3,195 research outputs found

    Vulnerability, Resilience and Well-being of Intermarriage: An Ethnographic Approach to Korean Women

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    Korean women who immigrate into the U.S. following their American husbands face a harsh reality. A new Korean wife and American husband may find themselves in unfamiliar situations that expose their marital life to vulnerability and cause their marriage to end quickly. This study endeavors to describe the diverse patterns of inequality in the marital life of select couples, and the resilience that Korean women display in their American lives after marital crises, such as divorce. The study also explores the relationship between “social factors,” including financial status, familial relations, age, activities in the community, and the situation of “psychosocial well-being” among such Korean women. Through intensive interviews of Korean women who married American soldiers, the study shows that differences in culture, income, and the historical hierarchy inherent in the political/military relationship between South Korea and the U.S. are significant in explaining the social and psychological well-being of Korean women and their modes of survival and adaptation to life in American society. The cases analyzed in this study demonstrated that these women were weak and vulnerable socially as well as psychologically

    Role of generic scale invariance in a Mott transition from a U(1) spin-liquid insulator to a Landau Fermi-liquid metal

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    We investigate the role of generic scale invariance in a Mott transition from a U(1) spin-liquid insulator to a Landau Fermi-liquid metal, where there exist massless degrees of freedom in addition to quantum critical fluctuations. Here, the Mott quantum criticality is described by critical charge fluctuations, and additional gapless excitations are U(1) gauge-field fluctuations coupled to a spinon Fermi surface in the spin-liquid state, which turn out to play a central role in the Mott transition. An interesting feature of this problem is that the scaling dimension of effective leading local interactions between critical charge fluctuations differs from that of the coupling constant between U(1) gauge fields and matter-field fluctuations in the presence of a Fermi surface. As a result, there appear dangerously irrelevant operators, which can cause conceptual difficulty in the implementation of renormalization group (RG) transformations. Indeed, we find that the curvature term along the angular direction of the spinon Fermi surface is dangerously irrelevant at this spin-liquid Mott quantum criticality, responsible for divergence of the self-energy correction term in U(1) gauge-field fluctuations. Performing the RG analysis in the one-loop level based on the dimensional regularization method, we reveal that such extremely overdamped dynamics of U(1) gauge-field fluctuations, which originates from the emergent one-dimensional dynamics of spinons, does not cause any renormalization effects to the effective dynamics of both critical charge fluctuations and spinon excitations. However, it turns out that the coupling between U(1) gauge-field fluctuations and both matter-field excitations still persists at this Mott transition, which results in novel mean-field dynamics to explain the nature of the spin-liquid Mott quantum criticality

    Left dominance of EEG abnormalities in patients with transient global amnesia

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    AbstractPurposeTransient global amnesia (TGA) is a syndrome of unknown etiology. Electroencephalographic (EEG) abnormalities in TGA have been reported previously. We analyzed the frequency and characteristics of EEG abnormalities in patients with TGA.MethodsWe collected EEGs of patients with a clinical diagnosis of TGA who had visited the emergency room or the outpatient clinic over a period of 8 years and compared clinical and demographic characteristics of the patients with normal EEGs with those with abnormal EEGs.ResultsEEG abnormalities were found in 35 (22.9%) out of 153 patients and epileptiform discharges were seen in 26 (74.3%) out of these 35 patients. Spikes or sharp waves were detected on the left side only (48.6%) or on both sides (25.7%), but none of the patients showed spikes or sharp waves on right side only. In six patients the EEG had normalized within three months of presentation, in ten within six months, and in twelve by one year. The EEG remained abnormal in eleven out of the 23 patients one year after presentation.ConclusionIn this largest consecutive EEG study at one center, the proportion of patients with TGA in whom epileptiform discharges were demonstrated within days of the episode of TGA was significantly higher than in the previous literature. EEG abnormalities such as spikes or sharp waves spontaneously disappeared in almost half of cases over one-year of follow-up. There was a clear left dominance of EEG abnormalities in patients with TGA

    Strain-gradient-induced magnetic anisotropy in straight-stripe mixed-phase bismuth ferrites: An insight into flexomagnetic phenomenon

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    Implementation of antiferromagnetic compounds as active elements in spintronics has been hindered by their insensitive nature against external perturbations which causes difficulties in switching among different antiferromagnetic spin configurations. Electrically-controllable strain gradient can become a key parameter to tune the antiferromagnetic states of multiferroic materials. We have discovered a correlation between an electrically-written straight-stripe mixed-phase boundary and an in-plane antiferromagnetic spin axis in highly-elongated La-5%-doped BiFeO3_{3} thin films by performing polarization-dependent photoemission electron microscopy in conjunction with cluster model calculations. Model Hamiltonian calculation for the single-ion anisotropy including the spin-orbit interaction has been performed to figure out the physical origin of the link between the strain gradient present in the mixed phase area and its antiferromagnetic spin axis. Our findings enable estimation of the strain-gradient-induced magnetic anisotropy energy per Fe ion at around 5×\times1012^{-12} eV m, and provide a new pathway towards an electric-field-induced 90^{\circ} rotation of antiferromagnetic spin axis at room temperature by flexomagnetism.Comment: 32 pages, 5 figure


