3,853 research outputs found

    Solar cell grid patterns

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    A grid pattern is described for a solar cell of the type which includes a semiconductive layer doped to a first polarity and a top counter-doped layer. The grid pattern comprises a plurality of concentric conductive grids of selected geometric shapes which are centered about the center of the exposed active surface of the counter-doped layer. Connected to the grids is one or more conductors which extend to the cell's periphery. For the pattern area, the grids and conductors are arranged in the pattern to minimize the maximum distance which any injected majority carriers have to travel to reach any of the grids or conductors. The pattern has a multiaxes symmetry with respect to the cell center to minimize the maximum temperature differentials between points on the cell surface and to provide a more uniform temperature distribution across the cell face

    Properties of some five dimensional Einstein metrics

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    The volumes, spectra and geodesics of a recently constructed infinite family of five-dimensional inhomogeneous Einstein metrics on the two S3S^3 bundles over S2S^2 are examined. The metrics are in general of cohomogeneity one but they contain the infinite family of homogeneous metrics Tp,1T^{p,1}. The geodesic flow is shown to be completely integrable, in fact both the Hamilton-Jacobi and the Laplace equation separate. As an application of these results, we compute the zeta function of the Laplace operator on Tp,1T^{p,1} for large pp. We discuss the spectrum of the Lichnerowicz operator on symmetric transverse tracefree second rank tensor fields, with application to the stability of Freund-Rubin compactifications and generalised black holes.Comment: 1+43 pages, 2 figures, LaTeX. Minor typos correcte

    Unstable geodesics and topological field theory

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    A topological field theory is used to study the cohomology of mapping space. The cohomology is identified with the BRST cohomology realizing the physical Hilbert space and the coboundary operator given by the calculations of tunneling between the perturbative vacua. Our method is illustrated by a simple example.Comment: 28 pages, OCU-15

    Thermoelastic analysis of solar cell arrays and their material properties

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    Announced report discusses experimental test program in which five different solar cell array designs were evaluated by subjecting them to 60 thermal cycles from minus 190 deg to 0.0 deg. Results indicate that solder-coated cells combined with Kovar n-interconnectors and p-interconnectors are more durable under thermal loading than other configurations

    Rapid pre-gel visualization of proteins with mass spectrometry compatibility

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    Despite all of the prophecies of doom, gel electrophoresis is still prevalent in modern proteomic workflows. However, the currently used protein staining methods represent a serious bottleneck for a quick subsequent protein analysis using mass spectrometry. Substituting traditional protein stains by pre-gel derivatization with visible and mass spectrometry compatible reagents eliminates several processing steps and drastically reduces the sample preparation time. A defined chemistry permits seamless integration of such covalent protein staining methods into standardized bioinformatic pipelines. Using Uniblue A we could covalently stain simple to complex protein samples within 1 minute. Protein profiles on the gels were not compromised and MS/MS based sequence coverages higher than 80% could be obtained. In addition, the visual tracking of covalently stained proteins and peptides facilitates method development and validation. Altogether, this new chemo-proteomic approach enables true "at-line" analysis of proteins

    Chiral symmetry breaking and vacuum polarization in a bag

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    We study the effects of a finite quark mass in the hedgehog configuration in the two phase chiral bag model. We discuss the chiral properties, such as the fractional baryon number and the chiral Casimir energy, by using the Debye expansion for the analytical calculation and the Strutinsky's smearing method for the numerical computation. It is shown that the fractional baryon number carried by massive quarks in the vacuum is canceled by that in the meson sector. A finite term of the chiral Casimir energy is obtained with subtraction of the logarithmic divergence term

    Exotic mesons with hidden charm and bottom near thresholds

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    We study heavy hadron spectroscopy near heavy meson thresholds. We employ heavy pseudoscalar meson P and heavy vector meson P* as effective degrees of freedom and consider meson exchange potentials between them. All possible composite states which can be constructed from the P and P* mesons are studied up to the total angular momentum J <= 2. We consider, as exotic states, isosinglet states with exotic J^{PC} quantum numbers and isotriplet states. We solve numerically the Schr\"odinger equation with channel-couplings for each state. We found B(*)barB(*) molecule states for I^G(J^{PC}) = 1^+(1^{+-}) correspond to the masses of twin resonances Zb(10610) and Zb(10650). We predict several possible B(*)barB(*) bound and/or resonant states in other channels. On the other hand, there are no B(*)barB(*) bound and/or resonant states whose quantum numbers are exotic.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, to appear in the proceedings of The 5th International Workshop on Charm Physics (Charm 2012

    Chiral symmetry breaking and stability of quark droplets

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    We discuss the stability of strangelets -- quark droplets with strangeness -- in the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model supplemented by a boundary condition for quark confinement. Effects of dynamical chiral symmetry breaking are considered properly inside quark droplets of arbitrary baryon number. We obtain the energy per baryon number of quark droplets with baryon number from one to thousands. It is shown that strangelets are not the ground states as compared with nuclei, though they can be locally stable

    Exotic baryons from a heavy meson and a nucleon - Positive parity states -

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    We study heavy baryons with exotic flavor quantum numbers formed by a heavy meson and a nucleon (DbarN and BN) with positive parity. One pion exchange interaction, providing a tensor force, dominates as a long range force to bind the DbarN and BN ystems. In the heavy quark mass limit, pseudoscalar meson and vector meson are degenerate and the binding mechanism by the tensor force analogous to that in the nuclear systems becomes important. As a result, we obtain the DbarN and BN resonant states in the J^P=1/2^+, 3/2^+ and 5/2^+ channels with I=0
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