12,530 research outputs found

    M\"{o}ssbauer study of the '11' iron-based superconductors parent compound Fe(1+x)Te

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    57Fe Moessbauer spectroscopy was applied to investigate the superconductor parent compound Fe(1+x)Te for x=0.06, 0.10, 0.14, 0.18 within the temperature range 4.2 K - 300 K. A spin density wave (SDW) within the iron atoms occupying regular tetrahedral sites was observed with the square root of the mean square amplitude at 4.2 K varying between 9.7 T and 15.7 T with increasing x. Three additional magnetic spectral components appeared due to the interstitial iron distributed over available sites between the Fe-Te layers. The excess iron showed hyperfine fields at approximately 16 T, 21 T and 49 T for three respective components at 4.2 K. The component with a large field of 49 T indicated the presence of isolated iron atoms with large localized magnetic moment in interstitial positions. Magnetic ordering of the interstitial iron disappeared in accordance with the fallout of the SDW with the increasing temperature

    Effect of Strain Relaxation on Magnetotransport properties of epitaxial La_0.7Ca_0.3MnO_3 films

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    In this paper, we have studied the effect of strain relaxation on magneto-transport properties of La_0.7Ca_0.3MnO_3 epitaxial films (200 nm thick), which were deposited by pulsed laser deposition technique under identical conditions. All the films are epitaxial and have cubic unit cell. The amount of strain relaxation has been varied by taking three different single crystal substrates of SrTiO_3, LaAlO_3 and MgO. It has been found that for thicker films the strain gets relaxed and produces variable amount of disorder depending on the strength of strain relaxation. The magnitude of lattice relaxation has been found to be 0.384, 3.057 and 6.411 percent for film deposited on SrTiO_3, LaAlO_3 and MgO respectively. The films on LaAlO_3 and SrTiO_3 show higher T_{IM} of 243 K and 217 K respectively as compared to T_{IM} of 191 K for the film on MgO. Similarly T_C of the films on SrTiO_3 and LaAlO_3 is sharper and has value of 245 K and 220 K respectively whereas the TC of the film on MgO is 175 K. Higher degree of relaxation creates more defects and hence TIM (T_C) of the film on MgO is significantly lower than of SrTiO_3 and LaAlO_3. We have adopted a different approach to correlate the effect of strain relaxation on magneto-transport properties of LCMO films by evaluating the resistivity variation through Mott's VRH model. The variable presence of disorder in these thick films due to lattice relaxation which have been analyzed through Mott's VRH model provides a strong additional evidence that the strength of lattice relaxation produces disorder dominantly by increase in density of defects such as stacking faults, dislocations, etc. which affect the magneto-transport properties of thick epitaxial La_0.7Ca_0.3MnO_3 films

    Improved silicon nitride for advanced heat engines

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    The AiResearch Casting Company baseline silicon nitride (92 percent GTE SN-502 Si sub 3 N sub 4 plus 6 percent Y sub 2 O sub 3 plus 2 percent Al sub 2 O sub 3) was characterized with methods that included chemical analysis, oxygen content determination, electrophoresis, particle size distribution analysis, surface area determination, and analysis of the degree of agglomeration and maximum particle size of elutriated powder. Test bars were injection molded and processed through sintering at 0.68 MPa (100 psi) of nitrogen. The as-sintered test bars were evaluated by X-ray phase analysis, room and elevated temperature modulus of rupture strength, Weibull modulus, stress rupture, strength after oxidation, fracture origins, microstructure, and density from quantities of samples sufficiently large to generate statistically valid results. A series of small test matrices were conducted to study the effects and interactions of processing parameters which included raw materials, binder systems, binder removal cycles, injection molding temperatures, particle size distribution, sintering additives, and sintering cycle parameters

    Backscatter Inversion in Spherically Asymmetric Ionosphere

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    It is Well Known that Various Diurnal and Morphological Features of the Ionosphere Reveal Substantial Departures from the Normally Simplified Assumption of Spherical Symmetry at Certain Times of the Day or at Certain Geographic Locations. a Radio Ray Passing through Such an Ionosphere Must Bear Information About its Horizontal Gradients. the Leading Edge of a Backscatter Ionogram is Formed by Obliquely Propagated Radio Rays of Minimum Time Delay and Hence is Useful in Deducing Information About the Ionospheric Horizontal Gradients. in This Regard, the Ionospheric Electron Density Distribution is Modeled by a Locally Quasi‐parabolic Layer with Six Parameters. This Six‐parameter Space is Known as the \u27ion state.\u27 Our Object is to Seek the \u27best\u27 Ion state in the Sense that the Corresponding Mean Square Error in Group Delay is a Minimum. a Computer Program Has Been Written to Carry Out the Specified Procedure. a Number of Sample Calculations Are Presented and Discussed. Copyright 1979 by the American Geophysical Union

