21 research outputs found

    The Fishery of the Freshwater Oyster Etheria Elliptica (Etheriidae) in Northern Ghana: Its Distribution and Economic Importance

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    A survey was conducted for seventeen months in 1998 and 2008 to record indigenous knowledge on the freshwater oyster Etheria elliptica in the north of Ghana, with emphasis on its distribution and economic importance. The study showed natural occurrence of the oyster in the major rivers and their tributaries that form the northern Volta Basin: River Oti in the north-east serving as the international boundary between Ghana and Togo, the Black Volta River in the north-west serving as the international boundary between Ghana and La Cotê d'Ivoire, and the White Volta River running through the central portion. Apparently, the oyster is fairly widespread in the north. Biochemical analysis of fresh meat samples showed nutritional values that suggest that the White Volta and Oti stocks are the same. The oysters are sessile organisms and are usually collected from the riverbeds mostly by women and during low water levels in the dry season, using locally manufactured implements like hoes, chisels and hammer to dislodge them from the hard substrates to which they are attached.  The oyster fishery constitutes a major source of livelihood, providing employment, income and nutritious food for the local inhabitants

    Association between Serum Lycopene and Lung Cancer Mortality: An 18-Year Follow-up Study of a National Cohort

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    Background: Lycopene is a carotenoid found in some fruits and vegetables that is responsible for the red pigment in tomatoes and tomato products. While many studies have shown a link between lycopene and protection against the initiation and/or progression of lung cancer, data on its effect on lung cancer survivability is limited. Objective: The primary objective of this study was to see if there was a link between lycopene levels in the blood and lung cancer mortality. A secondary goal was to see if dietary factors influence lycopene levels in the blood. Materials and Methods: A retrospective cohort study of 14,358 adults who took part in Phase II of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III was carried out (1991- 1994). This dataset served as the baseline for a 15-year (1991-2006) follow-up study, which was correlated with the National Death Index database. The Cox Proportional Hazards Regression Model was used to calculate the HR for all-cause and cancer-related deaths for individuals with high, moderate, and low serum lycopene levels. Results: The unadjusted hazard ratio (HR) of deaths associated with low serum lycopene levels (25 percent cutoff) was 1.67 (95 percent CI=1.24-2.23) and 1.00, respectively (ref). After controlling for multiple risk factors such as age and gender, the HR for lung cancer fatalities was 1.45 (95% CI=1.08-1.96) for low serum levels (25 percent cutoff) with a reference value of 1.00. For low vs. high serum lycopene levels, the adjusted HR for lung cancer death using 3-level categorization (and adjusted for fruits and vegetables) was 1.67 (95 percent CI=1.03-2.71). In addition, the adjusted HR for lung cancer death using 3-level categorization (and unadjusted for fruits and vegetables) was 1.68 (95 percent CI=1.04-2.72) for low serum lycopene levels vs. high serum lycopene levels. Conclusions: The results suggest that high serum lycopene levels may reduce the risk of dying from lung cancer. Furthermore, lycopene may not only reduce the risk of lung cancer development but may also improve survival among lung cancer patients. More research is needed to understand the physiological mechanisms underlying this association

    The Attitudinal Changes Exhibited by Students Exposed to Teaching Science by Integration of Indigenous Industrial Activities in the Teaching and Learning of Selected Concepts of Matter

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    The main aim for this study is to find out the attitudinal changes exhibited by students exposed to teaching science by integration of indigenous industrial activities in the teaching and learning of selected concepts of matter in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. The study concentrated on the second year Junior High School students of Kaneshie Kingsway ‘2’ JHS of Kaneshie Kingsway Cluster of Schools in the Okaikoi South Metro of the Greater Accra Region of Ghana.The study employedposttest-only non-equivalent control group design of the quasi-experimental research design. The researcher employed the purposive sampling technique for this study, making up of   43 males and 47 females. The instruments used for collecting data for this research were test, questionnaire and semi-structured interview schedules.The study employed both quantitative and qualitative methods of data analysis mean, standard deviation,Pearson’s correlation (r) and description or explanation of terms. The study revealed that students exhibited positiveattitudewhen exposed to teaching science by integration of indigenous industrial activities in the teaching and learning of selected concepts of matter. Keywords: Indigenous Industrial Activities, Traditional Approach, Indigenous Knowledge, Enculturation DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-6-10 Publication date: February 29th 2020

