191 research outputs found

    Primary Gastrointestinal T-Cell Lymphoma and Indolent Lymphoproliferative Disorders: Practical Diagnostic and Treatment Approaches

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    Simple Summary: It is challenging for pathologists to diagnose primary gastrointestinal T-cell neoplasms. Besides the rarity of the diseases, the small biopsy material makes it more difficult to differentiate between non-neoplastic inflammation and secondary involvement of extra gastrointestinal lymphoma. Since this group of diseases ranges from aggressive ones with a very poor prognosis to indolent ones that require caution to avoid overtreatment, the impact of the diagnosis on the patient is enormous. Although early treatment of aggressive lymphoma is essential, the treatment strategy is not well established, which is a problem for clinicians. This review provides a cross-sectional comparison of histological findings. Unlike previous reviews, we summarized up-to-date clinically relevant information including the treatment strategies as well as practical differential diagnosis based on thorough literature review. Abstract: Primary gastrointestinal (GI) T-cell neoplasms are extremely rare heterogeneous disease entities with distinct clinicopathologic features. Given the different prognoses of various disease subtypes, clinicians and pathologists must be aware of the key characteristics of these neoplasms, despite their rarity. The two most common aggressive primary GI T-cell lymphomas are enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma and monomorphic epitheliotropic intestinal T-cell lymphoma. In addition, extranodal natural killer (NK)/T-cell lymphoma of the nasal type and anaplastic large cell lymphoma may also occur in the GI tract or involve it secondarily. In the revised 4th World Health Organization classification, indolent T-cell lymphoproliferative disorder of the GI tract has been incorporated as a provisional entity. In this review, we summarize up-to-date clinicopathological features of these disease entities, including the molecular characteristics of primary GI T-cell lymphomas and indolent lymphoproliferative disorders. We focus on the latest treatment approaches, which have not been summarized in existing reviews. Further, we provide a comprehensive review of available literature to address the following questions: How can pathologists discriminate subtypes with different clinical prognoses? How can primary GI neoplasms be distinguished from secondary involvement? How can these neoplasms be distinguished from non-specific inflammatory changes at an early stage

    Primary Gastrointestinal T-Cell Lymphoma and Indolent Lymphoproliferative Disorders: Practical Diagnostic and Treatment Approaches

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    Simple Summary: It is challenging for pathologists to diagnose primary gastrointestinal T-cell neoplasms. Besides the rarity of the diseases, the small biopsy material makes it more difficult to differentiate between non-neoplastic inflammation and secondary involvement of extra gastrointestinal lymphoma. Since this group of diseases ranges from aggressive ones with a very poor prognosis to indolent ones that require caution to avoid overtreatment, the impact of the diagnosis on the patient is enormous. Although early treatment of aggressive lymphoma is essential, the treatment strategy is not well established, which is a problem for clinicians. This review provides a cross-sectional comparison of histological findings. Unlike previous reviews, we summarized up-to-date clinically relevant information including the treatment strategies as well as practical differential diagnosis based on thorough literature review. Abstract: Primary gastrointestinal (GI) T-cell neoplasms are extremely rare heterogeneous disease entities with distinct clinicopathologic features. Given the different prognoses of various disease subtypes, clinicians and pathologists must be aware of the key characteristics of these neoplasms, despite their rarity. The two most common aggressive primary GI T-cell lymphomas are enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma and monomorphic epitheliotropic intestinal T-cell lymphoma. In addition, extranodal natural killer (NK)/T-cell lymphoma of the nasal type and anaplastic large cell lymphoma may also occur in the GI tract or involve it secondarily. In the revised 4th World Health Organization classification, indolent T-cell lymphoproliferative disorder of the GI tract has been incorporated as a provisional entity. In this review, we summarize up-to-date clinicopathological features of these disease entities, including the molecular characteristics of primary GI T-cell lymphomas and indolent lymphoproliferative disorders. We focus on the latest treatment approaches, which have not been summarized in existing reviews. Further, we provide a comprehensive review of available literature to address the following questions: How can pathologists discriminate subtypes with different clinical prognoses? How can primary GI neoplasms be distinguished from secondary involvement? How can these neoplasms be distinguished from non-specific inflammatory changes at an early stage

