283 research outputs found

    The Metropolis and Evangelical Life: Coherence and Fragmentation in the ‘Lost City of London’

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    This article examines the interplay of different processes of cultural and subjective fragmentation experienced by conservative evangelical Anglicans, based on an ethnographic study of a congregation in central London. The author focuses on the evangelistic speaking practices of members of this church to explore how individuals negotiate contradictory norms of interaction as they move through different city spaces, and considers their response to tensions created by the demands of their workplace and their religious lives. Drawing on Georg Simmel’s ‘The Metropolis and Mental Life’, the author argues that their faith provides a sense of coherence and unity that responds to experiences of cultural fragmentation characteristic of everyday life in the city, while simultaneously leading to a specific consciousness of moral fragmentation that is inherent to conservative evangelicalism

    The occupation of a box as a toy model for the seismic cycle of a fault

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    We illustrate how a simple statistical model can describe the quasiperiodic occurrence of large earthquakes. The model idealizes the loading of elastic energy in a seismic fault by the stochastic filling of a box. The emptying of the box after it is full is analogous to the generation of a large earthquake in which the fault relaxes after having been loaded to its failure threshold. The duration of the filling process is analogous to the seismic cycle, the time interval between two successive large earthquakes in a particular fault. The simplicity of the model enables us to derive the statistical distribution of its seismic cycle. We use this distribution to fit the series of earthquakes with magnitude around 6 that occurred at the Parkfield segment of the San Andreas fault in California. Using this fit, we estimate the probability of the next large earthquake at Parkfield and devise a simple forecasting strategy.Comment: Final version of the published paper, with an erratum and an unpublished appendix with some proof

    New trends in active faulting studies for seismic hazard assessment

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    Vulnerability to earthquakes increases steadily as urbanization and development expand in areas that are prone to the effects of significant earthquakes. As virtually all of the largest earthquakes of the past decade demonstrated, the development of large cities in high seismicity areas is often based on an insufficient knowledge or distorted perception of the local seismic hazard, a condition often worsened by the construction of seismically unsafe buildings and infrastructures