    The Difference in the Achievement of JHS Students Taught Using the Integration of Indigenous Industrial Activities in the Teaching and Learning of Selected Concepts of Matter and Those Taught Using the Traditional Approach Only

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference in the achievement of JHS students taught using the integration of indigenous industrial activities in the teaching and learning ofselected concepts of matter and those taught using the traditional approach only at the basic schools in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. To be specific the second year Junior High School students of Kaneshie Kingsway ‘2’ JHS of Kaneshie Kingsway Cluster of Schools in the Okaikoi South Metro of the Greater Accra Region of Ghana was used.The study employedposttest-only non-equivalent control group design of the quasi-experimental research design. The researcher employed the purposive sampling technique for this study, making up of   43 males and 47 females.The instruments used for collecting data for this research were test, questionnaire and semi-structured interview schedules. It was found out that there is difference in the achievement of JHS students taught using the integration of indigenous industrial activities in the teaching and learning ofselected concepts of matter and those taught using the traditional approach only at the basic schools in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana.This means that junior high school students who were exposed to the integration of indigenous industrial activities in the teaching and learning of selected concepts on matter retained significantly more of the scientific concepts taught in the study than those who were taught using only the traditional approach. Keywords: Indigenous Industrial Activities, Traditional Approach, Indigenous Knowledge, Enculturation DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-33-09 Publication date: November 30th 201

