagogi kolaboratif, menjadi sadar akan variasi wacana, dan mempertimbangkan implikasi politik yang lebih luas daripada peran mereka. Bersama-sama, fitur-fitur praktik ESP ini menekankan pandangan literasi yang ada dan menggarisbawahi sifat terapan dari bidang ini


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    The objective of this research are :  Firstly :  To  knowing and analyzing work characteristic picture and intrinsic motivation  of Elria Buana FM  Jambi Radio announcer.   Secondly : To analyzing work charecteristic Relationship  significance  as announce to intrinsic motivation of Elria  Buana  Jambi announcer .  Thirdly :To analyzing which is more dominant among work characteristic to interinsik motivation of Elria buana Jambi Announcer. Method of survey  which is used in this research that is deskriptif with correlation pearson product moment  to know the relationship and significance value  between work characteristic and intrinsic motivation of elria buana Jambi announcer. Result of from this research is found that work characteristic there is relationship of positive and significance between work characteristic and intrinsic motivation of elria buana fm jambi announcer. Assumed by this matter happened because five work characteristic factor according to Oldham and hackman there is one able to and if each other integrated as good will support intrinsic motivation of elria buana jambi announcer . Recomandation able to be passed to this research that is radio shall can balance between intrinsic motivation which owned by announcer with eksterinsic motivation from radio , so that broadcaster motivational level as a whole can increase ,what later ,then will influence the quality of the announcerā€™s ferformance and in the end will have an effect on also at quality of radio alone

    Managing steam generator excess units at PT. YKL

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    Purpose - This paper is to apply lean principles to eliminate excess steam generators in the company.A multifunctional team which has a strong knowledge on process, simulation tools, and broad projects knowledge were involved. Methodology/Approach ā€“ PT. YKL has five steam stations for running its business, extracting oil from its reservoir.The steam stations are home for 218 steam generators units. As its oil reservoirs mature, naturally the reservoirs require less steam.As the demand drops, PT.YKL needs to balance the supply. As a result, they have excess number of steam generators.They are initially identified it by collecting the unitā€™s allocation for maintenance and other shutdown issue per steam stations.This available-unit less maintenance-allocation shows the true steam generators supply capability.On the demand side, PT. YKL also looked at its demand forecast profile in the years to come.Defining the excess unit per steam station limits the number of excess unit they can eliminate.To maximize it, PT. YKL totally changed the way they defined the excess.By collecting all the excess in once steam station, they can maximize the number of excess.However, they need to ensure that the remaining steam generators can satisfy the customerā€™s requirements (in term of flow and pressure).Here simulation tools played its key role.Findings - It was found the implementation of this lean initiative was successfully decommissioned 46 excess steam generators from 218 steam generators.Research limitations / implications: The simulation tool could not exactly represent the actual key process parameters.Site tweaking was stil needed to adjust the key process parameters to achieve the expected performance measures.Value ā€“ Limiting the boundaries to define the number of steam generator excess reduce the number of excess unit PT.YKL can claim.By creatively enlarging the boundaries definition to beyond steam station level maximize the number of excess PT. YKL can claim.The project was successfully booked Total Accrued Financial Benefit is $ 5 MM


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    In accordance with the symptoms, the writer has seen some problems that should be discussed and overcome. This research is aimed to find out the relationship between studentsā€™ understanding on recount text and their ability to retell the text. The subject of this research is the First year of MAN Dumai and the object of this research is studentsā€™ understanding on recount text and their ability to retell the text. It is firstly proven by the writer through her preliminary research before doing the research which shows the symptoms as explained as follows: Some of the students understand about recount text but they are still not able to retell the text and some of the students know aspects in understanding recount text but they can not retell the text. The population of this research covers 113 students. Because the number of population is too large, the writer took 50% of the population as sample. In this case, the writer uses random sampling technique to take 55 students. In collecting data, the writer used test. The test was used to find out the studentsā€™ understanding on recount text and their ability to retell the text. In analyzing the data, the formula of this research is equation of regression. In this research, the writer used SPSS version 17.00. Based on the research finding, the result can be concluded that there is no significant relationship of studentsā€™ understanding on recount text to their ability to retell the text as shown by the explanation below: a. Level of correlation coefficient studentsā€™ understanding on recount text and their ability to retell the text is 0.089. It means that Ho is accepted which indicates that there is no correlation. b. Level of significant is 0.516. It is bigger than 0.05. It means that Ho is accepted. It means that there is no relationship between studentsā€™ understanding on recount text and their ability to retell the text. In the other word, there is no influence of studentsā€™ understanding on recount text to their ability to retell the text

