194 research outputs found

    Perceptions of nature in the Caribbean island of Dominica

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    The Commonwealth of Dominica has acquired a reputation as the nature island of the Caribbean. This thesis sets out to explore how Dominicans perceive and relate to nature in their nature island. It considers these perceptions and relationships as consisting not only of people’s cognitive and intellectual constructions of nature, but as also comprising their practices in and embodied engagements with the natural world. A key premise underlying this work is that people’s ideas about and relationships to nature go beyond the discursive: they arise in and from historical, geographical and social contexts, but also emerge through particular personal encounters and experiences. So, for example, tourism and conservation are two prominent means by which Western constructs and discourse of nature are brought to bear in Dominica in the present day, but they also provide opportunities for engagement with the natural world and for the cultivation and expression of experiential knowledge. The focus on engagement and experience is consonant with Dominicans’ thoughts about what it means to know and understand nature, in which considerable emphasis is placed on practical knowledge and knowledge by acquaintance. Further investigation of ideas of nature, through the use of selected collateral concepts, shows how Dominicans think about nature and certain relationships with nature as being an integral part of “what Dominica is about”. Correspondingly, Dominica can be seen as providing the context and framework for their notions of what nature is about. The findings of this sort of place-based empirical investigation can be useful to the formulation of nature-related policies, in that such policies are more likely to have practical purchase if they are seen to be germane to local ideas of and relationships to nature. Research of this kind can also provide new answers to the interesting philosophical question: what is nature

    Speightstown landscape design guide, em Barbados: caráter da paisagem de uma cidade Caribenha

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    Speightstown localiza-se na Paróquia de São Pedro, em Barbados, em Lesser Antilles. É a segunda maior cidade de Barbados, atrás apenas da capital, Bridgetown. Speightsown foi oficialmente colonizada em 1630 e chegou a ser o porto mais movimentado do país. Sua localização litorânea estratégica configurava a cidade como ponto de ligação importante nas atividades comerciais da ilha, especialmente com a Inglaterra e a América do Norte. O nome faz homenagem a William Speight, o proprietário das terras onde a cidade está localizada. Tendo perdido sua importância como cidade portuária, passou por longo período de decadência e abandono, com muitos de seus edifícios transformando-se em ruínas. Atualmente, a cidade tem passado por diversas iniciativas de revitalização, com novas atividades e mercadorias. A promissora atividade turística é exemplificada, especialmente, pela duas marinas construídas recentemente: Port St Charles e Port Ferninand. Na Paisagem geral da cidade, destacam-se conjuntos de edificações que refletem diferentes períodos do desenvolvimento de Speightstown, desde os tempos da colônia, até momentos que caracterizam a perda da importância como porto. A estruturação espacial ainda guarda, a despeito de novas áreas, eixos e espaços significativos da época como principal cidade portuária de Barbados. O conjunto morfológico e sua permanência ao longo do tempo, resistindo a transformações relacionadas tanto a momentos de pujança econômica como de enfraquecimento e quase abandono, conduz a reflexões sobre sua força, em termos de durabilidade, e sua importância como definidor do caráter da paisagem de Speightstown. Atualmente, Speigtstown encontra-se num dos eixos de expansão turística de Barbados. As pressões que vêm sendo geradas nesse sentido, como ocorre na vizinha Holetown, podem ameaçar a permanência de conjuntos significativos à definição do caráter da paisagem. Considerando tais questões, este trabalho pretende identificar e analisar as configurações morfológicas, conjuntos de espaços, elementos e suas múltiplas relações, significativos à configuração do caráter da Paisagem de Speightstown, com vistas à definição de um guia de design de paisagem – landscape design guide – voltado à sua preservação. Busca-se, assim, elaborar diretrizes que possibilitem a permanência de configurações identificadas como significativas ao caráter da Paisagem, frente à renovação da cidade como ponto turístico de Barbados, e as inevitáveis transformações associadas

    COSMO Wave 1 Initial Findings: Health Impacts and Behaviours

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    COVID infection and vaccination rates: Between October 2021 and March 2022, 48% of young people in the study reported having COVID-19. Of this group, 1 in 5 said they had long COVID (equating to 9% of the sample overall). 70% of these participants said that this limited their daily activities - 26% said activities were limited ‘severely’ (2% of the population overall). Those from the most deprived parts of the country (determined by IDACI quintile groups, an area-level measure for disadvantage) who had contracted the virus were more likely to report symptoms of long COVID, at 25% of those infected compared to 18% of those from the least deprived areas. 8% of participants said they were asked to shield at some point during the pandemic. Shielders were more likely to take part in catch-up activities like tutoring and weekend catch-up classes, compared to those not asked to shield. Controlling for background characteristics and prior attainment, suffering from long COVID that severely limits daily activities and being asked to shield were associated with lower teacher assessed GCSE grades. The experience of being seriously ill in hospital (not only due to COVID-19) is also negatively associated with teacher assessed GCSE attainment. // Health behaviours in the pandemic: Taking part in sports organised by school was considerably more common at independent schools (at 72% pre-pandemic) than in state comprehensives (26%) and grammars (32%). Provision by schools fell across all school types during the pandemic, although participation rates fell the least in independent schools, reducing by 9 percentage points, compared to 18pp in grammars and 14pp in state comprehensives. 23% of young people reported having smoked a cigarette, lower than the 33% who reported having used e-cigarettes. The use of e-cigarettes was more prevalent among young people from disadvantaged family backgrounds and state comprehensive schools compared to their more advantaged peers

