14 research outputs found


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    As pulgas da espécie Ctenocephalides felis (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae), são os insetos parasitos mais prevalentes em todo o mundo em cães e gatos. Estes parasitos são responsáveis por transmitir diversos agentes patogênicos de importância em saúde única. Além disso, podem causar irritação, espoliação sanguínea e provocar quadros de dermatite alérgica frente à antígenos presentes em sua saliva. Cinnamomum cassia, popularmente conhecida como canela, é uma árvore pequena pertencente a família Lauraceae. O óleo essencial (OE) extraído desta planta apresenta como constituinte majoritário o cinamaldeído que além de amplamente utilizado na culinária como flavorizante, possui atividades biológicas, incluindo atividade inseticida, repelente, antimicrobiana, antioxidantes e antiapoptótico. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar a atividade inseticida in vitro do óleo essencial de Ci. cassia e do cinamaldeído frente a pulgas adultas da subespécie C. felis felis. Para a realização do teste in vitro, foi preparada uma solução com contração 40000 µg.mL-1 do óleo essencial de canela e do cinamaldeído. Posteriormente as soluções foram diluídas em acetona 20% de forma seriada (1:2) dez vezes. Foram utilizadas dez pulgas C. felis felis, não alimentadas, com 14 dias de idade, separadas em tubos de ensaio de vidro. Em seguida foi inserida uma fita de papel filtro Whatman (80g) com 10cm2 impregnada com 0,2 mL da solução obtendo as seguintes concentrações por área: de 800, 400, 200, 100, 50, 25, 12,5, 6,25, 3,12, 1,56 µg.cm-2. Os desafios foram realizados em duplicata, além do controle constituído de uma fita de papel filtro impregnada com acetona a 20%. O critério de avaliação utilizado foi a motilidade, portanto, pulgas que apresentassem qualquer tipo de movimento eram consideradas vivas. Foi registrado o número de pulgas vivas e mortas após 24 horas de exposição. O percentual de mortalidade foi determinado utilizando a seguinte fórmula: mortalidade (%) = número de pulgas mortas X 100/número de pulgas incubadas. Com os resultados foi possível observar que após 24 horas de exposição do cinamaldeído a mortalidade foi de 5, 50 e 100% nas concentrações de 6,25; 50,0 e 400 µg.cm-2 respectivamente. Já para OE de Ci. cassia, foi possível observar mortalidade de 5, 55 e 100% nas concentrações de 6,25; 12,5; e 200 µg.cm-2 respectivamente. Com base nos resultados obtidos neste trabalho é possível concluir que o OE de Ci. cassia e seu constituinte majoritário, o cinamaldeído, apresentaram atividade inseticida in vitro frente ao estágio adulto de C. felis. No entanto, o OE de Ci. cassia apresentou mortalidade igual a 100% em concentrações inferiores, propondo que outros constituintes no OE além do cinamaldeído podem ter potencializado a ação inseticida do cinamaldeído

    Superabsorbent biodegradable CMC membranes loaded with propolis: Peppas-Sahlin kinetics release

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    Abstract Propolis is a resinous product collected by honeybees with a complex chemical composition. Sodium carboxymethylcellulose is a polymer commonly used in wound care. The goal of the present work was to produce and characterize NaCMC membranes loaded with extract of Brazilian brown propolis (CMC-P). Flavonoids and phenolic acids were identified in the propolis extracts, where the main identified substance was kaempferide. The brown propolis extracted was active against S. aureus. The low swelling capacity and high gel fraction of CMC-P would be the consequence of propolis (responsible for a hydrophobic barrier) filling the pores of the membrane. Propolis could be anchoring the NaCMC chains (as observed by FTIR) due to interaction between components, which is corroborated by the CMC-P sample degrading less than the CMC sample (>400ºC). There was non-linear diffusion release kinetics for most phenolic substances of the propolis extract. The CMC-P sample presents potential as a dressing material