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    The effect of various process variables on the powder properties of recycled U3O8 from MnO-Al2O3 doped large grain UO2 pellets and the effect of those recycled U3O8 powders on the sintered density and grain size of MnO-Al2O3 doped large grain UO2 pellets have been investigated. The evolution of morphology, size, and BET surface area of the recycled U3O8 powders according to the respective variation of the thermo-mechanical treatment variables of oxidation temperature, powder milling, and sequential cyclic heat treatment of oxidation and then reduction was examined. The correlation between the BET surface area of recycled U3O8 powder and the sintered pellet properties of MnO-Al2O3 doped pellets showed that the pellet density and grain size of doped pellets were increased and then saturated by increasing the BET surface area of the recycled U3O8 powder. The density and grain size of the pellets were maximized when the BET surface area of the recycled U3O8 powder was in the vicinity of 3m2/g. Among the process variables applied in this study, the cyclic heat treatment followed by low temperature oxidation was a potential process combination to obtain the sinter-active U3O8 powder

    Early Dural Sac Termination with Lumbar Disc Herniation: A Mimic of Nerve Root Anomalies

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    The precise location of the dural sac (DS) end is necessary for preventing neural injury during spinal surgery or procedures. There has been no report on problems with spine surgery in patients with early DS termination. A 28-year-old woman presented with low back and leg pain involving the left S1 nerve root. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed early DS termination at the lower one-third of the L5 vertebra and lumbar disc herniation at the L5/S1. Microscopic discectomy was performed instead of endoscopic discectomy to avoid unpredictable risks. Due to early DS termination, multiple nerve roots were identified, which look like nerve root congenital anomalies (Neidre and Macnab type II anomalies), and multiple separated nerve roots appeared to exit through a single foramen. After wide exposure by hemilaminectomy, which facilitated adequate visualization and mobilization of the involved nerve roots, the ruptured disc was identified and removed with gentle retraction, avoiding risk of excessive nerve root traction. Unlike other nerve root anomalies, early DS termination could be detected easily with preoperative MRI. Although this condition appears similar to other nerve root anomalies in the surgical field, it is possible to avoid inadvertent neural injury by closely investigating preoperative MRI. If early DS termination is suspected, it is necessary to consider a safer surgical approach

    Design principles and architecture of a second language learning chatbot

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    The purpose of this article is to set out the design principles and architecture of a second language (L2) learning voice chatbot. Building on L2 acquisition theories and chatbot research, in this article, we report on a South Korean government-funded longitudinal project in which we designed and developed a chatbot called “Ellie”. Chatbot Ellie has three chat modes, “General Chat,” “Task Chat,” and “Skills”. In the General Chat mode, L2 users can have short talks about personal information, whereas in the Task Chat mode, they can engage in a wide range of problem-solving L2 tasks to achieve task goals by exchanging meanings with Ellie. The Skills mode offers form-focused language practice. Ellie was piloted among 137 Korean high school students, who used Ellie individually or in a group, for seven weeks in their English classes. The quality of the chatbot was investigated in terms of the appropriateness of language level, continuity of conversation, and success in task performance. Based on the results of the pilot, Ellie appears to have considerable potential to become an effective language learning companion for L2 learners, and has implications for the design and developments of future L2 chatbots

    Tidal Effects on Intermediate Waters: A Case Study in the East/Japan Sea

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    Although tides are believed to be the most important source for diapycnal mixing in the ocean, few studies have directly simulated open-ocean circulation including tides. Because the East/Japan Sea (EJS) has been considered to be a “miniature ocean,” tidal effects on the intermediate water of the EJS are investigated by using an eddy-resolving ocean general circulation model that can take account of M2 and K1 tides as well as oceanic flows. The simulated temperature and salinity in the intermediate layer are significantly improved by including tides. The improvement results from the combined effect of two internal tides. The M2 internal tide, propagating into the interior of the EJS, enhances vertical mixing and brings watermass characteristics closer to those observed. The K1 internal tide, trapped along the coast, induces southwestward flow along the Russian coast in the upper layer and thereby enhances the so-called Liman Current, which transports fresh waters with density conducive to the ventilation of intermediate waters in the EJS