    Nurturing Conservation - Minded Behavior of Students of Agricultural Mechanization Program, Vocational School using Contextual Learning Strategy

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    This study aims to ļ¬gure out: (1) the implementation of contextual learning strategy in environmental education course; (2) the learning outcomes of the environmental education using contextual learning strategy during the debrieļ¬ng of the internship program; (3) conservation-minded behavior of the internship program participants; (4) the contribution of the environmental education learning outcomes using the contextual strategy in the internship program brieļ¬ng on the conservation ā€“ minded behavior. The study was conducted at SMK N 1 Bawen and industry in Semarang and its surrounding districts in 2018. The data on the implementation of contextual strategy during the internship program debrieļ¬ng were gathered using an observation sheet. The learning outcomes of the implementation of the contextual strategy in environmental education course during the debrieļ¬ng of the internship program were gathered using a test sheet and the data on the conservation-minded behavior of the internship program participants were gathered using an observation sheet. Data analysis was conducted using the descriptive analysis and simple regression. This results of the study showed that; (1) the contextual strategy was implemented by providing additional materials during the environmental education course; (2) the studentsā€™ learning outcomes of environmental education using the contextual strategy were mostly high; (3) the score of the conservation-minded behavior as the internship participants were high; (4) the contribution to the results of the contextual strategy implementation on the conservation education learning process was 86.8 percent to the conservation ā€“ minded behavior of the internship participants.   Keywords: the contextual strategy, conservation-minded behavio

    Falsafah Kelong dalam Tradisi Jaga di Desa Batunilamung Kecamatan Kajang

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    Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sejarah lahirnya Kelong Basing bermula sejak nenek moyang suku Kajang bernama Bohe Halia penghuni hutan terlarang yang menemukan potongan bambu (Basing). Sejarah kedua, rintihan Kelong Basing karena dua bersaudara dilanda duka di atas perahu ketika nenek moyang suku Kajang mengarungi laut samudra. Sedangkan sejarah lahirnya Kelong Jaga lahir dari permintaan wanita kepada tamu adat kala itu sembari menunggu masaknya daging kerbau guna menghibur tamu dengan cara bersyair.Terdapat dua nilai utama pada Kelong yakni nilai etika dan nilai sosial. Makna dan nilai falsafah hidup dalam syair nyanyian adat berdasarkan pada sifat kesederhanaan, kesabaran, kepedulian, dan keramahan. Guna merefresentasikan nilai budaya ini, tokoh masyarakat melakukan upaya pelestarian Kelong dalam ritual kematian dan pesta adat karena diyakini sebagai kalimat-kalimat suci atau syair yang sakral (Pasang)

    Kepemimpinan Kajang Perspektif Pappasang dan Otoritas Pemikiran Politik Lokal

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    Hasil penelitian ini menujukkan bahwa konsep kepemimpinan Kajang perspektif pappasang menerapkan kepemimpinan Indigenous demokrasi berdasarkan norma dan nilai sakralitas dari leluhur yang memprioritaskan kebersamaan dan kesederhanaan. Masuknya agama Islam atau sallang ikut berpengaruh besar membentuk nilai kesakralan kepemimpinan Kajang karena sumber pappasang ditemukan jalur dari ulama patareka (Ilmu Tasawuf). Bohe'Amma sebagai representasi falsafah sifat langit (pa'la'langang) menaungi dan Anrong representasi falsafah sifat bumi atau tanah mengampu masyarakat dan struktur pimpinan adat lima kareng tallu struktur Ammatoa. Otoritas politik lokal Bohe Amma beralih ke tangan elit pemerintah negara karena dianggap lebih evektif namun cenderung politisi. campur tangan politik terhadap adat mengakibatkan konflik internal perselingkuhan kepemimpinan Ammatoa. Keberlanjutan kepemimpinan Kajang berupa pembentukan Desa Adat sebagai wadah ekspresi identitas nilai kebudayaan masih proses negosiasi dengan birokrasi demokrasi. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) Konsep kepemimpinan Kajang perspektif pappasang perlu dikembangkan dengan cara mengeksplorasi nilai keluhuran, sakralitas religi, dan nilai indigenous demokrasi. 2) Otoritas politik lokal perlu dibangun sebagai wadah implementasi keluhuran, agama, dan demokrasi dengan cara membangun negara dari desa. 3) Dukungan pemerintah dan masyarakat adat Kajang dalam memcapai kesejahteraan rakyat perlu ada kerja sama untuk meningkatakan dan memberdayakan segalah potensi dalam masyarakat adat