    Historical and pathological overview of Castleman disease

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    Castleman disease consists of several lymphoproliferative subtypes that share some histological features in the lymph nodes. On the other hand, numerous clinical findings and etiologies make the disease challenging to understand. The origin of the disease is the hyaline vascular-type unicentric Castleman disease (UCD), first reported by Benjamin Castleman et al. in 1954. Although UCD is characterized by localized lesions and lack of symptoms, multicentric Castleman disease (MCD) with multiple lesions and systemic symptoms was reported by Frizzera in 1983. MCD is further divided according to KSHV/HHV8 infection status. In KSHV/HHV8-related MCD, viral infection signals lead to excessive cytokine production, and cause clinical and pathologic abnormalities. Some cases of plasma cell-type KSHV/HHV8-negative MCD can be found in association with POEMS syndrome (polyneuropathy, organomegaly, cndocrinopathy, M-protcins, and skin changes), which is a paraneoplastic syndrome. The others are idiopathic MCD, which are currently considered a heterogeneous group of diseases with overlapping pathological and clinical features. In this article, we summarize the historical evolution of Castleman disease to help understand the disease concept. We also review the latest ideas and definitions of the subtypes within the MCD spectrum and summarize the histopathological findings

    Epstein-Barr Virus-Positive Mucocutaneous Ulcer: A Unique and Curious Disease Entity

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    Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-positive mucocutaneous ulcer (EBVMCU) was first described as a lymphoproliferative disorder in 2010. EBVMCU is a unifocal mucosal or cutaneous ulcer that often occurs after local trauma in patients with immunosuppression; the patients generally have a good prognosis. It is histologically characterized by proliferating EBV-positive atypical B cells accompanied by ulcers. On the basis of conventional pathologic criteria, EBVMCU may be misdiagnosed as EBV-positive diffuse large B-cell lymphoma or other lymphomas. However, its prognosis differs from that of EBV-associated lymphomas, in that patients with EBVMCU frequently show spontaneous regression or complete remission without chemotherapy. Therefore, EBVMCU is now recognized as a low-grade malignancy or a pseudo-malignant lesion. Avoiding unnecessary chemotherapy by distinguishing EBVMCU from other EBV-associated lymphomas will reduce the burden and unnecessary harm on patients. On the basis of these facts, EBVMCU was first described as a new clinicopathological entity by the World Health Organization in 2017. In this review, we discuss the clinicopathological characteristics of previously reported EBVMCU cases, while focusing on up-to-date clinical, pathological, and genetic aspects

    Clinical and Pathological Characteristics of Hyaline-Vascular Type Unicentric Castleman Disease: A 20-Year Retrospective Analysis

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    The first case of hyaline vascular type of unicentric Castleman disease (HV-UCD) was reported more than six decades ago. Since patients with HV-UCD are often asymptomatic and this condition is generally discovered incidentally on imaging tests, most of the previous reports were of mediastinal origin detected by chest radiography. In recent years, improved access to imaging modalities has provided new insights in the diagnosis of this condition. In this study, we reviewed the detailed clinical and pathological findings of 38 HV-UCD cases (20 males and 18 females, mean age: 42.8 years). The most common site involved was the abdominal cavity (34.2%), followed by mediastinum (23.7%) and retroperitoneum (15.8%). In the abdominal cavity, mesenteric origin was the most common. The mean size of masses was 4.8 cm. Pathologically, thick hyalinized collagen fibers surrounding large blood vessels and calcification were observed (81.6% and 23.7%, respectively). Multinucleated giant cells resembling Warthin-Finkeldey cell were also observed in occasional cases (23.7%). This is a unique paper that summarizes detailed clinical and pathological findings of a large series of a rare disease. The clinical information presented in this paper is more plausible than previous views and is useful for accurate diagnosis and understanding of the disease