    Effect of phytogenic feed additives on gonadal development in Mozambique tilapia

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    Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigated the “Effect of Phytogenic Feed Additives on Gonadal Development in Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus). Aquaculture remains the fastest growing animal food-producing sector and it is set to overtake capture fisheries as a source of food fish, and also to outpace population growth. This rapid growth can be attributed to the increasing demand for aquaculture products, and an urgent need for a sustainable food resource and the safe production of food. Globally, fish provides over 3.5 billion people with up to 15 percent of their average per capita intake of animal protein. The introduction of aquaculture to sub-Saharan African (SSA) took place during the 1940s and 1950s, and the main objectives were to improve nutrition in rural areas, allow for the diversification of activities to reduce the risk of crop failures, to generate additional income, and to create employment opportunities. Aquaculture was seen as a viable option for rural development in SSA, and substantial resources were invested to support its development. Poor results were however, recorded in terms of production and sustainability. Tilapia is the most widely cultured of all fish species farmed, and the second most important group of freshwater and brackish water fish after carps. Tilapia has all the necessary traits that makes it an excellent species to culture, but costefficient production is hampered by the animals attaining sexual maturity at a an early age, which then result in precocious breeding in aquaculture systems. The production of single-sex populations (i.e. all male) is a potential means to address the problem of precocious breeding, but the technologies used to establish single-sex populations are not readily available to resource-poor communities that farm with tilapia for food purposes. Phytochemicals, also known as phytoestrogens, are plant-derived compounds that structurally or functionally mimic mammalian estrogens that affect the sexual differentiation of fish. Phytochemicals occur in plants like Pawpaw (Carica papaya) and Moringa (Moringa oleifera). The study thus had a threefold objective. Firstly, the study investigated the potential of Pawpaw seed meal (P) and Moringa seed meal (M), as part of a commercial tilapia diet, to be used as endocrine disrupting compounds (EDC’s) to control the reproduction of sexually mature Mozambique tilapia (20-45g). Secondly, assess the potential of P and M to inhibit the attainment of sexual maturity in immature tilapia (2-8g). Finally, P and M to determine its influence on sexual differentiation of tilapia fry (9-12 days posthatch) to produce all-male populations. The study indicated that both P and M seeds contain bio-active chemicals that are capable of disrupting the gonad function, differentiation and sexual maturation of Mozambique tilapia. Sperm production was affected, evident in the degeneration of the testicular tissue samples. Egg production, ovulation and spawning were all affected, as evident in the difference in colour of the degrading eggs, as well as the absence of spawning. Ovo-testes were observed in cases where diets containing 10.0g P and 10.0g M /kg basal diet were fed. Eggs were observed in the ovaries of sexually immature fish, but spawning did not occur. The study also presents the first report on the isolation of Oleanolic acid in Moringa seeds. The evident of antifertility properties of both Pawpaw and Moringa seeds can be exploited to control or prevent reproduction of Mozambique tilapia in SSA aquaculture systems. This could be of particular importance to aquaculture development in rural areas of Sub-Saharan African countries, given the abundant year round availability of these compounds. Further studies are required to optimise the preparation of the experimental compounds; as well as determining the optimal inclusion level of the phytogenic compounds, as well as how their efficacy to manipulate the reproductive potential and ability of Mozambique tilapia are influenced by environmental factors such as water temperature.