    Briefing No. 6 - Financial Inequalities and the Pandemic

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    Many households’ financial situation declined during the pandemic. 39% reported worse financial health, and just 16% better. Gaps have widened, with 52% of disadvantaged households reporting worse financial health, compared to 34% of others. 22% of professional households reported an improved financial situation, over twice that of working class households (10%). One in ten young people (10%) were living in households classed as food insecure, with many reporting running out of food, skipping meals, and 5% of parents reporting going a whole day without eating. Social renters were six times more likely to experience food insecurity than those who owned their home (26% vs 4%). Rates of food insecurity were highest in the North East and North West (15% and 12%), and lowest in the South East (9%) and East of England (7%). 8% of parents used a food bank during the pandemic period, three quarters of whom had also used food banks pre-pandemic. Food poverty is not restricted to Free School Meals eligible families. The majority (57%) of households where children went hungry were not FSM eligible during that time, and 36% of those using foodbanks were not FSM eligible. Pupils in families who reported using food banks during the pandemic received lower GCSE grades (almost half a grade per subject), even taking into account previous grades and other aspects of their household finances. However, long-term disadvantage played a bigger role than the pandemic. Pandemic financial experiences were more closely linked to mental health. Among families finding it very difficult to get by financially, rates of psychological distress were 82% among parents, and 53% among children. Among parents this is four times higher than those living comfortably. Rates of psychological distress were substantially higher in households who started using foodbanks in the pandemic (53% among young people and 63% among parents), compared to 41% and 33% for those not using foodbanks. They were also slightly higher than ‘long term’ users, potentially indicating the impacts of short-term financial shocks

    Characteristics of China’s air transport industry

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    In the past decade, high-speed rail (HSR) has emerged as a significant transport mode in China, posing a serious threat to China's air transport sector because of its potential to reduce air travel demand. According to the updated 'Medium-to-Long-Term Railway Network Plan' report covering the period 2016-2025 with an outlook to 2030, China's HSR network will by 2025 stretch to 38,000 km, including eight north-south and eight east-west trunk lines. China's liberalisation efforts were recognised by IATA, which appreciated China's commitment to progressively liberalising the aviation market and the work to harmonise the air traffic control with global standards. Infrastructure including airports, highways, and railways has received magnificent amount of investment in China since 1978. The concept of connectivity in air transport was first introduced to evaluate the importance of an airport in terms of its connection to other airports

    COSMO Wave 1 Initial Findings: Lockdown Learning

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    There were substantial gaps between state and private secondary schools in the intensity of remote learning during the first lockdown in 2020, with the private sector much better placed to adapt quickly. 96% of independent school pupils had live online lessons in the first lockdown, compared to 65% of state school pupils. While state sector provision improved in the second period of school closures in early 2021, inequalities opened up within the state sector. Grammar schools (96%) and comprehensive schools with more affluent intakes (95%) caught up the most, compared to 80% at schools with the most deprived intakes. Barriers to remote learning – such as lack of access to a suitable device for learning or sharing a device, lack of a quiet space in the home, lack of support from teachers or parents – were all more likely to be experienced by young people from lower socio-economic backgrounds, and those who experienced those barriers reported working fewer hours during lockdowns. Those without a device worked on average 8 hours per week in lockdown 1, those with just a mobile phone 10 hours, and those with a laptop or tablet 14 hours. While many pupils without suitable devices received support through school and government distribution programmes, over half (53%) of those who lacked a device at the beginning of the pandemic had still not received one by the end of the second period of school closures. Problems with internet access showed a different pattern, complicated by the fact that more intensive online learning was associated with more internet problems. Having internet issues was not associated with working fewer hours. Patterns by ethnicity and race were mixed. Overall there were few differences in the amount of time spent learning by ethnic background. While young people from Black and Asian backgrounds were more likely to receive tutoring and had parents more confident with support for learning, they were also more likely to need to share devices and less likely to have a quiet place to study

    Briefing No. 7 - Attainment and Assessment

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    Pupils from independent schools were much more likely to report that their Teacher Assessed Grades (TAGs) were higher than they expected (43%) than those in state schools (34% for those in state grammars and 29% in state comprehensives). They were also much less likely to report that they were lower than they expected (at 7%, compared to 15% of those in state grammars and 23% in state comprehensives). A third of young people reported that they felt that teachers were biased against certain groups in their teacher assessment. This figure was higher among those from ethnic minority backgrounds and lower among those with more socio-economically advantaged backgrounds. Pupils who had particularly disrupted experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic received lower GCSE Teacher Assessed Grades (TAGs) than their peers whose disruption was more moderate. One-to-one or small group tutoring as catch-up provision was most likely to be offered to those from less advantaged backgrounds and those who had lower prior attainment. Boys were more likely to be offered tutoring but, as they were less likely to take it up, there was no gender difference in reported receipt of tutoring. Those who received one-to-one and small group tutoring appeared to perform slightly better in their GCSE TAGs than their peers who were offered this tutoring but did not take it up. However, only just over a quarter of the sample reported that they have received one-to-one or small group tutoring, meaning it is unlikely to have made a big difference to learning lost at the cohort level