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    This research attempts to identify and describe the concept of leadership from the perspective of Hadith in general and the concept of leadership from the perspective of Pasang ri Kajang. The reference of this research problem leads to how the concept of leadership according to the Prophet's Hadith, how the concept of leadership in Pasang ri Kajang, and how the encounter of leadership values between the two as a manifestation that the Kajang indigenous community is very intimate with Islamic cultural values. This research uses a mixed method that is library and field by using the concept of Edmund Husserl's phenomenology in looking at the social situation in the Kajang indigenous community.Ā The results of this study found that Leadership in the perspective of the Prophet's hadith and Pasang ri Kajang Perspective has differences and similarities in value, ideal leadership criteria based on the Prophet's hadith. at least fulfills 5 elements, namely a leader has a leadership spirit such as the soul of the Quraysh tribe, intellectual and professional, and able to carry out the task. While leadership criteria according to Pasang ri Kajang Leadership perspective of Pasang ri kajang refers to three main aspects, namely, Macca na Lambusu (intellectual and trustworthy), Barani na gattang (brave and firm), and Sabbara na pesona (patient and trustworthy). The encounter between the two values can be seen from the aspect of intellectual and trustworthy leader criteria, besides that on the other hand the leader must also be honest, have faith in Allah Swt and be responsible. Keywords:Ā Leadership, Hadis, Pasang ri Kajang Ā  Penelitian ini berikhtiar mengidentifikasi dan menguraikan konsep kepemimpinan perspektif Hadis secara umum dan konsep kepemimpinan perspektif Pasang ri Kajang. Adapun rujukan permasalah penelitian ini mengarah kepada bagaimana konsep kepemimpinan menurut hadis Nabi, bagaimana konsep kepemimpinan dalam Pasang ri Kajang, dan bagaiman perjumpaan nilai-nilai kepemimpinan diantara keduanya sebagai wujud bahwa komunitas adat Kajang sangat intim dengan nilai-nilai kebudayaan Islam. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode mix methodĀ yaitu pustaka dan lapangan dengan memanfaatkan konsep fenomenologi Edmund Husserl dalam meliht situasi social pada masyrakat adat Kajang. Ā Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa Kepemimpinan dalam perspektif hadis Nabi dan Perspektif Pasang ri KajangĀ memiliki perbedaan dan kesamaan nilai, kriteria kepemimpinan yang ideal berdasarkan hadis-hadis Nabi saw. paling tidak memenuhi 5 unsur, yaitu seorang pemimpin memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan seperti jiwa suku Quraisy, intelektual dan professional, serta mampu melaksanakan tugas. Sedangkan kriteria kepemimpinan menurut Pasang ri Kajang Kepemimpinan perspektif Pasang ri kajangĀ mengacu pada tiga aspek pokok yaitu, Macca na LambusuĀ (intelektual dan Amanah), Barani na gattangĀ (berani dan tegas), danĀ Sabbara na pesonaĀ (sabar dan tawakal). Perjumpaan nilai keduanya dapat ditinjau dari aspek kriteria pemimpin yang intelektual dan amanah, selain itu disisi lain pemimpin juga harus jujur, bertakawwal kepada Allah Swt serta bertanggungjawab. Kata Kunci:Ā Kepemimpinan,Ā Hadis, Pasang ri Kajan
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