414 research outputs found

    Field Behavior of Retained Earth Structure

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    This paper describes a case study of a Retained Earth system constructed for the on- and off-ramps of a grade separation structure in Hayward, California. Field strain gage readings of reinforcing meshes were recorded at two instrumented sites. The results were closely examined and analyzed to assess the current design procedure. Based upon the information gathered, it was concluded that the field performance behavior of the system seems to justify the current general design procedure. However, it was also noted that the design of earth reinforced structures is complicated due to the interaction between the reinforcing elements and the surrounding soil; therefore, field instrumentation, performance behavior documentation and analysis are vitally important to ensure safe and economic design

    Climate change model as a decision support tool for water resources management in northern Iraq: a case study of Greater Zab River

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    The northern region of Iraq heavily depends on rivers, such as the Greater Zab, for water supply and irrigation. Thus, river water management in light of future climate change is of paramount importance in the region. In this study, daily rainfall and temperature obtained from the Greater Zab catchment, for 1961–2008, were used in building rainfall and evapotranspiration models using LARS-WG and multiple linear regressions, respectively. A rainfall–runoff model, in the form of autoregressive model with exogenous factors, has been developed using observed flow, rainfall and evapotranspiration data. The calibrated rainfall–runoff model was subsequently used to investigate the impacts of climate change on the Greater Zab flows for the near (2011–2030), medium (2046–2065), and far (2080–2099) futures. Results from the impacts model showed that the catchment is projected to suffer a significant reduction in total annual flow in the far future; with more severe drop during the winter and spring seasons in the range of 25 to 65%. This would have serious ramifications for the current agricultural activities in the catchment. The results could be of significant benefits for water management planners in the catchment as they can be used in allocating water for different users in the catchment

    Electron refraction at lateral atomic interfaces

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    We present theoretical simulations of electron refraction at the lateral atomic interface between a “homogeneous” Cu(111) surface and the “nanostructured” one-monolayer (ML) Ag/Cu(111) dislocation lattice. Calculations are performed for electron binding energies barely below the 1 ML Ag/ Cu(111) M-point gap (binding energy EB ¼53 meV, below the Fermi level) and slightly above its C -point energy (EB ¼160 meV), both characterized by isotropic/circular constant energy surfaces. Using plane-wave-expansion and boundary-element methods, we show that electron refraction occurs at the interface, the Snell law is obeyed, and a total internal reflection occurs beyond the critical angle. Additionally, a weak negative refraction is observed for EB ¼53 meV electron energy at beam incidence higher than the critical angle. Such an interesting observation stems from the interface phase-matching and momentum conservation with the umklapp bands at the second Brillouin zone of the dislocation lattice. The present analysis is not restricted to our Cu-Ag/Cu model system but can be readily extended to technologically relevant interfaces with spinpolarized, highly featured, and anisotropic constant energy contours, such as those characteristic for Rashba systems and topological insulators. Published by AIP Publishing.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Treatment outcome of children with severe acute malnutrition admitted to therapeutic feeding centers in Southern Region of Ethiopia

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    Background: Inadequate intake of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals is one of the causes for malnutrition. It often affects young children and contributes to more than 60% of deaths in children in developing countries. One in four of malnourished children receiving traditional treatment die during or soon after treatment. The study aimed to assess the treatment outcome of children treated in therapeutic feeding centers (TFC) in southern Ethiopia.Methods: A retrospective review of reports submitted by the TFCs was done during 2003-2004. Data was collected from the monthly reports using standardized formats. The variables included age, treatment centers, type of malnutrition and treatment outcome which were analyzed using descriptive statistics.Results: Of 11,335 cases of malnutrition, 47% (5447) had severe wasting and 53% (6103) had edematous malnutrition. Of the total, 87% (11,191) were cured while 3.6% (468) had died. The average length of stay was 25 and 21 days with an average weight gain of 14 and 13.4 g/kg/d for children with severe wasting and edematous malnutrition, respectively. With increasing age, the death rate decrease  and cure rate increased (p < 0.05 for both).Discussion: Our results show that the new management approach  implemented in the TFC improved the treatment outcome of malnourished children compared to the minimum international standard set for  management of severe acute malnutrition which is cure rate of at least 75% and death rate less than 10%, average length of stay of less than30 days and average weight gain of 8g/kg/day

    Dual-Band Bandpass Filter with Dumbbell Shaped Defective Ground Structure

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    A dumbbell shaped defective ground structure (DGS) is implemented to improve the performance of an existing dual-band bandpass filter topology. The filter design is based on parallel-coupled lines connected to matched transmission lines. Various positions and dimensions of dumbbell DGSs are implemented and their effects on the filter performance are investigated. It is found that the utilisation of dumbbell shaped DGSs in this topology improve the steepness of the responses for the first and second passbands with centre frequencies of 1.365 and 2.932 GHz respectively. The optimised dimensions of the DGS are 5 x 5 mm2 for both its rectangular slots connected by a 0.5 mm narrow slot width. The optimised positions of the DGSs are located at the centre and the edges of the parallel-coupled lines. The simulated and measured results of the filter are analysed and discussed in this paper

    Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP)-Based Nonlinear Auto-Regressive with Exogenous Inputs (NARX) Stock Forecasting Model

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    The prediction of stocks in the stock market is important in investment as it would help the investor to time buy and sell transactions to maximize profits. In this paper, a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP)-based Nonlinear Auto-Regressive with Exogenous Inputs (NARX) model was used to predict the prices of the Apple Inc. weekly stock prices over a time horizon of 1995 to 2013. The NARX model belongs is a system identification model that constructs a mathematical model from the dynamic input/output readings of the system, and predicts the future behaviour of the system based on the constructed mathematical model. The One Step Ahead (OSA) and correlation tests were used to test validate the model. Results demonstrate the predictive ability of the model while producing Gaussian residuals (indicating the validity of the model)

    Testosterone and gonadotropins in infertile men with Sertoli cell only syndrome from Gaza strip

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    Aim: To assess serum testosterone and gonadotropins in Sertoli cell only syndrome patients from Gaza Strip. Methods: Based on testicular biopsy, a cross section of 74 Sertoli cell only syndrome patients were enrolled in the study. Age matched 44 fertile men were served as controls. Patients and controls were questioned for their medical history. Blood samples were drawn and serum testosterone, luteinizing hormone (LH), and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Data were computer analyzed using SPSS/PC, version 18.0. Results: Varicocele and hormonal problems were significantly more frequent among patients than controls (P< 0.05). Serum testosterone was significantly lower in patients compared to controls (1.7±1.3 versus 5.0±2.2 ng/ml, P= 0.000). In contrast, LH and FSH were significantly higher in patients than controls (12.8±9.7 and 20.8±14.8 mlU/ml versus 6.3±3.1 and 7.7±3.9 mlU/ml, P= 0.000, respectively). Hypergonadotrophic hypogonadism and hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism patients showed lower levels of testosterone compared to the normal reference value (0.9±0.5 and 0.5±0.4 ng/ml versus 2.0-7.0 ng/ml). Higher levels of LH and FSH were recorded in hypergonadotrophic hypogonadism (24.5±2.6 and 37.4±6.7 mlU/ml) compared to the reference values of 2.0-13.0 and 2.5-10.0 mlU/ml, respectively whereas LH and FSH levels were lower in hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism (0.6±0.4 and 0.6±0.5 mlU/ml, respectively). In this context, all hypergonadotrophic hypogonadism and hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism patients showed abnormal levels of testosterone, LH

    An action research on promotion of health ageing and risk reduction of chronic disease : a need assessment study among rural elderly Malays, care givers and health professionals

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    Prior to the development of a healthy ageing and risk reduction of chronic diseases intervention package for older people in Malaysia, a need assessment study was conducted to identify nutritional knowledge status and information needs, as part of an action research process. Design: A cross sectional study was conducted among 267 elderly people, 54 care givers and 66 health professionals in two rural areas of Peninsular of Malaysia (i.e Sabak Bernam, Selangor and Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan). Information on nutritional knowledge was obtained from an interview based questionnaire for older subjects and caregiver and through self administered questionnaire from the health professionals. Anthropometric and functional measurements were also conducted among elderly subjects. Results: It was found that the elderly subjects had poor nutritional knowledge with 43.8% of them classified as having unsatisfactory nutritional knowledge, followed by moderately satisfactory (33.7%), very unsatisfactory (15.7%) and good (6.7%). Talks, counselling sessions with health professionals and electronic media such as television and radio were the most preferred nutrition education sources among elderly subjects and their care givers. The majority of health professionals studied (98.5%) had good nutritional knowledge. Although most of them (93.6%) were involved in management of the elderly, only 45.5% incorporated nutritional information component in this activity. Most of the health professionals used the guidelines for management of elderly patients (63.6%). However, nutritional knowledge was very minimal in these guidelines. Multiple regression analysis indicated that ‘level education’, involvement in ‘social activities’, presence of ‘hearing problems’, the Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) score, having previous ‘nutritional information’ and ‘participation in healthy eating programme’ were the major predictors of nutritional knowledge score among elderly subjects. Conclusion: Based on the above findings it is thus, imperative that an appropriate nutritional intervention package and programme be developed so as to help improve nutritional knowledge and subsequently the nutritional status of the rural elderly Malays

    Performance of radial point interpolation method in solving kinematic wave equation for hydrologic modelling

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    This paper presents the solution of the kinematic wave equation using a meshless radial point interpolation method (RPIM). The partial differential equation is discretized using a Galerkin weighted residual method employing RPIM shape functions. A forward difference scheme is used for temporal discretization, while the direct substitution method is employed to solve the nonlinear system at each time step. The formulation is validated against solutions from conventional numerical techniques and physical observation. In all cases, excellent agreements are achieved and hence the validation of the proposed formulation. Optimum values of the multi-quadrics shape parameters were then determined before the assessment of the performance of the method. Based on the convergence rate, it has been shown that the proposed method performs better than the finite difference method and equivalent to the finite element method. This highlights the potential of RPIM as an alternative method for hydrologic modeling