162 research outputs found

    William Yaxley : the arrival

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    William Yaxley : the arrival Catalogue of an exhibition held at the University of Tasmania Plimsoll Gallery Centre for the Arts 30 March - 29 April, 1990"--Includes bibliographical references

    Prostate-based biofluids for the detection of prostate cancer: A comparative study of the diagnostic performance of cell-sourced RNA biomarkers

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    Background Prostate cancer (PCa) diagnosis requires improvement with the aid of more accurate biomarkers. Postejaculate urethral washings (PEUW) could be a physiological equivalent to urine obtained following rectal prostatic massage, the current basis for the prostate cancer antigen 3 (PCA3) test. The aim of this study was to investigate if PEUW contained prostate-based material, evidenced by the presence of prostate specific antigen (PSA), and to evaluate the diagnostic performance of PEUW-based biomarkers. Methods Male patients referred for elevated serum PSA or abnormal digital rectal examination provided ejaculate and PEUW samples. PSA, PCA3, and β2-microglobulin (β2M) were quantified in ejaculate and PEUW and compared with absolute and clinically significant (according to D\u27Amico criteria) PCa presence, as determined by biopsies. Diagnostic performance was determined and compared with serum PSA using receiver operating characteristic analysis. Results From 83 patients who provided PEUW samples, paired analysis with ejaculate samples was possible for 38 patients, while analysis in an unpaired, extended cohort was possible for 62 patients. PSA and PCA3 were detected in PEUW, normalized to β2M, and PCA3:PSA was calculated. In predicting absolute PCa status, PCA3:β2M in ejaculate [area under the curve (AUC) 0.717] and PEUW (AUC 0.569) were insignificantly better than PCA3:PSA (AUC 0.668 and 0.431, respectively) and comparable with serum PSA (AUC 0.617) with similar trends observed for the extended cohort. When considering clinically significant PCa presence, serum PSA in the comparison (AUC 0.640) and extended cohorts (AUC 0.665) was comparable with PCA3: β2M (AUC 0.667) and PCA3:PSA (AUC 0.605) in ejaculate, with lower estimates for PEUW in the comparison (PCA3: β2M AUC 0.496; PCA3:PSA AUC 0.342) and extended (PCA3: β2M AUC 0.497; PCA3:PSA AUC 0.469) cohorts. The statistical analysis was limited by sample size. Conclusion PEUW contains prostatic material, but has limited diagnostic accuracy when considering cell-derived DNA analysis. PCA3-based markers in ejaculate are comparable to serum PSA and digital rectal examination–urine markers

    Recycled gabbro signature in hotspot magmas unveiled by plume–ridge interactions

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    Lavas erupted within plate interiors above upwelling mantle plumes have chemical signatures that are distinct from midocean ridge lavas. When a plume interacts with a mid-ocean ridge, the compositions of both their lavas changes, but there is no consensus as to how this interaction occurs1–3. For the past 15 Myr, the Pacific–Antarctic mid-ocean ridge has been approaching the Foundation hotspot4 and erupted lavas have formed seamounts. Here we analyse the noble gas isotope and trace element signature of lava samples collected from the seamounts. We find that both intraplate and on-axis lavas have noble gas isotope signatures consistent with the contribution from a primitive plume source. In contrast, nearaxis lavas show no primitive noble gas isotope signatures, but are enriched in strontium and lead, indicative of subducted former oceanic lower crust melting within the plume source5–7. We propose that, in a near-ridge setting, primitive, plumesourced magmas formed deep in the plume are preferentially channelled to and erupted at the ridge-axis. The remaining residue continues to rise and melt, forming the near-axis seamounts. With the deep melts removed, the geochemical signature of subduction contained within the residue becomes apparent. Lavas with strontium and lead enrichments are found worldwide where plumes meet mid-ocean ridges6–8, suggesting that subducted lower crust is an important but previously unrecognised plume component