    HLA class II association with Type I allergy to house dust mite and Japanese cedar pollen in Japanese subjects

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    ABSTRACTWe evaluated the incidence of the association of HLA class II phenotype and specific IgE responsiveness against house dust mite (HDM) and/or Japanese cedar pollen (Jc) in 176 patients with allergic rhinitis, with or without bronchial asthma, and 107 nonallergic subjects. Specific IgE antibody titration against the purified allergens Der f1 and Der f2 from HDM, and against Cry J1 and Cry J2 from Jc, was performed by using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and radioimmunoassay (RIA) in sera from all subjects. HLA class II oligotyping was performed by the polymerase chain reaction sequence specific oligonucleotide (PCR-SSO) method on the DRB1*, DQA1*, DQB1* and DPB1* alleles using peripheral blood cells. The high IgE responders ≥ class 4 to the purified allergens were identified by using the IgE antibody reference concentration obtained by ELISA, RIA and routine IgE CAP RAST. Compared to the controls, the patients with both rhinitis and asthma showed significantly higher frequencies of DRB1* 0901, DQB1* 0303, and DPB1* 0401 alleles. High IgE responsiveness to HDM was associated with DRB1* 1101, 0901, DQB1* 0303, and DPB1*0401 alleles. The patients with anti-Der f1 IgE antibody concentration exceeding 72.2 ng/mL showed significantly elevated frequencies for DQB1*0401 and DPB1*0401 alleles, and those with anti Der f2 IgE antibody concentration exceeding 46.2 ng/mL showed significantly elevated frequencies for DPB1*0401 and 0901 alleles. High IgE responsiveness to Jc with Cry j1 and Cryj2was associated with the DRB1* 1201 alleles

    Idiopathic Plasmacytic Lymphadenopathy Forms an Independent Subtype of Idiopathic Multicentric Castleman Disease

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    Idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease (iMCD) is a type of Castleman disease that is not related to KSHV/HHV8 infection. Currently, iMCD is classified into iMCD-TAFRO (thrombocytopenia, anasarca, fever, reticulin fibrosis, and organomegaly) and iMCD-NOS (not otherwise specified). The former has been established as a relatively homogeneous disease unit that has been recently re-defined, while the latter is considered to be a heterogeneous disease that could be further divided into several subtypes. In 1980, Mori et al. proposed the concept of idiopathic plasmacytic lymphadenopathy (IPL), a disease presenting with polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia and a sheet-like proliferation of mature plasma cells in the lymph nodes. Some researchers consider IPL to be a part of iMCD-NOS, although it has not been clearly defined to date. This is the first paper to analyze iMCD-NOS clinicopathologically, to examine whether IPL forms a uniform disease unit in iMCD. Histologically, the IPL group showed prominent plasmacytosis and the hyperplasia of germinal centers, while the non-IPL group showed prominent vascularity. Clinically, the IPL group showed significant thrombocytosis and elevated serum IgG levels compared to the non-IPL group (p = 0.007, p < 0.001, respectively). Pleural effusion and ascites were less common in the IPL group (p < 0.001). The IPL group was more likely to have an indolent clinical course and a good response to the anti-IL-6 receptor antibody, while the non-IPL counterpart frequently required more aggressive medical interventions. Thus, the IPL group is a clinicopathologically uniform entity that forms an independent subtype of iMCD

    Analysis of Notch1 protein expression in methotrexate-associated lymphoproliferative disorders