    Casimir force between designed materials: what is possible and what not

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    We establish strict upper limits for the Casimir interaction between multilayered structures of arbitrary dielectric or diamagnetic materials. We discuss the appearance of different power laws due to frequency-dependent material constants. Simple analytical expressions are in good agreement with numerical calculations based on Lifshitz theory. We discuss the improvements required for current (meta) materials to achieve a repulsive Casimir force.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, graphicx, v4: Europhysics Letters, in pres

    Optimizing omnidirectional reflection by multilayer mirrors

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    Periodic layered media can reflect strongly for all incident angles and polarizations in a given frequency range. Quarter-wave stacks at normal incidence are commonplace in the design of such omnidirectional reflectors. We discuss alternative design criteria to optimize these systems.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures. To be published in J. Opt. A: Pure and Applied Optic

    Radiation pattern of a classical dipole in a photonic crystal: photon focusing

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    The asymptotic analysis of the radiation pattern of a classical dipole in a photonic crystal possessing an incomplete photonic bandgap is presented. The far-field radiation pattern demonstrates a strong modification with respect to the dipole radiation pattern in vacuum. Radiated power is suppressed in the direction of the spatial stopband and strongly enhanced in the direction of the group velocity, which is stationary with respect to a small variation of the wave vector. An effect of radiated power enhancement is explained in terms of \emph{photon focusing}. Numerical example is given for a square-lattice two-dimensional photonic crystal. Predictions of asymptotic analysis are substantiated with finite-difference time-domain calculations, revealing a reasonable agreement.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Robust and scalable rf spectroscopy in first-order magnetic sensitive states at second-long coherence time

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    Trapped-ion quantum sensors have become highly sensitive tools for the search of physics beyond the Standard Model. Recently, stringent tests of local Lorentz-invariance (LLI) have been conducted with precision spectroscopy in trapped ions. We here elaborate on robust and scalable radio-frequency composite-pulse spectroscopy at second long coherence times in the magnetic sublevels of the long-lived 2F7/2^{2}F_{7/2} state of a trapped 172^{172}Yb+^{+} ion. We compare two Ramsey-type composite rf pulse sequences, a generalized spin-echo (GSE) sequence and a sequence based on universal rotations with 10 rephasing pulses (UR10) that decouple the energy levels from magnetic field noise, enabling robust and accurate spectroscopy. Both sequences are characterized theoretically and experimentally in the spin-1/21/2$\ ^{2}S_{1/2}electronicgroundstateof electronic ground state of ^{172}YbYb^{+}andresultsshowthattheUR10sequenceis38(13)timesmorerobustagainstpulseduration(frequencydetuning)errorsthantheGSEsequence.Weextendoursimulationstotheeightlevelmanifoldofthe and results show that the UR10 sequence is 38 (13) times more robust against pulse duration (frequency detuning) errors than the GSE sequence. We extend our simulations to the eight-level manifold of the ^2F_{7/2}state,whichishighlysensitivetoapossibleviolationofLLI,andshowthattheUR10sequencecanbeusedforhighfidelityRamseyspectroscopyinnoisyenvironments.TheUR10sequenceisimplementedexperimentallyinthe state, which is highly sensitive to a possible violation of LLI, and show that the UR10 sequence can be used for high-fidelity Ramsey spectroscopy in noisy environments. The UR10 sequence is implemented experimentally in the ^2F_{7/2}manifoldandacoherentsignalofupto manifold and a coherent signal of up to 2.5\,sisreached.WehaveimplementedthesequenceandusedittoperformthemoststringenttestofLLIintheelectronphotonsectortodate.DuetotherobustnessoftheUR10sequence,itcanbeappliedonlargerioncrystalstoimprovetestsofLorentzsymmetryfurther.Wedemonstratethatthesequencecanalsobeusedtoextractthequadrupolemomentofthemetastables is reached. We have implemented the sequence and used it to perform the most stringent test of LLI in the electron-photon sector to date. Due to the robustness of the UR10 sequence, it can be applied on larger ion crystals to improve tests of Lorentz symmetry further. We demonstrate that the sequence can also be used to extract the quadrupole moment of the meta-stable ^{2}F_{7/2}state,obtainingavalueof state, obtaining a value of \Theta\,=\,-0.0298(38)\,ea^{2}_{0}$ which is in agreement with the value deduced from clock measurements.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure