362 research outputs found

    Etat des connaissances sur la pisciculture en Cote d'Ivoire

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    La pisciculture a été amorcée en Côte d’Ivoire en 1955. Cependant, la production de l’aquaculture demeure faible. Une enquête a été réalisée sur le profil socio-économique des promoteurs, l’activité piscicole et la production des fermes. Il ressort de cette enquête que la pisciculture en Côte d’Ivoire est pratiquée sur presque toute l’étendue du territoire ivoirien. La majorité des fermes (65,4 %) ont une superficie en eau exploitée inférieure à un hectare. La durée d’existence est inférieure à 10 ans pour 53,8 % des fermes. Les pisciculteurs sont majoritairement des agriculteurs (60,8 %), ivoiriens (87,4 %) de sexe masculin (94,0 %) âgés de plus de 40 ans (83,7 %). Les systèmes d’élevage les plus pratiqués sont le semi-intensif (51,8 %) et l’extensif (42,9 %). Le tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (96,68 % ) et l’hétérotis  Heterotis niloticus (56,81 %) sont les espèces de poissons les plus élevées. Les étangs de dérivation (93,69 %) et les étangs de barrages (47,84 %) sont les principales structures d’élevage. Les aliments utilisés seul ou en association sont les aliments commerciaux (27,57 %), produits par les pisciculteurs eux-mêmes (17,94 %), les sous-produits agroalimentaires (71,10 %) et les aliments non conventionnels (22,26 %). Le développement de la pisciculture en Côte d’Ivoire devrait passer par la promotion de la pisciculture intensive et semi-intensive auprès des salariés et des opérateurs économiques nationaux et internationaux.Mots clés : Pisciculture, pratique, région, production, Côte d’Ivoir

    Two parton shower background for associate W Higgs production

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    The estimates of the background for the associate W Higgs production, which stems from the two parton shower production. It is about 1 - 2.5 times larger than the signal. However, this background does not depend on the rapidity difference between the W and the bbˉb \bar{b} pair, while the signal peaks when the rapidity difference is zero. The detailed calculations for the enhanced diagrams' contribution to this process, are presented, and it is shown that the overlapping singularities, being important theoretically, lead to a negligible contribution for the LHC range of energiesComment: 35 pages and 10 figures in eps file

    Experimental investigation of solar heating of bridge decks

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    The addition of monomers or the inclusion of wax within highway bridge decks are two methods being used to prevent salt penetration during winter deicing. Both of these methods require the addition of heat until the upper two inches of bridge deck reaches from 160-190 F. This study investigated the potential for using solar energy as a means of providing the required heat. The bridge was modeled analytically and the time varying temperature distribution was determined for both a flat plate type cover collector and focusing collector scheme did show promise for providing the required heat. Both models suffered from lack of accurate thermal properties data for the concrete. Experimental studies were conducted on a simulated bridge deck using flat plate covers and Northrup focusing Fresnel Lens collectors. Neither scheme was able to provide the desired temperatures. A major difficulty encountered was the design of an appropriate heat exchanger to transfer the collected energy from the heat transfer flud to the bridge deck. Several different designs were tested, but none of the methods used would provide the desired bridge deck temperatures for the collector area used. The collectors did not perform up to their expectations.4-77 to 6-79N

    Corrections to the generalized vector dominance due to diffractive rho_3 production

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    The idea of the vector dominance is still in use in various analyses of experimental data of photon-hadron reactions. It makes sense, therefore, to recast results of microscopic calculations of such reactions in this language. Here we present the diffractive DIS ρ3\rho_3 production as a specific correction to the generalized vector dominance. We perform a coupled channel analysis of spin-orbital excitations in diffractive photoproduction and reiterate the point that rho_3 in diffractive DIS will be sensitive to a novel aspect of diffraction.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    A Species-based Particle Swarm Optimization with Adaptive Population Size and Deactivation of Species for Dynamic Optimization Problems

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    Population clustering methods, which consider the position and fitness of the individuals to form sub-populations in multi-population algorithms, have shown high efficiency in tracking the moving global optimum in dynamic optimization problems. However, most of these methods use a fixed population size, making them inflexible and inefficient when the number of promising regions is unknown. The lack of a functional relationship between the population size and the number of promising regions significantly degrades performance and limits an algorithm’s agility to respond to dynamic changes. To address this issue, we propose a new species-based particle swarm optimization with adaptive population size and number of sub-populations for solving dynamic optimization problems. The proposed algorithm also benefits from a novel systematic adaptive deactivation component that, unlike the previous deactivation components, adapts the computational resource allocation to the sub-populations by considering various characteristics of both the problem and the sub-populations. We evaluate the performance of our proposed algorithm for the Generalized Moving Peaks Benchmark and compare the results with several peer approaches. The results indicate the superiority of the proposed method