    Nonylphenol: Properties, legislation, toxicity and determination

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    ABSTRACT This paper aims to gather and discuss important information about nonylphenol, such as physical chemistry properties, toxicity and analytical methods in various matrices. As a degradation product of ethoxylated alkylphenols, nonylphenol presents a higher degree of reactivity than its precursor. Due to its harmful effects on the environment, use and production of nonylphenol has been banned in European Union countries, alongside their precursors. The guide on quality of drinking water (USEPA) recommends a maximum concentration of 28 µg L-1 for fresh water. In Brazil, there is no clear legislation containing values of maximum concentration of nonylphenol. Due to this lack of regulation, a continuous monitoring is necessary of this pollutant in environmental samples. This paper aims to encourage further studies on nonylphenol, seen as a critical environmental pollutant. For proper monitoring is necessary to have reliable analytical methods and easy to perform in routine analysis

    In Vitro Characterization of Chitosan Gels for Buccal Delivery of Celecoxib: Influence of a Penetration Enhancer

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    Celecoxib (Cx) shows high efficacy in the treatment of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis as a result of its high specificity for COX-2, without gastrolesivity or interference with platelet function at therapeutic concentrations. Besides of anti-inflammatory effects, Cx also has a potential role for oral cancer chemoprevention. For these conditions, oral administration in long-term treatment is a concern due to its systemic side effects. However, local application at the site of injury (e.g., buccal inflammation conditions or chemoprevention of oral cancer) is a promising way to reduce its toxicity. In this study, the in vitro characterization of mucoadhesive chitosan (CHT) gels associated to AzoneA (R) was assessed to explore the potential buccal mucosal administration of Cx in this tissue. Rheological properties of gels were analyzed by a rheometer with cone-plate geometry. In vitro Cx release and permeability studies used artificial membranes and pig cheek mucosa, respectively. Mucoadhesion were measured with a universal test machine. CHT gels (3.0%) containing 2.0% or 3.0% Az showed more appropriate characteristics compared to the others: pH values, rheology, higher amount of Cx retained in the mucosa, and minimal permeation through mucosa, besides the highest mucoadhesion values, ideal for buccal application. Moreover, the flux (J) and amounts of drug released decreased with increased CHT and Az concentrations. CHT gels (3.0%) associated with 2.0% or 3.0% Az may be considered potential delivery systems for buccal administration of Cx.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ) Brazil [E-26/171.254/2006]Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES), Brazi

    In vitro activity of essential oils and extracts from Schinus molle L. against Rhipicephalus microplus

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    ABSTRACT. Avelar, B. R., Lambert, M.M, Siqueira, R.C.S., Cid, Y.P., Chaves, D.S.A., & Coumendouros K. [In vitro activity of essential oils and extracts from Schinus molle L. against Rhipicephalus microplus]. Atividade in vitro de óleos essenciais e extratos de Schinus molle L. frente a Rhipicephalus microplus. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 38(supl. 3):218 - 228, 2016. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Veterinárias, Instituto de Veterinária, Anexo 1, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Campus Seropédica, Ecologia, BR 465 Km 7, Seropédica, RJ 23897-970, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] The aim of the study was to evaluate the in vitro activity of Schinus molle L. extracts (hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol) and essential oils (leaves and fruit) on different evolutionary forms of Rhipicephalus microplus. The immersion test using engorged females was used (Drummond et al., 1973). The extract were obtained from leaves of S. molle by soxhlet and diluted in the concentration ranges between 20,000 and 1,250 ppm (parts per million), and positive and negative controls were used. The S. molle hexane extract showed efficacy in vitro of 57,7% in concentration of 1.250 ppm while other extracts and essential oils showed no significant inhibition

    BIOPROSPECÇÃO DE EXTRATOS DE JABORANDI CONTRA Ctenocephalides felis felis, Rhipicephalus sanguineus E Rhipicephalus microplus