    Measurement of SARS-CoV-2 in air and on surfaces in Scottish hospitals

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    BackgroundThere are still uncertainties in our knowledge of the amount of SARS-CoV-2 virus present in the environment; where it can be found, and potential exposure determinants, limiting our ability to effectively model and compare interventions for risk management.AimThis study measured SARS-CoV-2 in three hospitals in Scotland on surfaces and air, alongside ventilation and patient care activities.MethodsAir sampling at 200 L/min for 20 minutes and surface sampling were performed in two wards designated to treat COVID-19 -positive patients and two non-COVID-19 wards across three hospitals in November and December 2020. FindingsDetectable samples of SARS-CoV-2 were found in COVID-19 treatment wards but not in non-COVID-19 wards. Most samples were below assay detection limits, but maximum concentrations reached 1.7x10 3 genomic copies/m3 in air and 1.9x10 4 copies per surface swab (3.2x10 2 copies/cm2 for surface loading). The estimated geometric mean air concentration (geometric standard deviation) across all hospitals was 0.41 (71) genomic copies/m3 and the corresponding values for surface contamination were 2.9 (29) copies/swab. SARS-CoV-2 RNA was found in non-patient areas (patient/visitor waiting rooms and personal protective equipment (PPE) changing areas) associated with COVID-19 treatment wards.ConclusionsNon-patient areas of the hospital may pose risks for infection transmission and further attention should be paid to these areas. Standardization of sampling methods will improve understanding of levels of environmental contamination. The pandemic has demonstrated a need to review and act upon the challenges of older hospital buildings meeting current ventilation guidance

    The texture and taste of food in the brain

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    Oral texture is represented in the brain areas that represent taste, including the primary taste cortex, the orbitofrontal cortex, and the amygdala. Some neurons represent viscosity, and their responses correlate with the subjective thickness of a food. Other neurons represent fat in the mouth, and represent it by its texture not by its chemical composition, in that they also respond to paraffin oil and silicone in the mouth. The discovery has been made that these fat-responsive neurons encode the coefficient of sliding friction and not viscosity, and this opens the way for the development of new foods with the pleasant mouth feel of fat and with health-promoting designed nutritional properties. A few other neurons respond to free fatty acids (such as linoleic acid), do not respond to fat in the mouth, and may contribute to some 'off' tastes in the mouth. Some other neurons code for astringency. Others neurons respond to other aspects of texture such as the crisp fresh texture of a slice of apple vs the same apple after blending. Different neurons respond to different combinations of these texture properties, oral temperature, taste, and in the orbitofrontal cortex to olfactory and visual properties of food. In the orbitofrontal cortex, the pleasantness and reward value of the food is represented, but the primary taste cortex represents taste and texture independently of value. These discoveries were made in macaques that have similar cortical brain areas for taste and texture processing as humans, and complementary human functional neuroimaging studies are described. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. [Abstract copyright: This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

    The role of pyroxenite in basalt genesis: Melt-PX, a melting parameterization for mantle pyroxenites between 0.9 and 5GPa

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    Geochemical and isotopic data suggest that the source regions of oceanic basalts may contain pyroxenite in addition to peridotite. In order to incorporate the wide range of compositions and melting behaviors of pyroxenites into mantle melting models, we have developed a new parameterization, Melt-PX, which predicts near-solidus temperatures and extents of melting as a function of temperature and pressure for mantle pyroxenites. We used 183 high-pressure experiments (25 compositions; 0.9–5 GPa; 1150–1675°C) to constrain a model of melt fraction versus temperature from 5% melting up to the disappearance of clinopyroxene for pyroxenites as a function of pressure, temperature, and bulk composition. When applied to the global set of experimental data, our model reproduces the experimental F values with a standard error of estimate of 13% absolute; temperatures at which the pyroxenite is 5% molten are reproduced with a standard error of estimate of 30°C over a temperature range of ~500°C and a pressure range of ~4 GPa. In conjunction with parameterizations of peridotite melting, Melt-PX can be used to model the partial melting of multilithologic mantle sources—including the effects of varying the composition and the modal proportion of pyroxenite in such source regions. Examples of such applications include calculations of isentropic decompression melting of a mixed peridotite + pyroxenite mantle; these show that although the potential temperature of the upwelling mantle plays an important role in defining the extent of magma production, the composition and mass fraction of the pyroxenite also exert strong controls

