582 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Lks Matematika Berbasis Masalah Untuk Kelas VIII SMP Pada Materi Persamaan Linear Dua Variabel

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    This study aims to produce problem-based learning math worksheets valid and practical in the material system of linear equations of two variables. This type of research was the development of 3-D research Stages in this study consisted of: pendefenisian stage (Define), the design phase (Desaign) and stage of development (Development). The subjects were students of class VIII SMP N 1 Kepenuhan in the 1st half semester of the school year 2014/2015. The instrument used in this study was a validation questionnaire sheet and questionnaire sheet practicalities. The results showed the product LKS math learning system of linear equations in two variables produced viable as teaching materials math learning the material system of linear equations in two variables of class VIII SMP two based on the results of the assessment kelayakannnya by four validator with some revisions and corrections then obtained an average score results Problem-based validation LKS avarage of 3.04 with a valid category, based on the practicalities of using angkrt test, observation of the implementation of learning the importance of the average scores based on the results of the practicalities of LKS issue average fo 88% with the category of very practical. So it can be concluded that the problem-based LKS declared valid and very practical

    Analisis Persediaan Bahan Baku Kalep dengan Metode Economic Order Quantity dalam Mendukung Kelancaran USAha pada Indrustri Kecil Sepatu Diwilayah Kemayoran Jakarta Pusat

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    Suatu Perusahaan pada umumnya melakukan aktivitas mengubah input menjadi output. Kegiatan produksi sangat erat kaitannya dengan bahan baku. Persediaan bahan baku merupakann komponen yang harus tersedia untuk kelancaran produksi. Bahan baku yang digunakan untuk membuat sepatu adalah bahan baku kalep yang berasal dari kulit sapi atau kulit domba yang sudah diproses, yang hasilnya berupa kulit yang lunak dan mudah untuk membuat bermacam – macam model sepatu. Persediaan bahan baku tersebut tidak dapat mendukung proses produksi secara optimal jika persediaan yang ada kurang dari kebutuhan operasi atau sebaliknya tidak efisien jika terlalu banyak. Hal ini sangat penting karena anggaran yang ada untuk membiayai pengadaan bahun baku sangat terbatas. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif dan kuantitif yaitu dengan melakukan obeservasi langsung dan wawancara serta mengumpulkan data berupa dokumen yang berkaitan dengan persediaan. Tujuannya adalah untuk membuat gambaran secara sistimatis dan akurat mengenai sistem pengendalian persediaan bahan baku. Pengendalian bahan baku kalep industri kecil sepatu menggunakan metode EOQ, maka diperiode jumlah pesanan yang efisien sebesar 634 meter untuk 4 kali frekuensi pemesanan dalam setahun, atau dengan inverval waktu 83 hari perpesanan. Dari hasil ini diperoleh tingkat efisien sebesar Rp 3,140,084 dari total biaya Rp 31,160,000, dari total kebutuhan sebanyak 2.800 meter pertahun. Dari hasil perhitungan tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan metode EOQ menghasilkan jumlah persediaan bahan baku kalep industri sepatu lebih efisien dan dapat menghindari terjadinya keterlambatan penyediaan bahan baku, untuk itu melakukan pemesanan kembali (ROP) saat bahan baku berjumlah 54 meter

    Reduplikasi Bahasa Melayu Riau Dialek Rokan Hulu di Desa Rantau Kasai Kecamatan Tambusai Utara

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    This research is motivated by the unique reduplication of the Malay language in terms of form and meaning, in terms of form related to the number of syllables produced can be different when translated into Indonesian. Then in terms of meaning, there is a change in meaning if a word undergoes a reduplication process and does not change the meaning of its basic form. The formulation of the problem in this study, namely, (1) What is the form of reduplication of Riau Malay dialect of Rokan Hulu in Rantau Kasai Village, North Tambusai District? and (2) What is the meaning of reduplication of Riau Malay dialect of Rokan Hulu in Rantau Kasai Village, North Tambusai District? The purpose of this study is to describe, analyze and conclude the form and meaning of the Riau Malay language reduplication in the Rokan Hulu dialect in Rantau Kasai Village, North Tambusai District. The method used is ethnography. The data analysis technique used is the Spradley model. The techniques used are interview techniques and note-taking techniques. This research uses Ramlan's opinion. Based on the results of the study, the data used in this study amounted to 119 data. The conclusions in this study are, 1. The form of reduplication contained in Riau Malay dialect of Rokan Hulu in Rantau Kasai Village, North Tambusai District (1). Entire Reduplication (2). Partial Reduplication, (3). Reduplication with the process of affixing affixes, and (4). Phoneme change reduplication. 2. The meaning of reduplication in Riau Malay dialect of Rokan Hulu in Rantau Kasai Village, North Tambusai District (1). Many Meanings, (2). Meaning Repetitive, (3). The meaning of the act with pleasure, (4). Mutual Meaning, (5). Meaning related to work, (6). The highest level of meaning, and (7). The meaning of feeling intensity

    Peningkatan Fungsi Kognitif Klien dengan Isolasi Sosial yang Mendapatkan Latihan Keterampilan Sosial: Literature Review

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    Social Skills Training (SST) is one of the interventions aimed at improving communication and providing new skills to schizophrenic clients with social isolation problems. SST is specifically carried out on clients with social isolation experiencing a decrease   number, frequency and quality of social contacts; endurance of contact and negativism are associated with feelings of isolated.   SST is performed through several sessions. Each session consisted of several sections such as modeling, role playing, performance feedback and transfer training. The stages in the SST not only focus on social skills, but also cognitive functions. SST can be applied to healthy and disturbed clients,    children as well as adults. Method: Literature review is based on issues, methodologies, equations and advanced research proposals. There are 5 quantitative studies and 1 bulletin. Out of Five studies conducted, one study on healthy clients and 4 disturbed clients. such as autism, high risk, and cognitive impairment