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a atividade de Pilocarpus pennatifolius frente à Ctenocephalides felis felis, Rhipicephalus sanguineus e Rhipicephalus microplus. A realização dos ensaios in vitro procedeu-se segundo o teste de imersão de teleóginas (Drummond et al. 1973) frente à R. microplus e R. sanguineus e teste de impregnação em papel filtro frente à C. f. felis. O extrato das folhas de P. pennatifolius foi obtido por maceração exaustiva e sua composição química foi avaliada por cromatografia em camada delgada seguido de ensaios colorimétricos. Foram preparadas diluições do extrato na faixa de concentração entre 625 e 20.000 ppm. Os resultados demonstraram que o extrato de jaborandi apresentou atividade in vitro na faixa de concentração testada frente aos ectoparasitos avaliados com valores de eficácia de 35% para C. f. felis, 31,82 % para R. microplus e 59,06% para R. sanguineus

    Insecticidal activity in vitro of the essential oil of Pogostemon cablin against Ctenocephalides felis felis

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro insecticidal activity of the essential oil (EO) of P. cablin against immature and adult stages of C. felis. The chemical composition of P. cablin EO was determined by gas chromatography (GC). To evaluate the insecticidal activity, the egg, larva, pupa, and adult stages of C. felis were exposed to different concentrations of P. cablin EO diluted in acetone and impregnated in filter paper in a concentration range of 25 to 200 μg.cm-2. After exposure, the material was incubated in climatized chambers and mortality assessment was performed after 24 h for the larval and adult stages, 72 h for the egg stage and 15 days for the pupal stage. After GC analysis, the major constituents of the EO of P. cablin were found to be patchoulol (27.4%), α-bulnesene (19.7%) and α-guayene (15.0%). The of mortality percentage was 100% at the concentration of 200 μg.cm-2 for all stages. The LCs50 values were 46.1, 49.2, 60.6 and 62.7 μg.cm-2, respectively for the pupal, egg, larva and adult stages. Based on the results obtained, we can conclude that the EO of P. cablin contained patchoulol, α-bulnesene, and α-guayene as major constituents and had insecticidal activity against the immature and adult stages of C. felis


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    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a atividade de Rosmarinus officinalis L. frente aos ectoparasitas Ctenocephalides felis felis, Rhipicephalus sanguineus e Rhipicephalus microplus. Os bioensaios seguiram a técnica impregnação em papel filtro para C. felis felis e teste de imersão de teleóginas para R. microplus e R. sanguineus. O extrato de R. officinalis L. foi obtido por maceração e sua composição química qualitativa avaliada por testes farmacopeicos. Análise fitoquímica preliminar mostrou a presença de flavonoides, taninos condensados, terpenos e saponinas. Para os testes de inibição foram preparadas diluições do extrato na faixa de concentração entre 78 e 40.000 ppm. Os resultados mostram que o extrato de R. officinalis L. apresentou atividade in vitro com resposta proporcional a concentração na faixa de 78 a 2.500 ppm para C. f. felis com valores de eficácia máximo de 95%. A eficácia carrapaticida apresentou menores valores de eficácia comparada a eficácia pulguicida em todas as concentrações testadas, com valor de eficácia máximo de 45,33 % para R. sanguineus e 28,50% para R. microplus

    In vitro evaluation of the acaricidal activity of Syzygium aromaticum (L.) essential oil and eugenol against non-fed larvae of Rhipicephalus sanguineus

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    Plant extracts and essential oils have been showing potential for use as acaricides. Rhipicephalus sanguineus, the brown tick, mainly parasitizes dogs and is responsible for pathogens transmission. The insecticidal and acaricidal activity of the essential oil (EO) of Syzygium aromaticum and eugenol have already been reported, however the activity against R. sanguineus is lacked. To evaluate the acaricidal activity of S. aromaticum EO and eugenol against larvae of R. sanguineus, in vitro assays were performed using the larval immersion test. Bioassays were performed in duplicate, within the concentration range of 0.078 to 40 mg.mL-1. Mortality assessment was performed after 24 hours. Mortality above 90% was achieved through using the EO and eugenol at concentrations greater than 5 and 10 mg.mL-1, respectively. The LC50 values of 1.4 and 3.3 mg.mL-1 for eugenol and S. aromaticum EO, respectively, while the LC90 values found for eugenol and S. aromaticum EO were, respectively, 6.4 and 6.7 mg.mL-1 were calculated. These compounds present activity against R. sanguineus larvae and demonstrate potential for use as acaricides