    Reliability of clinical tests to evaluate nerve function and mechanosensitivity of the upper limb peripheral nervous system

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    BACKGROUND: Clinical tests to assess peripheral nerve disorders can be classified into two categories: tests for afferent/efferent nerve function such as nerve conduction (bedside neurological examination) and tests for increased mechanosensitivity (e.g. upper limb neurodynamic tests (ULNTs) and nerve palpation). Reliability reports of nerve palpation and the interpretation of neurodynamic tests are scarce. This study therefore investigated the intertester reliability of nerve palpation and ULNTs. ULNTs were interpreted based on symptom reproduction and structural differentiation. To put the reliability of these tests in perspective, a comparison with the reliability of clinical tests for nerve function was made. METHODS: Two experienced clinicians examined 31 patients with unilateral arm and/or neck pain. The examination included clinical tests for nerve function (sensory testing, reflexes and manual muscle testing (MMT)) and mechanosensitivity (ULNTs and palpation of the median, radial and ulnar nerve). Kappa statistics were calculated to evaluate intertester reliability. A meta-analysis determined an overall kappa for the domains with multiple kappa values (MMT, ULNT, palpation). We then compared the difference in reliability between the tests of mechanosensitivity and nerve function using a one-sample t-test. RESULTS: We observed moderate to substantial reliability for the tests for afferent/efferent nerve function (sensory testing: kappa = 0.53; MMT: kappa = 0.68; no kappa was calculated for reflexes due to a lack of variation). Tests to investigate mechanosensitivity demonstrated moderate reliability (ULNT: kappa = 0.45; palpation: kappa = 0.59). When compared statistically, there was no difference in reliability for tests for nerve function and mechanosensitivity (p = 0.06). CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates that clinical tests which evaluate increased nerve mechanosensitivity and afferent/efferent nerve function have comparable moderate to substantial reliability. To further investigate the clinometric properties of these tests, more studies are needed to evaluate their validity

    Robot-assisted radical prostatectomy vs laparoscopic and open retropubic radical prostatectomy: functional outcomes 18 months after diagnosis from a national cohort study in England.

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    BACKGROUND: Robot-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP) has been rapidly adopted without robust evidence comparing its functional outcomes against laparoscopic radical prostatectomy (LRP) or open retropubic radical prostatectomy (ORP) approaches. This study compared patient-reported functional outcomes following RARP, LRP or ORP. METHODS: All men diagnosed with prostate cancer in England during April - October 2014 who underwent radical prostatectomy were identified from the National Prostate Cancer Audit and mailed a questionnaire 18 months after diagnosis. Group differences in patient-reported sexual, urinary, bowel and hormonal function (EPIC-26 domain scores) and generic health-related quality of life (HRQoL; EQ-5D-5L scores), with adjustment for patient and tumour characteristics, were estimated using linear regression. RESULTS: In all, 2219 men (77.0%) responded; 1310 (59.0%) had RARP, 487 (21.9%) LRP and 422 (19.0%) ORP. RARP was associated with slightly higher adjusted mean EPIC-26 sexual function scores compared with LRP (3·5 point difference; 95% CI: 1.1-5.9, P=0.004) or ORP (4.0 point difference; 95% CI: 1.5-6.5, P=0.002), which did not meet the threshold for a minimal clinically important difference (10-12 points). There were no significant differences in other EPIC-26 domain scores or HRQoL. CONCLUSIONS: It is unlikely that the rapid adoption of RARP in the English NHS has produced substantial improvements in functional outcomes for patients