    Peningkatan Fungsi Kognitif Klien dengan Isolasi Sosial yang Mendapatkan Latihan Keterampilan Sosial: Literature Review

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    Social Skills Training (SST) is one of the interventions aimed at improving communication and providing new skills to schizophrenic clients with social isolation problems. SST is specifically carried out on clients with social isolation experiencing a decrease   number, frequency and quality of social contacts; endurance of contact and negativism are associated with feelings of isolated.   SST is performed through several sessions. Each session consisted of several sections such as modeling, role playing, performance feedback and transfer training. The stages in the SST not only focus on social skills, but also cognitive functions. SST can be applied to healthy and disturbed clients,    children as well as adults. Method: Literature review is based on issues, methodologies, equations and advanced research proposals. There are 5 quantitative studies and 1 bulletin. Out of Five studies conducted, one study on healthy clients and 4 disturbed clients. such as autism, high risk, and cognitive impairment

    Evaluation of Community Participation in Restoration Efforts Following the Merapi Volcano Eruptions in Muntilan, Magelang

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    Disasters due to the frequent eruptions of Mount Merapi have attracted great attention. For example, from the beginning of 2020 to June 21, 2020, 10 eruptions brought panic to the community. To avoid the unpreparedness of the community when a disaster occurs, the government and the private sector have provided programs to the victims. The program is running at the optimal planning and implication stage. However, in the next stage, programs that involve the active participation of affected communities run at a low level. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method to produce in-depth data from local government informants and community leaders who are victims of disasters and develop post-disaster reconstruction programs. Data collection techniques included in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation of appropriate and required data. The results of this study include, in Muntilan District, Magelang Regency, there has been a community recovery program in the form of post-disaster emergency assistance, as well as other economic recovery programs to restore life to normal. Initially, the handling of the community’s economic recovery program did not go as expected. Many aids were given directly to the community but were not useful due to obstacles in the field; The results of the evaluation of the level of community participation in Magelang Regency, in general, can be classified as very low in post-disaster development programs. Keywords: eruption, aid program, normal life, participatio

    Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu Tentang Imunisasi Dasar Denganstatus Kelengkapan Imunisasi di Posyandudesa Nglele Kec. Sumobito Kab. Jombang

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    Menurut WHO imunisasi telah terbukti sebagai salah satu upaya kesehatan masyarakat yang sangat penting. Program imunisasi telah menunjukan keberhasilan yang luar biasa dan merupakan USAha yang sangat hemat biaya dalam mencegah penyakit menular. Sejak penetapan The Expended Program oleh WHO, cakupan imunisasi dasar anak dari 50% mendekati 80% diseluruh dunia.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui adanya hubungan tingkat pengetahuan ibu tentang imunisasi dasar dengan status kelengkapan imunisasi di posyandu Desa Nglele Kec. Sumobito Kab. Jombang.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional.Sampel yang diambil dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu yang mempunyai bayi usia 0-11 bulan di posyandu Desa Ngelele Kec. Sumobito Kab. Jombang dengan cara probability sampling dengan pendekatan simple random sampling (acak). Jumlah sampel ada 26 responden yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 1 Agustus - 15 september 2013. Selanjutnya uji data dan analisa data menggunakan uji statistik SPSS “U Mann Whitney “ dengan tingkat signifikasi α < 0,05.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 61,5% berpengetahuan baik tentang imunisasi dasar dan 65,4% menunjukkan status kelengkapan imunisasi dasar yang lengkap di posyandu. Hasil uji statistik diperoleh hasil korelasi p = 0,002 < 0,05 H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima yang artinya ada hubungan tingkat pengetahuan ibu tentang imunisasi dasar dengan status kelengkapan imunisasi.Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil adalah terdapat ada hubungan antara tingkat pengetahuan ibu tentang imunisasi dasar dengan status kelengkapan imunisasi di posyandu

    Pemanfaatan Citra Alos Avnir-2 Dan Sistem Informasi Geografis Untuk Menentukan Tingkat Kerawanan Wilayah Terhadap Malaria Secara Spasio Temporal Di Kabupaten Purworejo

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) Mengetahui parameter lingkungan yang mempengaruhi perkembangbiakan vektor malaria; (2) Mengetahui kemampuan citra ALOS AVNIR-2 dalam menyajikan parameter lingkungan; (3) Menentukan tingkat kerawanan wilayah terhadap malaria secara spasio temporal; dan (4) Mengetahui validasi antara Peta Kerawanan Wilayah Terhadap Malaria dengan Peta MOPI (Month Parasite Incidence). Parameter penggunaan lahan, kerapatan vegetasi, curah hujan, ketinggian tempat, dan tekstur tanah berpengaruh untuk perkembangbiakan vektor malaria, sedangkan suhu udara pengaruhnya lemah. Citra AVNIR-2 dapat menyajikan informasi kerapatan vegetasi dan penggunaan lahan dengan ketelitian interpretasi 97,17%. Peta Tingkat Kerawanan Terhadap Malaria diklasifikasikan menjadi tujuh, yaitu sangat rawan, rawan, cukup rawan, sedikit rawan, cukup tidak rawan, tidak rawan, dan sangat tidak rawan. Peta Tingkat Kerawanan Terhadap Malaria di Kabupaten Purworejo menunjukkan tingkat kerawanan yang sesuai dan tidak sesuai dengan Peta MOPI karena adanya faktor-faktor sosial yang berpengaruh di dalamnya
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