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Akwakultuur is die vinnigste groeiende dierlike voedsel-sektor. Daar word verwag dat dit visserye sal oortref as ʼn bron van voedsel en dat groei in dié bedryf selfs die bevolkingsgroei sal verbysteek. Die vinnige groei in die sektor kan toegeskryf word aan die toenemende vraag na akwakultuur produkte en 'n dringende behoefte vir 'n volhoubare voedsel hulpbron, wat ook die veilige produksie van voedsel sal verseker. Wêreldwyd voed vis meer as 3.5 miljard mense en dra tot 15% van die gemiddelde hoeveelheid dierlike proteïen per kapita ingeneem, by. Die bekendstelling van akwakultuur in sub-Sahara Afrika (SSA) het gedurende die 1940's en 1950's plaasgevind, met die belangrikste doelwitte om voeding in landelike gebiede te verbeter, geleenthede vir diversifisering te skep wat die risiko van misoeste verminder, om bykomende inkomste te genereer en werksgeleenthede te skep. Akwakultuur is gesien as 'n lewensvatbare opsie vir die ontwikkeling van die landelike gebiede in SSA en aansienlike hulpbronne is belê om die ontwikkeling daarvan te ondersteun. Swak resultate is egter in terme van produksie en volhoubaarheid behaal. Tilapia is die mees algemene spesies wat gekweek word en is die tweede mees belangrike groep van varswater en brak water vis soesies, na Karp. Tilapia beskik oor al die nodige eienskappe wat dit ʼn uitstekende spesie vir voedselproduksie maak, maar koste-doeltreffende produksie daarvan word gekortwiek deur die feit dat die spesie seksuele volwassenheid op 'n vroeë ouderdom bereik, wat dan lei tot vroeg-rype teling en die gevolglike oorbevolking en swak groei van tilapia in ʼn akwakultuur sisteem. Die produksie van enkel-geslag bevolkings (d.i. slegs manlike vis) is ʼn potensiële oplossing vir dié probleme, maar die tegnologie wat gebruik word om enkel-geslag bevolkings te produseer is nie geredelik toeganklik vir hulpbron-arme gemeenskappe wat met Tilapia vir kosdoeleindes boer nie. Fitochemikalieë, anders ook bekend as fito-estrogene, is verbindings wat in plante voorkom en wat struktureel of funksioneel die werking van die natuurlike soogdier estrogene/androgene naboots, met die fitochemikalieë wat die seksuele differensiasie van vis beïnvloed. Fitochemikalieë kom in plante soos papaja (Carica papaya) en Moringa (Moringa oleifera) voor. Die studie het dus gepoog om die potensiaal van papaja saad meel (P) en Moringa saad meel (M), as deel van 'n kommersiële tilapia dieet, om as endokriene ontwrigters (EDC's) gebruik te word om die reproduksie van seksueel volwasse Mosambiek tilapia (20-45g) te beheer, om te voorkom dat onvolwasse tilapia (2-8g) geslagsrypheid te vroeg bereik en ook om die geslagsdifferensiasie van tilapia vingerlinge (9-12 dae na uitkom) te manipuleer om enkel-geslag (manlike) produksiegroepe te produseer. Die studie het aangedui dat beide papaja en Moringa sade bio-aktiewe chemikalieë wat die werking van die gonadotrofien hormone, geslagsdifferensiasie die stadium waarop Mosambiek tilapia geslagsrypheid bereik, kan beïnvloed. Spermproduksie is negatief beïnvloed, soos waargeneem in die degenerasie van die testisweefsel. Eierproduksie, ovulasie en die vrystelling van eiers is almal negatief beïnvloed, soos duidelik waargeneem in die kleurverskil (van normale eiers) van eiers wat ʼn mate van reabsorbsie aandui en die feit dat geen eiers vrygestel is nie. Ovo-testes is waargeneem in gevalle waar diëte met 10.0g papaja en / of Moringa / kg basale dieet gevoer is. Eiers is waargeneem in die eierstokke van seksueel onvolwasse vis, maar vrystelling het nie plaasgevind nie. Die studie is die eerste verslag oor die isolasie van Oleanoliese suur in Moringa sade. Die duidelike reproduksie-beperkende (anti-vrugbaarheid) eienskappe van beide papaja en Moringa sade kan benut kan word om reproduksie in Mosambiek tilapia te voorkom of te manipuleer in SSA akwakultuur stelsels. Dit is veral van besondere belang vir akwakultuur ontwikkeling in die landelike gebiede van SSA lande, gegewe dat beide sade regdeur die jaar geredelik beskikbaar is. Verdere studies word benodig om protokolle vir die voorbereiding van die eksperimentele verbindings te optimaliseer, sowel as die bepaling van die optimale insluitingsvlakke van die fitogeniese verbindings, asook hoe die doeltreffendheid van hierdie verbindings deur omgewingsfaktore soos water temperatuur beïnvloed word.The University for Development Studies (UDS), Ghana, particularly Prof S.K. Nokoe, and Ghana Education Trust Fund (GETFund), for the initial financial support that enabled me to enrol for the programme. The Division of Aquaculture, together with the Postgraduate and International Office (Postgraduate Funding Section), Stellenbosch University (SU) for financial support during my studies


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    The rapid growth of the global economy and the information-based society has pressurized education systems around the world to use ICTs to teach the knowledge and skills students need in the 21st Century. The growth of the ICT sector has challenged teachers to prepare for effective use of new teaching and learning tools in their profession. This study sought to examine teacher experience and qualifications as well as student ICT competencies (skills and knowledge). The mixed method approach was employed for the study. A total of 352 respondents made up of 8 principals, 24 tutors and 320 teacher trainees from all the eight colleges were sampled. Data is gathered through open-ended questions that provide direct quotations with the interviewer as an integral part of the investigation. Three research questions guided the study. The research questions were answered using charts, frequency and percentages. The findings established that that the intensive use of ICT and the process-oriented learning environment supported the development of students’ expertise in ICT and enhanced students in critical thinking skills. The study recommends that students should be involved in using ICT in learning activities such as doing assignments, taking quizzes, and searching the internet for learning resources among others. Article visualizations

    Evaluation of Consumer Purchasing Behaviour, Perceptions and Requirements of Aquaculture Products to Improve Growth of Sharptooth Catfish Small Businesses in Phetwane and Kaapmuiden Villages, South Africa

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    Aquaculture is becoming increasingly responsible for supplying fish for human consumption and has rapidly turned into one of the significant food production sectors globally. The aim of this study was to evaluate consumer perceptions of aquaculture products in order to improve growth of small businesses in Phetwane and Kaapmuiden communities, South Africa. Primary data were collected through face to face interviews using a semi-structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and Binary Logistic Regression (BLR) model on the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25 was used to test significance of purchasing behaviour. The results showed that education level positively and significantly influenced the respondent’s decision to buy catfish. Quality, red meat, poultry and fish negatively and significantly influenced the respondents’ decision to purchase catfish. The Hosmer and Lemeshow test had a p-value less than 0.004, and it was statistically significant. This means that the model was appropriate from data, and goodness of fit measures may produce the same results constantly. Information gathered from this study was useful for guiding policy makers, economists and retailers to enhance aquaculture and develop sustainable small businesses


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    This paper presents both qualitative and quantitative studies on the motivation for teachers teaching in Senior High School located in rural areas and its effects on their willingness to continue staying in those areas in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. Two public Senior High Schools in the rural areas of Afigya-Kwabre West district comprising two Headmasters and 120 teachers was selected by the use of purposive and simple random sampling techniques for the study. The study focused on primary data through interview, questionnaire and observation. It was revealed that the significant retention factors are the provision and administration of financial bonuses which include retention/professional allowance and Parents and Teachers Association motivational allowance. On the other hand, the teachers were very unsatisfied with their accommodation, means of transport and criteria for selecting award winners during speech and prize giving days. Therefore, governments and policy makers need to put in place strategies and also implement policies that will serve to improve the working conditions of teachers teaching in rural areas in order to serve as motivation for their retention

    Flipped Classroom Model as an Instructional Tool for Effective Teaching and Learning of Leatherwork

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    Students found in Senior High Schools located in the cities are faced with the difficulty of not having any foreknowledge on most of the practices involved in either obtaining a pelt or its treatment. This is largely due to the fact that treated leather is exposed to the leather work students in the cities. As such, the students are not previewed to the production processes of leather. Owing to this, leather work teachers in the city are also seriously challenged in getting to build on student’s relevant previous knowledge. In order to use the Flipped Classroom model salvage this difficulty, we adopted both qualitative and quantitative research methods and instruments to elicit the needed data from a target population of 55 respondents comprising one head of Visual Arts Department, 2 Leatherwork teachers and 52 second year students with interview, observation, and questionnaire administration to examine teaching and learning of leather work in a selected public Senior High Schools in Kumasi metropolis. It was revealed that the flipped classroom model facilitates communication between the teachers and students and aided in the provision of an easy access to information which has sort to promote the use of data and real-world applications to enhance the teaching of theoretical and new lessons. This has also aided in the provision of an easy access to information which has sort to promote the use of data and real-world applications to enhance the teaching of theoretical and new lessons. The results of this study suggest beneficial effects of implementing the flipped classroom model for the teaching of all practically related art subjects

    Digital Portrait Painting in Geometric Shapes

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    This paper demonstrates three techniques of simplified digital portrait painting using geometric shapes. These techniques have been expressed through the use of manual drawing skills and computer software. Why should the artist/painter eliminate or cover all the marks they make when it comes to portrait painting as if it does not belong to the artwork? Over the years, in the field of painting, works have been produced based on the materials and tools available at that time. Many amateur and professional artists in Ghana do not use the digital technology to paint because of the difficulty in using the mouse to draw and paint. The focus of the researchers is to give artists that used the digital technology in painting more<br>stylistic options in the execution of their works to add to the already existing techniques in digital painting. The researchers adopted qualitative research design for the study. Descriptive research method was used in writing the various steps involved in the execution of the project works. Interviews and observations were the main tools employed in gathering data for the project. This research ultimately aimed at inspiring and motivating more artists in the usage of the digital painting technology in their paintings