    f0(980) meson as a K bar K molecule in a phenomenological Lagrangian approach

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    We discuss a possible interpretation of the f0(980) meson as a hadronic molecule - a bound state of K and bar K mesons. Using a phenomenological Lagrangian approach we calculate the strong f0(980) to pi pi and electromagnetic f0(980) to gamma gamma decays. The compositeness condition provides a self-consistent method to determine the coupling constant between f0 and its constituents, K and bar K. Form factors governing the decays of the f0(980) are calculated by evaluating the kaon loop integrals. The predicted f0(980) to pi pi and f0(980) to gamma gamma decay widths are in good agreement with available data and results of other theoretical approaches.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures, revised version accepted for publication in Eur. Phys. J.

    Tomonaga-Luttinger parameters for quantum wires

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    The low-energy properties of a homogeneous one-dimensional electron system are completely specified by two Tomonaga-Luttinger parameters KρK_{\rho} and vσv_{\sigma}. In this paper we discuss microscopic estimates of the values of these parameters in semiconductor quantum wires that exploit their relationship to thermodynamic properties. Motivated by the recognized similarity between correlations in the ground state of a one-dimensional electron liquid and correlations in a Wigner crystal, we evaluate these thermodynamic quantities in a self-consistent Hartree-Fock approximation. According to our calculations, the Hartree-Fock approximation ground state is a Wigner crystal at all electron densities and has antiferromagnetic order that gradually evolves from spin-density-wave to localized in character as the density is lowered. Our results for KρK_{\rho} are in good agreement with weak-coupling perturbative estimates KρpertK_{\rho}^{pert} at high densities, but deviate strongly at low densities, especially when the electron-electron interaction is screened at long distances. Kρpertn1/2K_{\rho}^{pert}\sim n^{1/2} vanishes at small carrier density nn whereas we conjecture that Kρ1/2K_{\rho}\to 1/2 when n0n\to 0, implying that KρK_{\rho} should pass through a minimum at an intermediate density. Observation of such a non-monotonic dependence on particle density would allow to measure the range of the microscopic interaction. In the spin sector we find that the spin velocity decreases with increasing interaction strength or decreasing nn. Strong correlation effects make it difficult to obtain fully consistent estimates of vσv_{\sigma} from Hartree-Fock calculations. We conjecture that v_{\sigma}/\vf\propto n/V_0 in the limit n0n\to 0 where V0V_0 is the interaction strength.Comment: RevTeX, 23 pages, 8 figures include

    A complete 3D numerical study of the effects of pseudoscalar-photon mixing on quasar polarizations

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    We present the results of three-dimensional simulations of quasar polarizations in the presence of pseudoscalar-photon mixing in the intergalactic medium. The intergalactic magnetic field is assumed to be uncorrelated in wave vector space but correlated in real space. Such a field may be obtained if its origin is primordial. Furthermore we assume that the quasars, located at cosmological distances, have negligible initial polarization. In the presence of pseudoscalar-photon mixing we show, through a direct comparison with observations, that this may explain the observed large scale alignments in quasar polarizations within the framework of big bang cosmology. We find that the simulation results give a reasonably good fit to the observed data.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, significant changes, to appear in EPJ

    Astrophysical Axion Bounds

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    Axion emission by hot and dense plasmas is a new energy-loss channel for stars. Observational consequences include a modification of the solar sound-speed profile, an increase of the solar neutrino flux, a reduction of the helium-burning lifetime of globular-cluster stars, accelerated white-dwarf cooling, and a reduction of the supernova SN 1987A neutrino burst duration. We review and update these arguments and summarize the resulting axion constraints.Comment: Contribution to Axion volume of Lecture Notes in Physics, 20 pages, 3 figure

    Energy balance measurements over a banana orchard in the Semiarid region in the Northeast of Brazil

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the reliability of eddy covariance measurements, analyzing the energy balance components, evapotranspiration and energy balance closure in dry and wet growing seasons, in a banana orchard. The experiment was carried out at a farm located within the irrigation district of Quixeré, in the Lower Jaguaribe basin, in Ceará state, Brazil. An eddy covariance system was used to measure the turbulent flux. An automatic weather station was installed in a grass field to obtain the reference evapotranspiration (ET0) from the combined FAO-Penman-Monteith method. Wind speed and vapor pressure deficit are the most important variables on the evaporative process in both growing seasons. In the dry season, the heat fluxes have a similar order of magnitude, and during the wet season the latent heat flux is the largest. The eddy covariance system had acceptable reliability in measuring heat flux, with actual evapotranspiration results comparing well with those obtained by using the water balance method. The energy balance closure had good results for the study area, with mean values of 0.93 and 0.86 for the dry and wet growing seasons respectively