    COSMO Wave 1 Initial Findings: Mental Health and Wellbeing

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    Over 2 in 5 (44%) 16/17 year olds in England report elevated psychological distress, 9%pts higher than the 35% reporting distress at age 17-18 in the Our Future cohort study (2017) and 21%pts higher than the 23% at age 16-17 in the Next Steps cohort study (2007). Higher proportions of elevated psychological distress were seen among those who reported having long COVID, bad/’severe long COVID’, or who had to shield during the pandemic. For instance, 66% of those with severe long COVID, which largely affected ability to carry out daily activities, reported high psychological distress. Those who experienced major life events during the pandemic, such as being seriously ill and suffering from food affordability issues, were also more likely to report elevated psychological distress. There are stark patterns in signs of poor mental health by gender: Those who identify as female report elevated psychological distress (54%), self-harm (23%) and suicide attempts (11%), compared to those who identify as male (33% report distress, 11% report self-harm and 5% report attempting suicide). Those who identify as ‘non-binary+’ report high psychological distress (69%) and they are considerably more likely to have self- harmed (61%) or to have attempted suicide (35%) than their peers who identify as male or female. Over 2 in 5 (44%) young people with a parent who has high psychological distress also report high distress, compared to 30% of those with a parent who does not report high distress. Half of the pupils from comprehensive or grammar schools rated their school’s mental health support as ‘not very good’ or ‘not at all good’ compared to just a quarter of those attending independent schools. Half of young people said that they are now less motivated to study and learn as a result of the pandemic, with those who reported high psychological distress 31%pts more likely to say so (68% compared to 37% of other participants)

    Rapid identification of homozygosity and site of wild relative introgressions in wheat through chromosome-specific KASP genotyping assays

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    For future food security, it is important that wheat, one of the most widely consumed crops in the world, can survive the threat of abiotic and biotic stresses. New genetic variation is currently being introduced into wheat through introgressions from its wild relatives. For trait discovery, it is necessary that each introgression is homozygous and hence stable. Breeding programmes rely on efficient genotyping platforms for marker‐assisted selection (MAS). Recently, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)‐based markers have been made available on high‐throughput Axiom® SNP genotyping arrays. However, these arrays are inflexible in their design and sample numbers, making their use unsuitable for long‐term MAS. SNPs can potentially be converted into Kompetitive allele‐specific PCR (KASP™) assays that are comparatively cost‐effective and efficient for low‐density genotyping of introgression lines. However, due to the polyploid nature of wheat, KASP assays for homoeologous SNPs can have difficulty in distinguishing between heterozygous and homozygous hybrid lines in a backcross population. To identify co‐dominant SNPs, that can differentiate between heterozygotes and homozygotes, we PCR‐amplified and sequenced genomic DNA from potential single‐copy regions of the wheat genome and compared them to orthologous copies from different wild relatives. A panel of 620 chromosome‐specific KASP assays have been developed that allow rapid detection of wild relative segments and provide information on their homozygosity and site of introgression in the wheat genome. A set of 90 chromosome‐nonspecific assays was also produced that can be used for genotyping introgression lines. These multipurpose KASP assays represent a powerful tool for wheat breeders worldwide

    Proteasome Inhibitors Block DNA Repair and Radiosensitize Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

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    Despite optimal radiation therapy (RT), chemotherapy and/or surgery, a majority of patients with locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) fail treatment. To identify novel gene targets for improved tumor control, we performed whole genome RNAi screens to identify knockdowns that most reproducibly increase NSCLC cytotoxicity. These screens identified several proteasome subunits among top hits, including the topmost hit PSMA1, a component of the core 20 S proteasome. Radiation and proteasome inhibition showed synergistic effects. Proteasome inhibition resulted in an 80–90% decrease in homologous recombination (HR), a 50% decrease in expression of NF-κB-inducible HR genes BRCA1 and FANCD2, and a reduction of BRCA1, FANCD2 and RAD51 ionizing radiation-induced foci. IκBα RNAi knockdown rescued NSCLC radioresistance. Irradiation of mice with NCI-H460 xenografts after inducible PSMA1 shRNA knockdown markedly increased murine survival compared to either treatment alone. Proteasome inhibition is a promising strategy for NSCLC radiosensitization via inhibition of NF-κB-mediated expression of Fanconi Anemia/HR DNA repair genes.American Society for Radiation Oncology (Junior Faculty Career Research Training Award)Harvard University. Joint Center for Radiation Therapy (Foundation Grant)Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center (SPORE Developmental Research Project Award in Lung Cancer Research)National Cancer Institute (U.S.) (Award K08CA172354