339 research outputs found

    Tulathromycin disturbs blood oxidative and coagulation status

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of tulathromycin on serum oxidative status and coagulation factors in rabbits. Tulathromycin was administered to eight rabbits, and blood samples were obtained 0, 1, 5, 10 and 15 days after treatment. Indicators of serum oxidative status (malondialdehyde, nitric oxide, superoxide dismutase, retinol and -carotene) and coagulation values (antithrombin III, fibrinogen) were measured after tulathromycin treatment. In addition, routine serum biochemical values (creatine kinase-MB, lactate dehydrogenase, alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, gamma glutamyl transferase, creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, cholesterol, triglyceride, high density lipoprotein, amylase, total protein, albumin, glucose and calcium), haemacell counts (white and red blood cells) and arterial blood gas parameters (packed cell volume, hemoglobin, pH, partial pressure of carbon dioxide, partial pressure of oxygen, actual bicarbonate, standard bicarbonate, total carbon dioxide, base excess in vivo, base excess in vitro, oxygen saturation, sodium and potassium) were also determined. Tulathromycin increased (P < 0.05) the levels of malondialdehyde, nitric oxide and superoxide dismutase activity, and decreased (P < 0.05) the level of antithrombin III. In conclusion, tulathromycin may cause oxidative damage and coagulation disorders during the treatment period.Key words: Tulathromycin, oxidative damage, coagulation disorder

    Photosynthetic responses of Amygdalus arabica Olivier and Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nutt. to drought stress under field conditions

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    The central Anatolian region of Turkey is exposed to increasing temperatures and severe drought stress. Due to aridity and desertification brought about by global warming, climate change and overutilization, plant species in these regions are under the risk of extinction. Thus, plant species have to adapt to these harsh environmental conditions of extremely high temperatures and low precipitation. In this study, gas exchange and water potentials of the Arabian almond tree Amygdalus arabica Olivier (C3-photosynthesis) and four-winged saltbush Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nutt. (C4-photosynthesis), two drought-tolerant woody species planted previously in an effort to reduce desertification at Karapınar, Konya, and Central Anatolian Region, were periodically measured from May until September under field conditions. Net photosynthesis and transpiration rates, mid-day water potential and water use efficiency were determined throughout the vegetation period in 2015. Maximum net photosynthetic rates were 12.4 μmol m–2 s–1 in the Arabian almond tree and 29.7 μmol m–2 s–1 in four-winged saltbush, measured in July and September, respectively. Also, the highest transpiration rates were 4.8 mmol m–2 s–1 in the Arabian almond tree and 7.1 mmol m–2 s–1 in four-winged saltbush. Maximum water use efficiency values were measured in June in both species, which made up 5.7 and 7.7 mmol CO2 mol–1 H2O for the Arabian almond tree and four-winged saltbush, respectively. Lowest midday water potentials for both species were recorded in August. The results indicate that both species have the ability to tolerate drought stress in the region, though due to its C4 nature of photosynthesis, the four-winged saltbush might overcome those stresses more efficiently than the Arabian almond tree in arid and barren areas

    Role of the TCF4 gene intronic variant in normal variation of corneal endothelium

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    PURPOSE: To identify early features of Fuchs endothelial dystrophy (FED) in carriers of the rs613872(G) transcription factor 4 gene (TCF4) aged 20 to 21 years. METHODS: Prospective cohort study of people aged 20 to 21 years previously enrolled in the Western Australia Pregnancy (Raine) Cohort. Specular microscopy was performed using a noncontact specular microscopy (EM-3000; Tomey, Nagoya, Japan). Individual genotype data were extracted from the genome-wide Illumina 660 Quad Array. Analysis of the association between the rs613872 risk allele in TCF4 and specular microscopic measurements was conducted. RESULTS: Association between the rs613872 risk allele and corneal endothelial cell density (CD) as well as the coefficient of variation in cell shape was the main outcome measure. Genotype and specular microscopic data were available for a total of 445 participants (46% women). The median CD was 2851 and 2850 cells per square millimeter in the right and left eyes, respectively. No significant differences between intereye variability in endothelial CD were seen (right eye to left eye correlation = 0.64); however, a significant difference in variability of endothelial CD between men and women was observed (male: OD, 2839 ± 124 cells/mm and OS, 2845 ± 124 cells/mm vs. female: OD, 2838 ± 134 cells/mm and OS, 2842 ± 132 cells/mm; OD, P = 0.0013 and OS, P = 0.0016). Eleven individuals were homozygous for the rs613872 risk allele. We found no association between rs613872 genotype and CD or coefficient of variation. One of 11 homozygous GG individuals was found to have a gutta in 1 sample field on specular microscopy, whereas 2 of 297 TT individuals also had a gutta each in 1 sample field. CONCLUSIONS: We were unable to detect an association between TCF4 rs613872 genotype and the variation in corneal endothelial CD or variation in cell morphology in a healthy young adult population. Copyrigh

    Sleep quality improvements after MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder

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    Sleep disturbances (SDs) are among the most distressing and commonly reported symptoms in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Despite increased attention on sleep in clinical PTSD research, SDs remain difficult to treat. In Phase 2 trials, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)-assisted psychotherapy has been shown to greatly improve PTSD symptoms. We hypothesized that MDMA-assisted psychotherapy would improve self-reported sleep quality (SQ) in individuals with PTSD and be associated with declining PTSD symptoms. Participants in four studies (n = 63) were randomized to receive 2-3 sessions of active MDMA (75-125 mg; n = 47) or placebo/control MDMA (0-40 mg, n = 16) during all-day psychotherapy sessions. The PSQI was used to assess change in SQ from baseline to the primary endpoint, 1-2 months after the blinded sessions. Additionally, PSQI scores were measured at treatment exit (TE) and 12-month follow-up. Symptoms of PTSD were measured using the CAPS-IV. At the primary endpoint, CAPS-IV total severity scores dropped more after active MDMA than after placebo/control (-34.0 vs. -12.4), p = .003. Participants in the active dose group showed more improvement in SQ compared to those in the control group (PSQI total score Delta M = -3.5 vs. 0.6), p = .003. Compared to baseline, SQ had improved at TE, p < .001, with further significant gains reported at 12-month follow-up (TE to 12-months Delta M = -1.0), p = .030. Data from these randomized controlled double-blind studies provide evidence for the beneficial effects of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy in treating SDs in individuals with PTSD.Stress-related psychiatric disorders across the life spa

    The impact of venepuncture training on the reduction of pre?analytical blood sample haemolysis rates: A systematic review

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    BackgroundVenepuncture involves the introduction of a needle into a vein to collect a representative blood sample for laboratory testing. In the pre‐analytical phase, haemolysis (the rupturing of erythrocytes and release of their contents into the extracellular compartment) has safety, quality and cost implications. Training in correct venepuncture practice has the potential to reduce in vitro haemolysis rates, but the evidence for this notion has yet to be synthesised.DesignSystematic review (PRISMA Checklist).MethodsPublished studies on the effectiveness of venepuncture training on haemolysis rates were searched in relevant databases. The McMaster critical appraisal tool was used to assess methodological quality. The GRADE tool was used to evaluate the body of evidence in relation to the research questions. Implementation fidelity was also scrutinised in each study.ResultsEight out of 437 retrieved studies met the inclusion criteria. None were randomised controlled trials (RCT). Between‐study heterogeneity in design, intervention characteristics and the biochemical threshold for haemolysis precluded a meta‐analysis. Post‐training reductions in haemolysis rates of between 0.4%–19.8% were reported in four of the studies, which developed their intervention according to a clear evidence base and included mentoring in the intervention. Rises in haemolysis rates of between 1.3%–1.9% were reported in two studies, while the intervention effect was inconsistent within two other studies.ConclusionThere are no RCTS on the effectiveness of venepuncture training for reducing haemolysis rates, and findings from the existing uncontrolled studies are unclear. For a more robust evidence base, we recommend more RCTs with standardisation of haemolysis thresholds and training‐related factors.Relevance to clinical practiceWhile venepuncture training is an important factor influencing quality of blood sample in clinical practice, more robust evidence is needed to make specific recommendations about training content for reduction of haemolysis rates. Standardisation of haemolysis thresholds would also enable future meta‐analyses

    A rare variant of the superficial ulnar artery, and its clinical implications: a case report

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    The superficial ulnar artery is a rare variation of the upper limb arterial system that arises from the brachial or axillary artery and runs superficial to the muscles arising from the medial epicondyle [1-3]. The incidence is about 0.7 to 7% [1,4,5]. In our routine dissections we found a superficial ulnar artery, which crossed the cubital fossa superficial to the bicipital aponeurosis making it highly vulnerable to intra-arterial injection. This is a rare variation that every medical and nursing staff member should know about

    Time spent outdoors in childhood is associated with reduced risk of myopia as an adult

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    Myopia (near-sightedness) is an important public health issue. Spending more time outdoors can prevent myopia but the long-term association between this exposure and myopia has not been well characterised. We investigated the relationship between time spent outdoors in childhood, adolescence and young adulthood and risk of myopia in young adulthood. The Kidskin Young Adult Myopia Study (KYAMS) was a follow-up of the Kidskin Study, a sun exposure-intervention study of 1776 children aged 6–12 years. Myopia status was assessed in 303 (17.6%) KYAMS participants (aged 25–30 years) and several subjective and objective measures of time spent outdoors were collected in childhood (8–12 years) and adulthood. Index measures of total, childhood and recent time spent outdoors were developed using confirmatory factor analysis. Logistic regression was used to assess the association between a 0.1-unit change in the time outdoor indices and risk of myopia after adjusting for sex, education, outdoor occupation, parental myopia, parental education, ancestry and Kidskin Study intervention group. Spending more time outdoors during childhood was associated with reduced risk of myopia in young adulthood (multivariable odds ratio [OR] 0.82, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.69, 0.98). Spending more time outdoors in later adolescence and young adulthood was associated with reduced risk of late-onset myopia (≥ 15 years of age, multivariable OR 0.79, 95% CI 0.64, 0.98). Spending more time outdoors in both childhood and adolescence was associated with less myopia in young adulthood

    Author Correction: Cross-ancestry genome-wide association analysis of corneal thickness strengthens link between complex and Mendelian eye diseases.

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    Emmanuelle Souzeau, who contributed to analysis of data, was inadvertently omitted from the author list in the originally published version of this Article. This has now been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article