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    Methotrexate (MTX)-associated lymphoproliferative disorder (MTX-LPD) is a lymphoproliferative disorder in patients treated with MTX. The mechanism of pathogenesis is still elusive, but it is thought to be a complex interplay of factors, such as underlying autoimmune disease activity, MTX use, Epstein-Barr virus infection, and aging. The NOTCH genes encode receptors for a signaling pathway that regulates various fundamental cellular processes, such as proliferation and differentiation during embryonic development. Mutations of NOTCH1 have been reported in B-cell tumors, including chronic lymphocytic leukemia/ lymphoma, mantle cell lymphoma, and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). Recently, it has also been reported that NOTCH1 mutations are found in post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders, and in CD20-positive cells in angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma, which might be associated with lymphomagenesis in immunodeficiency. In this study, to investigate the association of NOTCH1 in the pathogenesis of MTX-LPD, we evaluated protein expression of Notch1 in nuclei immunohistochemically in MTX-LPD cases [histologically DLBCL-type (n = 24) and classical Hodgkin lymphoma (CHL)-type (n = 24)] and de novo lymphoma cases [DLBCL (n = 19) and CHL (n = 15)]. The results showed that among MTX-LPD cases, the expression of Notch1 protein was significantly higher in the DLBCL type than in the CHL type (P < 0.001). In addition, among DLBCL morphology cases, expression of Notch1 tended to be higher in MTX-LPD than in the de novo group; however this difference was not significant (P = 0.0605). The results showed that NOTCH1 may be involved in the proliferation and tumorigenesis of B cells under the use of MTX. Further research, including genetic studies, is necessary

    Upregulated Expression of Activation-Induced Cytidine Deaminase in Ocular Adnexal Marginal Zone Lymphoma with IgG4-Positive Cells

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    Immunoglobulin G4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a systemic disorder characterized by tissue fibrosis and intense lymphoplasmacytic infiltration, causing progressive organ dysfunction. Activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID), a deaminase normally expressed in activated B-cells in germinal centers, edits ribonucleotides to induce somatic hypermutation and class switching of immunoglobulin. While AID expression is strictly controlled under physiological conditions, chronic inflammation has been noted to induce its upregulation to propel oncogenesis. We examined AID expression in IgG4-related ophthalmic disease (IgG4-ROD; n = 16), marginal zone lymphoma with IgG4-positive cells (IgG4+ MZL; n = 11), and marginal zone lymphoma without IgG4-positive cells (IgG4- MZL; n = 12) of ocular adnexa using immunohistochemical staining. Immunohistochemistry revealed significantly higher AID-intensity index in IgG4-ROD and IgG4+ MZL than IgG4- MZL (p < 0.001 and = 0.001, respectively). The present results suggest that IgG4-RD has several specific causes of AID up-regulation in addition to inflammation, and AID may be a driver of oncogenesis in IgG4-ROD to IgG4+ MZL

    Pulmonary Manifestations of Plasma Cell Type Idiopathic Multicentric Castleman Disease: A Clinicopathological Study in Comparison with IgG4-Related Disease

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    Plasma cell type idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease (PC-iMCD) occasionally manifests as parenchymal lung disease. This study aimed to elucidate the detailed clinicopathological features of lung lesions in PC-iMCD and compare the findings with those in immunoglobulin (Ig) G4-related disease (IgG4-RD), the most difficult differential diagnosis of PC-iMCD. We analyzed the clinicopathological findings and immunohistochemical expression patterns of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and Igs in lung specimens from 16 patients with PC-iMCD and 7 patients with IgG4-RD. Histologically, pulmonary PC-iMCD could not be differentiated from IgG4-RD based on lesion distribution patterns, the number of lymphoid follicles and obliterative vasculitis, or fibrosis types. The eosinophil count was higher in the IgG4-RD group than in the PC-iMCD group (p = 0.004). The IgG4/IgG-positive cell ratio was significantly higher in the IgG4-RD group (p < 0.001). The IgA-positive cell count and IL-6 expression intensity were higher in the PC-iMCD group than in the IgG4-RD group (p < 0.001). Based on these findings, we proposed a new diagnostic approach to differentiate lung lesions of PC-iMCD and IgG4-RD. Our approach can be utilized to stratify patients with suspected lung-dominant PC-iMCD to identify candidates for strong immunosuppressive treatment, including IL-6 blockade, at an early stage
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